Not my final words.

Posted by
Daywalker [legacy]
26 November 2011 00:00:00
NPC Battle

Ainur finally decide to get rid of me, this log includes the amazing bullshit reasons they used, also some personal information and... a special gift from me to the players of the mud.

A Dingy Cell(out)
HP:230 EP:230> g

A Dingy Cell(out)
HP:230 EP:230> score

Daywalker the dunedain Incompatible (It don' matter tho)
HP: 230/230   END: 230/230   Avg. Stats: 100   Quests done: 123
Current exp: 9945870 (for 4.6 extra levels)    Total exp: 18822824
Strength: 100          Agility: 100            Charisma: 100
Constitution: 100      Coordination: 100       Intelligence: 100
Level 20 wizard, 57d 9h 28m 44s old.
HP:230 EP:230> g

A Dingy Cell(out)
HP:230 EP:230> i

Gold: 39               Encumbrance: unencumbered        
You are carrying the following on your person:
 A spellbook.
 A ranger's herb satchel (open) (worn).
 Hrafn's Jugend medallion (worn).
 A leather archer's quiver [0 arrows] (worn).
 A metal necklace (worn).
HP:230 EP:230> 
Morwen appears from the shadows.
You say, "Ok!".
HP:230 EP:230> g

A Dingy Cell(out)
 Morwen Eledhwen
HP:230 EP:230> listen

You listen.
HP:230 EP:230> 
Morwen says in Westron: you, along with mello and faneti have been
     jailed for multiplaying...again
s multiplaying?!
You say in Westron: multiplaying?!
HP:230 EP:230> rotfl

You roll on the floor laughing.
HP:230 EP:230> s how?

You say in Westron: how?
HP:230 EP:230> s i am 100001% sure

You say in Westron: i am 100001% sure
HP:230 EP:230> s i did NOT multiplay

You say in Westron: i did NOT multiplay
HP:230 EP:230> s i know the rules perfectly well, and I have not abused them

You say in Westron: i know the rules perfectly well, and I have not abused
HP:230 EP:230> s explain how

You say in Westron: explain how
HP:230 EP:230> 
Morwen says in Westron: we have been received a lot of reports of
     people suspecting you of multiplaying over the past months...and
     other have quite a few enemies it seems
^ (OOC) Lucky: i just beat assassin's creed 2 yesterday
s suspecting?
You say in Westron: suspecting?
HP:230 EP:230> 
Morwen says in Westron: most of them were unconfirmed though, so we
     dismissed them
^ (OOC) Irkorz: Amazing right
^ (OOC) Lucky: best part?  the last boss is the pope.  i got boot
     stomp the pope!
s i have absolutely not violated anything
You say in Westron: i have absolutely not violated anything
HP:230 EP:230> s never moved an item to my alt without shop

You say in Westron: never moved an item to my alt without shop
HP:230 EP:230> 
^ (OOC) Lucky: got to*
s never transferred gold, never logged them together
You say in Westron: never transferred gold, never logged them together
HP:230 EP:230> s for at least 3-4 years

You say in Westron: for at least 3-4 years
HP:230 EP:230> 
^ (OOC) Lucky: speaking of which.  the catholic church is an evil
     institution and if you are catholic... you're an idiot
s so tell me what did i do wrong
You say in Westron: so tell me what did i do wrong
HP:230 EP:230> 
Morwen says in Westron: let me finish, please
You say, "Ok!".
HP:230 EP:230> 
Morwen says in Westron: there have been two recent reports of you
     multiplaying which we have confirmed as being accurate
^ (OOC) Elbaron: What a well thought out and nuanced statement.
s which are?
You say in Westron: which are?
HP:230 EP:230> 
Morwen says in Westron: one if with mello transfering gold/gear to
Morwen says in Westron: if - is
s how?
You say in Westron: how?
HP:230 EP:230> s mello NEVER got gear for faneti, cause he is a thief, he hasnt quested a single item in prolly 1 year

You say in Westron: mello NEVER got gear for faneti, cause he is a thief,
     he hasnt quested a single item in prolly 1 year
HP:230 EP:230> 
Morwen says in Westron: you sold a piece of equipment to a shop in
     order to transfer it to another character/guild...which is legal
^ (OOC) Kyo: very well mannerd..
^ (OOC) Lucky: agreed, elb!
You nod.
HP:230 EP:230> s ive done that

You say in Westron: ive done that
HP:230 EP:230> s mello to dw

You say in Westron: mello to dw
HP:230 EP:230> s mello steals, sells to store, another character buys 

You say in Westron: mello steals, sells to store, another character buys
HP:230 EP:230> s all legal

You say in Westron: all legal
HP:230 EP:230> 
Morwen says in Westron: what is not legal is selling the equipment and
     then giving the gold to someone to buy it back for your alt
Morwen says in Westron: you essentially passed gold to your alt via a
     middle person
^ (OOC) Omit: me too
You roll on the floor laughing.
HP:230 EP:230> s you are kidding me

You say in Westron: you are kidding me
HP:230 EP:230> s and that is written where?

You say in Westron: and that is written where?
HP:230 EP:230> 
^ (OOC) Omit: keep your surmon for sunday
help multiplaying
Help for multiplaying (Rules and Policies)
    There is no limit to the number of characters (alts) you can have on
The Two Towers.  We recommend that you play each character as a separate
and distinct persona, but it is NOT REQUIRED.

However, we DO require that you observe the following rules:

1. You may NEVER have more than one character on at the same time.
   NOTE: Linkdead characters count as being logged on.

2. Your characters cannot aid each other in ANY WAY, for example:
   a. Equipment, items, or gold may NOT be transferred between your 
      characters, except through a shop (i.e., Player A must sell it, 
      then log in as Player B and _buy_ it). Using a secondary player 
      as an intermediary is still considered an illegal transfer.  You
      are solely responsible for ensuring that your characters and the 
      equipment that they touch do not overlap, even if one of them has
      been killed or has died.
   b. Using a guild shop or player-run shop where you can set your own 
      prices is also considered an illegal transfer.  Items inside a 
      guildhall are common property.  You may not take any item from a
      guild of which your alt is a member, nor is any guildmember to 
      knowingly give guild equipment to a fellow member's alt.
   c. Using the find command and then logging on with an alt to use that 
      information to the alt's advantage is not allowed.
   d. Using alts to "tag team" one player or NPC is not allowed (eg. main
      player gets monster down to 10 hp and then logs on the alt to make 
      the kill and collect the treasure). 

--More--(36%  line 35 of 95)--

   e. Using one alt to perform an action that another alt cannot do is not
      allowed (eg. main player gets stuck so logs on an alt to pick a lock,
      main player has an issue with a player so logs on an alt to steal 
      from or attack that person, etc.).
3. You may not have more than one character in the same guild or clan. 
   This includes having an alt invited into your other alt's guild for 
   whatever reason.  Guilds are not to be used as rotating safehouses/
   service-providers by all of your characters, nor are any of your 
   characters allowed to interact, donate equipment or assist a guild 
   your main player is in.

4. All characters are NON-TRANSFERABLE.  Selling, giving, allowing access
   to a character is strictly forbidden.  Violations of this rule may 
   result in the destruction of all your characters and potentially a 
   siteban.  This includes allowing another person to remote-control your
   character via client-based triggers.  See 'help botting' and 'help 
   client abuse' for more on this.

    There are also rules related to revealing the identity of alternate

1. You may not publicly (comms, boards, shouts, or similar) discuss the 
   existing alts of anyone, including yourself.  This includes publicly 
   asking for, or publicly offering to tell someone about, anyone's 
   alternate characters.  It also includes making what you think to be 
   "jokes" about such matters.  Just don't do it.

2. You may publicly disclose your former identities (past characters).  
   You may discuss the former identities of other players, so long as it
   is not used as a form of harassment.  Take care when doing this however,
   to make sure the character in question has not been re-created.

3. Discussion of the alts, /real or imagined/, of Ainur, by anyone,
   especially the Ainur themselves, is strictly forbidden.  This includes
--More--(73%  line 70 of 95)--

^ (OOC) Lucky: covering up child-rape for a couple hundred years...
     making people believe that an asshat with a degree is your only
     conduit to God... women can't be priests...

   asking about Ainur alts, talking to an Ainu as if they were the alt of
   a mortal character, etc.  The entire topic of Ainur alts is one that 
   is simply best left alone.  Ignore this advice at your own risk.


    Revealing current alternate character information is only allowed in 
private communications (tells, etc).  Be advised however that if you choose
to reveal your other identities, you must live with the inevitability that
people you don't want knowing this information WILL find it out.

    Revealing past alternate characters involves the risk of other players
and perhaps even Administrators treating you based on your past character's
behaviors.  Reveal your past identities only at your own risk.

    There is usually no way to confirm the claimed former identities of a
typist.  Therefore no gold, equipment, or other reward or advantage should
be given to someone based on their past identity claims.

    Overlords, Valar, and Powers have the right to ask you who your past
characters are and you are obliged to answer truthfully.

See also: topics, rules, punishments, gold transfer
HP:230 EP:230> s i have given gold to a person i like

You say in Westron: i have given gold to a person i like
HP:230 EP:230> 
^ (OOC) Lucky: who wants SOME?!
s for what reason, its none of anyone's business
You say in Westron: for what reason, its none of anyone's business
HP:230 EP:230> s whats the difference if he bought it with gold he withdrew

You say in Westron: whats the difference if he bought it with gold he
HP:230 EP:230> s and then i gave him 100k

You say in Westron: and then i gave him 100k
HP:230 EP:230> 
^ (OOC) Omit is a recovering cathloc
s cause i like him
You say in Westron: cause i like him
HP:230 EP:230> 
Morwen says in Westron: that's help multiplaying 2a
help multiplaying
Help for multiplaying (Rules and Policies)
    There is no limit to the number of characters (alts) you can have on
The Two Towers.  We recommend that you play each character as a separate
and distinct persona, but it is NOT REQUIRED.

However, we DO require that you observe the following rules:

1. You may NEVER have more than one character on at the same time.
   NOTE: Linkdead characters count as being logged on.

2. Your characters cannot aid each other in ANY WAY, for example:
   a. Equipment, items, or gold may NOT be transferred between your 
      characters, except through a shop (i.e., Player A must sell it, 
      then log in as Player B and _buy_ it). Using a secondary player 
      as an intermediary is still considered an illegal transfer.  You
      are solely responsible for ensuring that your characters and the 
      equipment that they touch do not overlap, even if one of them has
      been killed or has died.
   b. Using a guild shop or player-run shop where you can set your own 
      prices is also considered an illegal transfer.  Items inside a 
      guildhall are common property.  You may not take any item from a
      guild of which your alt is a member, nor is any guildmember to 
      knowingly give guild equipment to a fellow member's alt.
   c. Using the find command and then logging on with an alt to use that 
      information to the alt's advantage is not allowed.
   d. Using alts to "tag team" one player or NPC is not allowed (eg. main
      player gets monster down to 10 hp and then logs on the alt to make 
      the kill and collect the treasure). 

--More--(36%  line 35 of 95)--

   e. Using one alt to perform an action that another alt cannot do is not
      allowed (eg. main player gets stuck so logs on an alt to pick a lock,
      main player has an issue with a player so logs on an alt to steal 
      from or attack that person, etc.).
3. You may not have more than one character in the same guild or clan. 
   This includes having an alt invited into your other alt's guild for 
   whatever reason.  Guilds are not to be used as rotating safehouses/
   service-providers by all of your characters, nor are any of your 
   characters allowed to interact, donate equipment or assist a guild 
   your main player is in.

4. All characters are NON-TRANSFERABLE.  Selling, giving, allowing access
   to a character is strictly forbidden.  Violations of this rule may 
   result in the destruction of all your characters and potentially a 
   siteban.  This includes allowing another person to remote-control your
   character via client-based triggers.  See 'help botting' and 'help 
   client abuse' for more on this.

    There are also rules related to revealing the identity of alternate

1. You may not publicly (comms, boards, shouts, or similar) discuss the 
   existing alts of anyone, including yourself.  This includes publicly 
   asking for, or publicly offering to tell someone about, anyone's 

   alternate characters.  It also includes making what you think to be 
   "jokes" about such matters.  Just don't do it.

2. You may publicly disclose your former identities (past characters).  
   You may discuss the former identities of other players, so long as it
   is not used as a form of harassment.  Take care when doing this however,
   to make sure the character in question has not been re-created.

3. Discussion of the alts, /real or imagined/, of Ainur, by anyone,
   especially the Ainur themselves, is strictly forbidden.  This includes
--More--(73%  line 70 of 95)--

   asking about Ainur alts, talking to an Ainu as if they were the alt of
   a mortal character, etc.  The entire topic of Ainur alts is one that 
   is simply best left alone.  Ignore this advice at your own risk.


Morwen says in Westron: the second report....
You say, "Ok!".
HP:230 EP:230> listen

You listen.
HP:230 EP:230> 
Morwen says in Westron: is between daywalker and faneti
You say, "Ok!".
HP:230 EP:230> s let me hear how that happened

You say in Westron: let me hear how that happened
HP:230 EP:230> s ive done it absolutely all through osgiliath store

You say in Westron: ive done it absolutely all through osgiliath store
HP:230 EP:230> 
Morwen says in Westron: help multiplaying 2e
help multiplaying
Help for multiplaying (Rules and Policies)
    There is no limit to the number of characters (alts) you can have on
The Two Towers.  We recommend that you play each character as a separate
and distinct persona, but it is NOT REQUIRED.

However, we DO require that you observe the following rules:

1. You may NEVER have more than one character on at the same time.
   NOTE: Linkdead characters count as being logged on.

2. Your characters cannot aid each other in ANY WAY, for example:
   a. Equipment, items, or gold may NOT be transferred between your 
      characters, except through a shop (i.e., Player A must sell it, 
      then log in as Player B and _buy_ it). Using a secondary player 
      as an intermediary is still considered an illegal transfer.  You
      are solely responsible for ensuring that your characters and the 
      equipment that they touch do not overlap, even if one of them has
      been killed or has died.
   b. Using a guild shop or player-run shop where you can set your own 
      prices is also considered an illegal transfer.  Items inside a 
      guildhall are common property.  You may not take any item from a
      guild of which your alt is a member, nor is any guildmember to 
      knowingly give guild equipment to a fellow member's alt.
   c. Using the find command and then logging on with an alt to use that 
      information to the alt's advantage is not allowed.
   d. Using alts to "tag team" one player or NPC is not allowed (eg. main
      player gets monster down to 10 hp and then logs on the alt to make 
      the kill and collect the treasure). 

--More--(36%  line 35 of 95)--

^ (OOC) Elbaron: Tim Minchin has an excellent song about the pope.

   e. Using one alt to perform an action that another alt cannot do is not
      allowed (eg. main player gets stuck so logs on an alt to pick a lock,
      main player has an issue with a player so logs on an alt to steal 
      from or attack that person, etc.).
3. You may not have more than one character in the same guild or clan. 
   This includes having an alt invited into your other alt's guild for 
   whatever reason.  Guilds are not to be used as rotating safehouses/
   service-providers by all of your characters, nor are any of your 
   characters allowed to interact, donate equipment or assist a guild 
   your main player is in.

4. All characters are NON-TRANSFERABLE.  Selling, giving, allowing access
   to a character is strictly forbidden.  Violations of this rule may 
   result in the destruction of all your characters and potentially a 
   siteban.  This includes allowing another person to remote-control your
   character via client-based triggers.  See 'help botting' and 'help 
   client abuse' for more on this.

    There are also rules related to revealing the identity of alternate

1. You may not publicly (comms, boards, shouts, or similar) discuss the 
   existing alts of anyone, including yourself.  This includes publicly 
   asking for, or publicly offering to tell someone about, anyone's 
   alternate characters.  It also includes making what you think to be 
   "jokes" about such matters.  Just don't do it.

2. You may publicly disclose your former identities (past characters).  
   You may discuss the former identities of other players, so long as it
   is not used as a form of harassment.  Take care when doing this however,
   to make sure the character in question has not been re-created.

3. Discussion of the alts, /real or imagined/, of Ainur, by anyone,
   especially the Ainur themselves, is strictly forbidden.  This includes
--More--(73%  line 70 of 95)--

   asking about Ainur alts, talking to an Ainu as if they were the alt of
   a mortal character, etc.  The entire topic of Ainur alts is one that 
   is simply best left alone.  Ignore this advice at your own risk.


    Revealing current alternate character information is only allowed in 
private communications (tells, etc).  Be advised however that if you choose
to reveal your other identities, you must live with the inevitability that
people you don't want knowing this information WILL find it out.

    Revealing past alternate characters involves the risk of other players
and perhaps even Administrators treating you based on your past character's
behaviors.  Reveal your past identities only at your own risk.

    There is usually no way to confirm the claimed former identities of a
typist.  Therefore no gold, equipment, or other reward or advantage should
be given to someone based on their past identity claims.

    Overlords, Valar, and Powers have the right to ask you who your past
characters are and you are obliged to answer truthfully.

See also: topics, rules, punishments, gold transfer
HP:230 EP:230> shrug

You shrug.
HP:230 EP:230> s what did we do?

You say in Westron: what did we do?
HP:230 EP:230> s sounds interesting

You say in Westron: sounds interesting
HP:230 EP:230> 
Morwen says in Westron: you used faneti to kill a person within 4min
     of switching to benefit daywalker
^ (OOC) Esker: I like the pope's car.
s who was that?
You say in Westron: who was that?
HP:230 EP:230> 
^ (OOC) Lucky: i hope it reveres him.  i mean, he IS the voice of God
     after all
Morwen says in Westron: finlay
You scratch your head.
HP:230 EP:230> s to benefit DW how?

You say in Westron: to benefit DW how?
HP:230 EP:230> 
Morwen says in Westron: apparently you didn't like something he said
     to you on the comm
s yes, to faneti
You say in Westron: yes, to faneti
HP:230 EP:230> 
^ (OOC) Lucky: every time i see the pope's car, i think of Arrested
s he was bitching at me for killing people
You say in Westron: he was bitching at me for killing people
HP:230 EP:230> 
Morwen says in Westron: so you switched and killed him, then switched
     back to gloat about it
s nah
You say in Westron: nah
HP:230 EP:230> 
^ (OOC) Lucky: anybody else know what i mean?!

HP:230 EP:230> s he is pvp on

You say in Westron: he is pvp on
HP:230 EP:230> s so dw cant do finds on him

You say in Westron: so dw cant do finds on him
HP:230 EP:230> s so i saw him online, i logged on my other alt

You say in Westron: so i saw him online, i logged on my other alt
HP:230 EP:230> s hit a find, saw him vulnerable

You say in Westron: hit a find, saw him vulnerable
HP:230 EP:230> 
^ (OOC) Omit thinks of the band and does not see the connection
s and killed him for speaking shit to faneti
You say in Westron: and killed him for speaking shit to faneti
HP:230 EP:230> 
s cant tell me thats illegal
You say in Westron: cant tell me thats illegal
HP:230 EP:230> s he badmouthed faneti for killing 'random' people

You say in Westron: he badmouthed faneti for killing 'random' people
HP:230 EP:230> s over comm

You say in Westron: over comm
HP:230 EP:230> s thats why he died

You say in Westron: thats why he died
HP:230 EP:230> s also

You say in Westron: also
HP:230 EP:230> 
^ (OOC) Lucky: the tv show.
s i am explaining to you cause i want you to understand
You say in Westron: i am explaining to you cause i want you to understand
HP:230 EP:230> 
^ (OOC) Lucky: it was a tragedy that it got cancelled
Morwen says in Westron: he was talking on the comm when daywalker was
     on, not faneti
You shake your head.
HP:230 EP:230> s but he didnt do it that smae day

You say in Westron: but he didnt do it that smae day
HP:230 EP:230> s he did it like...

You say in Westron: he did it like...
HP:230 EP:230> 
^ (OOC) Irkorz: he stole the only bot bullet proof one :p
s 2 months ago
You say in Westron: 2 months ago
HP:230 EP:230> s or so

You say in Westron: or so
HP:230 EP:230> 
^ (OOC) Irkorz: not*
s he has been on my enemy list
You say in Westron: he has been on my enemy list
HP:230 EP:230> s for at least a month

You say in Westron: for at least a month
HP:230 EP:230> 
^ (OOC) Lucky: holy shit
s or two
You say in Westron: or two
HP:230 EP:230> s you can check

You say in Westron: you can check
HP:230 EP:230> 
^ (OOC) Lucky: have my babies irk!
^ (OOC) Irkorz: that episode is hilarious
s i never got a good find on him to atttack him before
You say in Westron: i never got a good find on him to atttack him before
HP:230 EP:230> 
^ (OOC) Omit:
s look
You say in Westron: look
HP:230 EP:230> s both reports are absolutely hilarious

You say in Westron: both reports are absolutely hilarious
HP:230 EP:230> s i have killed a guy

You say in Westron: i have killed a guy
HP:230 EP:230> s for him being rude to me

You say in Westron: for him being rude to me
HP:230 EP:230> 
^ (OOC) Irkorz: I should have taken the humvee!
s i could have killed him
You say in Westron: i could have killed him
HP:230 EP:230> s cause his name is stupid

You say in Westron: cause his name is stupid
HP:230 EP:230> 
^ (OOC) Lucky: that joke is funny on so many levels
s thats none of your business
You say in Westron: thats none of your business
HP:230 EP:230> s killing people is legal

You say in Westron: killing people is legal
HP:230 EP:230> s also i dont see how this benefits my alt in any way

You say in Westron: also i dont see how this benefits my alt in any way
HP:230 EP:230> s i paid him 11k fine

You say in Westron: i paid him 11k fine
HP:230 EP:230> s he is lvl 10 he prolly gained 3 levels from this death

You say in Westron: he is lvl 10 he prolly gained 3 levels from this death

You say in Westron: explain case by case
HP:230 EP:230> s first case, finlay

You say in Westron: first case, finlay
HP:230 EP:230> s cause its absurd

You say in Westron: cause its absurd
HP:230 EP:230> 
^ (OOC) Lucky: maybe my 'whining' will help some poor catholic
     realize what the real deal is
Morwen sighs.
s you claim DW benefited of it
You say in Westron: you claim DW benefited of it
HP:230 EP:230> 
^ (OOC) Koz: then take your .45 and go hunt down some of the
     perpetrators... otherwise...get over it
^ (OOC) Esker: It is something of a generalization to claim that 'all
     Catholics support child rape.'
s cause he 'gloated'
You say in Westron: cause he 'gloated'
HP:230 EP:230> 
^ (OOC) Lucky: koz thinks child rape is ignorable
^ (OOC) Lucky: what a shitbag
s he was just chatting to people on comm
You say in Westron: he was just chatting to people on comm
HP:230 EP:230> s is that wrong?

You say in Westron: is that wrong?
HP:230 EP:230> 
^ (OOC) Koz: that is not what i said
^ (OOC) Shardik: child rape is a small event when it comes to eternity
     with the Lord
^ (OOC) Esker: Like claiming that all Muslims are suicide bombers, or
     all Jews caused the financial crash.
The lights flicker and dim. You hear screaming from down the hall.
^ (OOC) Omit: thank you esker
^ (OOC) Zulkyr: Please stop saying child rape? :S
^ (OOC) Colven: I don't think those generalizations have worked out
     very well.
^ (OOC) Lucky: hmmm, the muslim point is a good one
s ^ (OOC) Lucky: koz thinks child rape is ignorable
You say in Westron: ^ (OOC) Lucky: koz thinks child rape is ignorable
HP:230 EP:230> s see what things people say

You say in Westron: see what things people say
HP:230 EP:230> s and talk about

You say in Westron: and talk about
s and you punish me for something i said to some guy that badmouthed me
You say in Westron: and you punish me for something i said to some guy
     that badmouthed me
HP:230 EP:230> 
Morwen says in Westron: no
Morwen says in Westron: again you are jumping to conclusions
^ (OOC) Esker: Yes, but I don't see why it needs to be made out of
You say, "Ok!".
HP:230 EP:230> s explain to me

^ (OOC) Esker: Uhm, miscomm.
You say in Westron: explain to me
HP:230 EP:230> s how DW benefited from Finlay's death

You say in Westron: how DW benefited from Finlay's death
HP:230 EP:230> s once again, he died for something he did like 2 months ago

You say in Westron: once again, he died for something he did like 2 months
HP:230 EP:230> s maybe even more

You say in Westron: maybe even more
HP:230 EP:230> 
^ (OOC) Scapegoat: That made more sense than anything Lucky has said.
^ (OOC) Lucky: haha
^ (OOC) Elbaron: lol
s also there was no way DW could do a find on him
You say in Westron: also there was no way DW could do a find on him
HP:230 EP:230> s or know what he is doing

You say in Westron: or know what he is doing
HP:230 EP:230> s so faneti didnt benefit from DW

You say in Westron: so faneti didnt benefit from DW
HP:230 EP:230> 
^ (OOC) Lucky: thats a tidbit if i ever saw one, haha
s the only guy that benefited was finlay who got 8k bonus
You say in Westron: the only guy that benefited was finlay who got 8k
HP:230 EP:230> 
Morwen says in Westron: you switched character to kill him within 4min
     of logging shut him up...because you didn't like what he was
     saying on the comm while Daywalker was on
s thats not rue
You say in Westron: thats not rue
HP:230 EP:230> s thats not true*

You say in Westron: thats not true*
HP:230 EP:230> s he wasnt speaking

You say in Westron: he wasnt speaking
HP:230 EP:230> s on the comm

You say in Westron: on the comm
HP:230 EP:230> s at that point

You say in Westron: at that point
HP:230 EP:230> s AT ALL

You say in Westron: AT ALL
HP:230 EP:230> 
Morwen says in Westron: do I need to pull up the comm history for you?
s sure
You say in Westron: sure
HP:230 EP:230> np

You say: No problem.
HP:230 EP:230> 
Morwen says in Westron: ok
s also check your logs
You say in Westron: also check your logs
HP:230 EP:230> s and see when Finlay

You say in Westron: and see when Finlay
HP:230 EP:230> s was added to enemy list

You say in Westron: was added to enemy list
HP:230 EP:230> 
Morwen says in Westron: irrelevant
s really?
You say in Westron: really?
HP:230 EP:230> s why?

You say in Westron: why?
HP:230 EP:230> 
^ (OOC) Skald: adding to the cathlic criticizsm, the church tortured
     and kill horribly anyone who was a "herretic" and stifling creative
     thought and techinological growth.
s he might have said something at that point i dont know
You say in Westron: he might have said something at that point i dont know
HP:230 EP:230> s i killed him for what he was saying like few months ago

You say in Westron: i killed him for what he was saying like few months
HP:230 EP:230> 
^ (OOC) Shardik: they are also suicide bombers, in Ireland
A Dingy Cell(out)
 Morwen Eledhwen
HP:230 EP:230> score

Daywalker the dunedain Incompatible (It don' matter tho)
HP: 230/230   END: 230/230   Avg. Stats: 100   Quests done: 123
Current exp: 9945870 (for 4.6 extra levels)    Total exp: 18822824
Strength: 100          Agility: 100            Charisma: 100
Constitution: 100      Coordination: 100       Intelligence: 100
Level 20 wizard, 57d 9h 53m 56s old.
HP:230 EP:230> g

A Dingy Cell(out)
 Morwen Eledhwen
HP:230 EP:230> i

Gold: 39               Encumbrance: unencumbered        
You are carrying the following on your person:
 A spellbook.
 A ranger's herb satchel (open) (worn).
 Hrafn's Jugend medallion (worn).
 A leather archer's quiver [0 arrows] (worn).
 A metal necklace (worn).
HP:230 EP:230> 
^ (OOC) Elbaron: I don't think criticizing the catholic church is a
     difficult task
Morwen says in Westron: hang on
^ (OOC) Esker: That was many hundreds of years ago, Skald. As far as
     I know, it doesn't happen very much nowadays.
^ (OOC) Lucky: why can't women be priests?  misogyny!
^ (OOC) Shardik: in my opinion, somewhere probably about a thousand
     years ago, the Devil got a hold of the church and they've been
     unwittingly doing Satan's work
s at the time he died
You say in Westron: at the time he died
HP:230 EP:230> 
^ (OOC) Esker: Someone will be bringing up the Borgias pope next.,
s he was even AFK
You say in Westron: he was even AFK
HP:230 EP:230> s so he couldnt have said anything

You say in Westron: so he couldnt have said anything
HP:230 EP:230> s at ALL

You say in Westron: at ALL
HP:230 EP:230> s just for your info, its in the log

You say in Westron: just for your info, its in the log
HP:230 EP:230> 
^ (OOC) Scapegoat: If they were mysogynists i don't think they would be
     praying to Mary.
^ (OOC) Omit: women priets was a political deciesion.... there were
     women in the very early days.....
^ (OOC) Lucky: i boot stomped him on assassin's creed, esker!
s damnit i have saved the log edited
You say in Westron: damnit i have saved the log edited
HP:230 EP:230> 
^ (OOC) Skald: i pretty much hate most religions in general for their
     mass atrocities towards people they disaprove of.
^ (OOC) Lucky: praying to anyone but Jesus/God is heresy
The lights flicker and dim. You hear screaming from down the hall.
^ (OOC) Omit: same reason as the celabacy rule....
s i had the whole buffer
You say in Westron: i had the whole buffer
HP:230 EP:230> s but had to edit it to post it

You say in Westron: but had to edit it to post it
HP:230 EP:230> g

A Dingy Cell(out)
 Morwen Eledhwen
HP:230 EP:230> 
^ (OOC) Lucky: so now they are also polytheistic!
s i will use some application
You say in Westron: i will use some application
HP:230 EP:230> s for file restore

You say in Westron: for file restore
HP:230 EP:230> 
^ (OOC) Omit: church wanted the property.... was more diffacult if
     preits had famillys
s to show you exactly what happened
You say in Westron: to show you exactly what happened
HP:230 EP:230> 
^ (OOC) Skald: i pretty much think cathlics are polytheistic because
     they worship saints that basically serve the same function as minor
     gods, not to mention many saints were rippeed straight from other
     religion's traditions after being converted.
^ (OOC) Lucky: catholicism is getting PWNED today
Morwen says in Westron: there we go
You listen.
HP:230 EP:230> 
^ (OOC) Scapegoat: They are an easy target.  You don't have to worry
     about a fatwa when you make fun of them.
^ (OOC) Skald: really you can see all holidays in christinity as
     copied traditions from other cultures. christmas: that was a
     combination of roman festivles and celtic celebrations, easter: a
     norse traditions of celebrating freyja, etc. etc.
Morwen says in Westron: ^ (OOC) Faneti: legend finlay
Morwen says in Westron: ^ (OOC) Vauglir: fdl
Morwen says in Westron: ^ (OOC) Vauglir: you kill a cuban doctor
Morwen says in Westron: ^ (OOC) Vakheresh: Did he forget to breathe
Morwen says in Westron: ^ (OOC) Faneti: Really?:P
Morwen says in Westron: ^ (OOC) Irkorz: been on 3 minutes nice
Morwen says in Westron: ^ (OOC) Vakheresh: Also btw Faneti, men don't
Morwen says in Westron: ^ (OOC) Vakheresh: Especially to other men
Morwen says in Westron: ^ (OOC) Derrida winks at Vakheresh.
Morwen says in Westron: ^ (OOC) Simkin agrees with Vakheres.
Morwen says in Westron: ^ (OOC) Irkorz: oh hey daywalker whered you go
     for 5 minutes?
Morwen says in Westron: ^ (OOC) Leif: Daywalker.. why are you pvp off?
Morwen says in Westron: ^ (OOC) Daywalker: cause i suck
Morwen says in Westron: ^ (OOC) Simkin: I was buying that Dagger at
     auction too.
Morwen says in Westron: ^ (OOC) Leif: you against player killing?
Morwen says in Westron: ^ (OOC) Vakheresh: DW is a peaceful person
Morwen says in Westron: ^ (OOC) Daywalker: usually yes
Morwen says in Westron: ^ (OOC) Irkorz: he's like a monk
Morwen says in Westron: ^ (OOC) Irkorz: if only he'd take that vow of
Morwen says in Westron: ^ (OOC) Daywalker: but i dislike people who
     act smart on comm
Morwen says in Westron: ^ (OOC) Leif: but what can you do about it?
Morwen says in Westron: ^ (OOC) Vakheresh: what people who act dumb on
Morwen says in Westron: ^ (OOC) Daywalker: you can kill em and they
     are banned from comm
Morwen says in Westron: ^ (OOC) Daywalker: for 15 minutes :P
^ (OOC) Lucky: hey hey hey.  we arent making fun of all of
     christianity.  just those crazy ass catlicks!
s ?
You say in Westron: ?
HP:230 EP:230> s i dont see anything wrong here?

You say in Westron: i dont see anything wrong here?
HP:230 EP:230> s where is he saying anything bad to DW

You say in Westron: where is he saying anything bad to DW
HP:230 EP:230> s he didnt even use the comm

You say in Westron: he didnt even use the comm
HP:230 EP:230> s before the kill

You say in Westron: before the kill
HP:230 EP:230> 
^ (OOC) Elbaron: Why not?  Christianity itself is about as ridiculous
     as the catholic church itself.
^ (OOC) Esker: I thought Easter was originally martyr's day and
Morwen says in Westron: Daywalker: quit from x [Nov 23 15:36]
Morwen says in Westron: Faneti: logged in from x [Nov 23 15:36]
Morwen says in Westron: faneti committed murdering Finlay on Wed Nov
     23 15:40:02 2011
Morwen says in Westron: Faneti: quit from x [Nov 23 15:42]
Morwen says in Westron: Daywalker: logged in from x [Nov 23 15:42]
s yes
You say in Westron: yes
HP:230 EP:230> s and?

You say in Westron: and?
HP:230 EP:230> s i told you

You say in Westron: i told you
HP:230 EP:230> s he was on faneti enemy list

You say in Westron: he was on faneti enemy list
HP:230 EP:230> s i saw he is online

You say in Westron: i saw he is online
HP:230 EP:230> s so i switched to kill him

You say in Westron: so i switched to kill him
HP:230 EP:230> s something everyone does daily

You say in Westron: something everyone does daily

Morwen says in Westron: apparently he did not long before that

----now here you can see Morwen has no idea what she is talking about---


Morwen says in Westron: only a few months ago you were suspended and
     restricted to a single character
s a year
You say in Westron: a year
HP:230 EP:230> s mind you

You say in Westron: mind you
HP:230 EP:230> s my warning expired

You say in Westron: my warning expired
HP:230 EP:230> 
Morwen says in Westron: and you still continue to push and test the
s means 1 year passed
You say in Westron: means 1 year passed


Bullshit number 3


And the final result:
Morwen says in Westron: if you did you wouldn't be here
s never violated any of them, knowingly
You say in Westron: never violated any of them, knowingly
HP:230 EP:230> s no

You say in Westron: no
HP:230 EP:230> s i am here because you are looking for a way to get rid of me

You say in Westron: i am here because you are looking for a way to get rid
     of me
HP:230 EP:230> s you know very well

You say in Westron: you know very well

You say in Westron: I DID NOT MULTIPLAY
HP:230 EP:230> g

A Dingy Cell(out)
 Morwen Eledhwen
HP:230 EP:230> s seriously

You say in Westron: seriously
HP:230 EP:230> 
^ (OOC) Shardik: You need to get out there and harass more blind people
     if that's your best story.
^ (OOC) Lucky: karma is bad and good chase your ass forever

Morwen says in Westron: and switching too freely between characters to
     fit your needs

--- NO you cant switch characters to fit your needs... anyone else reading this bullshit?----------

s yes
You say in Westron: yes
HP:230 EP:230> s that i do

You say in Westron: that i do
HP:230 EP:230> s and that is ALLOWED

You say in Westron: and that is ALLOWED
HP:230 EP:230> 
^ (OOC) Lucky: well, its pretty much my only story
s i can log on any character i want
You say in Westron: i can log on any character i want
HP:230 EP:230> s at any given time

You say in Westron: at any given time
HP:230 EP:230> 
^ (OOC) Koz: idiot
^ (OOC) Lucky: he pretty much only hung out with the other deaf kids
^ (OOC) Skald: and what tjhe hell were they supposed to do if they
     can't see. running and not being able to see is almost never  ends
Morwen says in Westron: it is allowed but not to the degree that you
     are pushing it
s i see there is no point trying to convince you 
You say in Westron: i see there is no point trying to convince you
HP:230 EP:230> g

A Dingy Cell(out)
 Morwen Eledhwen
HP:230 EP:230> 
^ (OOC) Lucky: exactly, skald.  if they were deaf, i'd have held up a
     big sign that said 'SQUEALING TIRES!'
s i told you how things are
You say in Westron: i told you how things are
HP:230 EP:230> 
^ (OOC) Latty boggles.
A Dingy Cell(out)
 Morwen Eledhwen
HP:230 EP:230> 
^ (OOC) Glorb: deaf kids with sticks? lol
s but you have already made up your mind
You say in Westron: but you have already made up your mind
HP:230 EP:230> s so nuke the characters

You say in Westron: so nuke the characters
HP:230 EP:230> s and lets get this shit over with, i got work to do anyways

You say in Westron: and lets get this shit over with, i got work to do
HP:230 EP:230> 
^ (OOC) Koz: to beat the blind kids with
^ (OOC) Skald: case in point, i've got tons of scars on my forhead
     from coliding with concrete poles, trees, idiot people who don't
     move, and my brother smacking me with a barstool.
s i have logged our conversation
You say in Westron: i have logged our conversation
You say in Westron: i have no intentions of continuing argues
HP:230 EP:230> s that have absolutely no point

You say in Westron: that have absolutely no point
HP:230 EP:230> 
Morwen says in Westron: you're going to be restricted to a single
     character again, seeing how you can't be trusted to play with
     multiple ones anymore
s i told you why i killed him, what i did
You say in Westron: i told you why i killed him, what i did
HP:230 EP:230> 
^ (OOC) Skald: nothing, he was being a prick.
You shake your head.
HP:230 EP:230> 
^ (OOC) Leif: have you killed him yet?
s that is not going to happen
You say in Westron: that is not going to happen
HP:230 EP:230> s i am leaving this mud

You say in Westron: i am leaving this mud
HP:230 EP:230> s this time permanently

You say in Westron: this time permanently
HP:230 EP:230> 
^ (OOC) Shardik: did he take your stick and hit you with it?
s until the administration is changed
You say in Westron: until the administration is changed
HP:230 EP:230> 
Morwen says in Westron: that is your choice
s hopefully some day
You say in Westron: hopefully some day
HP:230 EP:230> 
^ (OOC) Leif: Shardik - it's a cain
s good luck
You say in Westron: good luck
HP:230 EP:230> 
Morwen says in Westron: if you do not wish to play anymore on a single
^ (OOC) Leif: well.. cane
^ (OOC) Shardik: thats wrong. you never hit a blind person with their
     own stick
Morwen says in Westron: then you can play elsewhere
s nah
You say in Westron: nah
HP:230 EP:230> 
^ (OOC) Skald: he's older btw. i can't even count half the jackass
     shit he's pulled off in my first ten years of my life alone.
s i will just not waste my time here
You say in Westron: i will just not waste my time here
HP:230 EP:230> g

A Dingy Cell(out)
 Morwen Eledhwen
HP:230 EP:230> 
^ (OOC) Leif: see aye enn eee - cane
s restrict, do whatever you want
You say in Westron: restrict, do whatever you want
HP:230 EP:230> s i dont really care

You say in Westron: i dont really care
HP:230 EP:230> i

Gold: 39               Encumbrance: unencumbered        
You are carrying the following on your person:
 A spellbook.
 A ranger's herb satchel (open) (worn).
 Hrafn's Jugend medallion (worn).
 A leather archer's quiver [0 arrows] (worn).
 A metal necklace (worn).
HP:230 EP:230> score

Daywalker the dunedain Incompatible (It don' matter tho)
HP: 230/230   END: 230/230   Avg. Stats: 100   Quests done: 123
Current exp: 9945870 (for 4.6 extra levels)    Total exp: 18822824
Strength: 100          Agility: 100            Charisma: 100
Constitution: 100      Coordination: 100       Intelligence: 100
Level 20 wizard, 57d 10h 13m 46s old.
HP:230 EP:230> s i spent so much time

You say in Westron: i spent so much time
HP:230 EP:230> 
Morwen says in Westron: I am not in the mood to entertain your drama
     and be forced to deal with you on a regular basis either
s giving you ideas
You say in Westron: giving you ideas
HP:230 EP:230> s trying to reason with you

You say in Westron: trying to reason with you
HP:230 EP:230> s i spent so many nerves

You say in Westron: i spent so many nerves
HP:230 EP:230> s trying to deal with incompetent interferences

You say in Westron: trying to deal with incompetent interferences
HP:230 EP:230> s and with people that have no clue what they are doing

You say in Westron: and with people that have no clue what they are doing (morwen for one)
HP:230 EP:230> 
^ (OOC) Shardik: cine?
s do whatever you want
You say in Westron: do whatever you want
HP:230 EP:230> i

Gold: 39               Encumbrance: unencumbered        
You are carrying the following on your person:
 A spellbook.
 A ranger's herb satchel (open) (worn).
 Hrafn's Jugend medallion (worn).
 A leather archer's quiver [0 arrows] (worn).
 A metal necklace (worn).
HP:230 EP:230> 
Morwen says in Westron: you're wasting your own and our time
You nod.
HP:230 EP:230> g

A Dingy Cell(out)
 Morwen Eledhwen
HP:230 EP:230> i

Gold: 39               Encumbrance: unencumbered        
You are carrying the following on your person:
 A spellbook.
 A ranger's herb satchel (open) (worn).
 Hrafn's Jugend medallion (worn).
 A leather archer's quiver [0 arrows] (worn).
 A metal necklace (worn).
HP:230 EP:230> score

Daywalker the dunedain Incompatible (It don' matter tho)
HP: 230/230   END: 230/230   Avg. Stats: 100   Quests done: 123
Current exp: 9945870 (for 4.6 extra levels)    Total exp: 18822824
Strength: 100          Agility: 100            Charisma: 100
Constitution: 100      Coordination: 100       Intelligence: 100
Level 20 wizard, 57d 10h 14m 38s old.
HP:230 EP:230> 
^ (OOC) Skald: he gave me two tablespoons of caugh medicine when i
     was 6, got high for the first time.
s obviously your time does not need ideas
You say in Westron: obviously your time does not need ideas
HP:230 EP:230> s it needs a herd of sheep to flock

You say in Westron: it needs a herd of sheep to flock
HP:230 EP:230> s good luck

You say in Westron: good luck
HP:230 EP:230> g
A Dingy Cell(out)
 Morwen Eledhwen


For those who managed to read all that donkey crap up there, I have a full copy of the mud including 90% of the content, it is uploaded to 3 different file sharing services, contact me via my skype and I will give it to anyone. 

I am tired of those pieces of shit. I have no intentions of running a copy of this crap, anyone can have it freely. Includes drivers, code, config files, even the web site! 

Have fun, sheep!