Frams is full of huntbreaks, but you need to know them all.
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Taureg, you are an ass :)
I logged on about 2 minutes after I woke up. As a testament to how little I was paying attention to the game, Montar helped kill me the day before WITH the shadow sword but I missed the emotes just a few hours later? I get killed when I'm wide awake too.
Montar and Nagash caught me at 150 hp, that's good for them. I think they did a kick ass job, and yes Montar I do talk trash...who doesn't?
very nice Nagash
Nice hunt, Nagash.
Wasach must have been totally unconscious when he got killed in bree that time by Avaar. Actually, i think Wasach outdid himself this time...but still got killed.
good log, good kill
As much shit as you talk, yes; sometimes you do deserve to die. =)
Wasach's typist wakes up and logs into two towers...stupid. I got to hand it to Montar and Nagash, excellent job, totally got me still in bed. (motherfuckers) :) I actually DESERVED do die for a change...