Me and Tanis took him out. Sorta spammy cause of the other peeps in the party, but only me and Tanis attaacked. Pretty cool that I got over 950 gold from the corpse.
Goodl Luck Duniv! *slips the doctor 500 gold to up the voltage*
Nubodi beets mi in gramar!
Duniv is currently enrolled in a homophone recognition course. Wish him luck on his exam next week.
I need some sort of electrical shock device to go off whenever I do that. (kicks himself)
Indeed, muh' dawgs.
Nah, Wise, Mizrahi is the One.
Yeah, I am the grammar master here!
And _you're_ not either, Duniv. :)
*chuckle* true after mispelling is but oh well :P
Your not exactly one to be giving out grammar lessons.
:/ what can i say you had some nice timing assholes :P. To bad Orlandu couldn't do it himself. btw ATTACKED if spelled like that.