Galuf dies

Posted by
Spartan [legacy]
11 March 2002 00:00:00
Player Kill


Triggered!  doing: hunt galuf
You begin to hunt Galuf.
party say I am hunting $HIB$Galuf!
 HP:230 EP:205 You are not in a party.
 HP:230 EP:204 The runes darken as the longsword is removed.
Borkaz removes a bright runed longsword.
Borkaz drops a bright runed longsword.
You fade into the background, an anonymous and nameless member of 
society, invisible to all but the most diligent of observers.
 HP:230 EP:164 Do: starting commands.
 HP:230 EP:164 A rush of power is unleashed within you - time to RUMBLE!
You wear the bands of slaying.
 HP:230 EP:164 You whip your fang from your baldric like a weaponsmaster!!
As you wield the fang, a great evil power invades your body.
You wield the fang of Sauron.
 HP:230 EP:164 You sneak up and stab Galuf from behind!
Triggered!  doing: hunt galuf
 HP:230 EP:114 You are already hunting Galuf!
 HP:230 EP:114 Do: Commands completed.
 HP:230 EP:114 You miss Galuf.
shape all
Galuf is in average shape.
Triggered!  doing: hunt galuf
You are already hunting Galuf!
 HP:230 EP:113 Galuf misses you.
You hit Galuf very hard, leaving severed body parts!
Galuf doesn't look so great.
Triggered!  doing: hunt galuf
You are already hunting Galuf!
 HP:230 EP:110 Galuf hits you.
You hit Galuf very hard, leaving severed body parts!
Galuf hits you hard.
Triggered!  doing: hunt galuf
You miss Galuf.
You are already hunting Galuf!
 HP:219 EP:106 Galuf misses you.
Triggered!  doing: hunt galuf
You chop Galuf.
You are already hunting Galuf!
 HP:219 EP:103 Galuf leaves west.
You follow Galuf west.
Elven guard shouts: Fie! A traitor in our midst!
Under an Elven Flet(w, e and u)
 Galuf the dwarf Sorcerer (Moral)
 Elf guard
 A tense elf
Galuf leaves west.
You follow Galuf west.
Under an Elven Flet(e, s and u)
 Galuf the dwarf Sorcerer (Moral)
 A tense elf
Borkaz enters.
Galuf leaves south.
You follow Galuf south.
Crossroads(n, e and s)
 Galuf the dwarf Sorcerer (Moral)
Galuf leaves south.
You follow Galuf south.
Elven guard shouts: Fie! A traitor in our midst!
A busy street(n, s and u)
 Galuf the dwarf Sorcerer (Moral)
 Elf guard
Galuf leaves south.
You follow Galuf south.
Elven guard shouts: Fie! A traitor in our midst!
A quiet street(w, n and s)
 Galuf the dwarf Sorcerer (Moral)
 Elf guard
Galuf leaves south.
You follow Galuf south.
Elven guard shouts: Fie! A traitor in our midst!
A Meeting place of Roads(w, n, e and sw)
 Galuf the dwarf Sorcerer (Moral)
 Elf guard
 A tall elven local
 An old gossiper [31 rumours, 23 new]
Galuf hits you hard.
You dilacerate Elven guard like a hungry wolf destroying flesh.
Elven guard misses you.
Galuf leaves southwest.
Triggered!  doing: hunt galuf
You follow Galuf southwest.
Inside Caras Galadon(sw, ne and u)
 Galuf the dwarf Sorcerer (Moral)
 A weary traveller resting before you
You are already hunting Galuf!
 HP:212 EP:101 Galuf walks out through the gates of Caras Galadon.
Galuf leaves southwest.
You follow Galuf southwest.
You walk out of the gates of Caras Galadon.
Gates to mighty Caras Galadon(ne and s)
 Galuf the dwarf Sorcerer (Moral)
k galuf
Galuf leaves south.
You follow Galuf south.
The bridge to Caras Galadon(n and s)
 Galuf the dwarf Sorcerer (Moral)
Galuf leaves south.
You follow Galuf south.
A bridge leading to Caras Galadon(n and s)
 Galuf the dwarf Sorcerer (Moral)
 A young elf wielding a slender sword
Galuf leaves south.
Triggered!  doing: hunt galuf
You follow Galuf south.
Caras Galadon(w, n, e and s)
 Galuf the dwarf Sorcerer (Moral)
 An empty vial
You are already hunting Galuf!
 HP:212 EP:101 You attack Galuf.
 HP:212 EP:101 Galuf leaves east.
You follow Galuf east.
Lothlorien(w, n, e and s)
 Galuf the dwarf Sorcerer (Moral)
 Arison's horse
 A medium-sized elf
Galuf leaves east.
You follow Galuf east.
Lothlorien(w and n)
 Galuf the dwarf Sorcerer (Moral)
shape all
Galuf grazes you.
You hit Galuf very hard, leaving severed body parts!
k galuf
Galuf leaves north.
Triggered!  doing: hunt galuf
You follow Galuf north.
Lothlorien(w, n and s)
 Galuf the dwarf Sorcerer (Moral)
You are already hunting Galuf!
 HP:210 EP:99 Galuf leaves north.
You follow Galuf north.
Lothlorien(w, n, e and s)
 Galuf the dwarf Sorcerer (Moral)
Galuf leaves east.
You follow Galuf east.
Lothlorien(w, n and e)
 Galuf the dwarf Sorcerer (Moral)
Galuf is near death.
 HP:210 EP:99 Galuf leaves east.
You follow Galuf east.
The Bridge(w and e)
 Galuf the dwarf Sorcerer (Moral)
 A spent crystal
 A spent crystal
 A signpost
You attack Galuf.
 HP:210 EP:99 Galuf leaves east.
You follow Galuf east.
The Plains(w, n, e and s)
 Galuf the dwarf Sorcerer (Moral)
Galuf leaves east.
You follow Galuf east.
The Plains(w, n, e and s)
 Galuf the dwarf Sorcerer (Moral)
Galuf leaves east.
You follow Galuf east.
The Plains(w, n, e and s)
 Galuf the dwarf Sorcerer (Moral)
k galuf
Galuf leaves east.
You follow Galuf east.
The Plains(w, n, e and s)
 Galuf the dwarf Sorcerer (Moral)
 Nyssa the dunedain Queen (Angelic)
Nyssa leaves west.
Galuf leaves east.
You follow Galuf east.
The Plains(w, n, e and s)
 Galuf the dwarf Sorcerer (Moral)
Galuf leaves east.
You follow Galuf east.
The Plains(w, n, e and s)
 Galuf the dwarf Sorcerer (Moral)
Galuf leaves east.
You follow Galuf east.
The Plains(w, n, e and s)
 Galuf the dwarf Sorcerer (Moral)
 A Dale messenger
headbutt fgaluf
Galuf leaves west.
You follow Galuf west.
The Plains(w, n, e and s)
 Galuf the dwarf Sorcerer (Moral)
Galuf misses you.
You miss Galuf.
Galuf leaves east.
Triggered!  doing: hunt galuf
You follow Galuf east.
The Plains(w, n, e and s)
 Galuf the dwarf Sorcerer (Moral)
 A Dale messenger
You are already hunting Galuf!
 HP:210 EP:96 Galuf leaves east.
You follow Galuf east.
The Plains(w, n, e and s)
 Galuf the dwarf Sorcerer (Moral)
You attack Galuf.
 HP:210 EP:96 Galuf leaves east.
You follow Galuf east.
The Plains(w, n, e and s)
 Galuf the dwarf Sorcerer (Moral)
Galuf leaves north.
You follow Galuf north.
The Plains(w, n, e and s)
 Galuf the dwarf Sorcerer (Moral)
Galuf leaves north.
You follow Galuf north.
The Plains(w, n, e and s)
 Galuf the dwarf Sorcerer (Moral)
Galuf leaves east.
You follow Galuf east.
The Plains(w, n, e and s)
 Galuf the dwarf Sorcerer (Moral)
Galuf leaves east.
You follow Galuf east.
The Plains(w, n, e and s)
 Galuf the dwarf Sorcerer (Moral)
Galuf leaves east.
You follow Galuf east.
The Plains(w, n, e and s)
 Galuf the dwarf Sorcerer (Moral)
Headbutt whom?  You can't see anyone by that name here.
 HP:210 EP:96 headbutt galuf
headbutt galuf
Galuf leaves east.
Triggered!  doing: hunt galuf
You follow Galuf east.
Mirkwood(w, n, e and s)
 Galuf the dwarf Sorcerer (Moral)
 A wild buck
You are already hunting Galuf!
 HP:210 EP:96 Galuf leaves east.
You follow Galuf east.
Mirkwood(w, n, e and s)
 Galuf the dwarf Sorcerer (Moral)
 A wild buck
Galuf leaves east.
You follow Galuf east.
Mirkwood(w, n, e and s)
 Galuf the dwarf Sorcerer (Moral)
Galuf leaves east.
You follow Galuf east.
Mirkwood(w, n, e and s)
 Galuf the dwarf Sorcerer (Moral)
 An ugly orc
Galuf misses you.
You miss Galuf.
Galuf leaves east.
Triggered!  doing: hunt galuf
You follow Galuf east.
Dol Guldur(w and n)
 Galuf the dwarf Sorcerer (Moral)
 A dark assassin
 A brand (burned out)
 A campfire (burning)
 Balforth, the master assassin
You are already hunting Galuf!
 HP:211 EP:95 Disregarding your own personal safety, you smash your head into Galuf!
 HP:211 EP:60 Your neck still hurts from the last headbutt.
 HP:211 EP:60 Galuf leaves north.
You follow Galuf north.
At the bottom of a tall tower(n and s)
 Galuf the dwarf Sorcerer (Moral)
Galuf leaves north.
You follow Galuf north.
The reeking entrance room of the tower(s)
 Galuf the dwarf Sorcerer (Moral)

Galuf quietly says something, so quiet that you can't make it out.
As if in response a large slab of the floor begins to slide away
revealing a hole in the floor and a set of stairs. With confidence
they take the stairs down. Once out of sight the slab starts to
move back into place. With a final thud you realize you missed
your chance to follow.

say lugburz
You speak the words that have been ingrained upon your memory and
before your eyes a large slab of the floor begins to move. As it
continues to move you notice that the bones on top of it move with
it. When the slab stops moving you peer into the hole it has left
in the floor and you can barely make out a faint light coming from
somewhere below and a set of stairs leading down. With confidence
you head down the stairs. Once you clear the floor you hear the
slab start to slide back into place above you.
A large, creepy hall(n and out)
 Galuf the dwarf Sorcerer (Moral)
 An empty bottle
 A large troll towering above you
Triggered!  doing: hunt galuf
 HP:211 EP:59 You begin to hunt Galuf.
party say I am hunting $HIB$Galuf!
 HP:211 EP:59 hunt galuf
Galuf misses you.
You are too busy to make an attack!
You are not in a party.
 HP:211 EP:56 You are already hunting Galuf!
Triggered!  doing: hunt galuf
 HP:211 EP:56 You are already hunting Galuf!
 HP:211 EP:56 shape
Galuf leaves out.
Triggered!  doing: hunt galuf
You follow Galuf out.
The reeking entrance room of the tower(s)
 Galuf the dwarf Sorcerer (Moral)
Galuf misses you.
You chop Galuf.
You are already hunting Galuf!
 HP:211 EP:54 Galuf is near death.
Galuf leaves south.
You follow Galuf south.
At the bottom of a tall tower(n and s)
 Galuf the dwarf Sorcerer (Moral)
Galuf leaves south.
Triggered!  doing: hunt galuf
You follow Galuf south.
Dol Guldur(w and n)
 Galuf the dwarf Sorcerer (Moral)
 A dark assassin
 A brand (burned out)
 A campfire (burning)
 Balforth, the master assassin
You are already hunting Galuf!
 HP:211 EP:54 Galuf leaves west.
You follow Galuf west.
Mirkwood(w, n, e and s)
 Galuf the dwarf Sorcerer (Moral)
 An ugly orc
Galuf leaves west.
You follow Galuf west.
Mirkwood(w, n, e and s)
 Galuf the dwarf Sorcerer (Moral)
Galuf leaves west.
You follow Galuf west.
Mirkwood(w, n, e and s)
 Galuf the dwarf Sorcerer (Moral)
 A wild buck
Galuf misses you.
You cut Galuf's arm, leaving several bruises.
Galuf leaves west.
Triggered!  doing: hunt galuf
You follow Galuf west.
Mirkwood(w, n, e and s)
 Galuf the dwarf Sorcerer (Moral)
 A wild buck
You are already hunting Galuf!
 HP:211 EP:52 Galuf leaves west.
You follow Galuf west.
The Plains(w, n, e and s)
 Galuf the dwarf Sorcerer (Moral)
Galuf leaves west.
You follow Galuf west.
The Plains(w, n, e and s)
 Galuf the dwarf Sorcerer (Moral)
Galuf leaves west.
Triggered!  doing: hunt galuf
You follow Galuf west.
The Plains(w, n, e and s)
 Galuf the dwarf Sorcerer (Moral)
You are already hunting Galuf!
 HP:211 EP:52 Galuf leaves west.
You follow Galuf west.
The Plains(w, n, e and s)
 Galuf the dwarf Sorcerer (Moral)
Galuf leaves west.
You follow Galuf west.
The Plains(w, n, e and s)
 Galuf the dwarf Sorcerer (Moral)
Galuf leaves west.
You follow Galuf west.
The Plains(w, n, e and s)
 Galuf the dwarf Sorcerer (Moral)
Galuf leaves south.
You follow Galuf south.
The Plains(w, n, e and s)
 Galuf the dwarf Sorcerer (Moral)
Galuf misses you.
You cut Galuf's arm, leaving several bruises.
Galuf leaves west.
Triggered!  doing: hunt galuf
You follow Galuf west.
The Plains(w, n, e and s)
 Galuf the dwarf Sorcerer (Moral)
You are already hunting Galuf!
 HP:211 EP:49 Galuf leaves west.
You follow Galuf west.
The Plains(w, n, e and s)
 Galuf the dwarf Sorcerer (Moral)
Galuf leaves west.
You follow Galuf west.
The Plains(w, n, e and s)
 Galuf the dwarf Sorcerer (Moral)
Galuf waves.
Triggered!  doing: hunt galuf
You are already hunting Galuf!
 HP:211 EP:49 Galuf leaves north.
You follow Galuf north.
The Plains(w, n, e and s)
 Galuf the dwarf Sorcerer (Moral)
Galuf grazes you.
You chop Galuf.
You tip your hat.
 HP:209 EP:47 Galuf leaves north.
Triggered!  doing: hunt galuf
You follow Galuf north.
The Plains(w, n, e and s)
 Galuf the dwarf Sorcerer (Moral)
Galuf misses you.
You miss Galuf.
You are already hunting Galuf!
 HP:209 EP:45 Galuf leaves west.
Triggered!  doing: hunt galuf
You follow Galuf west.
The Plains(w, n, e and s)
 Galuf the dwarf Sorcerer (Moral)
Galuf misses you.
You hit Galuf very hard, leaving severed body parts!
You are already hunting Galuf!
 HP:210 EP:43 shape
One corpse, freshly killed.
 HP:210 EP:43 Galuf falls to the ground.
Triggered!  doing: hunt galuf
Galuf is bleeding to death and needs to be bandaged!
You are already hunting Galuf!
 HP:210 EP:41 k
You decide to put Galuf out of his misery.
Triggered!  doing: hunt galuf
 HP:210 EP:41 You are already hunting Galuf!
 HP:210 EP:41 The runes on the Fang glow brightly as you tower over your
vanquished foe.  Facing imminent death, they cower in fear
before your greatness!
You killed Galuf.
Galuf has died.
Now that the blood of your victim has been spilled, you may now claim your gold.