
Posted by
Kelevra [legacy]
24 March 2010 00:00:00
Player Kill



  • Author
    Trescothik [legacy]
    25 March 2010 07:39:28

    [new] Date: 24. Mar, 2010, 14:18:56 By: Draimon

    this thread took a turn for the stupid

    I am used to working 12-14 hour days, and have fuckin no time to scratch my mut, let alone play t2t or have a 'social life'.

    Jakar must be just that good.

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    25 March 2010 01:44:57

    I agree with Shardik. Also, i miss the old douches like Shardik and Mirnac. Herkies have taken it to a level that we all want 'em gone.

  • Author
    Falgor [legacy]
    25 March 2010 00:47:20

    You are all fucking noobs.

  • Author
    Urban [legacy]
    24 March 2010 23:39:13

    Fuck off munt.

  • Author
    Jakar [legacy]
    24 March 2010 23:28:17

    You are the biggest douchebag!

  • Author
    Urban [legacy]
    24 March 2010 23:10:55

    I'm striving to be the biggest douchebag, but failing miserably :(

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    24 March 2010 23:08:13

    Win x3

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    24 March 2010 21:12:44

    I believe Shardik wins.

  • Author
    Shardik [legacy]
    24 March 2010 20:58:30

    I think you're all missing the point here, which is Viker's superhuman hypocrisy and absolute lack of humility. Throw in delusions of online grandeur and a pinch of English as a Primary language failure, and presto: Instant douchebag. (just add T2T)

  • Author
    Armandil [legacy]
    24 March 2010 20:29:01

    Magnificent log.

  • Author
    Norin [legacy]
    24 March 2010 19:08:50

    Oh lord, who the hell cares what people work with irl in relation to how hard they got owned in a pvp log? You are all making baby jesus cry.

    This log was decent. 3people went after 1, he bait one of the hunters outside and the hunter dies. Amusing.

    and related to working alot (why are we even talking about that?):

    Yes, one can work 12h a day and still have a life and play t2t. I have worked 10-12h per day the last few weeks now establishing a new service project in a new department in the company i work for. And i still have time to game a bit and keep in touch with my friends and such. It's not that odd really. :)

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    24 March 2010 18:01:11

    Granted, but you still got my point.

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    24 March 2010 16:31:29

    'People like Shabba, Myrddin and I do not.'

    Hey, my degree costs me nothing, I get paid by my uni, and I earn more than $16/hour from a casual job. So I'm at least slightly more entitled to talk shit than you are.

  • Author
    Yoana [legacy]
    24 March 2010 15:30:51

    Pi is irrational kthxbie

  • Author
    Formid [legacy]
    24 March 2010 15:29:01

    'Now I won't acknowledge you on this page anymore until you give me the last digit of pi, unrounded.'

    This is impossible.

    Two ways to attack this problem:

    1. 3 (I'm working the other way)

    2. Any random number, it's up to the protagonist to prove you wrong.

  • Author
    Lomar [legacy]
    24 March 2010 15:00:12

    And where can I find a job that pays $16/hour fresh out of high school with no post secondary education? That sounds enticing.

  • Author
    Lomar [legacy]
    24 March 2010 14:56:56

    'Now I won't acknowledge you on this page anymore until you give me the last digit of pi, unrounded.'

    This is impossible.

  • Author
    Draimon [legacy]
    24 March 2010 14:18:56

    this thread took a turn for the stupid

  • Author
    Jakar [legacy]
    24 March 2010 12:05:24

    Construction :P

  • Author
    Iarla [legacy]
    24 March 2010 08:03:38

    The amount of brain cells I lost reading these comments is equivalent to about 12 pints of beer and 2 joints. Give or take a cigarette or two. I guess I'll stay in tomorrow to make up for it :/

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    24 March 2010 06:45:42

    I believe it. But still, Jakar is working almost _double time_. Like, it'd be cheaper for his employer to hire another full time employee and split the workload than have him work that many hours. I didn't think there was _that_ much demand in construction!

  • Author
    Cruice [legacy]
    24 March 2010 06:38:37

    Ravathir's job actually pays overtime a lot :P. I believe Jakar could probably gather the same.

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    24 March 2010 06:02:15

    12+ hour days is intimidating, fuck you. And where are you working that can afford to pay you 32 hours per week of overtime?

  • Author
    Jakar [legacy]
    24 March 2010 05:57:02

    eh, I work at least 12+ a day and still mud and keep up a social life, 6 days a week. I really isn't that crazy.

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    24 March 2010 05:52:12

    Dear lord, that's intimidating.

  • Author
    Cruice [legacy]
    24 March 2010 05:26:23

    I realize you were. I was just generally speaking. His shift can range from 12-1, and of that sort yes. Not positive on times but they will be 12+ hour shifts.

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    24 March 2010 05:20:05

    Hopefully you recognize that I was, in fact, defending him. I say this because you used the plural to refer to those 'bashing' him.

    It shouldn't really matter (not my business) but I'm curious -- FT usually means 40-44 hours per week, so if he's getting that in 3 days, that's like 13-14.5 hours per day. Most jobs that have that many hours have an unpaid 30 minute or 1-hour lunch period in the day, which means he'd be physically at his job for like 14-15.5 hours per day. Is he seriously going to be working from 7am-10pm or something equivalent on those three days? If so, good luck to him! I would not be able to do that. (Is he going into road work?)

    As for Shabba -- those kind of grammar fails happen when you start writing a sentence, change it in your head, and continue with a different one half way through. It happens to the best of us. *patpat*

    The intrinsic value of knowledge is kind of like the intrinsic value of love: It's bullshit that failures use to justify their lack of quantifiable success.

    I loved this, though: That will be the day the religious right have won and demand in science disappears.

    I also agree with your claim that he needs to work on distinctions between 'too cowardly to do something' and 'not interested in doing something'. The two can be related, but they don't have to be.

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    24 March 2010 05:17:42

    haha yeah, Urban. 'Just logging on to tell you all you're nerds, going to some awesome party now with lots of chicks there'.

    Sounds oddly familiar to all the 12 year olds in RTS games who go 'whatever this game sucks, going to have sex with gf now'. Translation: 'I care about this game far too much and you have just shattered my ego. Must convince myself I am awesome now'.

  • Author
    Cruice [legacy]
    24 March 2010 04:56:05

    I don't need to go into my friend's personal life, but I will defend him until the end and I don't think he would be angry with me for this.

    He is currently on some time off from his job, which is a bit over minimum wage, for personal reasons. He is now lined up with a job that only requires him to work 3 days a week, and starting at $16/hr. (Full time) That's out of high school, and when he gets a nice cushion under him I'm sure he will seek out a career or 'real job.'

    I'm not bragging for him in the slightest. I am taking acknowledgement in my friend's success and personal achievements. And I'm defending him against people who are trying to bash him for shit they have absolutely no fucking clue about.


  • Author
    Urban [legacy]
    24 March 2010 04:42:46

    i still remember gizmalin logging on calling everyone a loser on the comm and bragging about how great his irl was...

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    24 March 2010 04:38:43

    Of course they don't jump into 6 digits right away, that was the point about advancement opportunities. If it turns out I can't get a nice job with a science degree in a reasonable time frame, I would rather shoot myself than continue living. That will be the day the religious right have won and demand in science disappears. I don't care what he does with his life, but I love it when he talks about how ballsy he is and how cowardly everyone else is. Someone go and be kind enough to remind him that there's a nice line between ballsy and stupid, as well as cowardice and not-doing-something-because-you-don't-want-to.

    I disagree with what you said about having achieved nothing if you're working on/have your degree but haven't yet begun your career. Having the knowledge of whatever you have learned thus far is an achievement in itself.

    I'm sorry about the grammar fail, those ones tend to happen every now and then when you just type out what's coming to you in your head. Could proofread but whatever.

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    24 March 2010 04:13:33

    'I will assume there isn't many advancement opportunities in store for him.'

    First: there AREN'T many advancement opportunities

    Second: It's unrealistic to expect that a person fresh out of high school will be starting on their career the first year out of the gate.

    Third: If he IS starting on his career, it's probably not working at an aerospace engineering firm like Yamabushi or something. Most people pursuing professional careers (there is NOTHING wrong with this -- loads of people pursuing careers requiring degrees spend 4 years and a hundred thousand dollars getting a degree, then wind up working in a professional field anyway) don't start their career with a 6 digit income. My former boss (who effectively ran the university library... not a shabby job or income at all!) started in the mail room. Do you know how shitty working in a mail room is? I know that Cruice's job is better than that.

    Fourth: No university student has a place trash talking people for their quality of employment. No high school student either. When I was fighting with Smoky a year or two back I brought this up, and it's still true -- you may be on your way to achieving very highly, but until you actually start your career, you've achieved nothing. People like Pounder, Yamabushi and Grimscar have the standing to talk trash about employment if they so desire. People like Shabba, Myrddin and I do not.

    I mean, university education is a big gamble anyway. The degree it grants you has a not statistically insignificant probability of being a $100,000 piece of paper you hang on your wall while you wait tables at Denny's.

    Fifth: As far as I know, Viker has never expressed contentment with his job -- that is, unless you have information I don't, I'm pretty sure he IS striving for more.

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    24 March 2010 04:01:46

    Cruice, I meant this phrase: 'I was completely cocked in 2 of the logs he posted'

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    24 March 2010 03:59:20

    And while there's nothing wrong with making just enough to make ends meet and basically gaming on your free time, I personally think you should probably strive for more than that.

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    24 March 2010 03:57:44

    He's aged over 4 days in less than 15 IRL days, which is over 8d 30d aging which is what everyone was just bitching at Gambrinus about. Blah blah, he couldn't possibly have the time to be going to school. And so, with all that play time logged for Viker, I will ask what shitty hours he's getting and/or useless job he has that allows for all that mudding. It's a little thing called mockery.

    'First saying he spends all day mudding when he works a job is already retarded on your part.'

    More like retarded on your part that you took it literally and not figuratively.

    A 'real job' is one that is part of your career. You know, you can live off some shitty little-bit-better-than-minimum-wage job for a few years which won't go anywhere, or you can get started on your career which will kind of affect the rest of your life. Seeing as he's always refused to say who his employer is, I will assume there isn't many advancement opportunities in store for him.

    'Go sit on a stick and spin.'

    omg such a hurtful comment, I guess I like having sex with men.

    I won't acknowledge you until you learn how to make decent arguments.


  • Author
    Cruice [legacy]
    24 March 2010 03:45:11

    That's why I asked for his explanation of what a 'real job' is, Tireless.

  • Author
    Iarla [legacy]
    24 March 2010 03:35:08

    This log gets a 0 rating for its lack of Jaren.

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    24 March 2010 03:24:45

    I'd kind of like to know what HE meant by the expression, not what you'd like him to mean.

  • Author
    Cruice [legacy]
    24 March 2010 03:22:21


    new] Date: 24. Mar, 2010, 2:46:27 By: Shabba

    Yes you spend all day mudding, you have massive balls. Too bad when you look at our typist PvP ratios, I've killed you way more often and have the last kills. Go get a real job.

    First saying he spends all day mudding when he works a job is already retarded on your part.

    Maybe it's news to me, but if someone that is trying to support themself by taking on a job and working as often as he can, isn't having a 'real job.' Please explain to me what a 'real job' is.

    Does having a 'real job' depend on how much you get paid? Does having a 'real job' depend on the person that is working it? I don't think so.

    It just looks like your taking a desperate and pathetic attempt to try and hurt Ravathir personally. Ick.

    Now I won't acknowledge you on this page anymore until you give me the last digit of pi, unrounded.

  • Author
    Sunflash [legacy]
    24 March 2010 03:04:22

    He has a fixation with cocks and balls.

    He enjoys the company of men, if you know what I mean.

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    24 March 2010 03:00:24

    What does this mean? 'I was completely cocked in 2 of the logs he posted'

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    24 March 2010 02:46:27

    Yes you spend all day mudding, you have massive balls. Too bad when you look at our typist PvP ratios, I've killed you way more often and have the last kills. Go get a real job.

  • Author
    Ravathir [legacy]
    24 March 2010 02:34:42

    I was completely cocked in 2 of the logs he posted... dying on this game doesn't hurt me, i lose 5k everytime. Someone on this game has to have balls unlike shabba talking shit when he sits in his guildhall all day. Go sit on a stick and spin.

  • Author
    Urban [legacy]
    24 March 2010 02:15:52

    You went offline on me you fucker

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    24 March 2010 02:12:15

    He has a job Shabba he just plays to wind down and laugh at all you losers with your college degrees taking the game so seriously.

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    24 March 2010 02:10:42

    Not excited, amused. No shit it doesn't affect someone who just golds all day :p Doesn't mean he isn't wasting his time, although I guess he does that a lot

  • Author
    Cruice [legacy]
    24 March 2010 01:57:18

    Nah, I just think you're a little too excited. These deaths haven't affected him in the slightest. Now that's hilarious.

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    24 March 2010 01:52:10

    You sound a bit bitter for your friend. Survived a 3-man then retard over there decides to keep hunting outside Mordor and gets owned? Hilarious

  • Author
    Cruice [legacy]
    24 March 2010 01:42:21

    4 logs. 1 where you actually finish him solo. You almost die in every one, with 2 or more helping you.

    Well deserved 1.