Got locked while they were questing the cell keys, hoped this would happen the way it did.
good ole 'Think I care?' here...
Not that I care, but I'm curious, Proximity why do you rate all my logs a 1? Don't like your impression of me or did I do something to you? Just curious for a motive behind the action.
Cruice, I am not saying you suck. I know you're a good player. I am just saying that in the scenario, I got fucked over and I shouldn't have died and you didn't get the ear.
Lobo, Holt is right. I suck, he made it out alive and the only reason he died outside is because Simurgh lagged out. How much HP do disconnects do these days anyways? I heard they nerfed the damage.
I am :)
Hahaha, okay Lobo, talk to me again when you actually do shit.
Seriously, holt, making up excuses will only make you look worse then you already do in all those logs.
Third, drink ulmo?
First, you didn't even get the kill, I made it out alive. Second, I got screwed because Simurgh lagged out.