Hard banned.

Posted by
Baklen [legacy]
15 January 2002 00:00:00
Player Kill

Well fellows seems that this is really the end.I'm posting this to you to prove to everyone on this mud, That Turin was right. The mud has gone to hell, by the people who run it, and so fourth. As melkor states its his mud. And he runs it the way he wants. So To everyone who ever was out there. I love you all, to my enemies It was fun. You guys know who you are. The real reason was bug abuse not spreekilling. He is just to hypocritic to admit it. I leave the mud never to return. This log states what melkor was saying. Anyways I'll miss you all, and hell 316 kills is not bad. over 16million in fines. *snorts* take care arda and rest well. The Storm is no more.


  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    17 December 2003 02:57:13

    lol, u r baklen, gone away?? ha ha

  • Author
    Valoc [legacy]
    26 September 2003 14:45:08

    The same stuff, everyday.

  • Author
    Mathel [legacy]
    27 May 2003 14:13:35

    Baklen, i never knew you, i wish i did, as an enemy or a friend, either would have been great, to be a friend would have been a shield better than any other, to be the enemy would have been a great honor for anyone, you are my hero, you are the best, the storm, will be known by me as the best, nothing less nothing more, I salute you, as the Storm, the most powerful, strongest, fastest Storm to ever cross a path, where ever you are, the clouds will always follow in respect, you will always be the best, nobody will ever replace you, you are THE STORM

  • Author
    Kilth [legacy]
    17 May 2002 18:17:11


  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    07 March 2002 03:10:09


  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    07 March 2002 03:09:56


  • Author
    Orlandu [legacy]
    23 February 2002 07:16:23

    This comment is REALLY REALLY late, but I still think Baklen is the shit... and he killed me a LOT, but I'm not a hater for it... I even got to become his friend before he left... To all of those who talk shit to him, fuck off. If you would have gotten to know him, he was more then an assassin.

  • Author
    Kilth [legacy]
    21 February 2002 20:23:16

    You all suck, I rule! MUAHAHA!

  • Author
    Wombat [legacy]
    11 February 2002 20:35:44

    Always sad when a great player leaves. I'm glad I got to kill you once. God knows you got me more than a few times ...

    They need to make us an ArdaV3 that is just hack & slash and Arda the way it used to be 5 years ago ... with bugs intact and when assassins were the shit. (do aura,backstab,headbutt,shiv) For all the people who actually like to 'PLAY' and who enjoy the rush of a kill or getting away from one --- If I wanted to role-play a fucking elf 8 hours a day and hop around and heal people I never would have started playing here years ago. I hate seeing guys like Baklen go.

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    11 February 2002 17:36:24


  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    29 January 2002 18:49:41

    suicided chars shouldnt talk, so dont, ruiniel.

  • Author
    Ruiniel [legacy]
    22 January 2002 00:40:51

    Leto, he's no cooler than you.You've proved it.

  • Author
    Avaar [legacy]
    20 January 2002 02:11:40

    this is a late comment to all those who said baklen was a hunt and a backstab, well often times baklen didnt need to do anything else, the man made himself a killing machine, 60 blocking, 60 tactics he didnt need to trigger something if people died before they got a chance... and stuff

  • Author
    Leto [legacy]
    19 January 2002 22:51:09

    *Just noticed this thread*

    I, for one, am sorry to see you go Baklen. Some can say what they want about your skills, but you were better than me and I loved watching your work. I hope someday to be your match.

    Peace man,


  • Author
    Josef [legacy]
    18 January 2002 19:56:39

    Well, baklen. I'm returning for sure. I hope to see you around anyway... I hope to the end at least :-)

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    18 January 2002 17:05:04

    I love how the enemies are truly enemies:) to bad you suicided josef I would of been glad to take your head. Mirk still holding aggresions after I killed you?ah its all good.

  • Author
    Josef [legacy]
    18 January 2002 16:22:05

    Oh my god, just as I planned to return to the mud, you leave baklen... or get thrown out in the cold.

    Well, you were skilled, but hey... not more skilled then the rest of the assassins out there.

    If we have all been playing on telnet, we wouldbe able to see a lot of diffence between players... now'a'days you just configure your client to play for you... and that kinda sucks.

    Oh well,I will for sure miss you - not because I like you - but because I liked ot piss you off ;-)

    bye bye sucker

  • Author
    Josef [legacy]
    18 January 2002 16:22:01

    Oh my god, just as I planned to return to the mud, you leave baklen... or get thrown out in the cold.

    Well, you were skilled, but hey... not more skilled then the rest of the assassins out there.

    If we have all been playing on telnet, we wouldbe able to see a lot of diffence between players... now'a'days you just configure your client to play for you... and that kinda sucks.

    Oh well,I will for sure miss you - not because I like you - but because I liked ot piss you off ;-)

    bye bye sucker

  • Author
    Mirk [legacy]
    18 January 2002 08:32:06

    really though, go get a life, and leave the rest of us to the pathetic mud...

    you can tell your an addict when you read logs from a place youve been banned from


  • Author
    Faris [legacy]
    18 January 2002 06:48:22

    Baklen is a very skilled assassin. Thats my opinion. But I do like to add that there is too much testosterone on this log discussion. :@)

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    18 January 2002 02:01:07

    You are totally right. And When i look at all the people that said I was all tht except ruiniel anton. I'm happy:) and I can defend myself f I want to. When someone calls me an idiot and that I suck, and that I cheat to kill of coursei defend myself.

  • Author
    Delgaur [legacy]
    18 January 2002 00:19:27

    Hell, Baklen, your suppose to be gone...now piss off already :)

    All i have to say is, if you Truly were 'all that' , then you would not have had to make a single post on here, OTHERS would have done it for you.

    The fact you feel the need to defend against some bad comments made about you...then well...enought said.

  • Author
    Newcomer [legacy]
    17 January 2002 23:03:57

    You fear me, Ruiniel, admit it.

    *thinks how he met you the first time*


  • Author
    Durkin [legacy]
    17 January 2002 20:38:25

    Luckily, everyone wrote Sime off as an idiot a long time ago and his opinion is worth precisely 'dick'

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    17 January 2002 20:22:01

    I love how you define spreekilling. Were you there did you know hwo I killed?

    I went like this Anyone want anyone dead for ANYTHING people gave me names, I killed them. That was the last 2days of my mud char. Baklen has been around like almost 3years. Funny to judge me on the last 2daysof my life but very well.

  • Author
    Sime [legacy]
    17 January 2002 19:16:25

    As a assassin you backstabbed people, in both instance's..............

  • Author
    Sime [legacy]
    17 January 2002 19:10:15

    Dude i Gotta say Melkor did the right thing, you spreekilled and then you Abused a bug that harms the mud and other players, the community.

    I know you are going to say i have abused bugs also, but i would like you to pin me for harming anyone else with them, and i would also like you saying how the first 3 times i was nuked, how they were abusing something, they were things that had been there for ages and been used by alot of people. And when i used them they just went illegal somehow :).

    Yes Rauko is bad seed, but melkor has brains.

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    17 January 2002 17:04:16

    I've done 300 plus kills man and 10 are with vials. I do not post every kill i get or every . And I never said I didn't kill random targets of course I did, im an assassin. I'm tired of arguing say what you want means shit to me

  • Author
    Mirk [legacy]
    17 January 2002 09:05:54


    like melkor said, you have no rights here.

    all bakeln did was kill,

    you dont run around in rl killing people because you can.

    and sure you can say that this is just a freakin game, but hell, its a different kind of game that strives to create its own world, if you want to run around killing people play tfc or cs, at least thats thepoint of that game.

    christ baklen was skilled killer but that was it.

    in case you havent noticed in rl people like him get executed.

    so really it all comes down to how you view the game. as something to play as a different world,

    or as just a game to annoy as many people as possible to you can inflate your childish heads even more about how godlike you are.

    'Why you kill is 10 times more important than how good you are'


  • Author
    Ruiniel [legacy]
    17 January 2002 08:28:50

    You say you didn't pk random targets?Check that

    log where you kill Kedrimond - the whole FRA

    were screaming at you to stop.

    Just a simple example.

    I don't deny you were a cool assassin - just

    your style was..kinda, heh, stormy:P

    Even Morefinda got many kills in little time -

    does this make him cool?

    And, about those vials - this is part of the skill

    but the questions was, how many solos without them

    did you do?:P

    You were a cool assassin, Baklen, but noone

    has ever striked fear in me.

    Hmm...now thinking, the only people whom I have

    thought as of 'freaks' were Ford (when I was an ER)

    and Maronan.Maronan killed me, I killed him too -

    but when I killed him he fought like a real bastard

    and the glory from the battle is his.There's a log

    on Viking's webpage.It's worth seeing what a newbie I was and how he kicked mine and Viking's assses:P

    Not that he's a god, just he's someone whom I respect for this.

    His alt is a freak too:P

    But you?You have never striked even the slightest

    resemblance of fear in my heart.Just too many

    people said you were cool and too many believed

    them - too many prejudice:P

  • Author
    Vallejo [legacy]
    17 January 2002 05:55:18

    I meant I don't even fucking care.....there clarified, BYE!

  • Author
    Vallejo [legacy]
    17 January 2002 05:54:15

    I see both sides of this argument, I used like 6 vials to kill Sime when he was level 22...but..furthermore once I think about it, I don't about any of this.

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    17 January 2002 03:50:51

    Snorts one last thing

    Using vials thats a small thing to say.

    3/4 of the time I didn't. Second point

    someone drops a gun in a war

    man picks up a knife instead

    man goes ooooooooooh! knife right here ill use this instead of the gun. Not my fault, I used it to my advantage LIKE AN ASSASSIN SHOULD!. you tend to forget A warrior who knows anything can escape an assassin ANYTIME if he has healin or ANY eq on him. *shrugs gorilla tactics

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    17 January 2002 03:48:16

    What I'm saying is He says I didn't care who I killed. ummis it me or I'm taken it wrong. If your in mordorand not to my liking I kill you

    Any pker who was anything does.

    You're tellen me fjant neve rkilled someone just cause he was in mordor




    *snorts* now that is just bullshit.

    I could go on. But I wont done arguing. Its pointless. We have different views on it no point fighting.I never listed like devon in my descrip or anything. All the assassins have killed PEOPLE they do not know or are worth it. I just find it hypacritical when you all did it do it.

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    17 January 2002 03:43:20

    Lets putit this way. 5 out of the 80 logs on hee have vials

    Second tell me fjant didnt use a tactic to kill?

    Tell me you didn't?

    TELL ME ANYONE that WAS ANYTHING didn't use something tohis advantage. Dravin, Valerian, man picking me out saying I used shit to kill? ALL the pker's did OR DO! and I used one bug to EVADE

    the other shit was implimented and hence I didn't

    get nuked since it was coded that way. So whatever you say man, Fjant nailed me once never knew his name , didn't even look at him to sit and tell me that its easier yes it is. But thats what its all about.

  • Author
    Barazbund [legacy]
    17 January 2002 03:26:59

    Baklen, I'm sure i didnt just hear you say that.

    Fjant was a great playerkiller cause he chose random targets? It seems to me thats what your saying and I strongly disagree with that. Playerkilling is only worthwhile if the target has done something nasty to you, or has a large contract. That means they'll probably be on guard. I know thats what you did a lot of the time vs the megs, but also a lot of the time vs the megs you were just another gangbang party member, or were hyped up on 8 galadriels vials. (disclaimer: I never said that gangbanging or using vials was wrong or immoral, or that it wasnt necessary)

    Anton is right in what he said. It is much easier to pk when the target hasnt done anything offensive to you, which is what Baklen did a lot of the time. However, Baklen definately did have his moments, and I even have copied a few of his techniques. He is a top tier pker for sure.

  • Author
    Anton [legacy]
    17 January 2002 03:26:53

    No need to flip out, Baklen. :P I don't care if you lost whatever respect for me, dude, it's just a general statement. Baklen, or anyone: It's different when you kill random people solo. And I'll admit that you did kill a lot of people who knew it was coming, but you also used 8 of Galadriel's vials half the time. :) I just tire of people listing off the number of kills they have and thinking it means anything. The numbers stack up when you don't care who or what you kill...I could exponentially increase the number of kills I've made by attacking everyone that I see in Mordor, but it doesn't make me any better than I am now.

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    17 January 2002 03:00:28

    Ok man, I'm sorry I did not want to post here and Argue. THankyou all for the farewells it means alot to me. Anton ok

    Baklen FRA


    Baklen SOU

    FRA war, I killed EVERYONE in megs, they KNEW IT WAS COMING!then I killed on only contract if you have a contact and are nocarefull you deserve to die.

    durmanhoth how many kills on vc beornings

    rimsilvil THAT KNOW an attack is coming. I kill anyone? I killed ANYONE THAT MESSED WITH ME MY FRIENDS OR THE GUILD! That is what I did. I had alot of respect for you anton you just lost it from me. What you just said is like saying one can only kill someone when they are low, ITS THE WHOLE POINT!!!! I WAS AN ASSASSIN!=I KILL!

    Your statement is totally LAME. It really ticks me off wen yo say that. I do not walk around saying say these things no the board, THEY LOOKD AT MY LOGS THEY DECIDED HOW GOOD I WAS BY FIGHTING ME BY DYING BY ME< BY READING MY LOGS. IT really ticks me off when you call the kettle black. Thats like saying fjant sucked cause he picked random targets. HE DID PICK RANDOM TARGETS! ITS THE SURPRISE! If an assassin can kill you edoras to thranduils and you had full hp!! then he is REALLY GOOD or you are a wimp. If an assassin can kill while hunting through huntbreaks then he is good. If an assassin catches you atlow hp, far away from anyone than that assassins is congrats. How many times have i challenged a party of 5 and eithergot the kill or was killed? man don't give me this shit. An Assassin KILLS, for gold, for vengence, for emotions. Thats what I did. thats what I was. Like Duniv says when it gets to the point that the presence surpassess the skill. then that means something. Hell half the people on this log page I've killed and become great friends. MAN IT REALLY ERKED me when you said that. Killing is all about that.I brought it to an art. I tried to make it magical, not some sameless bullshit. If I failed fine, but by the looks of it I didn't to bad, some I'm glad I was an enemy to keep you on your toes. To my friends I did the best I could to be the best friend evenwith the Storms temper. With that I'm going to stop arguing I just saw fit to defend myself when talked about. As I said I really didn't want to post here. Thank you all. And if some hate me, looks like I did that well too. *snorts* The only thing you could do when the storm was in action was sit back and watch.

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    17 January 2002 02:53:06

    Ok man, I'm sorry I did not want to post here and Argue. THankyou all for the farewells it means alot to me. Anton ok

    Baklen FRA


    Baklen SOU

    FRA war, I killed EVERYONE in megs, they KNEW IT WAS COMING!then I killed on only contract if you have a contact and are nocarefull you deserve to die.

    durmanhoth how many kills on vc beornings

    rimsilvil THAT KNOW an attack is coming. I kill anyone? I killed ANYONE THAT MESSED WITH ME MY FRIENDS OR THE GUILD! That is what I did. I had alot of respect for you anton you just lost it from me. What you just said is like saying one can only kill someone when they are low, ITS THE WHOLE POINT!!!! I WAS AN ASSASSIN!=I KILL!

    Your statement is totally LAME. It really ticks me off wen yo say that. I do not walk around saying say these things no the board, THEY LOOKD AT MY LOGS THEY DECIDED HOW GOOD I WAS BY FIGHTING ME BY DYING BY ME< BY READING MY LOGS. IT really ticks me off when you call the kettle black. Thats like saying fjant sucked cause he picked random targets. HE DID PICK RANDOM TARGETS! ITS THE SURPRISE! If an assassin can kill you edoras to thranduils and you had full hp!! then he is REALLY GOOD or you are a wimp. If an assassin can kill while hunting through huntbreaks then he is good. If an assassin catches you atlow hp, far away from anyone than that assassins is congrats. How many times have i challenged a party of 5 and eithergot the kill or was killed? man don't give me this shit. An Assassin KILLS, for gold, for vengence, for emotions. Thats what I did. thats what I was. I was the storm, and all you could do was sit back and watch. I'm done, goodbye

  • Author
    Midir [legacy]
    17 January 2002 02:12:09

    I'll miss you man.

  • Author
    Wyngel [legacy]
    17 January 2002 01:21:25

    Baklen is Durmanhoth.

    Durmanhoth Theme : 'If you are not a MEMBER, you are a TARGET!'

    You are not a member --> You are a target.

    Therefore if you crossed Baklen and you are not a Durmanhoth, then you are a potential target for Baklen.

  • Author
    Anton [legacy]
    17 January 2002 00:53:20

    Just FYI, when you're accusing Ruiniel of only doing '5 man party kills,' there's a hell of a difference between Baklen and Ruiniel. Baklen had the 'mad skills' to solo kill people because Baklen didn't care who he killed. When you kill like that, you almost always have the element of surprise. Ruiniel kills for vengeance, against people who generally expect to be attacked. It's a difference that I wish people could really recognize, because a lot of people could be 'great' in the sense that you all apparently think Baklen is, if suddenly they abandoned their principles and stopped showing restraint when it comes to target selection.

  • Author
    Avaar [legacy]
    16 January 2002 23:43:11


  • Author
    Durkin [legacy]
    16 January 2002 23:13:10

    Does anyone else wish Ruiniel would just shut the fuck up.

  • Author
    Avaar [legacy]
    16 January 2002 23:11:20

    ruiniel, all you are is a 5 man party and a trigger to headbutt, at least baklen had enough balls to kill solo, which is more than what can be said for most of you out there

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    16 January 2002 21:18:20

    Ruiniel your a moron and he could kick your ass any day.

  • Author
    Durkin [legacy]
    16 January 2002 20:27:20

    Baklen is quitting the MUD forever!...again.

  • Author
    Gwildor [legacy]
    16 January 2002 18:58:22

    Farewell Baklen, you'll be missed by many

  • Author
    Delgaur [legacy]
    16 January 2002 18:36:05

    Yes, i Agre norin, Backstab and hunt he was. But there was a difference. He pain stakeing keeped his second skills maxed, and the solos kills he did do, were perfectly timed. Which of course, the elemnt of surprise is what being an assassin is all about. Something i respected Baklen for.

    Untill of course he last stint with the durms. He party killed just like the rest of us.

    Take care Foe!

    We both party killed each other (even if you did kinda let us) we had some good fights!

    Have fun in the real world.

    And dont be silly and change isp! get away while you have the chance!

  • Author
    Norin [legacy]
    16 January 2002 17:29:19

    I fought Baklen and survived.

    I saw no mad skills, i saw a backstab and a hunt.

    But anyways, i guess arda will miss you Baklen.

    -Norin the Nameless

  • Author
    Ruiniel [legacy]
    16 January 2002 16:25:18

    Hell, how many of you who talk crap here have

    fought with Baklen?

    He wasn't that great at all.

  • Author
    Vanris [legacy]
    16 January 2002 13:45:54

    See ya bro,you'll be missed by many.

  • Author
    Nikka [legacy]
    16 January 2002 12:44:29

    Baklen never striked fear inside me!, Baklen was a great player, but def. not the best

  • Author
    Kilth [legacy]
    16 January 2002 10:55:02

    Play Diablo 2 like Melkor said. I'll give away some free stuff!

  • Author
    Rolf [legacy]
    16 January 2002 09:35:01

    uhm.. enjoy RL!

  • Author
    Feris [legacy]
    16 January 2002 08:50:57

    Farewell, Baklen. I will miss all the logs you had posted. You did have skills man, mad skills!

    It's a shame I didn't know you well though.

    I hope to see you on the flip side.

    Feris Valantier, Squire of Dol Amroth

  • Author
    Duniv [legacy]
    16 January 2002 08:34:55

    Baklen truly had a presense like no other. It surpassed even his skill, which is saying quite a bit. I can't think of many others who inflicted so much fear when they entered a room.

  • Author
    Bared [legacy]
    16 January 2002 07:57:54

    Damn I almost cried. =(.

    Sorry to loose you Baklen, Though I didin't know you well, I saw in logs you had mad skills.

    I think it was unfair that Melkor Banned ya. Ok for the nuke, you bug abused. But as Manni earlier said, I don't either ask my self why the ainur do the stuff the do.

    You thought me one thing actilly.

    Be your friend, and I wont die.

    Or be your enemy, and the second it says 'Baklen enters' to run like hell =).

    You'll be missed.

    *Bows with great respect, with a tear in his eye*

    Ps, The thing with I almost cred, for real, I almost did.

  • Author
    Kilth [legacy]
    16 January 2002 07:56:33

    Dang... I never got to know him. *curses*

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    16 January 2002 06:59:17

    I wonder how many heard that infamous whisper 'The Storm is coming' before finding themselves in the halls of Mandos in those 20 minutes...

    Twas unfortunate that Melkor had to do what he did. Even if he didn't 'have to', he felt it was necessary and it is his game.

    *salutes Baklen* Farewell my enemy! Alas, I stand on the banks of the Anduin and see a small skiff floating alone amongst the current. As the skiff nears, I see the armoured body of mighty warrior lain onboard. Arms crossed with battered shield and broken sword, another mighty warrior has met his end...

    While I shant miss dying at his hands, I shall miss his skill and style. Such personality, shame to have lost it.

    Wasach Zadan-an-Naduim of House Pathor

  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    16 January 2002 06:14:48

    HP:230 EP:201> legend mat

    Mat was nuked at 15:55 01/15/02

    Mat the dwarf Orc-target (Impartial)

    Departed from Arda Gender: male

    Age: 20m 48s

    Nuke Reason: baklen

    That's kind of funny.

  • Author
    Lupin [legacy]
    16 January 2002 05:47:00

    Later bro, taught me lots of stuff. The mud will never forget ya. It's a shame to see one of the greats go, we have lost so many.

  • Author
    Musui [legacy]
    16 January 2002 04:53:02

    I'm sorry to see you go, Balken, your logs were always the most entertaining and your kills the most skilled.

    But on the other hand, I understand why Melkor did it. No, not the 'I LET YOU' play here stuff, that was because he was putting his foot down. But why he nuked you.

    You found a bug, and got away with a lot of fines. Very cool. Except once you realized you had found a gold bug, you didn't report it. You logged it, but you didn't report it, and you continued to abuse the bug. If you had done it once, reported it, and walked away and never did that trick again, you probably would've gotten away scott free. If you had done it once, logged it, hadn't reported it, and walked away and never did it again, you probably would have gotten a warning.

    But you didn't report, you logged it (so others could copy it), and you did it again and again. That's why you were nuked. You knew there was a flaw in the system, you didn't try to get it fixed, and you abused it. The first time, shame on the ainur. The second, third, nth time, shame on you for using that bug.

    As to being banned - that was because you got hissy with Melkor. Sorry, but when you're at the wrong end of the smiting stick, the only thing wise to do is to keep your cool, get another beer, and try to negotiate - calmly - out of it. It isn't 'giving in' - it's respecting authority.

    I'm sorry to see you go, Balken. I'll miss your logs. But I do want to set the record straight.

  • Author
    Theodrek [legacy]
    16 January 2002 04:51:36

    I really didn't think I'd see this many people turn up for the log. Not bad, Baklen. All joking and RP aside - you'll be missed, I suppose. Though the only real reason I'm doing this is because what Necsipaal said...it doesn't matter if you're good or evil. Cheating is cheating, and it's not allowed on the mud. Baklen was nuked because he was abusing an obvious bug and he spoke bluntly about it. Though if you really want to cheat and expect to be nuked you're welcome to go tell Melkor. Anyway, back to the original plan. Baklen, you'll be missed by a few. What the hell. A lot. And I still never got to cuff you. I would've loved to have that on my list...but eh. ;) Had you logged off 5 mins later you would've been in jail, man. You were so mine! But...eh...c'est la vie. I just hate to see you go out as a martyr, like Ruiniel said. But it happens, I suppose. Damn, this got dragged out more then I was hoping I would. I drink this keg for you (okay, so I drink it for myself.) Later.

  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    16 January 2002 03:54:31

    For a bad seed, you grew up pretty damn good, man. It is a shame to see you go. I'm not exaclty sure why you were nuked...Maybe in the interest of game 'balance'. Personally, I've about given up trying to understand why the ainur do things. I'm really kind of speechless right now. I thought Melkor was the decent one. I'll miss you, Baklen.

  • Author
    Durkin [legacy]
    16 January 2002 03:30:18

    I would like to welcome Baklen into the 'hardbanned oldtimers' club

    Congratulations Baklen!

  • Author
    Necsipaal [legacy]
    16 January 2002 01:31:53

    First of all, I deeply regret for such a great killer to have been nuked from Middle Earth... Furthermore, I don't think one can really consider what have done Baklen as a cheat for he posted it on this log page, if it really was a bug abuse well I think he would have keep it secret instead of leting every players know it, which obviously means Ainur too... Maybe I am wrong, I still am new and have a lot to learn of Middle Earth 'society'.

    In one hand I do understand for Melkor beeing unfair, i mean, who would wait for the Dark Lord to be loyal and fair in judgment?

    On the other hand, it doesn' make sense to me that Melkor condamned one of the best bringer of darkness and blood such as I assume you were, Balklen.

    Finally, I can't but salute your fate and deed as a criminal, may the timeless night comfort your hurts and may you find a way to come back from the outter Void, ready to spread blood for ever and ever after...

    Necsipaal, Queen of K?ma.

  • Author
    Ruiniel [legacy]
    16 January 2002 01:19:23

    Baklen only had a big mouth, he's not what he pretends to be.Anyway, I disagree

    he should be nuked like this.

    On the other hand, as I've always said, we gotta

    listen to Melkor.After all we pay nothing and

    it's his mud.If you are someone's guest you don't

    bitch about his rules, do you?

    Ummm, what to say..I certainly won't miss you..

    blah, it sucks to get nuked like this.

    *mutter* Now you are a martyr too:(

  • Author
    Roku [legacy]
    16 January 2002 00:06:29

    Your a bad seed? heh whatever

    Baklen was one of the greats and wont be forgotten

    my helmet goes off to you as well.

    Latta man

  • Author
    Serine [legacy]
    16 January 2002 00:02:58

    temporary=permanent *kicks himself*

  • Author
    Serine [legacy]
    16 January 2002 00:02:09

    Well I fell bad that you are gone, one of the best players recently i have come to see around arda. You showed a great skill in the art of pk'ing. But i dont know why its got to be temporary, maybe im wrong but i dont think so, you could probably call your internet company and have your isp changed and then you would no longer be banned untill Melkor found your new isp i guess.

  • Author
    Wyngel [legacy]
    15 January 2002 23:40:16

    I must also add that i just disliked the Amruin newbiehelpers comments. But its just a personal view. Maybe it was their main comm.

  • Author
    Wyngel [legacy]
    15 January 2002 23:25:57

    Man i didn't knew you and feared you. I learned two days ago that you were a Durmanhoth, and tonight you were cool to come to me when i talked with your brothers about a 'project'. I think you are a cool guy, farewell Baklen, i tip my corsair helmet, the Storm is gone, but death will be back with the tide.

  • Author
    Nikka [legacy]
    15 January 2002 23:23:37

    I havent done as much as he has done, but I've cheated more then he has, bought more characters then he has, and I havent been hardbanned, and Sire said I was the #1 cheater around *shrug*, They didnt like you man :(

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    15 January 2002 22:55:35

    Dude you were cool. Later. I'd keep goin but I don't want to get hard banned for misspelling or somethin. Oh, and spreeing is fun at level 19 Duniv... :p

  • Author
    Duniv [legacy]
    15 January 2002 22:53:30

    Later Bro. I hate the way you chose to leave, but I'll miss you none the less.

  • Author
    Morthar [legacy]
    15 January 2002 22:46:42

    Well, it was fun knowing you Baklen, see you on the flipside. Good luck out there.

  • Author
    Nash [legacy]
    15 January 2002 22:38:19

    oddly enough i will miss ya! Bye man.

  • Author
    Nash [legacy]
    15 January 2002 22:38:18

    oddly enough i will miss ya! Bye man.

  • Author
    Cogline [legacy]
    15 January 2002 22:31:20

    This is a sad day for us all. May our lost sheep rest in peace and may his name nerver be forgotten!