Edelidan screws up but we manage to get him in the nick of time.
Well, i think the BKD are better than ever. There theme is rocking, they actually stick to it.
Just becuase they dont have a list of renowed Pkers dont mean they suck.
Take a good read of there theme. They have one of the best in the game.
but then they couldn't post at all Nurg...
*throws out a quick left jab just for the sure fun of it*
Even though i refuse to post stuff in these discussions, i have to this time. I never asked Findor for help against anyone. I told him that if VC have a problem with Udungul, BKD assassins will help them. For crying out loud, get your facts straight before you post something ...
Will do
Josi, I'm talking about how Nurg asked the VC for help fighting us, thats what im talking about, he asked Findor more precisely.
If you require further info, ask your GM.
Heres to a long hot summer in a college town! Come on SPRING BREAK 4 DAYS TO GO!!
Hum de dum. Nice weather we're having :-)
Well, I think Squibb means that BkD might actually be able to kill 1 more undgansdfkjsdf guy (damnit I liked megs better, easier to spell) if they had another guild helping. But my guess is no cause they just hang out in their guildhall and eat leaves.
We begged VC for help? Where did you hear that Squibb?
*remembers Dojan of BkD* Wasn't he a really good PK'er? I know him IRL. He's playing Dark Ages of Camelot now. =P
BkD has sucked ass ever since they got into theme and stopped being the dwarf pk guild... :p
Well, and when Dormin was gm they were cool.
Oh and damnit, strike then backstab!
Squibb a guildrat? heh. good one
Lol, Squibb, shut up and do something for yourself for a change. Fucking guildrat.
Dukane, glad to have you in the fray, just join the BkD for awhile, maybe then they wont have to beg the VC for help.
He got that 10 numbers because Nurgamazur was on vacation and his last message to us is 'Don't start any war' therefore we did not PK anyone untill yesterday Nurg logged on and yell 'Let's rumbble!'
So, Spartan thinks he's bad stuff picking on Bkd, I think I'm going to have to come and settle things dwarven style.
I like the timing of the strike ;-)
Whatever happened the days people would try to huntbreak?
he's still taking on bkd alone practically :P
what happened between the megs vs vc war anyway? it just flop after the guild disappeared?
Haha What was Edelidan doin with his underpants anyways? Gettin 'em out to admire em one more time before striking Shaik? Or do those underpants have some sort of special attack that I'm unaware of....
Umm, no. At least 6 Udungul have died.
yeah, Galuf killed me. not BkD :)
Errr, Spartan 10, BKD: 0?
Galuf killed you or what?
Only one Udungul has died. :) and like 15 BkD
Nice pk though :)
Spartan owns BkD it seems, why dont yall pk more? Seems as if every 5 or so logs are posted by him, 1 Udungul dies.