Melkor is the biggest Multiplayer in Arda. Check this i was in the void and look what i found.
Can you say overeaction?
I get the impression this was supposed to be a jokey log, but some of you had to take it seriously. Death threats? Even Melkor whom you are so valiantly defending got the idea and didn't take it seriously. Lighten up people!
Actually Terius, that time of the week. Weekly chapter exams (exams my prof calls them! *groan*) in advance inorganic will make you bitter and angry, trust me.
Stupid ass log, I didn't even smile. I agree with Talan. Wasach, is it that time of the month again?
Cool log:P Melkor, I suppose the the void doesn't count as a guild:P
Morons, can't you see there's no offence in this log?:P
That last comment was pretty damn funny Wasach :P
Well... It's better than my log that I removed 5 minutes after I posted it.
Actually Talan, my life is going pretty good. Sorry you got mine confused with yours, is your welfare check late or something.
*At this point I will stop myself, there is no need to personally flame someone other than the poster of this lame dick log*
Who pays for the game? Doesnt Melkor? Then why shouldnt he be able todo what he wants
Okay, Wasach, next time you have a few RL troubles you need to work out, you just do it right here on the log archive comments section, ok? Because thats what its here for.
Not that Melkor needs ANYONE to defend him but I think if I was ever going to make someone's time in Arda a living would be someone who belittles what Melkor and his friends created.
The admin put in alot of time, more time that any of us could possibly imagine coding stuff for the game and bitches like you taunt him?
I hope everyone fucks with you, every thief steals from you, every assassin haunts. Me, I'll be watching my roads and fiefdoms for you...Gondor WILL NOT be a safe haven for you.
Wasach Zadan-an-Naduim
'Membership has its privledges'
What the fuck is this log supposed to mean anyway???