A silly halfling named Weed, tried to run away with great speed...
*Falls Down Laughing @ missing weed*
Aye thank you Manni, Brightened up what would otherwise be a dreary comment section!
Klouse hates me! WOoHOO! Excitement!
*Waits to hear:
Someone smashes his forehead into your nose!
Someone pummels you with multiple blows to the body.
Didnt read the log. Dont intend to read the log.
You miss Weed.
Aint that the truth :P
Umm, there is a reason behind everything, even behind Klouse's kills.Reason as in a fact which leads to other facts.The point is is this reason good enough.
Naaaaah, this is bullshit, people, Klouse isn't a spreekiller.Nommater how black I call this kettle, he's everything but a spreekiller.He may use lame triggers, he may be too straight, he may fear too much, he may do many things but not this.*pats Klouse*.
I would point out Spartan (and his alts) as an example of a spreekilling moron though.
Kilth if I were to kill you it would be because you are an idiot and talk to much.
Sounds like a plan to me. Introducing the Two Towers MUD Community Service Action Group *lol*
Aye! They do... Wanna help me kill the logger?
Kilth, I dont know you but your funny as hell! These logs suck
I'm not saying Klouse is killing for no reason. I'm just saying Lyrcor will end up like him if he continues to...
I am pretty sure Klouse has a reason for the people he kills, though I could be wrong - from the logs I have seen all of those people I would think he would have a reason for.
- my 2 cents for some reason ;) Woody
Ugh... You shouldn't kill for no reason. Then you'll end up being like Klouse. Oh well, maybe you want to *shrug*
What can I say, he got smoked!