Always good to see old logs :) nice post
Oh, nice to see ol' Akilin in work.
-Norin the Nameless.
He was a thief too, so you have to take that into consideration. :P
Yeah, I don't think the spear actually stopped me from moving, though. The reason I didn't try to break them in Edoras was that I typed in like 3 aliases in a row, so I sort of just watched myself die. Anyway, if the spear had knocked me out (I know it said I regained consciousness, but it didn't mess up my movement), I probably would have been better off. :P
Them Spears dont count :) it was too easy to kill people with um :) especialy without travelto :)
Good to see old Roeven in action. :) it's been a while. Good log btw