
Posted by
Fernando [legacy]
08 July 2011 00:00:00

Con Artistry is a gift! Old trick, old newbie!

^ (OOC) Quintin: Anyone wants freshly fortified CM?
^ (OOC) Eaoden: nobody, sorry
^i do
^ (OOC) Fernando: i do
                                                                The Two Towers

Total friends and enemies: 0
Total users: 45

    This is a private room at the Prancing Pony.  It feels relatively 
ordinary, with a simple bed and night stand upon the sturdy hardwood 
floor.  Nevertheless, it is neat, tidy, and most certainly comfortable.  
A small flight of stairs goes back down to the inn.  It wouldn't be too 
difficult to fall asleep in here.
    The only obvious exit is down.
 A trash can

comm list
Tuned to the comm line are:
Aaganara, Alzreth, Ayal, Bandlin, Celoril, Cori, Cyrka, Dolur, Eaoden,
Fernando, Grick, Hyrule, Kaiju, Kentano, Laromir, Latty, Lunner, Mekero,
Morkar, Narduil, Pesten, Pippen, Polk, Quintin, Saleth, Scapegoat,
Sorolae, Thyme, Vakheresh, Valdamir

comm hist
Last 40 comms are:
[800] [18:00] ^ (OOC) Vakheresh: Sean never existed
[801] [18:00] ^ (OOC) Esteban: Add me!
[802] [18:03] ^ (OOC) Quintin: do easterlings on pelennor not have axe belt anymore?
[803] [18:06] ^ (OOC) Quintin: Galalain is in Eriador at Bree.  In the room: Arguindel's Trading Post.
[804] [18:06] ^ (OOC) Quintin: doh
[805] [18:06] ^ (OOC) Mekero: HAHAH
[806] [18:11] ^ (OOC) Quintin: wagon4sale
[807] [18:13] ^ (OOC) Thyme: oh brandy!
[808] [18:15] ^ (OOC) Latty: I'm FB friends with random t2t people. I'm not sure if we're friends Esteban.
[809] [18:15] ^ (OOC) Celoril is not your friend, Latty.
[810] [18:15] ^ (OOC) Latty: No, I don't think we are friends, Celoril.
[811] [18:16] ^ (OOC) Vakheresh: Are we friends?
[812] [18:16] ^ (OOC) Kentano: we r best frnds Latty!
[813] [18:16] ^ (OOC) Latty agrees with Kentano.
[814] [18:16] ^ (OOC) Vakheresh: :(
[815] [18:17] ^ (OOC) Eaoden: aww, quintin unidled himself
[816] [18:17] ^ (OOC) Latty: Why you playin games if we already fwendz Vak? Always causin trouble.
[817] [18:18] ^ (OOC) Kaiju: kentano?
[818] [18:18] ^ (OOC) Kaiju: im not your friend, friend
[819] [18:19] ^ (OOC) Cori has not friends
[820] [18:19] ^ (OOC) Kaiju: fidel
[821] [18:19] ^ (OOC) Kentano: awww me neither :(
[822] [18:22] ^ (OOC) Thyme: when can we sell exp mathias?
[823] [18:22] ^ (OOC) Colven: When will pvp flags be removed?
[824] [18:23] ^ (OOC) Kentano: when will i be a real boy?
[825] [18:23] ^ (OOC) Ayal: after your surgery
--More--(65%  line 27 of 41)--
[826] [18:23] ^ (OOC) Kentano: excellent
[827] [18:26] ^ (OOC) Latty: We is fwendz Kaiju!
[828] [18:26] ^ (OOC) Saleth is not friends with Kaiju :(
[829] [18:26] ^ (OOC) Cori: who is Kaiju?
[830] [18:26] ^ (OOC) Vakheresh: Isn't that a kid's show?
[831] [18:27] ^ (OOC) Kaiju: we are?!
[832] [18:31] ^ (OOC) Latty is a big boy, no kids show. You can go to jail for that sort of thing.
[833] [18:33] ^ (OOC) Grick cries about lag!
[834] [18:34] ^ (OOC) Cori: Mens don't cry, and your lag isnt enough
[835] [18:36] ^ (OOC) Eaoden: >mens
[836] [18:36] ^ (OOC) Eaoden: yes, I am greentexting on t2t
[837] [18:37] ^ (OOC) Quintin: Anyone wants freshly fortified CM?
[838] [18:38] ^ (OOC) Eaoden: nobody, sorry
[839] [18:39] ^ (OOC) Fernando: i do

Your actions interrupt your rest.
Prancing Pony Inn(u, e, sw and n)
 An innkeeper
 A sign... look at it

invite quintin
You invite Quintin to your room.

Prancing Pony Private Renting Room(d)
 A trash can

                                                                The Two Towers

Total friends and enemies: 0
Total users: 45

^ (OOC) Saleth: Fernando is in Eriador at Bree. In the room: Prancing
     Pony Private Renting Room.
^ (OOC) Saleth: Keel it
^ (OOC) Ayal: mudsex??

^ayal got it
^ (OOC) Fernando: ayal got it
^ (OOC) Ayal: that's the only thing that happens at prancing
Quintin visits your inn room in Bree.
Quintin appears from the shadows.
Quintin looks at you.
Quintin hooms.

l quintin
Merlac says: You must first set a description with the 'describe' command.

Quintin is truly gifted!
Quintin is lucky indeed!
Quintin is lucky indeed!
Quintin has been solemnly blessed by Elves.
 He is carrying:
A pair of mail pants (mended) (worn).
A studded leather baldric containing a crimson longsword (worn).
A dwarven hauberk (worn).
A magenta tulip.
A four leaf clover.
A four leaf clover.
A straight knife.
An elven shield (mended) (worn).
Chainmail gloves (mended) (worn).
A small golden locket (worn).
A dwarven mining pack (worn).
A bloodstained cloak (worn).
An old leather baldric (worn).
A silver harp.
A fiddle case (closed).
A ceramic ocarina.
A steel ring (worn).
A ranger's herb satchel (open) (worn).
An ancient, well-preserved book.
A spellbook.
^ (OOC) Saleth: Eaoden is in Eriador at Bree. In the room: Prancing
     Pony Common Room.

say cm?
You say in Westron: cm?

^ (OOC) Saleth: Guess they just finished
Quintin says in Westron: mine?
Quintin says in Westron: Max
^ (OOC) Ayal: or eaoden is finding another victim

say let me condition it?
You say in Westron: let me condition it?

Gold: 212              Encumbrance: unencumbered        
You are carrying the following on your person:
 A spellbook.

    This is a private room at the Prancing Pony.  It feels relatively 
ordinary, with a simple bed and night stand upon the sturdy hardwood 
floor.  Nevertheless, it is neat, tidy, and most certainly comfortable.  
A small flight of stairs goes back down to the inn.  It wouldn't be too 
difficult to fall asleep in here.
    The only obvious exit is down.
 Quintin the dunedain the Wandering Istar
 A trash can

Quintin says in Westron: condition what?

^ (OOC) Latty: No they're finished when he enters your rented room

say the fortified CM you offered
You say in Westron: the fortified CM you offered

Quintin says in Westron: no.
^ (OOC) Saleth: I don't mudsex in the Prancing Pony
^ (OOC) Saleth: That's so passe

You boggle at the concept.

^ (OOC) Kentano: in the open?
^ (OOC) Latty: Fernando was just taking Eaoden for a walk. He'll be
     along to you shortly.

Alexa tells you: a dwarven hauberk is now on sale as lot 403, minimum bid
     300 gold FRESH! GV! recruiting.

Quintin says in Westron: what was your offer anyway?
^ (OOC) Ayal: gotta do it fancy, mt 7 inn room
^ (OOC) Saleth: I'm old-school. I go in the bywater bush
^ (OOC) Ayal: or harrowdale

say 700, fair?
You say in Westron: 700, fair?
    This is a private room at the Prancing Pony.  It feels relatively 
ordinary, with a simple bed and night stand upon the sturdy hardwood 
floor.  Nevertheless, it is neat, tidy, and most certainly comfortable.  
A small flight of stairs goes back down to the inn.  It wouldn't be too 
difficult to fall asleep in here.
    The only obvious exit is down.
 Quintin the dunedain the Wandering Istar
 A trash can

^ (OOC) Laromir: Or live on the dangerous side at Mt. Doom?

Quintin ohs interestedly.
Quintin blahs.
Quintin says in Westron: I can use it for golding tmrw
^ (OOC) Saleth: Ayal and I mudsexed in the fireplace at the twilight

say so why did you offer?
You say in Westron: so why did you offer?

^ (OOC) Dolur: lies
Quintin says in Westron: because I want someone to pay absurd amount
     for it
Quintin winks.
^ (OOC) Ayal: except I had to finish myself off cause you couldn't
     come in :(

say how much?
You say in Westron: how much?
^ (OOC) Latty: Saleth's a tease.
Quintin hooms.
Quintin says in Westron: 2k ish

say well, you could sell it for 1k and still gold
You say in Westron: well, you could sell it for 1k and still gold
^ (OOC) Saleth: Ayal ran in there after I said I wanted to cuddle
     afterwards :(

say anyways, could you help me get a weapon?
You say in Westron: anyways, could you help me get a weapon?
l quintin
Merlac says: You must first set a description with the 'describe' command.

Quintin is truly gifted!
Quintin is lucky indeed!
Quintin is lucky indeed!
Quintin has been solemnly blessed by Elves.
 He is carrying:
A pair of mail pants (mended) (worn).
A studded leather baldric containing a crimson longsword (worn).
A dwarven hauberk (worn).
A magenta tulip.
A four leaf clover.
A four leaf clover.
A straight knife.
An elven shield (mended) (worn).
Chainmail gloves (mended) (worn).
A small golden locket (worn).
A dwarven mining pack (worn).
A bloodstained cloak (worn).
An old leather baldric (worn).
A silver harp.
A fiddle case (closed).
A ceramic ocarina.
A steel ring (worn).
A ranger's herb satchel (open) (worn).
An ancient, well-preserved book.
A spellbook.
Quintin says in Westron: I have like 8 fresh cutlasses.
Quintin says in Westron: You into those?
say sure, but i started a quest and need to finish it
You say in Westron: sure, but i started a quest and need to finish it
^ (OOC) Aaganara: That's so sad
Quintin boggles at the concept.
^ (OOC) Aaganara: Maybe we need mudsex flags too
^ (OOC) Kentano: Nooooooooooooooooooooooo

alias 22 steal pack from quintin
Alias: 22 (steal pack from quintin) altered.
alias 11 steal sheath from quintin
Alias: 11 (steal sheath from quintin) altered.

say could you help?
You say in Westron: could you help?
^ (OOC) Ayal: yours would be on then :P

party form
You form a new party.
Quintin says in Westron: what quest?
Quintin says in Westron: I'm going to bed soon probably
^ (OOC) Latty smirks.

say need to kill some rats to get an axe near combe
You say in Westron: need to kill some rats to get an axe near combe

^ (OOC) Saleth: At least Kentano invited me to be bar and ordered me a
     drink first
^ (OOC) Aaganara: Depends how much you're paying Ayl
^ (OOC) Eaoden: safe <person> for nonlethal mudsex

say you can probably finish 'em in one hit =p
You say in Westron: you can probably finish 'em in one hit =p

^ (OOC) Quintin: I don't know if mud sexing ways could be represented
     by one bit.

Quintin whips a crimson longsword from a studded leather baldric in a blinding blur of motion!!
Quintin wields a crimson longsword.
Quintin shrugs.

party invite quintin
You invited Quintin to join your party.

Quintin says in Westron: What's the dir?

^ (OOC) Latty: Eaoden would have a flag on then too!
^ (OOC) Aaganara: Quintin dear god, go to bed.
^ (OOC) Kentano: No Saleth that was Undome selling me :((

say dunno, i go by hand
You say in Westron: dunno, i go by hand
say follow
You say in Westron: follow
Prancing Pony Inn(u, e, sw and n)
 An innkeeper
 A sign... look at it
Quintin enters.
Quintin leaves southwest.
Prancing Pony Common Room(d, e, ne and s)
 Quintin the dunedain the Wandering Istar
 Valdamir Numendacil the dunedain Barrow Wight
 Alzreth the dunedain Veteran (Angelic)
 A keg of Staddle Brown Ale
 A keg of Staddle Special Reserve
 Eaoden Tasartir the dunedain Guide (Hand of Eru)
 A trash can
 A drunken sailor
 Butterbur is here, gossiping and serving ale [24 rumours, 22 new]
Quintin leaves south.
You can't go that way!
^ (OOC) Saleth: Oh, yeah, that's right
East main street of Bree(w, e, s and n)
 Cromwell's brown horse [2]
 Atonir's large stallion
 Defions' black horse
East of main street(w, e, s and n)
West main street of Bree(se, w, e, s and n)
 A sign with the map of Bree
 Ratty the goat
Inside the West Gate of Bree(w, e and n)
 A wrought iron key
 A wealthy looking chubby man
West Gate of Bree(w, e, s, n and nw)
 Quintin's huge wagon (being pulled by Quintin's white stallion)
 Quintin's white stallion [packed]
 Quintin is riding Quintin's white stallion [packed]
 Thyme's white stallion [packed]
 A big sign
 An old wise-looking ranger
 A town guard [2]
The Plains(w, e, s and n)
 A brown horse
Quintin enters, driving a horse-drawn huge wagon.
The Plains(w, e, s and n)
 An old horse
Quintin enters, driving a horse-drawn huge wagon.
Bree-hill(w, e, s and n)
A scenic valley(w, e, town, ne, s, farm and n)
 Garrett's pony [packed] (hitched)
 A hitching post
 A town guard
Bree-hill(w, e, s and n)
 Quintin's huge wagon (being pulled by Quintin's white stallion)
 Quintin's white stallion [packed]
 Quintin is riding Quintin's white stallion [packed]
Quintin leaves east, driving a horse-drawn huge wagon.
A scenic valley(w, e, town, ne, s, farm and n)
 Quintin's huge wagon (being pulled by Quintin's white stallion)
 Quintin's white stallion [packed]
 Quintin is riding Quintin's white stallion [packed]
 Garrett's pony [packed] (hitched)
 A hitching post
 A town guard
A path leading to Combe(ne, s and valley)
Quintin enters, driving a horse-drawn huge wagon.
The Combe Town Square(se, e, sw, s, nw and n)
 Typhus' white stallion
 A merchant
^ (OOC) Kentano: We might need that flag after all!
Quintin enters, driving a horse-drawn huge wagon.
You erm.
The Combe general store(w)
 A trash can
 Matilda the shopkeeper
The Combe Town Square(se, e, sw, s, nw and n)
 Quintin's huge wagon (being pulled by Quintin's white stallion)
 Quintin's white stallion [packed]
 Quintin is riding Quintin's white stallion [packed]
 Typhus' white stallion
 A merchant
Quintin dismounts his white stallion.
Quintin leaves east.
A path leading to Combe(ne, s and valley)
A scenic valley(w, e, town, ne, s, farm and n)
 Garrett's pony [packed] (hitched)
 A hitching post
 A town guard
Guard asks you: What brings you to these parts, O weary traveler?
An old Farmhouse(house and valley)
 Earl Crumman stands here, leaning on the fence
Alexa tells you: a beautiful longsword of elven make is now on sale as lot
     404, minimum bid 150 gold Fresh
A scenic valley(w, e, town, ne, s, farm and n)
 Garrett's pony [packed] (hitched)
 A hitching post
 A town guard

tell quintin valley
You tell Quintin: valley

Quintin's invitation to join your party has expired.
Quintin enters, driving a horse-drawn huge wagon.
^ (OOC) Latty: Then Kentano can hit Eaoden with his staff legally.
An old Farmhouse(house and valley)
 Earl Crumman stands here, leaning on the fence
Quintin enters.

say house, rats are there
You say in Westron: house, rats are there

say pro?
You say in Westron: pro?

^ (OOC) Ayal: in the chin, like the good ole days.

protect quintin
You begin protecting Quintin.

^ (OOC) Saleth: feel staff - The staff is warm and vibrates softly in
     your hands.

Quintin laughs out loud. (thought he busted me here, but i went on...)

^ (OOC) Quintin: multi speed Saleth?
^ (OOC) Latty: Saleth we told you experimental surgery was a bad
^ (OOC) Eaoden: my tender soul :(

say or should i shield?
You say in Westron: or should i shield?

Quintin boggles at the concept.
Quintin attacks Earl.
Earl spins around and throws Quintin to the ground.
Earl attacks you.
Earl misses you.

You are too busy with the battle to try to steal anything.

Quintin cuts into Earl, leaving a bloody gash.
You hit Earl.
Earl misses you.
Earl shouts: Help!
Quintin cuts into Earl's flesh with careless ease.
You graze Earl.
Earl misses you.
Quintin boggles at the concept.
Quintin inflicts massive damage to Earl with a brutal attack!
You graze Earl.
Earl misses you.
You can't go that way!
Quintin cuts into Earl's flesh with careless ease.
You miss Earl.
Earl grazes you.
    You are just outside the yard of an old decaying farmhouse.  A broken
fence lines the limits of the yard, which has long since been taken
over by weeds.  In the distance, you can see the house, its paint peeling,
and windows either broken or boarded up.
    The only obvious exits are house and valley.
 Quintin the dunedain the Wandering Istar
 Earl Crumman stands here, leaning on the fence
Quintin sticks the sword into Earl with deadly precision.
You graze Earl.
Earl hits you.
Earl says: Take that!

A scenic valley(w, e, town, ne, s, farm and n)
 Quintin's huge wagon (being pulled by Quintin's white stallion)
 Quintin's white stallion [packed]
 Garrett's pony [packed] (hitched)
 A hitching post
 A town guard
Guard says in Westron: Welcome to the town of Combe!

tell quintin what did you do man?
You tell Quintin: what did you do man?

Quintin enters.
Quintin mounts his white stallion.
^ (OOC) Saleth: This staff comes in tan, black, brown, and flesh
Guard says in Westron: It is my job to protect the citizens of Combe.
Quintin says in Westron: I thought you watned him dead
Quintin dismounts his white stallion.
Quintin leaves for the farm.
say noo, the rats
You say in Westron: noo, the rats

An old Farmhouse(house and valley)
 Quintin the dunedain the Wandering Istar
 Corpse of Earl
Quintin removes a crimson longsword.
Quintin puts a crimson longsword into a studded leather baldric.
    You are just outside the yard of an old decaying farmhouse.  A broken
fence lines the limits of the yard, which has long since been taken
over by weeds.  In the distance, you can see the house, its paint peeling,
and windows either broken or boarded up.
    The only obvious exits are house and valley.
 Quintin the dunedain the Wandering Istar
 Corpse of Earl
^ (OOC) Saleth: A strange veined staff (wielded)
^ (OOC) Vakheresh: I'll take it tan
^ (OOC) Saleth: *runed, my bad
say no, the rats
You say in Westron: no, the rats

^ (OOC) Vakheresh: nevermind
Quintin falls to the ground.

^ (OOC) Vakheresh: I think I'll go vomit over there
You steal a dwarven mining pack!
You need a moment to regain your composure from your last theft attempt.
^ (OOC) Latty: Vakheresh you'll take it no matter what. =P
You need a moment to regain your composure from your last theft attempt.
You need a moment to regain your composure from your last theft attempt.
You need a moment to regain your composure from your last theft attempt.
You need a moment to regain your composure from your last theft attempt.
You steal a studded leather baldric containing a crimson longsword!
Quintin regains consciousness.
You'll need a free hand to steal something.
^ (OOC) Vakheresh: True
Quintin looks at you.
^ (OOC) Saleth: Vakheresh is my staff sling :/
A scenic valley(w, e, town, ne, s, farm and n)
 An old horse
 Quintin's huge wagon (being pulled by Quintin's white stallion)
 Quintin's white stallion [packed]
 Garrett's pony [packed] (hitched)
 A hitching post
 A town guard
Bree-hill(w, e, s and n)
The Plains(w, e, s and n)
 An old horse
The Plains(w, e, s and n)
 A brown horse
West Gate of Bree(w, e, s, n and nw)
 Thyme's white stallion [packed]
 A big sign
 An old wise-looking ranger
 A town guard [2]
Quintin enters, driving a horse-drawn huge wagon.
Inside the West Gate of Bree(w, e and n)
 A wrought iron key
 A wealthy looking chubby man
West main street of Bree(se, w, e, s and n)
 A sign with the map of Bree
 Ratty the goat
East of main street(w, e, s and n)
East main street of Bree(w, e, s and n)
 Cromwell's brown horse [2]
 Atonir's large stallion
 Defions' black horse
Prancing Pony Common Room(d, e, ne and s)
 Valdamir Numendacil the dunedain Barrow Wight
 Alzreth the dunedain Veteran (Angelic)
 A keg of Staddle Brown Ale
 A keg of Staddle Special Reserve
 Eaoden Tasartir the dunedain Guide (Hand of Eru)
 A trash can
 A drunken sailor
 Butterbur is here, gossiping and serving ale [24 rumours, 22 new]
Prancing Pony Inn(u, e, sw and n)
 An innkeeper
 A sign... look at it
You have been issued a subpoena for stealing from Quintin.
  You have 1 hour to report to the nearest judge and enter your plea.
^ (OOC) Vakheresh: Can I be made of black leather?
uninvite quintin
You cancel your invitation of Quintin.
Prancing Pony Private Renting Room(d)
 A trash can
    This is a private room at the Prancing Pony.  It feels relatively 
ordinary, with a simple bed and night stand upon the sturdy hardwood 
floor.  Nevertheless, it is neat, tidy, and most certainly comfortable.  
A small flight of stairs goes back down to the inn.  It wouldn't be too 
difficult to fall asleep in here.
    The only obvious exit is down.
 A trash can
i pack
^ (OOC) Latty nicknames Vakheresh "the gimp"
Gold: 212              Encumbrance: lightly encumbered  
You dig around in your dwarven mining pack and find:
Your dwarven mining pack is less than half full.
 A menacing spiked mace.
^ (OOC) Saleth: No, you can be made of a Catholic schoolgirl outfit
     like I told you the first time!
^ (OOC) Vakheresh: YES
^ (OOC) Fernando: BID!
^ (OOC) Vakheresh: FINALLY
You have been issued a subpoena for stealing from Quintin.
  You have 1 hour to report to the nearest judge and enter your plea.
^how can i save logs in this t2t flash client?
^ (OOC) Fernando: how can i save logs in this t2t flash client?
Eaoden tells you: I love you

some tells:

Quintin told you: you really want to get reported for that crappy gaer?
You told Quintin: it's not about the gear, it's about fun
Quintin told you: ehm, why don't you give me back my things
You told Quintin: drop the reports?
Quintin told you: after you give me my things, yes.
You told Quintin: no deal then
You told Quintin: i don't trust you
Quintin told you: you don't have any reason not to.  and you're the thief,
     not me.
You told Quintin: not trusting is the general rule :)
You told Quintin: you trusted me once, why can't you trust a second time?
You told Eaoden:  :)
Quintin told you: .. because you just stole from me?
You told Quintin: you killed Earl :(
You told Quintin: i thought you only killed bree guards, didn't know you
     were that mean
Quintin told you: wtf are you talking about.  I'm never in Bree
You told Quintin: are you the old quintin?
Quintin told you: waitin for my things
You told Quintin: waiting for the reports to be dropped
Quintin told you: that's not how it works.
You told Quintin: then it won't work
Quintin told you: I'm not letting you off so you can keep my things
     without paying.  I'm not stupid.
--More--(60%  line 27 of 45)--
You told Quintin: really? now that's news... could you help me in
     *another* quest?
You told Quintin: still, i don't have any use for gold or your things...
     if you drop the reports they are yours
Quintin told you: no reason to trust you
You told Quintin: *shrug*

Quintin told you: tick tock
You told Quintin: cuco

In the end, shit was auctioned and i don't know when i'll log again to check those fines =p