Back in the good old days, before I had smelly dwarves to worry about, Dizm and I would often spend our idle moments picking pockets around trainers in Lothlorien. Lanka, like all of our other victims, never found out who did it.
hehe, i could gethigh with all the shit i found inside mykeyboard! :P
btw, if your the (un)lucky owner of a key tronic keyboard, NEVER EVER OPEN IT to clean it!!!! I'vejust spent 3 hoursgetting all thekeys to work.. but not space aparently
the wholeshit and nothing but the shit so help you god?
...'not' instead of 'now'...
Maybe he means 'qualm' and now 'quam'. Since apparently he has something against posting a theft as a pk? Tch. I don't even check what the type is. I just read the title.
Wow, you really got something lodged up there dont you Quam.
BTW? who are you?
I mean...
legend quam
There are no legends about anyone of that name.
Not just half the shit, the whole shit.
whole shit.