Korra gets locked up

Posted by
Arithon [legacy]
01 October 2013 00:00:00

Korra figures that going idle in the MM inn while wanted is a good idea. Posted for Scyzan.


  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    25 October 2013 18:09:30

    Is Jubal still playing? Some people used to think we were alts, looong ago.

  • Author
    Kharaan [legacy]
    07 October 2013 04:24:37

    who is jew ball anyways. never heard of the guy

  • Author
    Chiprox [legacy]
    06 October 2013 18:31:51

    Good one Kharaan! And that wasnt that lon ago :P

  • Author
    Rome [legacy]
    06 October 2013 04:31:38

    Damn that's a good read! Thanks for posting Kharaan 8=====D -- O-:


  • Author
    Kharaan [legacy]
    06 October 2013 01:27:14


    a very good log i think.

    murray as always is a stellar role player. a true legend

  • Author
    Kharaan [legacy]
    06 October 2013 01:18:25

    thanks for the info tireless. i have never much kept up on busy rounds from wieldind/unwielding etc even back when i was allegedly a decent player.

    still just seemed so obvious of a trigger to make to me though. there's a log of someone named jubal killing one of nick's guys in sts where nick steals his flask and still somehow gets killed. ill find it

  • Author
    Etrius [legacy]
    05 October 2013 01:34:19

    Well, I was referring to a period before that, so I guess there are at least two explanations.

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    05 October 2013 01:30:01

    People did it because the tactics bonus was huge, and there were a huge number of busy rounds for removing/wielding or storing/drawing weapons. (I locked Fyng and Spartan once and got killed by the 41 busy rounds I incurred by removing/wielding to drink my flask.)

    Also, I am one of the people who did steal a flask when someone dropped it to heal (when I killed Bragl and nearly got Perrota and Gizmalin at lhbs).

  • Author
    Etrius [legacy]
    05 October 2013 01:25:17

    I think a lot of people had such an alias because prior to auto-accept some players used to maliciously fill their victim's hands before an attack to prevent them from using healing in containers. It doesn't make the mechanic less absurd, or the strategy less prone to risk, but that's why some people did it.

  • Author
    Kharaan [legacy]
    05 October 2013 01:18:18

    that has nothing to do with this log that i can remember, but was more a general comment on the lack of intellect amongst the players of that era

  • Author
    Kharaan [legacy]
    04 October 2013 17:26:22

    remember when pepole used to alias to drop their flask and drink it and get it back into the cloak?

    i cannot believe something so stupid was allowed to occur for more than 5 seconds let alone months.

    hey this guy drops his flask to drink it. maybe i should trigger to steal it derp derp.

  • Author
    Gendor [legacy]
    02 October 2013 17:17:20

    [18:08] Alkath told you: WANT SEX??

    [18:09] Karmic told you: WANT SEX??

    [18:10] Crytzch told you: WANT SEX??

    [18:11] Vakheresh told you: WANT SEX??

    [18:12] Rryznog told you: WANT SEX??

    [18:13] Korra told you: WANT SEX??

    [18:14] Mog told you: UR MOM!!

    I think that mog deserve sex too :P

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    02 October 2013 16:19:35

    [18:07] Korra told you: undr tree in moonlite 2 sing srnade n make luv

    [18:08] You told Korra: YES!

    Why was that edited and removed from the original comment by Arithon?

  • Author
    Arithon [legacy]
    02 October 2013 08:47:52

    I skurred.


  • Author
    Norin [legacy]
    02 October 2013 08:38:09

    oh shit.

    u scared?


  • Author
    Arithon [legacy]
    02 October 2013 00:11:22

    ^ (OOC) Korra: he got me when i afk like cowardz do also he signed

    his death by now

    [18:04] Korra told you: i thought w r friendz

    [18:05] Korra told you: now i gonna make u lev 9

    [18:06] Korra told you: we gonna meet again