
Posted by
Woric [legacy]
29 December 2009 00:00:00

Posting for Galaam. About an hour or so after Jowy.


  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    01 February 2010 06:28:03

    Think he cares?

  • Author
    Trescothik [legacy]
    19 January 2010 08:01:24

    I'll re-iterate, the only person who comes close to Woric on this comment section (maybe even the log page these days, now all the good guys have fucked off) is Cruice, and that's based on what his alts have done...

  • Author
    Cruice [legacy]
    12 January 2010 10:45:18

    I was being entirely sarcastic. If I cared about how people used their grammar, don't you think I'd correct some of my friends?

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    12 January 2010 09:00:50

    I can haz gramur?

  • Author
    Trescothik [legacy]
    12 January 2010 08:49:46

    Woric's better than anyone who commented on this log. I suck him off regularly.

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    12 January 2010 06:53:45

    Quad post bitches. Maybe I will see you all when i get home. Or at least the 2 that still play.

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    12 January 2010 06:53:22

    Oh and lastly, only completely stupid fucking people critize people when they are giving what they think are good suggestions for retaining and improving the player base back to some form of what it used to be. (yes cruice, I realize your comments were half sarcastic in nature but still, if you claim to be that much better, don't do what you whale about).

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    12 January 2010 06:51:28

    Ok that last part made no sense, that probably means I should leave work.

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    12 January 2010 06:50:34

    Pets that castamir made were actually fun and unique with characteristics. The ones in WoW look strange and stupid. And for the towers, pets really seemed to give the game some advantages to people who actually kept their character say longer than 2 months (before remake). In wow, people keep their character's forever pretty much. We need to get closer to that a little so that's why they are advantageous in our case.

    Cruice, I spelt it 'your' because I am lazy, not stupid like some of your friends. And I was more or less concentrating on ideas to actually improve the game above the cesspool it is now. And btw, you were WAY too happy about the fact I spell it that way. I have done this forever because well, I lazy when it comes to spelling and gramur. People in game have long hated me for my lack of non-lower case letters in a row. ;P

  • Author
    Cruice [legacy]
    12 January 2010 06:17:55

    Well you should stop labeling people herkie then.

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    12 January 2010 03:14:30

    Shaddup Cruice! Herkies can't decide who the other herkies are!

  • Author
    Cruice [legacy]
    12 January 2010 01:55:10

    Pounder is a herkie!!! '#1: Imagine your fighting say the npc who has dragon staff who casts fireball.'

    '#2: Imagine your roaming around after killing some poor minions on the plains.'

  • Author
    Mirnac [legacy]
    12 January 2010 00:17:41

    'Add in pets. (ones that cannot be used in PVP)' 'As long as they keep developing the game like WoW, it will continue to become more and more dead and finaly die.'

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    11 January 2010 23:59:17

    There are a couple of ideas that may limit the amount of noobness veiled to look greatness that occurs very often.

    1. Ban mappers (this is very easily detectable unless someone developes an insanely complicated mapper).

    2. Reintroduce character seperation.

    3. Reduce (if not already done) the number of keys on a keyring to roughly 6. This would change things quite a bit and cause an attacker to anticipate a particular lock up or die if he guesses wrong and they set up the lockup (Game play here vs realism).

    Here are a few ideas that would garner interest from regular players again who have fun and like the environment:

    1. Add in pets. (ones that cannot be used in PVP)

    2. Add in true cross-class playability. This means instead of the current really boring classes which don't play together in special ways, put in things where say a melee classes only are allowed to protect other players [effectively] (and this could be potentially used in PVP to a great amount of strategy).

    Here's a couple scenearios that would be AMAZING:

    #1: Imagine your fighting say the npc who has dragon staff who casts fireball. The warrior takes focus by attacking the npc. But this particular npc cannot be interrupted by anything short of a critical hit (not even headbutts can). The wizard casts ice spike (or some variation) onto the warrior in a safe manner. The warrior gets nailed by a nasty normally 150hp fireball. But the ice reduces the damage down by 80%. So now that nasty fireball is doing a mere 30 hp instead of 150!

    #2: Imagine your roaming around after killing some poor minions on the plains. Suddenly, the assassin you thought was going to try for your head comes out of nowhere and stabs you in the back! You have a melee char in your party, he starts to protect you (and conversely could be fined for attempted but at a much reduced rate compared to normal attempted - yes this would need balance and thought). He runs to the place you have set up, locks the assassin in but you are getting fairly low on life even with healing because not all the attacks are being blocked in PVP. The assassin is also getting dangerously low but feels he could survive with only one person attacking him not you casting fireballs and a melee protection. He uses a forward lunge headbutt getting by your friend and nailing you full force. However, while doing that, his defenses go to nearly zero. Your friend ends up getting a MONSTER round and he is killed with you and your friend barely surviving.

    Anyways, just some thoughts. As long as they keep developing the game like WoW, it will continue to become more and more dead and finaly die.

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    10 January 2010 02:44:34

    I know eh!

  • Author
    Woric [legacy]
    10 January 2010 02:13:03

    welp here's an idea. when hardbanned players are hardbanned. dont let them fucking play again!

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    09 January 2010 21:17:42

    Limiting the amount of alts a typist can have will never work. The cheaters will find a way around it and it will just leave them with an even greater advantage.

  • Author
    Urban [legacy]
    09 January 2010 20:43:27

    Hi Jabz.

    Bye Woric.

  • Author
    Woric [legacy]
    09 January 2010 20:19:27

    and i am not the type of clown to post every log i have or even 1/8 of the logs i have but i thought these would be slightly entertaining to the masses considering there is a lack of logs due to a lack of players etc. i <3 you all

  • Author
    Woric [legacy]
    09 January 2010 20:08:56

    and i am not here to pretend i am better than this mud or anything i love this mud and love the entertainment is has provided me for many years but it is near it's end and many things need to be fixed or else it will completely die

  • Author
    Woric [legacy]
    09 January 2010 20:07:36

    that was sloppy and may not make a whole lot of sense but if you read it 34-48 times if may indeed make sense

  • Author
    Woric [legacy]
    09 January 2010 20:04:58

    This post is not in regards to Esteban for I will let him imagine whatever he likes but rather this post is in regards to the whole MUD. I was confused at first as to why the activity has dropped by 2/3 but after playing for about six months it is quite obvious. People like Norre, whom I will not doubt at all is a very good player and I will admit is better than me, but who has a mapper and due to zero character separation by the whole MUD can log on as a sub-2day old assassin with MELS and full gear and healing which I can only strongly assume he had nothing to do with questing and because of said mapper hunt around any enemy he wants and pester them wherever he would like as long as he has nearly every key and when he doesn't call to one of the 15 friends/alts of friends he has logged on at any given point. The lack of character separation on this MUD is imo the biggest fault as many times I have been attacked by people who I have neither seen logged on in my life nor have spoken to or anything and I will assume that is why Esteban has 3 unlawful deaths but I can't be certain. My alt would had done nothing to anybody was similarly PKed by alts of alts of alts for no reason that can be legitimately applied to IC in the MUD. You are all more than welcome to call me a sore loser etc and I will not dispute you as I know what I have done on this game and how it compares to what you all have done, but as I assume has happened to the other 2/3 of the mud I simply grew tired of fighting fights that cannot be won, of fighting people with mappers to DLSG before they run away and heal again and only to have a client hunt off for them before any possible danger area, and if they are to follow into a danger area because they have a person they have no thematic business being aligned with there camo'd or otherwise. (See Esteban, Gambrinus, and Azramano partied together to PK me.) (See Norre the ER partied with any and all GV for no thematic reason) and I can go on forever. (See Alocke logged off and Rhakyrh logged on and trying to bash Cruice and Aether out of Fangorn lock within 45 seconds of being logged on.) Since this MUD can obviously not separate chars whatsoever I would suggest a two character maximum for any typist so that one would have to either take more care of their character than to simply PK anybody and everybody before suiciding and levelling another character up on their friend's thief's alts gold. The lack of character separation is what has ruined the MUD, people will have whatever clients they are capable of and that is their right I suppose but at the end of the day 15 typist and their 45 alts with the same client cannot be beat and I hope when everybody realizes the same the same 15 typists have fun fighting each other on the MUD that consists of only them.

    ps i am an owner and you more than likely are not

  • Author
    Jabba [legacy]
    09 January 2010 11:30:53

    Hi Urban :)

  • Author
    Urban [legacy]
    09 January 2010 01:55:53

    Yeah, I'm too busy levelling up an alt. Keep a wary eye out.

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    08 January 2010 08:27:28

    Playerbase and admin

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    08 January 2010 08:13:18

    Esteban, i've told you that before: your guild is doomed to fall. It's a form of punishment that Mr. Fate brings upon every guild that accept herkies in their ranks. No excuses. And I'm inactive because i have my order exam this month. :)

  • Author
    Norin [legacy]
    08 January 2010 07:21:20

    Shabba: In your opinion, is it the game itself, it's features and way of working - Or the playerbase (select groups, persons, etc) that make the game 'complete shit like right now'? If neither, then what?

  • Author
    Winnetou [legacy]
    08 January 2010 05:46:44

    esteban, are you challenging us to war your esteemed guild?:p

  • Author
    Arandur [legacy]
    08 January 2010 01:05:52

    Shabba is an addict. Long live GV!

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    08 January 2010 00:46:38

    Um, everyone involved killed more GV than they died to. You guys all try to exaggerate what you've done in retaliation but we don't bother to correct you. We don't bother playing because there's absolutely no point in doing so right now. Plenty of typists simply don't care enough anymore. I enjoy playing the game when it's in a good state, but I'm perfectly happy with not mudding while it is complete shit like right now.

  • Author
    Esteban [legacy]
    07 January 2010 22:42:51

    I stopped commenting here long ago, but after all those people posting logs and talking dirty about my guild and my members, I decided to take place here. Dear King Galaam, you have taken yourself into consideration too much, the reason I do not post logs doesn't mean we didn't kill you, I think I killed him, Norre did then someone else did and he suicided, end of the story, on the other hand, Enardil died a lot on us, dear Shabba's alt who attacked GV, went into inactivity, we barely see Urban nowadays, also Tarkus, and Lobo... You refused my deal and you are also inactive... For those who don't know, Lastguard is my real life uncle and I love him no mather what cost. Nobody even cared when he lost Aiglos because friendship worths more than just a single text-based weapon in Arda...

  • Author
    Norin [legacy]
    06 January 2010 08:20:11


  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    06 January 2010 01:13:36

    Who suicided?

  • Author
    Arandur [legacy]
    05 January 2010 21:32:34

    Woric you still about nub?

  • Author
    Trescothik [legacy]
    05 January 2010 04:10:57


  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    01 January 2010 00:17:14

    Hey Shabba

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    31 December 2009 01:01:19


    or not :(

  • Author
    Winnetou [legacy]
    31 December 2009 00:17:32

    wo-ric wo-ric!!! king!


  • Author
    Woric [legacy]
    31 December 2009 00:12:34

    so lets start a roll call of people who are still around whose name i might recognize

    ill start



    all i got :(

  • Author
    Winnetou [legacy]
    30 December 2009 17:01:19

    wait, that was the other way around <3 right?:p

  • Author
    Winnetou [legacy]
    30 December 2009 17:00:54

    3>3>3>3>3>3>woric anyways

  • Author
    Winnetou [legacy]
    30 December 2009 17:00:02

    did anybody say mega uber turbo dumb?

  • Author
    Apeture [legacy]
    30 December 2009 04:39:41

    I with a certain person would come back. That person needs to log on AIM so I can pester them!

  • Author
    Woric [legacy]
    30 December 2009 02:15:29

    My days slaying terrorists are over and now I am free to fulfill my childhood dream of mudding 4-22 hours a day while drinking cheap whiskey and abusing painkillers.

  • Author
    Trescothik [legacy]
    30 December 2009 01:54:09

    Alls we need now is Vallejo to return and there will be at least 3 full personalities on towers.

  • Author
    Trescothik [legacy]
    30 December 2009 01:53:40

    Hah, a fair question. Shouldn't you be out slaying terrorists man?

  • Author
    Woric [legacy]
    30 December 2009 01:47:09

    who the fuck is trescothik? :) and yes

  • Author
    Trescothik [legacy]
    30 December 2009 01:46:25

    fuckin aye, are you back active now?

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    30 December 2009 00:56:49

    Lastguard MUST be a herkie, only them are that stupid.