Dorianna and Bashgeroy try to kill me while I am standing peacefully at Rhos. I quickly shake em and Korzan is there whithin seconds ready to smack up some Beornings or Valacirca. I don't like people trying to kill me so I heal and we go hunting.
Baklen, then every one of your days must be bright :-)
FDL. Bashgeroy, your funny as shit. Of course Dorianna was an innocent woman.... that had just tried to kill Raqtor.
Lol, brightens my day to hear bashgeroy talk utter stupidity:)
Wtf, Raqtor, you think you can actually PK me?My turn?Eh? I thought you wanted no problems with me.Blaaargh, if I was like this reporting bitch Korzan I woulda levelbash you.
The moment I understood what had happened I came to attack you.But your slut Korzan was with you to save your ass, eh?May be I should solo him too.You can't get me so you kill inncoent women, eh, bitch?
Well I didn't mean it to rhyme, but I guess I was born a poet :p
reading through this log again, i noticed that part was edited out. Several says from Korzan
regarding the true nature of the pk were removed. Here they are for the benefit of balance
Korzan says: I'm sorry, but if I can't have you, I can't allow anyone else to!
-> Korzan sobs as his seething cauldron of emotional upheaval causes him to slay the only
player he ever found more attractive than Mizrahi
Korzan says: Hay *****
(yeah, he really did say *****. I think it's some sort of weird Libertarian code so the government
can't break down their doors with jackbooted thugs when they say something anarchy-minded)
What weap did Korzan use? Nice emotes on that thing.
Woo Mizrahi can rhyme ;-)
So... anyone wants to put bets on what Korzan really said at 'Korzan says: hay *****'?
My money is on 'Honey'. :p
Bah :). Didn't know where Bashgeroy had dropped me off so I couldn't figure out where to break. This is why I do Membership Committee work for my guild and not pkill :P