The death of Shelob..

Posted by
Adunazon [legacy]
05 February 2002 00:00:00
Player Kill

Just posting this to show what a well(?) organized party can do against Shelob. Nobody is guaranteed living, but we sure smoked her pretty quick.


  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    08 February 2002 01:03:18

    No was a warrior at the time and had whip and mmail and hbs, and I forgot who was watching but I totally ripped him apart. With a phial of ambrosia. Hmms Ill find out who was there

  • Author
    Denezar [legacy]
    07 February 2002 07:27:43

    Explain to me how you can kill Ulk in 6 rounds. Thats like 50hp per hit, so you must have vials and shit. ;)

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    07 February 2002 06:16:03

    I just find it funny how I can kill ulkhalad in 6 to 10 rounds and he as 410hp and I lose nothing. I find it really hard that all those hits did not do 10k damage.but she could have defense yaya but still

  • Author
    Hades [legacy]
    07 February 2002 00:24:28

    2k per leg, 10k total? :P

  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    07 February 2002 00:12:43

    She clearly has between 2750 and 3250 HP.

  • Author
    Westar [legacy]
    06 February 2002 22:11:40

    Umm.. Baklen she dosen't have that amount of hp. Ehtyar is alot closer to the mark!

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    06 February 2002 21:29:13

    She has exactly 99999hp

  • Author
    Adunazon [legacy]
    06 February 2002 20:08:18

    Durkin, as when any new area comes out, the first and FUNNEST! (hope you can sense the sarcasm) thing to do is to run through it and slaughter every creature in the area, before even attempting to find a quest. As such, there was a shitload of EQ laying all over CU the past few days, hence SoU auctioning some of it. Come on man, I had respect for you, but don't make an ass of yourself, it's just too fitting.

  • Author
    Ehtyar [legacy]
    06 February 2002 13:59:04

    Wild stab in the dark... 5000hp!

  • Author
    Norin [legacy]
    06 February 2002 12:57:46

    1: NightCrawler: Please, if you screw over my lady ill rip your head off. And do not try your slick-durm pickup-lines on her... Do you get my drift?

    2: Nice fight, but please kill something else than my beloved. She is just hungry and needs to feed like all of us.

    3: Now that you all have stomped on her like a couple of times... Why not make an estimation on her HP-status when he is in 'prefect' shape? (I would like to see those numbers =P )

    4: I'm bored.

    -Norin the Nameless.

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    06 February 2002 12:14:27

    be quiet Mirk, I haven't giving you permission to speak. You can barely take a Mirkwood spider *smirk*

    Leave SoU alone, they have their theme and can run it however they see fit. Remember their Guild is named after a traitor and they follow the beliefs of that traitor. Sure he betrayed all of the Allies of Eru but a traitor is still a traitor, so who cares if the go through and kill all of CU. Its a lawless land, what like they didn't kill any npc's in mordor before cu was coded?



    ps. I am in no way implying that any members of SoU are traitors to their Guild or anything, just that Ulfang himself was a traitor and he is the one they are trying to immulate. Put I am not SoU so I most like got it wrong and will be told such soon enough.

  • Author
    Durkin [legacy]
    06 February 2002 10:44:35

    I always see SoU running through Cirith Ungol and auctioning equipment from there, maybe I'm just ignorant and theres ways for evil to get these items without killing orcs :P

  • Author
    Mirk [legacy]
    06 February 2002 09:36:28

    you killed a spider....



  • Author
    Adunazon [legacy]
    06 February 2002 08:48:54

    Show me an SoU that killed an orc or troll in the Cirith Ungol tower and I'll show you the ghost of an SoU member. What the hell are you talking about Durkin?

  • Author
    Kilth [legacy]
    06 February 2002 06:54:17

    Thank you Melfice! After 50 comments I finally get my question answered... (Wich was what I thought in the beginning too.)

  • Author
    Durkin [legacy]
    06 February 2002 06:33:54

    Killing shelob is all fine and good, but I'm interested in hearing how SoU justifies killing orcs, trolls and whatever else in The Tower of Cirith Ungol.

  • Author
    Melfice [legacy]
    06 February 2002 05:35:17

    Talan... keywords 'fought her off'. How long did it take to kill her the first time? A HELL of a long time. How many people died? 36?! We had 13 people and beat the hell out of her in 10 minutes and only lost two or three people and ONLY because she can be cheap and kill them instantly.

    And Kilth - the first time she died, like I just mentioned, it took a plethora of people, 70% of which ended up dying. The fact that we could overtake her with a drastically smaller party in a much smaller amount of time should answer your question by itself. We were organized and we weren't going to back down which is almost entirely contrasted to the attitude the first time in which no one knew what the hell they were doing.

  • Author
    Necsipaal [legacy]
    06 February 2002 03:41:29

    No offense, Adunazon my tells weren't applied to SoU or any guild in particular. Your wraith is legetimate indeed for one shall always stand up against one's agrresor, 'tis a fact I can't deny. But I personnaly don't hellish care of her because i may still enter by the black gates, morover, I find her strategically interesting, finally I am pleased by the opportunity of treasure she may bring.

    Why not leting a chance to the cat to increase till darkness can no more contain her and I'm sure patient birds of prey should have a great banquet on her victims remains.


  • Author
    Klouse [legacy]
    06 February 2002 00:42:49


  • Author
    Adunazon [legacy]
    06 February 2002 00:33:09

    Alright, I'm going to give everyone a little lesson on the theme of the SoU, so you can stop with the babbling. We are faithful servants of the Eye. We are His link to the free races of Arda. We are not BOUND to His will as orcs and trolls are, yet we do aid Him in all aspects. To top it off, we're a bunch of cocky bastards (or at least I am) who don't take particularly well to being attacked, killed, or assaulted in any way. Shelob has taken a half dozen of my friends and family, as well as me twice. I don't stand for that. And until Sauron, or one of his Nazgul cut my throat for killing His little pussycat, I'm going to smack her down a few more times. She will learn fear and respect of the black medallion, or she will die.

  • Author
    Rogar [legacy]
    05 February 2002 22:42:52

    Kilth you are a clown lol

  • Author
    Fofester [legacy]
    05 February 2002 22:34:49

    Excellent log! 2 Thumbs up! :-p

  • Author
    Kilth [legacy]
    05 February 2002 22:16:58

    I still aint getting any response on my question...

  • Author
    Josi [legacy]
    05 February 2002 22:05:38

    I stand Corrected! thanks!

    So to sum it up...

    Shelob doesn't serve Sauron,

    Sauron knows about Shelob

    Well the question comes down to... Can willing servants of Sauron kill Shelob?

    I would like to disagree with the previous posts on the grounds that:

    1: She doesn't serve Sauron, She is a pet yes, but what really is a pet to Sauron? He is launching his armies against the rest of Moral arda does he really need somekind of watchguard?

    2: Military strategy, with the huge amounts orcs, men and material, One gate is going to be a choke-point slowing things down (may increase the chance of causing conflicts as in the third book on the crossroads near Mt Doom.) A second open pass to quickly counterattack already WEAKENED Minas Tirith would greatly aid him.

    3: Even if something does go wrong, Sauron still has Minas Morgul(yet to be coded) near the bottom of the pass, and CU at the top. HER LADYSHIP is just a plaything for Sauron and he already has more useful 'tools' to help him gain his prize (Nazgul).

    Who knows, maybe Sauron will kill her later once he rules Arda, just to put EVERYTHING under his Will.

    *acks my head hurts I need more dwarven ale...

    Josi D. StonePipe (lucky one)

  • Author
    Necsipaal [legacy]
    05 February 2002 21:00:34

    *fdl* Deadlok!

    Actually I am pretty upset sweetie was just trying to seduce you... How can she think of cheating me? Psha! Spiders are not esteemed for their fidelity anyway!

  • Author
    Talan [legacy]
    05 February 2002 20:40:22

    Melfice, i was in the first party that fought her off, then i got bored and left, i still dont see how this log is great.

  • Author
    Necsipaal [legacy]
    05 February 2002 20:37:08

    Actually Sauron really does consider Shelob as a pet, Josi, here is the quote:

    'And as for Sauron: he knew where she lurked. It PLEASED him that she should dwell there hungry but unabated in malice, a more sure watch upon that ancient path into his land than any other that his skilled could have devised. And orcs, they were useful slaves, but he had them in plenty. If now again Shelob caught them to stay her appetite, she was welcome: he could spare them. And sometimes as a man may cast a dainty to his cat (his cat he calls her (how cute!;)), but she owns him not) Sauron would send her prisonners that he had no better uses for: he would have them driven to her hole, and report brought back to him of the play she made.

    So they both lived, delighting in their own devices, and feared no asault, nor wrath, nor any end of their wickedness. Never yet had any fly escaped from Shelob's webs, and the greater now was her rage and hunger.'

    I personnaly don't give a hell of Sauron's will for I don't consider myself as her servant, but I concur in his opinion, Shelob is the best shield one may dream for Mordor, if you evil help to kill her you just help opening a wide free breach in Mordor's fortifications which would obviously not pleased at all the one you serve and let the land we protect given to valar's slaves plunders.

    Of course Shelob attacks anywho but I still think she is a gift one shall use wisely instead of slaughtering her. Please think to all the opportunities her sacred presence bring to the evil of our kind. I personnally won't raise my weapon against a beeing of my own brood.

    Necsipaal Agann?lo Ar-Gimilzor Eldom? (non-exhaustive title ;))

  • Author
    Deadlok [legacy]
    05 February 2002 20:08:32

    <(|>HP:230 EP:228<|)>


    Shelob's lair(n)

    Shelob enters.

    'whatup baby?

    You say: whatup baby?

    Shelob says: Begone from my Lair!

    'cut the bullshit and lets talk about us.

    You say: cut the bullshit and lets talk about us.

    'think you would date a NightCrawler?

    'hell we're both insects. So what do ya say? I know your looking for a mate.

    You say: think you would date a NightCrawler?

    You say: hell we're both insects. So what do ya say? I know your looking for a mate.

    Shelob says: Are you serious?! Do you dare insult me infidel!

    'I coulda sworn I said cut the bullshit.

    You say: I coulda sworn I said cut the bullshit.

    'Come on shorty, you gonna give me some time or what?

    You say: Come on shorty, you gonna give me some time or what?

    Shelod says: I have longed to meet one such as yourself.

    'Now that's the Shelob I know. We can make this work. Holla at me.

    You say: Now that's the Shelob I know. We can make this work. Holla at me.

    Shelob says: Yes I to believe this can and will work.

    P.S. i think she is digging me.

  • Author
    Ranelen [legacy]
    05 February 2002 19:58:25

    Er, that last comment was directed towards

    Josi, not Kilth. :)

  • Author
    Ranelen [legacy]
    05 February 2002 19:56:47

    Kilth, that quote was from The Two Towers,

    chapter 9. The point I'm trying to make is

    that although Shelob may not be one of Sauron's

    slaves, he /does/ use her. Shelob isn't going

    to stop an army from going through her lair,

    but the chances of her stopping a small group

    of spies is very high, which is exactly where

    the orcs in the Tower of Cirith Ungol are weak.

    However, they /do/ have the ability to stop an

    army there, so they both nicely plug the other's weaknesses.

  • Author
    Deadlok [legacy]
    05 February 2002 19:53:14

    I beat her monkey ass. See my crit, all those massacres, the whore could barely hit me ;).


    ( I was the most worried about dying and stuff at first )

  • Author
    Borkaz [legacy]
    05 February 2002 19:25:01

    Awesome Fight, guys!


  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    05 February 2002 19:09:59

    Well, Kilth, I was in the party so I scared Shelob and thats why she died much easier.

  • Author
    Josi [legacy]
    05 February 2002 19:09:26


    For the record...

    Minas Morgul does not = Cirith Ungul...

    MM was Minas Ithil, tower of the 'Rising' moon.

    Where does it say Sauron knew about Shelob?

    If shelob is his supposed pet, why would he get angry if something killed it? It would just be sport for him would it not? *bah i'm ranting again...

  • Author
    Kilth [legacy]
    05 February 2002 18:55:54

    That didn't answer my question. Why are everyone ignoring me!? *SCREAM*

  • Author
    Balinul [legacy]
    05 February 2002 17:14:11

    I have to agree completely with Ranelen there. It may be that Shelob ain't Sauron's servant willingly, but she certainly fullfills a great role of guardian for Mordor. As Ranelen pointed out just well, the Morgul pass is very secure due to her activities and he doesn't care about the loss of a few servants.

    And why is there a tower?

    Its the old Minas Morgul, the city that was greater than Minas Tirith, untill the witch king took it under his control. Now its a blackened tower, controlled by Sauron.

  • Author
    Kilth [legacy]
    05 February 2002 17:02:01

    I ask again...


  • Author
    Raqtor [legacy]
    05 February 2002 16:44:36

    Well Shelob is a foul foe .. check the first attack:

    Shelob enters.

    Kedrimond enters.

    Bad enters.

    Orleg enters.

    Melfice misses Shelob with a clumsy slash.

    Denezar couldn't touch Shelob with the ten-foot pole.

    Adunazon misses Shelob.

    Kelias misses Shelob.

    Shelob quickly wraps up Orleg in a web, and carries it.

    Shelob barely misses Tarn with poison-tinged fangs.

    Melfice misses someone with a clumsy slash.

    Denezar couldn't touch someone with the ten-foot pole.

    Adunazon hits someone.

    Kelias slams the skull into someone with gruesome force.

    Tarn misses Shelob.

    Shelob leaves northwest.

    You emote: Raqtor is ready for death

    <HP:230 EP:186>

    legend orleg

    Adunazon says: What the hell.

    The ghost of Orleg

    On for: 9h 40m 44s

    Age: 0s

    <HP:230 EP:194>

    You tell Orleg: did you have low ep or low hp ?

    <HP:179 EP:217>

    Orleg tells you: no

    Orleg tells you: full

    Orleg tells you: 210/210

    Orleg tells you: she just took me

    You tell Orleg: WTF .. thats crazy

    <HP:181 EP:219>

  • Author
    Ranelen [legacy]
    05 February 2002 16:38:07

    And as for Sauron: he knew where she lurked. It pleased him that she

    should dwell there hungry but unabated in malice, a more sure watch upon

    that ancient path into his land than any other that his skill could

    have devised. And Orcs, they were useful slaves, but he had them in

    plenty. If now and again Shelob caught them to stay her appetite, she was

    welcome: he could spare them. And sometimes as a man may cast a dainty to

    his cat (his cat he calls her, but she owns him not) Sauron would

    send her prisoners that he had no better uses for: he would have them

    driven to her hole, and report brought back to him of the play she made.

  • Author
    Josi [legacy]
    05 February 2002 16:31:45


    First off, Ungoliant turned on Melkor, since he wouldn't give her the jewels and nearly killed him. (If it wasn't for his Balrogs...) Shelob an offspring of this traitor is uncontrollable, even by Sauron. If he was using her to guard the pass, WHY HECK IS THERE A TOWER THERE!?! He can't trust her, and if she is dead he can move greater amount of men and material faster consider its easier to go west to Minas Tirith instead of N, then W, then southerly... Shelob's only friend was Gollum, no one else. Sauron wanting revenge on whoever killed her? BAH, he has more important matters to attend to. (Destruction of everything moral for example.) Enough of my ranting, You guys did well! I wish I was there!

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    05 February 2002 13:36:39

    woo! she died. Does that make me a hero now?

  • Author
    Ranelen [legacy]
    05 February 2002 13:15:11

    If you're going to say something is thematic, I'd

    suggest you use a factual argument first. :)

    Shelob is not Ungoliant, she is Ungoliant's

    offspring, but that is it. If she was Ungoliant,

    everyone in this log would be dead. :)

    Shelob is not Sauron's servant, but he does use

    her as a guard for that passage. She keeps

    people from entering through the back way, as

    well as keeps /his/ servants from escaping

    through the tunnels. He has been feeding her his own servants for quite some time now, if he found out that a group of them had killed her out of revenge, do you think he would have spared them his wrath? I think not. His western door is now unlocked, the Tower of Cirith Ungol is open, as is the way into Mordor itself.

  • Author
    Morpheus [legacy]
    05 February 2002 11:21:12

    On this issue of Sons killing her... it's wholly thematic. She may be a quasi-servant/ally of Sauron, but she also chased Melkor halfway across Beleriand for the Silmarils until Gothmog and Co. came out and whipped her ass. So they have more reason than most of Arda for going in and kicking some ass.

  • Author
    Adunazon [legacy]
    05 February 2002 09:49:03

    Eh. Talan. Yeah. Not Tarn. *cough*

  • Author
    Vanris [legacy]
    05 February 2002 09:29:53

    You guys are good. Props to all who battled against Shelob!

  • Author
    Melfice [legacy]
    05 February 2002 09:15:58

    Heh... Talan... seriously, come with us next time we fight her. Then you'll see why this log is great.

  • Author
    Adunazon [legacy]
    05 February 2002 07:21:11

    Yes Tarn, I know it's boring. The only reason I posted this one is because it was a bit more successful than our last attempt. I'll make sure to get your permission before posting any future logs.

  • Author
    Talan [legacy]
    05 February 2002 07:00:53

    Wow, these logs are boring already, the only cool thing in this log is Denezar's weapon. No wonder he got taken first, after having a 10ft pole shoved up your ass repeatedly you'd be grouchy too.

    I cant believe they coded that btw. I swear, whoever takes that thing to rauko and actually hits will be in my debt forever.

  • Author
    Kilth [legacy]
    05 February 2002 06:59:12

    And what did you different here from the last uptime?

  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    05 February 2002 06:52:16

    3 minutes later, back at the batcave...

    Oropher tells you: theres about 5 different flasks, lots of beers, all type for food, and potions, and speacily made potions. ;)

    Thanks, T. I wasn't sure.

  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    05 February 2002 06:47:23


  • Author
    Denezar [legacy]
    05 February 2002 06:32:18

    You should have continued the log long enough for me to see who got my shit! Then aside from avenging me, you could have given it back. ;)

  • Author
    Dormin [legacy]
    05 February 2002 06:19:51

    Genius T. has just displayed the law of ignorance in the fact that no fireballs were casted because Shelob has really high RM and you have to have EP to climb out.

  • Author
    Wind [legacy]
    05 February 2002 06:11:47

    i was wondering why i was unconcious during the other half of the end of the battle *Grumble*

  • Author
    Spartan [legacy]
    05 February 2002 06:07:56

    WOOHOO! I got deathblow and received 1million exp.

  • Author
    Ehtyar [legacy]
    05 February 2002 06:05:01

    <grumble> Quite = Quote

  • Author
    Ehtyar [legacy]
    05 February 2002 06:04:10

    Although I can't quite Tolkien at you, Shelob is definitively impartial and feeds on anyone and everything that comes her way. I don't see a problem with evil players killing her as regards the current system of alignment.

    And to comment on the log, what can I say.. that was amazing. The art of killing Shelob almost perfected already.

  • Author
    Melfice [legacy]
    05 February 2002 05:25:49

    We kicked her ass with only 13 players (only eleven while we were in the lair). And the only reason the other two died was because Shelob's cheap like that. That was so fun. If you guys want to, I'm definitely up for this every uptime. ;)

  • Author
    Josi [legacy]
    05 February 2002 05:02:45
