He was unAble to survive. With a special guest appearance by Tarkus. Posting for Crytzch
Yeah man, come on, I showed you how to color this shit, take the time to do it :P
In pun terms, it was a definite six though.
not even color or loot, ffs
no huntbreaks, no triggers, boring.
I suspect GV vs GB war was the reason.
Why did you kill him, random because of pvp flag.. or?
No color
Long as hell
Totally uninteresting
Funny ending due to escaping the report, you should have also reported him for falsely reported you btw.
Overall: Shitty log...
This log confuses me. It made me lol though. :)
Nice weapons Cry, refreshing to see something else in a pk log. But you should just have left the WLF at home with those aliases.
Able also drank the alcoholic flask from the bree flag quest, which is 'ok' healing, but gets you pretty drunk, certainly not the thing to use in a PK.
That was embarrassing.
Tarkus drank Ulmo.
I think he had Typhus as party leader. No excuse, but still.
What in the fuck was he doing...
Why does this guy even have his flag enabled if he is not able and willing to huntbreak when he is attacked?