This is what happen when a dude come of nowhere and level bash a newbie friend of mine.
this reminds me of those junior high school fights, where you got two guys really pissed off at each other and all they do is push each other and say, 'come on man, hit me!'...usually it was two preppy white kids...
Fight, newbies, fight!
I never told the ainur on him Ruiniel. A person who will remain nameless told Amroth he was bashing me.
Blah, why spam the nice log page and waste a spot?Do like me - when I killed Etor , I just posted it as a response on the comments.No need to waste space.Killing a newbie is nothing worth viewing.What matters is that the bum has been punished.You can summarize this in like 10 lines:P
Keep your head up, Rogar, you did nothing wrong.Just, attacking defenseless people and doing harm to them for fun (like Fatale probably did) is abominable.So what you did was not newbiekilling.It was no killing at all.It was just cleaning the dirt.Umm, of course it is so only if Fatale and Midir are what you've said they are.Why not first post what they have exactly done?I don't know anything about them, how can I be sure Fatale is a spreekiller(A good proof is that he doesn't deny it but blah:P)?
Umm, Fatale, if you whine to someone, YOU SUCK.I mean, come on, people - if you can't deal with something don't deal with it at all.
If someone beat me, I would beat him in turn - or at least get beaten more while trying.It would be a shame for me to go to a court and say 'This guy beat me, jail him.'It's against any code of honour.
ACTION! Go Rogar, go Rogar! WOO!
er... many=Manni in the last post
I agree with many, Shut up already!!!
*whine *whine* *bitch* *bitch* Nobody cares, guys. Shut the hell up already.
Melfice, you silly bastard!
This is some silly shit! Not sure why its here but it makes me laugh.
*Has to agree with trempk on that one*
Keep it going guys, this shit is funnier than hell. hehe
rodar you said 'you were 10 went down to 6'. You bashed him, no excuses; you bashed a level 10 to level 6.
I could see this as a Full House episode. Now everyone hug and make up to the dramatic music!
True, you paid your fines. :) And I will not get based! woohoo! :P
I guess your right Raen, but I paid my fine and I didn't bash you. You should feel fortunate.
Midir you shouldn't bad mouth people that kill level 6's, unless you badmouth yourself. You killed me when I was level 6. Why? Cause you listend to Spartan tell you to. Seems that you like to kill lower levels *shrugs*.
A real soap opera.
Right he is my alt.Whatever you say and I'm not the 9 year old here you are son. And i ask him to look at the log and he posted on his own so Fuck you.
Oh really? damn, he must be your homesexual twin then, You both were posting coments at the same time *woh and take a step back!*
PS:. i dont have time to waste with you, jo kid, go look for your toys and school friends, my work is done with you, begone.
Midir is my friend IRL! Gosh My name is Sean and Midir's is jeff Yeah he sure is my alt, Your just dumb. Believe what you want.
i mean 'begin.'
Oh, Ok lier, you have tons of alts so shall we beign with Midir?
Why don't you bring your ass in Mordor sometime? I'll kill you there a bunch. I have many alts i could spare one on you. Unlike me Rogar is your ONLY character so you just wasted a warrior on a level 10.....Damn your fucked up in the head. You really should go get some help from someone.
Bah you dont know what to say but i know you only can kill newbies forgot that?
Your going to cry when your only character gets nuked for killing a level 10 four times....Your very strong. And i could bash you if i wanted to.
Go kill rabbits now with your level
Nice excuse! :) i almost cried now
I never level bashed anyone idiot. Your the level basher and your the one in jail ;P
No, i'm not his alt i just know him irl smart ass ;P
Ah,, no 6 you were 10 went down to 6 for your stupid acts with newbies, its easy create an alt and walk around level bashing any newbie, level bash me dude do your best!
Why didn't you show the other 3 times you killed me?
Of course!! You are his alt!!! Come on!! i killed you,i can kill again!
Fatale was a friend of mine so you bash him i bash you. How about that?
Your wonderful! You can kill a level 6. Try killing me.