To kill a pvp off ER in mordor... not a common thing! I had been stalking them GBs for quite some time. Posting for Faneti Mazakura.
i hear daywalker likes donkey shows.
I do, its a rating on every log of mine! There is no bad advertisement:)
Just do it with your alts, if you care so much.
No no, i prefer Cruice not to choke... who will rate all my logs with 1 if he is gone :(
Well, with his look he won't get any anyway. So, i assume you suck on knees then, since you can't help him. I hope you choke and die, that'd be funny.
Kelevra knows all about being on his knees. You should take his advice Arithon, he's a pro.
Why did you hibernate? Trying to do some jogging instead of mudding? I'd recommend you cycling, since your knees might not handle your weight.
Nope! Managed to dodge top activity, Kelevra, thanks for asking. I miss you, buddy. When are you coming back? Oh, right...
Are you still best on top activity, ari? I think that might make you more insane than quiauh was.
After arithon's comment i'm both with Douglas(!) and Kelevra on this one.
I am, indeed, an idiot. I am also, however, an idiot who is still playing this game and not trolling the logpage like a homesick puppy, Kelevra.
On the other hand, this was a good kill. I slipped. Shit happens.
Crytzch is an idiot, it's simple as that.
What's the reason for killing Crytzch? He wasn't even in GB during the herk wars. Going with Douglas on this one.
And they are not random, all of them have a reason behind their death.
You should notice, I am killing ERs in mordor...
raising an ER alt so u can randomkill in mordor is so 2007
uhm... I have no problem with his alt?
the only time you have to explain why you killed someone is when you're trying to hide the fact that you have a problem with their alt.