Old log. Got bored and had SoB lying around. Spent about 2 hours going around gathering horses. The only way I could recover this log into a text file was to use some crap in Zmud...and it deleted some of the spacing when I was checking skills and stuff...
nice log
heh Baklen already posted it :P
Ahocho can you say Lie, If you didnt know they capped the headbutt damage ages ago, and i dont think im saying what its at here either.
I'll dig up the log, heehee was quiet nice, back when Rhos was a room. *snorts* ah old times, and I don't remember Transron Complaining either.
Sorry to say ketan, It was Transron not deadlok
Yeah, Baraz didn't use the SoB on me in that stunt, he did the backstab fail trick. He got me to 6HP because right after he headbutted he got a PIERCE with his ice staff, and it was only a party of 5 Megs he had to work with...I'd like to see you make a 170HP headbutt out of the degraded SoB and 5 people. No chance in hell. :P It took like 10 horses just for Marthaon to do it at Rhos, and for the record, it was Deadlok that he killed with a single headbutt. :P
Yeah, that was funny...I didnt realize how much SoB sucks when you berserk. Oh well.
I remember BB berserking Wombat at the bree bar after he backstabbed me missing and scratching.
Ah sob BB? Everyone said you have them backstab you and fail, then headbutt ketan
but sob heehee cool shit.
YahI would of headbutted someone standing there just for the hell of it
350tactics plus2rounds of combat would of killed someone instantly. I think. hmms 100tacs only do 30
and there is a 80hp cap on hb isn't there?
Wow that is a nice buff...
I got a log somewhere were Sigmund kills with one single headbutt after boosting with the SoB... it looks really nice.
-Norin the nameless.
Yea, I have never heard of this either.
Guess Montar told you that to get attention.
I really doubt that happened Hochopepa. Not to call you an outright liar, but That would have to be 50 or so horses, with perfect timing. To my knowledge there have never been close to 50 horses at meg hitching post. Also, i never heard about such an incident, and I have been a meg for a very long time. However, Marthaon did do that at rhosgobel with a fewer number of horses, before they degraded the SoB. I also did it to Ketan at the Meg Guildhall entrance, maybe thats what you're thinking about? (he escaped with 6hp :( )
you missed a horse
Mandar did that once at Megs hitching post. With a lot of Meg Warhorses. Then a Meg entered and he headbutted him.
Can you say: Instant Death?
FDL that's hilarious!!! All those poor horsies :-p gotta wonder what that did to your exp though :-p
Now too bad I didn't headbutt someone with all those tactics :)