Duniv attempts me....and almost lives.

Posted by
Taidhbhse [legacy]
06 March 2002 00:00:00
Player Kill

Duniv and Ultilh attack me..good thing Ailin and Ciroh were close by.


  • Author
    Raen [legacy]
    08 March 2002 20:23:56

    That would have been funny if Ultith took all 3 of them out with those hits.. Taidhbhse, then the rest... i woulda fallen outta my chair... but shit.. only an if.. *shrug* nice try guys

  • Author
    Rolf [legacy]
    06 March 2002 20:12:40

    Yeah post it Lupin :)

  • Author
    Lupin [legacy]
    06 March 2002 20:11:55

    Piotyr backstabed me one time and got 2 in a row, took me from 230 to 28hp i still got log of it if anyone wants a copy.

  • Author
    Juggalo [legacy]
    06 March 2002 19:46:23

    Yeah, it took me 2 attack/aim vials and a backstab to land that hit on Klouse :P

  • Author
    Beatnik [legacy]
    06 March 2002 19:44:30

    Every weapon has a set of special emotes/hits. Prod has the plunge. Savys blade has a weird (2 line-hit) and Ice Staff has that PIERCE hit.

    PIERCE with ice staff (the regular one) is a magical hit, which isnt based on anything, level 1' chars can get em.

    Crunch is the inflict, MANGLE is the massacre and the CORRUPT is the critical hit.

    That PIERCE which the Utility guy got was a special hit...which yeah, you basically need alot of aim/attack to pull of.

    I remember abusing that old ,(well, 1996-1997 it worked), Kurak bug to get about 913291238123 aim/attack/tactics and going around attacking stuff with various weapons to check the special emotes.

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    06 March 2002 19:22:13

    Uh, I've never seen it and I've used an Ice Staff a bunch. guess I suck

  • Author
    Raqtor [legacy]
    06 March 2002 18:12:56

    The hit.

    You PIERCE Someone RIGHT THROUGH the chest!!!

    Is a special crit that is almost impossible to do. I remember back in the days where they did happen sometims. They did 60 - 80 damage.

    Can only say that its a good thing for Taidhbhse that they didn't work right ;-)

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    06 March 2002 18:05:06

    ER after I seen it done on klouse.

  • Author
    Vallejo [legacy]
    06 March 2002 18:04:47

    Look at one of the logs of Klouse dying, Juggalo swallowed I think 3 Morgoth's and landed that hit, but now Ultilh lands them with ease...and I like smiling at all the uninformed comments *pokes Azura*

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    06 March 2002 18:04:31

    That Is wrong

    Mangle is Massacer

    Piercing is inflict

    The Dark one is or whatever is the crit

    and that peirce is only supposed to be when you get 800 skills or more or are very very very extremely lucky.

    I talked to some ainur about it after and thats what he said. I've gotten skills up to 1000k and never got it but, *shrugs* luck.

    IT is also an 80-100 hp hit if target has no armor. *shrugs.

  • Author
    Balal [legacy]
    06 March 2002 17:24:04

    I wish I could spell Y-o-s-h-i

  • Author
    Balal [legacy]
    06 March 2002 17:20:06




    hit hard

    hit very hard




    respectively, i think


  • Author
    Balal [legacy]
    06 March 2002 17:18:10

    Yosi has ice staff on his page


    You knock Someone off balance with a hard swing to the body.

    You bash Someone with a magnificent full arched swing!!

    You slam Someone back with a frenzied charge!

    You crunch Someone's bones with a direct lunge to the body!!


    You MANGLE Someone with MULTIPLE BLOWS to the body!!

    You CORRUPT Someone's flesh with the DARK MAGIC of ISUFIEL!!!

    You PIERCE Someone RIGHT THROUGH the chest!!!

  • Author
    Barren [legacy]
    06 March 2002 16:42:20

    The crits that i was aware of is the MANGLE and the CORRUPT with dark magic

  • Author
    Shaft [legacy]
    06 March 2002 16:35:11

    Sure thats the crit??? Isent that like CORRUPT with the dark magic of Isufiel!

  • Author
    Ultilh [legacy]
    06 March 2002 16:09:24

    Oh yea maybe that's when somebody is shielding. Those other pierces didn't do damage at all.

  • Author
    Azura [legacy]
    06 March 2002 15:38:52

    Looking back through the log, you hit Taidhbhse with BONE-CHILLING BLADES, too.

  • Author
    Ultilh [legacy]
    06 March 2002 15:32:21

    It's a bit strange that when we were in the party, I piereced the orc in caras and it had the bone chilling thing.

    But when i piereced taidhbhse, it had that other pierce.

    I'm thinking it's something with NPC vs PC piercing?

    And yea, i'm superman! :P

  • Author
    Azura [legacy]
    06 March 2002 15:28:44

    And uh, when did it become PIERCES you RIGHT THROUGH the chest? It used to be PIERCES you with BONE-CHILLING BLADES OF ICE!

  • Author
    Mizrahi [legacy]
    06 March 2002 14:20:03

    You need like 800 in skills to do that hit... Damn, either the staff was changed or Ultilh is superman.

  • Author
    Raqtor [legacy]
    06 March 2002 13:00:01

    Yep there really is something funkey with that .. and 3 of thoose hit's in one fight is not something I have ever seen before.

  • Author
    Vallejo [legacy]
    06 March 2002 09:29:57

    Er, instead of that last 'crit', I meant to the shielder.

  • Author
    Durkin [legacy]
    06 March 2002 09:29:07

    That hit does like 60 hp alone, but appears to do 0 if the person is shielded. Odd.

  • Author
    Vallejo [legacy]
    06 March 2002 09:29:02

    I noticed that too, I think it's a tad buggy, I mean wasn't this that hit that did massive damage? But with a shield it does none? It's like the opposite of crit. (crit avoids shield and lays full damage, whereas this seems to go only to crit and do no damage.)

  • Author
    Talan [legacy]
    06 March 2002 09:23:29

    Yeah, wtf?

  • Author
    Adunazon [legacy]
    06 March 2002 09:00:39

    Ultilh PIERCES you RIGHT THROUGH the chest!!!

    X 3.. yet no HP loss? Odd.