convo with Mathiasso

Posted by
Kelevra [legacy]
18 November 2010 00:00:00

Just so people stop asking me why i got banned. I had some hungover so i said some senseless bullshit it seems. Parts of it could probably make it to next tidbits...


  • Author
    Trescothik [legacy]
    06 December 2010 05:09:19

    the jezebels? lame

  • Author
    Winnetou [legacy]
    27 November 2010 01:31:38

    go tell that to the noobs who banned us

  • Author
    Akhazir [legacy]
    26 November 2010 11:54:06

    Considering most of what you all did was against each other and didn't have anything to do with most players the only difference we're seeing is a lack of comms like 'You cheated' 'No, you cheated' 'Well you can't tell me I cheated because you cheated.'

  • Author
    Kelevra [legacy]
    25 November 2010 21:50:19

    I feel better:P

  • Author
    Winnetou [legacy]
    25 November 2010 21:19:00

    anyone notice how there are no logs anymore, after we all got banned. hope you are feeling better now in a quiet mud where nobody fun plays.

  • Author
    Winnetou [legacy]
    24 November 2010 16:51:51

    :{{ just trying to make friends, sorry:{

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    24 November 2010 05:54:57

    Winnie it doesn't work when you do it because there's no doubt that you actually mean the crazy shit you talk about. And did anyone listen to that song? Isn't it great?

  • Author
    Feldon [legacy]
    24 November 2010 05:38:33

    rofl this game is too serious. try real life its less serious

  • Author
    Winnetou [legacy]
    23 November 2010 00:45:25

    don't respond with flaming towards Hirgail's opening up... we might frustrate the child's final normal reaction.

    Hirgo, don't listen to them, I'm with you!:P

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    22 November 2010 06:02:21

    Enough of this though. Instead of being a shit talking moron I'd like to share something wonderful with you guys.

    This is a song by an Australian band called The Jezabels. Right now it's my favorite song and I hope you guys like it too.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    22 November 2010 05:54:49

    And I love these kinds of LOGS. They bring OUT so many people typing in ALL caps. Hell EVEN I did it. Isn't THAT something?

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    22 November 2010 05:42:53

    Me too Urban. I'm honestly shocked that I can milk 5 year old credibility to troll this site like a motherfucker. I'll keep doing it as long as you guys let me:P

  • Author
    Urban [legacy]
    22 November 2010 05:00:08

    i am always 110% sincere thanks.

  • Author
    Kelevra [legacy]
    21 November 2010 23:57:35

    Oh meh... i hate log page irony. But it sounded sensible tho.

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    21 November 2010 23:12:17

    I'm pretty sure Urban was being ironic, kelevra.

  • Author
    Kelevra [legacy]
    21 November 2010 21:59:03

    I didn't even bother killing armandil that much, neither ever considered him as rival. He's just some imbecile i came across while playing this game.

  • Author
    Trap [legacy]
    21 November 2010 17:26:08

    The mud admin in this regard remind me EXACTLY of the management of the company i work for! We have one project manager that got promoted cause he is a friend of the boss, and he's to fat and lazy to do any work out on the floor, and to fat and lazy to find a job any where else, so they promoted him hoping he'd do better as a project manager, but guess what, he's still fat and lazy! Now all the hard working people feel like being fat and lazy, cause thats how he got ahead, along with others just like him.

    So, here on T2T it seems like the hard worker, though he may have somewhat harassed his ENEMIES and their allies, goes down much harder than the CHEATERS who overall made this game less fun to play for EVERYONE????

    Can't wait till your 1 week/3 months/1 year is up, we'll be keeping your place in the halls ready for your return!

  • Author
    Urban [legacy]
    21 November 2010 16:08:27

    He said something about missing the 'great rivalry' between the 2 of you... :(

  • Author
    Kelevra [legacy]
    21 November 2010 14:59:07

    Why would Armandil suicide?

  • Author
    Mirnac [legacy]
    21 November 2010 14:10:39

    There is a newspaper clip in sweden where they ask people on the street what they think about child work. One older lady responded: I would never buy something that a child made because they have no sense for quality.

  • Author
    Klardin [legacy]
    21 November 2010 08:40:08

    labor costs are great hirgail! :P and uh.. no workplace sexual harassment! and.. they have small hands so could work on smaller things easily! hrm ya i dunno

  • Author
    Urban [legacy]
    21 November 2010 06:25:59


  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    21 November 2010 04:36:58

    I couldn't possibly Winnie. That'd be like taking the pro in a debate on the virtues of child slavery.

  • Author
    Winnetou [legacy]
    21 November 2010 03:54:40

    you rock. now defend the position that you suck, please, and be truthfukl:}

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    21 November 2010 02:01:40

    I figured out long ago that if whatever position or tactic I adopt is in opposition to yours Winnipoo, then it can't be wrong.

  • Author
    Winnetou [legacy]
    20 November 2010 23:48:14

    sunflash you are mean. you are saying that we should bully each other irl rather than here? wtf. go away.

  • Author
    Douglas [legacy]
    20 November 2010 22:09:23

    cry moar?

  • Author
    Sunflash [legacy]
    20 November 2010 21:37:17

    Alex was a person, and you're a piece of fucking trash IRL. The reality is that you don't have the balls to come out with your garbage attitude IRL, so you come online to talk shit. It's not about whether or not we matter to you, or whether you view us as real people. It's that you're such a cowardly piece of shit who probably just gets bullied in all walks of life IRL that you try to come on this logpage/mud and prove to yourself that you're someone you're not because if you said it in person, we'd break your legs.

    Unfortunately for you, nothing changes when you talk big on the internet. You're a sniveling little child with no respect for anyone and the social skills of a fucking feral raccoon, and you will never accomplish anything in life as a result. Enjoy your failure, shitbag.

  • Author
    Douglas [legacy]
    20 November 2010 21:16:22

    keep crying sunflash. the world doesn't revolve around this mud. if i took the steps irl that i dare take here, i'd be locked up. i dont see any of you as people. that's why i don't give a fuck about anything i do here.

  • Author
    Sunflash [legacy]
    20 November 2010 21:14:12

    Hahahahaha. Sorry kiddo, you're not going to escape the fact that you're a piece of shit with weak jabs like that.

  • Author
    Douglas [legacy]
    20 November 2010 17:00:44

    Sunflash, when you beat off thinking of Aeryn, do you use a condom?

  • Author
    Polk [legacy]
    20 November 2010 14:48:44

    Douglas > 10^18Sunflash

  • Author
    Sunflash [legacy]
    20 November 2010 12:09:31

    Dunno wtf you're talking about, Shabba. Hirgail's point on him only needing to not cheat and harass is pretty fucking solid. Also, let's petition to have Douglas hardbanned for just being a piece of fucking trash.

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    20 November 2010 10:04:32

    I used to like Hirgail but what he's posted as of late proves he knows shit all about what's going on. A shame really, but who needs the MUD anyways. Been mostly clean from half a year to a year and shit is good.

  • Author
    Douglas [legacy]
    20 November 2010 04:43:54

    haha, hardbanned. funny as fuck. i've had more nukes than you winnetou, and with my comments, im the scum of the earth. yet they still let me stay around.

  • Author
    Daywalker [legacy]
    20 November 2010 04:25:20

    Ravathir, stop commenting with a non-existing character!

  • Author
    Winnetou [legacy]
    20 November 2010 02:23:27

    i thiknk rav's advice is frmo personal experience... kudos noob herk :P

  • Author
    Winnetou [legacy]
    20 November 2010 02:21:35

    hirgail is the most fucking ridiculous person ever, when i just slander around, he brings forth arguments, when i actually give some logic out there, he slanders. noob!!

    and also, im bulgarian, and i got nuked, its not like i never existed!!!

  • Author
    Sicarius [legacy]
    19 November 2010 23:57:05

    I have to say, the last time I was around a lot, Draugluin was PoE (Power of Everything), and if he'd been half as reasonable as Mathias came across here, I'd have had a lot less headaches back then. What's odd about that is that Mathias seemed very supportive of Draugluin at the time.

  • Author
    Wotan [legacy]
    19 November 2010 21:32:12

    nice log, I really felt like walking into the shooting wall....

    Mathias has a damned cold blood. and in the end kelevra did some crying :P

    back in the Melkor's 'players solve their own problems' age, when herks legally played with mappers, MPing, and abusing the mud source code, gambrinus was one of the few who fought em, I could say the one who most, and his few harassments are laughable in comparisson to the amount of lawbreaking herks did. herks were a cancer of our mud community, the cause for many to leave, ruining RP experience for newcommers, even forced the admin to install things like blessing of mandos and pvp flag.

    The aftermath of that war is kelevra's actions, although yes, illegal, (lightly), and gambrinus being just a bit better than them, hardban is way too much, unless all herks get no less, and even then....

    he leaves as a martyr. I hope they reconsider and lift the hardban, or better, I hope you get some girls and quit mudding for once! :P

    farewel bro

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    19 November 2010 20:18:08

    [new] Date: 19. Nov, 2010, 9:07:22 By: Ravathir

    Hirgail, you have no life.

    Says the guy who has, for many months, kept a quiauh level of activity. Same guy who, in the rare hours he wasn't online, would quickly log on as soon as a friend asked him too, no matter the time.

    no.... life....

  • Author
    Sunflash [legacy]
    19 November 2010 19:00:48

    Last time I was on the MUD someone asked me if I was Hirgail.

    I decided that's a compliment.

  • Author
    Ravathir [legacy]
    19 November 2010 09:07:22

    Hirgail, you have no life.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    19 November 2010 06:08:37

    Ravathir, if your goal was to not look like a fucking moron then all you had to do was NOT POST.

    You owe me $50 for this edit.

    new] Date: 19. Nov, 2010, 5:58:51 By: Ravathir

    Kelevra you're a bitch. Now you can finally get out and meet a girl for a change. It's about fucking time too. Don't get excited because the girl will most likely be fat and ugly (ed: I'll leave in the ugly but isn't it redundant when you've already called the person fat?). That's how you like them though; isn't it?

    This game sucks anyhow and during the past 2 weeks I haven't played nor did I care that I was getting banned. Have fun with a pathetic pvp off game everyone - Especially you, Daywalker.

  • Author
    Ravathir [legacy]
    19 November 2010 05:58:51

    Kelevra your a bitch.. now you can finally get out and meet a girl for a change!!!! bout fucking time I guess, but don't get excited because the girl will most likely be fat and ugly.. but it goes swell with you! GoOdByE.

    This game sucks anyhow the last 2 weeks i haven't even played nor did I care that I was getting nuked n banned. Have fun with a pathetic pvp off game everyone. Especially you daywalker.

  • Author
    Kelevra [legacy]
    19 November 2010 05:47:40

    quiet already.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    19 November 2010 05:44:25


  • Author
    Kelevra [legacy]
    19 November 2010 05:43:21

    You got on my nerve so shut the fuck up and stop saying senseless shit if your only source is this log page.

  • Author
    Kelevra [legacy]
    19 November 2010 05:42:09

    And i fucking like harassing them. I never said mathias is an idiot for banning me. He did right thing probabaly, it surely wasn't his only decision anyway

  • Author
    Kelevra [legacy]
    19 November 2010 05:40:27

    Besides wacko, Fuck off. I'm the one who says herkies are styleless shit of this mud, not saying that i'm an angel and they are devils. I'm the satan and they are fucking cowardish souls praying to god to save them.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    19 November 2010 05:38:39

    Ok then all you had to do was NOT HARASS.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    19 November 2010 05:38:07

    No no no no no no. Fuck the law reports and blah blah blah. You didn't have to make any of those law reports all you had to do was NOT CHEAT.

  • Author
    Kelevra [legacy]
    19 November 2010 05:37:35

    And harassing ain't really cheating

  • Author
    Kelevra [legacy]
    19 November 2010 05:34:35

    I guess it's because my last laz report in that regard is from times when melkor was pol. Perhaps if i had made 60 law reports, more of them would be banned

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    19 November 2010 05:34:13

    I have a rant in me and it's comming out here.

    So here's what retarded about this shit. You and the Bulgarians do exactly the same things you say you're waging war on the Herks for but you fuck it up so badly that it's you guys that get banned instead of them.

    1: If your goal in that game is to get someone else banned then you need to get some perspective and stop being crazy.

    2: If you want to claim moral high ground then you don't do the exact same thing as the people you're trying to get that high ground over. Otherwise you're just fucking hypocritical.

    3: If you wanted to win this thing you went about it in the most idiotic way possible. All you had to do to win was NOT CHEAT. That's it. If the Herks are abusing shit and cheating left and right as you say then all you had to do to win was NOT DO THE SAME THING. Then Mathias wouldn't have had that conversation with you. He'd be having it with them. Hindsight is a motherfucker and all you had to do was NOT CHEAT. How simple is that? All the harebrained schemes you came up with, all the shit you pulled, all the alts you made and all you had to do was NOT CHEAT.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    19 November 2010 05:15:00

    IF as you say they're doing to same kind of cheating that you claim to be doing only as a response to their cheating and IF they're doing it a lot more than you're doing as you claim and IF they're getting away with it at a much higher rate than you are. What does that tell you?

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    19 November 2010 05:13:17

    Are you completely missing the point I'm trying to make?

  • Author
    Kelevra [legacy]
    19 November 2010 04:16:21

    Well... they don't want harassers there, sorry Hirgail.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    19 November 2010 03:49:19

    There's a Batman mud and nobody told me?

  • Author
    Cruice [legacy]
    19 November 2010 03:38:45

    Look at all the whining. Get over it, see you in a year Kelevra, have fun wasting away on BatMUD.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    19 November 2010 03:29:24

    Ok so the Herkies are better at dealing with their own problems?

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    19 November 2010 03:22:20

    They've certainly given reason enough to think it. Hell Melkor basically said 'Players should deal with their own problems so I'm not going to punish anymore'

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    19 November 2010 02:50:38

    Yeah because the admins really love the Herks and are just not punishing them to spite you. Is that really what you guys think?

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    19 November 2010 02:45:32

    It's not that he got caught, it's that he got punished.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    19 November 2010 02:24:39

    Does it bother you that you were dumb enough to get caught while the Herkies were smart enough to get away with doing the same things?

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    19 November 2010 02:01:20

    inb4 admins were too stupid to jail all of Ravathir's characters so he logged on and tossed gold around before suiciding, meaning there will be more nukes once shitty admins figure it out!

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    19 November 2010 00:27:59

    Klardin is right about the hypocrisy, he's just misplaced it. Sean and Ravathir claimed that 'jealous cowards' law reported them. You can see in this log that Kelevra filed around 5-6 law reports against herkies in his entire character life, whereas there must've been at least 50 filed against him according to Mathias' statistics.

  • Author
    Kelevra [legacy]
    19 November 2010 00:26:21

    Yeah and PoL changes once per 3 months:p

    So i heard that tool suicided to avoid having conversation with Mathias. And only thing what ban is worth is talking to power about it.

  • Author
    Tevildo [legacy]
    18 November 2010 19:58:04

    Send us an e-mail in a year, where 'year' = 'change of PoL'.

  • Author
    Kelevra [legacy]
    18 November 2010 18:21:20

    He's a herk, his mind is full of shit and thus not even a coffee shall help him

  • Author
    Norin [legacy]
    18 November 2010 17:22:20

    Klardin, wake up and smell the coffee. *fdl*

  • Author
    Kelevra [legacy]
    18 November 2010 16:34:59

  • Author
    Kelevra [legacy]
    18 November 2010 16:32:54

  • Author
    Kelevra [legacy]
    18 November 2010 16:23:00

    These two first logs ain't kinda a little bit serious

  • Author
    Klardin [legacy]
    18 November 2010 16:21:07

    Some of the hypocracy in just these three posts is horrible :P for instance.. the rant on law reporting.. then next post showing that you made like 40 law reports :p hrm.. ah well as much as you f'ed me every chance you got on any character i'll miss you just a bit :) good luck in things

  • Author
    Kelevra [legacy]
    18 November 2010 15:28:12

    Great idea!

  • Author
    Norin [legacy]
    18 November 2010 15:24:41

    Have Sean write your 'plz, can i come back plz!?' mail. Should get you back in matter of days. ;)

  • Author
    Kelevra [legacy]
    18 November 2010 14:28:57

    You're all serious.

    Two days passed now, think i should mail them for my last/second chance?

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    18 November 2010 13:39:44

    Yeah that's kind of hilarious. Seeing as the herkies got unharbanned what, two times? I guess they can go ahead and give Kelevra's his right now.

  • Author
    Westar [legacy]
    18 November 2010 11:09:48

    Already 1 day passed! You will be back in less than a year!

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    18 November 2010 09:06:47

    Someone should point out to Mathias that letting a group of players back on their 'last chance' so that the 'players can deal with their own problem', then ignoring every future instance of rulebreaking by said group and repeatedly punishing other players for attempting to deal with said problem is not the best treatment for a headache.

  • Author
    Arithon [legacy]
    18 November 2010 07:41:50

    ( Playtester Gambrinus: i was supposed to get beer


    The Two Towers

    Gambrinus the numenorean Archmage (evil)

    Total evils: 1

    Total users: 1

    ptcomm list

    (R) ( Playtester Mathias: Oh. Oh well ;)

    (R) ( Playtester Kirika: what!

    (i don't like you anymore

    ( Playtester Gambrinus: i don't like you anymore

    EPIC! This gets a 6 simply for the testmud logon.

  • Author
    Arithon [legacy]
    18 November 2010 07:41:50

    ( Playtester Gambrinus: i was supposed to get beer


    The Two Towers

    Gambrinus the numenorean Archmage (evil)

    Total evils: 1

    Total users: 1

    ptcomm list

    (R) ( Playtester Mathias: Oh. Oh well ;)

    (R) ( Playtester Kirika: what!

    (i don't like you anymore

    ( Playtester Gambrinus: i don't like you anymore

    EPIC! This gets a 6 simply for the testmud logon.

  • Author
    Kelevra [legacy]
    18 November 2010 07:06:33

    Why so serious winnie?

  • Author
    Winnetou [legacy]
    18 November 2010 06:55:40

    'Mathias says in Westron: We can't take this unending headache any more'

    -Aha-! there it is. The kids got bored/tired, and don't want to do their jobs anymore. So ka-boom, easy way. How about writing some clearly defined laws that they can follow, and getting a proper second instance that can overrule idiotic rulings, and being done with it!

    'You say in Westron: i'd personally depart gambrinus

    Mathias says in Westron: That wouldn't be a punishment then'

    -Probably the most idiotic thing one can say. I guess they likes 'punishing' people. In any case, you shouldn't have asked them, but straight departed/suicided all your chars.

    'You say in Westron: sad

    HP:210 EP:210 - >

    'you're last person i will talk to on mud

    You say in Westron: you're last person i will talk to on mud

    'at least for now

    You say in Westron: at least for now

    Mathias says in Westron: That is indeed sad'

    -Very sad indeed.

    'Mathias says in Westron: Send us an e-mail in a year, we'll discuss

    removing the ban'

    -This guy is really full of himself. What is wrong with you people?!

  • Author
    Kelevra [legacy]
    18 November 2010 06:42:09

    Just wait for it when Duncan starts whining about spam...