I suck :(
From now til forever Bared shall be known as 'the cocksucker.' Now, the cocksucker, I think Manni was saying that if he was up to bat that he'd have stolen from you. The cocksucker, you may want to go over his comment 2 or even 10 times to make sure, but don't fret, the cocksucker, you'll get it soon enough.
There are places to make gold.The more I know
the more it gets boring and the less I find em
reset though *hrmph* And without full access to
internet it's kinda hard to raid em properly:P
Hey Manni, What's so mad about those skills? He failed stealing, didin't he? Such good skills =)
I never understand how thieves can earn so much gold in little time... I always run outta EP too quick and never make any big amounts. =(
(Tell me the secret!)
Your criminal justice is useless against these mad skillz!
*lols* Darn! I didin't wield the damn GRB for a while =). Bad luck. I think I'd better go max my CJ.
Sheriffs can be real bastards eh?
*comforts you*