Is contract killing really this easy now?
Maybe? Dunno :p
He was referring to Daywalker.
I was never in Durmanhoth?
'True' Beorning, haha. Yeah, the dude who run off and joined the fuggin Durmanhoth at the drop of a dime.
we will level you in no time if you get back. always good to have a true Beorning come back.
I wish I could. It's been about 3 years since I left. I wouldn't recognize the mud if I came back. Plus I just had a son (he is 6 weeks old Monday) And I don't want to level a character. I do miss a lot of you guys though.
What brought you back Delgaur (if you had left that is)? Beorningers?
Leto, come back and play :(
Building a new map on my own is hard work lol
Nice Kill, Dookie
lol, welcome back, Delgaur:))
It's spreenoob killer
Spreekiller owned. Great work Del. <3
Nice to see you owning again Delgaur. *tip
Valium is easily the worst assassin of the year. He likes to brag about his skill too, for some reason.
Oh my god... Wtf was that?:p
Had to join two bits of the log together, so missed a few lines of combat between the non-color and the color. Was not really expecting him at that point so logger was off.