Norin asked me to post. Nothing fancy.
Haha i liked my armbar on the finals match too. But triangle was more badass coz the guy slept and almost broke his arm. haha
fucking nice triangle!
Lobo! They have some videos of me during my last BJJ competition!, gerb inajada. haha
howdy Jubal! king of mma!
Ah.. That sucks. hehe
Howdy Norin :)
You can basically turn off pvp if you want (except in mordor/mm).
(If you wanted to know what they are?)
So what's up with these PVP flags?
Woot a new log...
Excellent timing brother!
I would have rated this a six on all of my characters. <3 Ayal!
this place is dead, and you deprive us of log ratings, something else to argue about? you suck :(
You need to post more to satisfy my needs Ayal.
Nice log though. ;)