Roku is a thorn in our side and helped kill Bashgeroy, so BANG.
hah, you never see attacks on me!
They told it to you, Bash: dumb beorning :P
You do got to admit Roku, you piss people off for some stupid shit. If your going to get contracted for something make sure it's for given someone their comeuppance in RP and not solely for being a jackass.
Oh yeah Gazza, I remember that time Lotze had like 23 hp and I woulda whacked his ass had I been an assassin, and you all took it wrong and wnet back to your gh crying and shit, yeah, That's why you hate me :P
There's one major problem with your 'attack' on me Tuareg. And that is that I wasn't actually talking about me. I've spoken to Roku like once in my life. And if was over something he had said about a Rim.
But of course, your twisted mind thought I was automatically talking about me. Go figure. Just because you think the world revolves around you doesn't mean the rest of us think likewise about ourselves.
3 times tarn? I only remember the one time...
I was at serp sword...
what were the other 2?
Blah, ok your not FRA, and yeah Roku isn't anything (heck I've killed him 3 times (then again, I think he was like level 9 all the times)). But you can't deny that you have some very very good friends in FRA. Still, Bashgeroy is dumb.
Take my apologies then Taureg the way I read it, it sounded as if you were attacking me, my apologies
WHEE! Contract me again, but this time, make it more than 4.4k THAT'S NO FUN!
make it like 10k +
then we'll see whose good
Someone contract Roku, we'll kill him again just to make the point clear if he doesn't have full understanding yet.
Roku, I think Taureg was having a go at Gazza.... not you...
Tuareg, I'm not trying to say that I'm really good, but I do have some skill and know huntbreaks that woulda have worked, It doesnt take alot of skill to pk an afk player, so Tuareg get some skill and shut your ass ya dumb fuck
For the record, Tarn, Azura isn't FRA and Holic isn't FRA, it wasn't an FRA-sanctioned kill, and Roku and Bashgeroy both have no status, good or bad, with the FRA. That being said...what the hell are you babbling about? :P
ROTFL, Tuareg, once in awhile you say some really funny shit man.
I still think it is wierd that FRA is helping out a dumb beorning named Bashgeroy... Yeah, and I promote respect for elders. Unless of course they aren't on my side and then they can die as much as anyone else.
Wow... I never had the guts to idle when I had a contract. Of course, unless someone held it for me. *loves his rented rooms*
Maybe now Roku won't be so mouthy or act like a jerk to people who expect respect.
It was Roku's, and he knew he had a contract on him...don't know if he knew someone was holding it.
Did Roku know that he had a contract or was that just someone else's, Holic?
Thanx guys.:))
I appreciate it.
Blah, I'm not just making up excuses, Azura will even admit it, I was afk then I hear my beep triggers go off and by the time I got to my monitor it was too late, Azura knows I was afk *mutter*
As for his being afk...well, I believe it. Of course, we also spent a couple of minutes tracking him down in the plains to begin with, and his legend never gave any indication of his being away. It's his own damn fault for being a jerk to people and then going afk out in the open, and I'd have left if it looked like he was going to die without moving a step, but that ended up not being the case. :P Anyway, that's just a standard disclaimer before all the whiny flames come from people about how bad the kill was. I know what you bastards are like. :P