They had set up for me coming out of Mordor. Luckily my spider sense was tingling, so I readied a flask and crept up...I'm stingy with flasks though so I preferred getting out with low hp to using it :) That MELS thing hurts. Who's Balance these days?
Noone, except you Baklen *grins at the irony*
Ruiniel do you realize noone comments on your tags no more? *hmms* maybe one day you'll realize why.
Spartan can easily be killed, I've done it.You gotta take him serious to do it though.I refuse to do this.
If it was meant for a solo kill, why did you all attack him?
Dormin, your ******* retarded man :P You've said its typical of me to say that stuff all the time :P lay off the fetish dude...And btw, it was meant for a solo kill, and I was meant for a trigger, he came at a wrong time, this 'is' a fine log, dayam nice hits :) nice job Zoso
I tried to do this once but it took me too long and they left before it panned out for me. The best way would have had him in mordor before he even got attacked, so I guess that wouldnt be good ;)
Zoso would've been dead if the attackers would've triggered.
Naw Squibb, he wouldn't wanna get ME hardbanned :PP
Mizrahibirish yo momma!
Bah, forgot Barazbund (fights like a dwarven bitch).
Best people here:
ME (Da coolest!)
Dormin (hunted like a bitch)
Maronan (fought like a bitch)
Nevarin (never found out his alt but the guy really impressed me).
Summem (a real freak)
Yun (damn freak)
Rendor (Cool sassy)
Mrga (levels up like a freak)
So, Squibb, obviously, he isn't:P
So, squibb, obviously, not
Dormin, you usually opt to get people harbaned who are better than you?
is that your tactic now?
To my list of hardbans you can add Duniv for disgracing the D names out there in the land of Mizrahibirish.
It was fun. I barely payed any gold and the guy only lived with 60 hp from 200 something. I just regret I didn't know which break he was going to. Anyways, he broke us good.
Dormin, this is Arda, not paradise:P
*shrug*, I have good memories of megs, they used to be cool. The ambiguously gay duo that is spartan and grum is another matter though.
I wouldn't exactly compare this to the bang in which Spartan die. If the others had triggered, Zoso would have been toast. As far as that balance comment. I sincerely hope your kidding.
Nice job Zoso. Typical of Grum to say a log is crappy then be caught up in another gangbang log. I wonder if Melkor would hardban all megs except Silverwolf, majority of the Daedin, and any and all of Aranuir's stolen alts if the mud would be better?