Approached to kill for 5k plus fines
Someone get that kid a shoe contract.
lul gud gramar
Yeah, this is really really gay. :P
This comment thread sucks ass now. :(
A comma after the I would be completely ridiculous. 'I at least' is stressing a different part of the sentence, it's a matter of expression not of grammar. The 'correctly' I'd argue is superfluous and does nothing to clarify the sentence. Since he said 'when to use' it's implying that he knows specific times (ie. the correct times) where each should be used. He clearly doesn't mean he knows when to use them incorrectly.
I wasn't wrong.
'I at least' whilst not incorrect in a word order sense, should have a comma after the I. 'at least I' flows better and doesn't require a comma after two consecutive words.
The 'correctly' part is more of a matter of taste. I'd tend to prefer it to clarify what the sentence is about, but it's not required.
He posted the link to capitalization to show you should've capitalized the letter 'i', probably hoping to draw attention away from the fact he was wrong about the other two things he tried to correct.
And that proves?
I wouldn't have brought it up had he not been whining to someone else about their English.
i at least is also correct, no apology necessary, unless your name is formid
Wrongly put 'I' is cause of Polish language and 'correctly' is unnecessary word to understand meaning of sentence, so is wrongly put 'I' also...
Yeah, go fuck yourself. ;)
Hey, //at least// **I** know when to use 'your' and 'you're' **correctly**.
Hey, i at least know when to use 'your' and 'you're'.
Lol, Kelevra you herk from herkimer, you.
Did put you under so much impression with my comment in one of your previous logs, which i don't remember what was about (neither comment or log), so now you think about me every time you create a new one?
That's kinda... insane/wrong/crazy/dumb/gayish/herkish.
JUst To gIVe yuO somEThinG to Talk aBOUt
What's the point of capitalizing 'Contract' and 'Fulfilled' in phrase 'Personal Contract Fulfilled', yet not capitalizing 'ok' when it is used to start a sentence?
You guys are fuckin lame with all your pk-ness!