He killed a friend, So I killed him
Ok, Gazza is a newbie! haha! Gazza also is probably one of the quickest people to reach 100 days. Congrats on those durm pks! I had fun killing ya back too. Oh and I like verbose damnit. I also dont know how to get a morimacil. Oh and I always thought you where only allowed to have 1 freakin trigger. *mutters*
Kujo, is half right on room descriptions setting off a client trigger to change my trigger on he mud to the nearest huntbreak.
And since people like color, Ive spend around 6+ hours to fix the bug in my client that transverses my logs into color and edits most triggers and not too sure about this one but when i play with 'brief off' it should show it as if it was a bref log, so the next log should have color and less reading.
*mutters damn I'm label a newbie cause I like brief.
Where I come from, when someone says such nasty things as you've said to me, it's called hate. Blah, whatever :-p
i think Nildnab's funky client and triggers uses a part of the room description to see which way to the nearest hunt break..
Well, thats what i gathered from another of his logs.
Tuareg, I just have one thing to say to you:
Sort yourself out. I refuse to believe all your hatred towards the people who have the ability to see you for the prick you are doesn't spring from a really bad RL or something. I wouldn't like to guess, since I don't take facts I know about someone from over a year ago, and apply them in the here and now. Unlike you.
'Gazza hated doing Morimacil quest!'
Yeah I USED to. But not now. I've done it countless times solo. And my ISP was to blame for my hatred of that quest. You have no idea how many times I've died cos of my crappy ISP. In short, your point is irrelevant.
'Gazza uses verbose mode all the time! What a newbie!'
I used it once in a log I posted here, and you think I use it 24/7? Lame. Your point is irrelevant, Tuareg.
'Gazza was afraid to attack a PC for fear of being killed!'
Yeah I *used* to. I freely admit it. But if I was like that now, I wouldn't have taken part in 10+ pkills of Durms in the recent war. I have never been a pkill person. It isn't my style.
Your point is irrelevant, Tuareg. I'm sorry if you see my long fuse and passive nature as a flaw, because I am certainly sorry that you do.
'Gazza is <insert insult here>'
With every insult, you just prove my point even more.
'Gazza is a newbie!'
Get some new material.
Hatred is not healthy.
Especially when it's wasted on me.
I'm not even gonna lower myself to Tuareg's level.
Your ass died
man when I left you were like level 15 two months ago
I come back and your level 13
what a fucken idiot.
sways and chants brief brief brief!
Dude, turn brief on :)
Uh... 'Morsist has died.'
Roku, if play the game solo to piss people off, quit playing. Pissing people is a side effect to whatever else I happen to be doing in the game. In other words, if your bored...quit and this time don't come back.
*getting tired of people who think this game was created for their personal enjoyment*
I'll give you credit for that. *kicks Raqtor in the groin* Be supportive!
bah bah, it might be bad, but atleast I still got the job done, so give me credit for that.
Eek .. worst log I have read in ages!
Oh were all cowards Roku, why didn't you attempt me then?
LOL, why dont Limdul post us whacking his sorry ass? and watch him run like a BKD coward, your all cowards, fuck off :P
this game is boring now, which is why I pked Limdul, get a whole guild after me, whee! what fun
Nice kill