
Posted by
Daywalker [legacy]
26 October 2010 00:00:00
Player Kill

Boring kill. Just a guy from a guild with no theme, no vision, and pathetic enough to let herks in to save their activity.


  • Author
    Westar [legacy]
    31 October 2010 18:49:44

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    29 October 2010 10:22:01

    Sorry Akhazir I worded that poorly, I wasn't intending to say durbs only did it because of KRs, just that the KRs potentially forced a lot of behaviour other guilds had the opportunity to ignore.

  • Author
    Jabba [legacy]
    29 October 2010 06:51:58

    I use Windows 97. It's way better than Windows 99!

  • Author
    Akhazir [legacy]
    29 October 2010 06:14:19

    To comment on that last one, most durbs didn't kill the sergeant for that shirt by choice. It only became a KR after going guild. When we could choose our own KRs a while back we all agreed on keeping evil in that area and none of us kill evil around Harondor either, with the exception of evil traitors such as the uruks at swift flail. While not perfect we still try not to do things soldiers within the legion would not do.

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    29 October 2010 01:35:07

    Thanks for clarifying what backpedalling like a bear on a unicycle looks like, Sunflash.

    And Etrius, I think I'm not saying that at all - I will freely admit that stealing from MT is a sacrifice of theme. I just don't think it's any worse of one than, say, a guilded ER golding at the camps north of Kadar or questing DCMS the old 'easy' way (only durbs ever did it properly, and that was because they had terrible KRs).

  • Author
    Hurin [legacy]
    28 October 2010 23:19:00

    People still discuss theme and RP? I thought the mud had managed to make these extinct. Guess not. Are these all making a come-back because of the PvP flag?

  • Author
    Norin [legacy]
    28 October 2010 20:49:26

    It's been moved to a very clever secret location. ;)

  • Author
    Sunflash [legacy]
    28 October 2010 20:12:36

    Apparently your guild has been moved literally within the last month. It was in MT.

  • Author
    Etrius [legacy]
    28 October 2010 20:08:05

    If we define 'team' by those standards, then the game would be completely unplayable. You seem to be suggesting that it can only be one extreme or the other; that guilds can either choose to follow theme to the letter or to disregard it completely. I disagree.

  • Author
    Daywalker [legacy]
    28 October 2010 20:01:43

    damn you guys reminded me of the time when people and ainur whined about beornings killing in linhir being unthematic... was hilarious.

  • Author
    Kelevra [legacy]
    28 October 2010 19:51:45

    Yeah and ranhoth wouldn't ever leave shire...

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    28 October 2010 14:35:15

    At this stage of Arda's history, anyone who's against Sauron are 'on the team'. Aside from the geographical impossibilities, Dwarves simply wouldn't be fighting (western) men when both of them are on the brink of destruction by the same enemy.

  • Author
    Etrius [legacy]
    28 October 2010 14:23:35

    Whilst BkD golding in Linhir may stretch believability somewhat, I don't believe it to be a direct contravention of their theme. They have no links to Gondor, and I consider the same to be true of Gondorian guilds and elven cities. Evil in-fighting outside of Mordor is also justified to an extent. Whilst not strictly 'by the book', I was willing to tolerate those excesses in the name of playability. I still object to stealing from or killing NPCs who are directly and irrefutably 'on your team' though.

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    28 October 2010 13:55:34

    I agree to some extent Etrius (though I don't think the purses of random citizens of MT will contribute to the defence of the city as a whole). My point is there are very few guilds that follow theme to such a strict level -all of the time-. That would entail none of the moral guilds ever going anywhere near Linhir, CG, etc. for gold, and none of the ER guilds ever killing at any kind of organized camp (destroying a camp of Sauron's army is not 'infighting', it's defection). And by 'moral guild' I mean every non-ER group except AA, Megs, FRA and possibly TH. And the same thing would apply for any and all gearing.

  • Author
    Etrius [legacy]
    28 October 2010 13:44:44

    The fact that 'theme' in this thread has been so frequently defined only by what is and isn't prevented via guild restrictions is an indication of how much the concept has been devalued. If the extent to which you follow your guild's theme is 'not killing things our vault will be fined for', then I don't think you have any room to be commenting on anybody else's.

    Whilst I can't claim to know the ins and outs of your guild's theme, Myrddin, I assume that by being a moral guild based in MT you are somehow associated with Gondor. Allies, or on friendly terms, if not directly affiliated. By stealing from them, you are damaging their war effort. Every gold coin you spend on some new vanity drink for your bar is one less coin which goes toward defending the city against Sauron's invasion.

  • Author
    Kelevra [legacy]
    28 October 2010 12:21:22

    GB krs are bullshit, lemme find them.

  • Author
    Daywalker [legacy]
    28 October 2010 11:38:47

    Pardon me, I forgot the new KR changes ainur applied. You probably have KRs every uruk in outpost, where pretty much the only NPC worth killing was Aether, until he suicided.

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    28 October 2010 11:26:09

    Yeah Daywalker brought it up in the log, but what he said was actually true. Cruice was the one who started stone throwing about theme, from an incredibly fragile glass house.

  • Author
    Formid [legacy]
    28 October 2010 11:21:40

    Actually, in the description of this log Daywalker sstarted on the theme shit. However, it's back and forth, and quite amusing considering everyone knows that when it comes down to it most people only really touch theme when it suits them.

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    28 October 2010 10:59:30

    Actually Cruice was the one who started the shit-stirring about theme, so he'd be the pot.

  • Author
    Formid [legacy]
    28 October 2010 10:49:06

    I love how Daywalker is whining about Cruice breaking theme, pot, meet kettle!

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    28 October 2010 09:09:17

    For someone who likes to talk about people spewing shit they know nothing about, you sure do a lot of it. No, my guild is not in MT. I don't need to argue the point because it is a fact readily appreciable to anyone who bothers to check what the fuck they're blabbering about.

    BkD's guildhall, on the other hand, *IS* in Erebor. Given Erebor is currently under siege, killing in that area would be required to break the siege to reach Moria in the first place - the point being that sometimes playability is traded for thematic constraints; it doesn't take 3 months to get from Rivendell to Minas Tirith, etc.

    Also, please explain how 'Defend MT' (which is about as close to describing our theme as 'Defend Erebor' is for BkD's) is mutually incompatible with stealing from it.

  • Author
    Sunflash [legacy]
    28 October 2010 07:58:43

    Did you just suggest, of all places, that BKD who are rping would kill in dale? You're fucking stupid. The only place our theme is worried about is Moria, and we hold guild contests to see who can kill the most orcs in Moria all the time. For real.

    Also, your guild *is* in MT. I don't know how the fuck you can argue that point. Your guild is in MT, your theme consists of 'Defend MT' yet you steal in MT. You wouldnt catch BkD stealing in Erebor, that's for sure. You are a fucking idiot, Myrddin.

  • Author
    Cruice [legacy]
    28 October 2010 06:40:26

    Uruk's aren't a kill restriction. They also aren't restricted in our theme.

  • Author
    Daywalker [legacy]
    28 October 2010 02:33:44

    Douglas now you are offending me. I am no orc!

  • Author
    Douglas [legacy]
    28 October 2010 02:10:43

    omg an orc killed my parents

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    28 October 2010 01:50:47

    That's the point Akhazir, what Cruice is accusing me of isn't contrary to my theme at all. It's not tasteful, perhaps, but neither is seeing dwarves pillaging Southern Gondor or Lothlorien.

  • Author
    Akhazir [legacy]
    28 October 2010 01:48:40

    While a line has to be drawn somewhere between playability and theme restrictions a KoDA does not cease to be a KoDA simply because he walked away from his castle. A guild that claims to do one thing but frequently does the opposite is not following its theme, no matter where the actions were done. If you feel the need to toss your guild's theme aside whenever it happens to be convenient then you probably shouldn't be in the guild.

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    28 October 2010 00:55:46

    Firstly, my guild isn't in MT. Secondly, most people don't RP when they gold (or gear for that matter), if they did BkD wouldn't kill anywhere but Dale, Amruin at Tenzek's, etc. so I don't see where the expectation comes that I should RP when I go golding.

  • Author
    Daywalker [legacy]
    27 October 2010 23:30:45


  • Author
    Kelevra [legacy]
    27 October 2010 23:25:56

    CoU ain't elite, they are just corsairs:P

  • Author
    Daywalker [legacy]
    27 October 2010 23:19:53

    Aha, so attacking Mordor Elite (SoU and CoU) in mordor is not a part of their theme? Strange... I thought it was.

  • Author
    Kelevra [legacy]
    27 October 2010 22:49:16

    GB theme is to gear up Mordor's elite with best gear. Which would mean, they are supposed to give away their eq to dungs and sou, not keep it for themselves.

  • Author
    Daywalker [legacy]
    27 October 2010 22:10:28

    and we all know GB has no theme, you are killing thousands of uruks at bota every boot, so KR don't even stand for you.

  • Author
    Daywalker [legacy]
    27 October 2010 22:09:07

    add *random* to people in the previous reply.

  • Author
    Daywalker [legacy]
    27 October 2010 22:08:25

    aha, and why do you kill people in mordor then? fun?

  • Author
    Cruice [legacy]
    27 October 2010 21:41:45

    Sorry, I've never protected or shielded any friends in mordor to kill something. Also, GB's theme isn't even close to protecting Mordor.

  • Author
    Daywalker [legacy]
    27 October 2010 18:50:27

    Cruice did you just use 'RP' ? The guy that protects his friends while they quest gear in mordor? If the game was first person shooter, thats probably the only time you could get close to a RP in it.

  • Author
    Urban [legacy]
    27 October 2010 18:50:18

    What's GB's theme again? :S

  • Author
    Cruice [legacy]
    27 October 2010 18:47:36

    Hi, my guild is inside of Minas Tirith and we protect Minas Tirith from enemies. Yet, I just love to fund my guild from stealing from everything in Minas Tirith. I R RP.

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    27 October 2010 15:23:54

    DH were retarded anyways, if TH are their retarded children then they must be retarded to a herkish level! oh! that makes perfect sense!

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    27 October 2010 13:48:12

    Talking about something makes it appear in the Mirror? Someone's been watching too much Candyman.

  • Author
    Norin [legacy]
    27 October 2010 11:01:25

    'Some elves in gondor... for some reason' *giggle*

  • Author
    Duncan [legacy]
    27 October 2010 10:54:50

    Myrddin, stop talking about retarded things in general and you might stop seeing retarded things in the mirror.

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    27 October 2010 10:26:23

    I think we're straying from the point that TH is the retarded child of DH, while RoI has nothing to do with FRA except some shared typists.

  • Author
    Loot [legacy]
    27 October 2010 09:05:13

    Acutally RoI was created as Rimsival was being removed and Rimmies were around before FRA I believe Not that I want to back up Cruice as I have been lamblasted for making 'herk' comments,but I thought I would just add some additional info

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    27 October 2010 06:33:32

    Question marks are for questions.

  • Author
    Urban [legacy]
    27 October 2010 05:43:41

    Your mother.

  • Author
    Zaellyer [legacy]
    27 October 2010 05:42:15

    x amount of you flaming 1 of him, whose more pathetic?

  • Author
    Urban [legacy]
    27 October 2010 05:16:25

    Why are you guys surprised that Cruice is talking shit? Nothing new!

  • Author
    Kharaan [legacy]
    27 October 2010 01:12:58

    here is a log of cruice quitting. bad cruice

  • Author
    Grozin [legacy]
    26 October 2010 20:55:10

    Yeah well, its all a long time ago ;)

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    26 October 2010 20:48:34

    a 'VERSION' existing implies that there is an 'ORIGNAL'. if one was there FIRST it cant be a 'VERSION' of anything. god, i thought any herkie could understand that, i broke herkie rule no. 3: never underestimate a herkie's stupidity.

    btw.... windows 97? wtf is this guys talking about? 9x generation is 95, 98 and ME, isn't it?

  • Author
    Cruice [legacy]
    26 October 2010 20:34:53

    If you don't understand the point that just because something is around longer, doesn't make it impossible for it to be shittier than something newer, then you're nuts.

  • Author
    Grozin [legacy]
    26 October 2010 20:26:40

    Hmm, that comment isn't quit on the spot, Cruice.... but i don't want to start an Edlin 97 or Edlin Vista discussion here

  • Author
    Rome [legacy]
    26 October 2010 20:25:34

    Whatever allows you to feel validated and self-justified, Cruice. Just understand that the world can't be there with you.


  • Author
    Cruice [legacy]
    26 October 2010 20:23:12

    FRA being around before RoI doesn't make it impossible for it to be a shittier version. Just because Windows 97 was around waayyy before XP or Vista doesn't make it not be a shittier version. Get your heads out of your asses.

  • Author
    Rome [legacy]
    26 October 2010 19:34:22

    Cruice proving to be a dumb shit-head again.

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    26 October 2010 13:34:10

    seriously, wtf did cruice try to tell? i think ravathir was using his account.

  • Author
    Douglas [legacy]
    26 October 2010 13:04:48

    Speaking of letting shitty people in to help their activity, take a look at the guild you're in and realize why you're really there.

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    26 October 2010 12:02:01

    Daywalker is perfectly correct, TH actually has literally no theme:

    info 147

    The theme statement for the Taril Haleth guild

    Not yet written.

  • Author
    Iarla [legacy]
    26 October 2010 11:38:36

    I love when Cruice tries to be clever, kinda sad really :P

  • Author
    Iarla [legacy]
    26 October 2010 11:38:17

    FRA was here looooooong before RoI :P

  • Author
    Norin [legacy]
    26 October 2010 11:24:46

    Huh? FRA was a version of RoI? FRA was around long before RoI was even planned Cruice. ;)

  • Author
    Cruice [legacy]
    26 October 2010 11:19:23

    Well, FRA is just a shittier version of RoI, with none of the style. It's kind of sad, really. What's your point?

  • Author
    Duncan [legacy]
    26 October 2010 11:17:25


  • Author
    Iarla [legacy]
    26 October 2010 10:40:56

    Well, TH is just a shittier version of Daen Hecil, with none of the style. It's kinda sad, really, should have just let it die. C'est la vie!

  • Author
    Mirnac [legacy]
    26 October 2010 09:16:18

    'Arithon leaves, leading a horse.

    Arithon carefully climbs up, and dusts off his pants, leading a horse.

    Arithon leaves, leading a horse.' Erm?