Relg attacks me, we lock him up, he dies, nogothrim leaves.
BkD are just paranoid as hell, Italacus wasnt a spy, no where near a spy, damn, nice Relg!
It's called 'Tyranical reign' Italacus :-)
I owed Udungul for helping me beat up on some NAoG
Just returning the favour ;)
Hmm I was blamed for 5 BkD deaths.. They kick me out, and BkD still die.. I MUST be the spy...
The only person I recall you asking me to help YOU with is Duniv and since you and the rest of Arda seems to be continuously ignorant of this fact...No member of KoDA is allowed to engage in or participate in the intentional killing of another player without the approval of the Council of Knights or the GM (Lord Ilian).
Since we are a strict roleplaying Guild, the standards for causing the council to ok a pK is VERY strict.
Bash, some of us really have a life outside this you know? :)
Heh. I mean rant.
Bashgeroy, master of the rave!
Wasach, shut up.Every time I try to gather a gang against him, half of the party (including you) finds reasons to quit.Very lame reasons, school mom blah blah blah.If you act like this you can't do anything.Things don't work like this.
Yes, he MPs badly.There is nothing wrong with his alts doing one and the same things - after all, it is his personality played from different angles, in different professions.
He however does obvious MP violations.(this is not for wasach).I mailed some people and they said they would get things stirred.NOONE DID ANYTHING.YOU DON'T CARE.SO SHUT THE FUCK UP.There's only a Dorianna in VC and some bunch of crazy FRA who would actually do something.The rest of you only TALK.
And I have to admit it, he has actually turned into a decent warrior.We made him such.I can't hide that I've started to even respect him.Respect can go with hatred though.
May be his puberty is over or something.
And, Ailin, wtf?You were in a party with him?????????????Eeeerrrr....????
Bah, I wish I could log on for more than half an hour:(
I suck.
Ah, it's a nice kill.
c ya
I'd just like to say that this is a pretty cool log.
God, get better threads to argue about.
My argument still stands. Two MP wrongs do not make a MP right.
*rotfl at spartan*
An argument for what Manni, that he isn't a multiplayer or did I just read your comments wrong?
OCPP baby! OCPP!
What alt? :)
All of these acusations are silly. Spartan has the same friends, acts the same way, and does the same things as all of his characters. If Spartan had a history of keeping characters separate, then there might be an argument. However, it's a choice that people make. I will admit that I have had characters who knew the same people that Manni did and acted towards the same goals. When that is the case, you can not complain that people will try to kill which ever of those characters they see.
Actually Talan you ignorant fuck, Montar has fucked me with every single one of his alts so it doesn't really matter which one I attack from my side it is all justified. He is the one that has to keep creating new characters to battle the same people over and over and over again for reasons created by his first character (does you even remember which one?). It's not like he even tries to seperate his characters either so piss off, everyone knows what a multiplayer he is even people in your own Guild admit it Talan (and no you can't have their names).
Not only that but I was only given permission to ASSIST with Montar because of all the shit HE (as Montar) has pulled on KoDA members. Don't even bring me up for Krekul because I didn't attack him now did I?
Mmmhmm, sure sure, whatever
Wow, brahm, you cant beat him in arda so you need to start throwing shit about mp violations? Relg Nogothrim and Wasach were all going to attack Montar before this shit even happened, basically just because of his alt.
Spartan's attempted fines to high for him, so he has to help out with his alt?
*laughs* .....Good vs Evil, Evil always prevails III
I think those 5-6 headbutts didn't feel too good :)
Man, i think wimpy actually would have saved someone for once.
heh. Nogothrim bashes down the out door! Why didn't relg go out? :(