Kelevra puts up a good fight in a barn wielding an axe.
douglas is like all the other guys who stop by here for 45 seconds at a time to make fun of people. except not intelligent, amusing, clever, funny or liked by anybody.
Kinda like your retard brother getting raped over and over till hes level 13 and still going after people. Maybe you should tell him to relevel and retrain before he starts his cycle of dying like a bitch again.
wasnt it Klasbertli
Klasbertil will own you
whats there good about it, such logs only piss me off. People need to learn to max first and then pk... the time of random lucky kills with non-maxed characters are way over.
Dude, Ravathir...I don't know how often that happens to you but for most of us it's a shocking, violating and decidedly unboring experience.
I still have a bigger penis
Ouch.. i am hurt.
I don't get raped. Altho from what i hear, you do... daily.
Yeah, getting raped is boring :P