A log of the comm. By request

Posted by
Westar [legacy]
03 March 2002 00:00:00

Alot of people asked me what really went on at the comm. This is a log of the comm as much as the buffer could take. The log was not logged by me but from Theodrek there was also online on the comm. I did edit all except the comm stuff out (tells, says, room descriptions and so on, But none of the comm lines was removed.

^ Westar: Can only see other's status in towards your town
^ Kezz: oh
^ Westar: -Beep!
^ Culfinglin: i'm sure you think you're very witty.
^ Bradonja: who?
^ Westar: witty?
^ Bradonja hides in the far corner of his box
^ Theodrek: It'll say "You penetrated Westar's disguise!  Westar is
     Shadowspawn of Mordor.  Westar is a mass murderer, and is forbidden to
     enter in Edoras!"
^ Westar: I asked for Roscher half an hour ago. Is that not right Bradonja?
^ Theodrek: ...or, at least, something to that extent.,
^ Arthlor: Unless you just log on and off a long series of alts in the same
     room and have them all from different towns, and then you could find out
     everything. Not sure if that would be MP'ing though :p
^ Bradonja: actually you did Wes
^ Westar nods at Bradonja
^ Culfinglin: i must remember to implement that new policy... 'attend to
     westar's every need immediately.'
^ Theodrek: Ugh...I've had to have that policy for the past two weeks.
^ Bradonja: C. you must be tolerant to the old guy... hes very very old
^ Theodrek: Culf, save yourself the trouble and just put him on ignore.  ;)
 ^ Bradonja: i bring him walking staves every day
^ Westar: Culfginlig, Surely i will never ask you to attent to any of my
     immediately needs..
^ Bradonja: and i feed him with liquid food all the time
^ Culfinglin: for which i am eternally grateful.
^ Westar: Special not personally needs
^ Bradonja cought Wes has no teeth
^ Westar: Yes, Please remember to send the check this month
^ Theodrek: What check?
^ Theodrek: My social security check?
^ Theodrek: Westar, you've been stealing my mail, haven't you?!
^ Westar: er...
^ Westar: Anyone know when Roscher might be back?
^ Theodrek: He said he's going to Cancun.
^ Westar: If not, Just make up a time.
^ Bradonja: maybe never.. or right now... sometime in between
^ Theodrek: And he's making Culfinglin Power of Law.
^ Culfinglin: roscher is probably out fishing.
^ Bradonja grins cleverly
^ Culfinglin: or scouting out places to fish once the ice breaks. feel free to
     use that handy 'mail' feature to get in touch with him.
^ Westar: Culfinglin you should join him
^ Bradonja: i m updating my wrtiting about fishing in Arda again... version 7
^ Theodrek: Fishing's fun.
^ Westar: I already used the mail feature, didn't really work
^ Bradonja: i sure hope Rimsilval library will be open someday
^ Westar: Mailed, Waiting 2 minutes, nothing happend
^ Theodrek: My mail feature was buggy.
^ Bradonja: ill put it there before that
^ Culfinglin: that can't be the first time it's happened to you, i'm sure.
^ Theodrek: ...hey, if Westar gets his every neded attended to - I want my
     every need attended to as well!
^ Theodrek: Bradonja, get me some beer!
^ Westar: Mail systems are strange.. But what do you know about mail anyway
     Culfinglin.. I doubt you get any..
^ Bradonja slams a beer bottle into Theodreks head
^ Bradonja: that fine?!
^ Theodrek passes back out on the flor.
^ Theodrek: Yes...peachy...
^ Westar: Theodrek, If you ask C
^ Westar: er
^ Theodrek tilts his head.
^ Westar: I hate normal telnet
^ Bradonja: everybody hates plain telnet Wes
^ Westar: Theodrek, if you ask Culf nicely, She might attent to your every
^ Theodrek: Ouch...Telnet really bites.  I finally got my zMUD to let me save
     aliases, so I'm happy.
^ Tatiara huggles Wessie
^ Theodrek: ...she would, Westar?
 ^ Westar: TATIARA!
^ Tatiara grins
^ Theodrek tilts his head.
^ Bradonja: hey Tat
^ Westar: Tatiara.. I wish i could like, talk to you, have fun with you,
     laugh with you, but.. Culf is here and all.
^ Tatiara: heya folks :)
^ Tatiara: why not come here and go out with me tonight?
^ Bradonja wohs in astonishment
^ Theodrek: Culfinglin, Westar said you could attent to my every need.  Can
     you get me a beer?  *tilts his head to the side*
^ Westar: And when it comes down to spending time with her or others.. well,
     there really isnt a choice to be made
^ Bradonja: Tatiara is a SHE!
^ Tatiara is gonna go dancing :)
^ Westar: Tatiara, Anyone ever told you how mean you are?
^ Bradonja: we really need more women in t2t. Men get too rude if there arent
     women around
^ Theodrek burps at Bradonja.
^ Theodrek: What ever do you mean?!
^ Bradonja farts and burps at the same time
^ Theodrek: Woh...double hitter!  Everyone down!  It's the cold war all over
^ Westar giggles his sanity away
^ Bradonja: sainty? Is that eatable??
^ Bradonja peers around and drools
^ Theodrek: ...I want a beer...
^ Culfinglin: only if  you're cthulu.
^ Bradonja: sanity even
========>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  ^ Westar: I can eat Culfignlin all day! <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<========
^ Theodrek blinks.
^ Bradonja puts on his anti radiation suit again
^ Tatiara blahs
^ Westar: Damn! I hate my keyboard. my enter key likes to get stuck
^ Theodrek applies suntan lotion vigourously.
^ Bradonja crawls into his plumbum reinforced box
^ Westar: LOL
^ Culfinglin: that would be hmm, three warnings.
^ Theodrek sits under an umbrella, putting on his sunglasses.
^ Westar: Yep
^ Westar: Better throw my arse in jail
^ Theodrek: Eek...Westar, quick!  Gimme all your gold!
^ Theodrek: I won't tell!  =)
^ Tatiara waves farewell....have fun folks..and don't mud too much ;)
^ Theodrek legends himself.
^ Bradonja kicks Tatiara offline
^ Theodrek: ...too late.
^ Theodrek: Whew...made it by 5m on armoury.

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Westar has drawn Culfinglin's wrath and is no more!