
Posted by
Hrakno [legacy]
06 March 2002 00:00:00

I'm sorry its not a t2t log and i will never post anything like it again but this must be one of the funniest things i've ever seen. www.subnetcentral.com -> you know it.

Gitmo Beach 

Is the sound of daisy cutters keeping you up all night? 
Are you tired of sleeping in that cold dark cave wondering 
if and when you will ever eat again? Did the boss skip town 
and leave you holding the bag? Is the Northern Alliance 
causing you more grief than camel hairs in your milk? 

Then we have just the thing for you! 

Gitmo Resorts in collaboration with the US military is proud to 
offer this once in a lifetime opportunity. If you are or have been 
a member in good standing with either the Taliban or Al Qaeda then 
you could be the lucky recipient of a luxurious vacation in beautiful 
Guantanamo Bay Cuba. 

To see if you qualify, simply visit one of the US Marine detachments 
located conveniently near your cave. If you are selected then you will 
be whisked away in one of our finest, state of the art, transport planes. 
Upon arrival at the Gitmo Resort you will be pampered beyond your 
wildest dreams. 

Worried about what to wear? No problem! We will furnish you with a brand 
new wardrobe at our expense. We will even provide plenty of hot water for 
showers that were at one time only a dream for you and your buddies. 

You can forget about sleeping on the hard ground of that cave with barely 
a blanket to cover you. All of our guests sleep on top quality mattresses 
while enjoying the comforts of a modern climate controlled environment. 

You will be the envy of all your friends back in Afghanistan as you relax 
in a tropical paradise and eat three square meals a day. 

Worried about security? No need to worry about that. Armed guards will be 
with you 24/7. You can forget about that pesky Northern Alliance and devote 
all of your attention to Allah. We will even provide signs that point the 
way to Mecca. 

Just listen to what Amhad "The Goat" Rushoubi is saying about his stay at 
the resort. 

"I joined Al Qaeda after a blind date in Kabul went terribly wrong. I thought 
it would give me a sense of fulfillment. After many months of living in the 
cold with very ! little to eat, I decided to try the Gitmo Getaway package. 

It was more than a pleasant surprise to see real Fruit Loops for the first time. 
They taste so much better than month old goat cheese. 

The people here think of everything. Some of the security people are women who 
do not cover their faces! I got very excited when I saw them." 

Need we say more? 

So if you think you might qualify for this incredible opportunity then walk, 
(don't run!) towards the nearest American military unit near your cave. Be 
sure to specify the American plan as other offers might leave you eating 
grass in a wooden cage. 

Sign up today before this offer expires. Some restrictions apply. 

(Offer good for a limited time only to members of Al Qaeda or the Taliban. 
You must be actively engaged in military actions or conspiracies against 
the United States. Some recipients of this offer may be required to wear 
shackles at the discretion of the military hosts. Length of stay subject 
to immediate termination by military tribunal, legal action, repatriation 
or firing squad.)