Omnicron says hi in a pure KoG style ;)

Posted by
Wyngel [legacy]
08 January 2002 00:00:00

Omnicron style (spammy but hmm... cool!)


  • Author
    Wyngel [legacy]
    10 January 2002 22:43:21

    Completely agreeing with Baklen, i wish i could be part of those early times. i'll never alas *sighs*, but i'll try to do my best.

    As for Durms-CoU, there are some ties stonger than you would expect, Rhoads. For me, the durms are like my mates, ie like my brothers.

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    10 January 2002 18:49:18

    As far as i know, those 'wonderfull' times durms and CoU got whooped and CoU erased :P

    just a note ;)

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    10 January 2002 17:24:30

    ooc Man are there any of the originial cou left? Wombat left them to join some stupid shit.

    Ah wailt waldemir, and juggalo are still cou.

    Ah great memories fellows.

    Wonder what happened to head.

    Blah anyone got a log of cou in durms halls in the alliance. I had a new computer lost it. IF anyone has these OLD amazing logs of durm cou wupen some ass. email it at

    I'm going to put together a durm history page.

    Show the ruthless killers of arda.

    Hmms heart mut plays ever quest or someshit.hmms

  • Author
    Wyngel [legacy]
    10 January 2002 02:21:57

    Adunazon, this goes straight to my heart. You're one of the players i admire since i started to play the Mud, i was nothing but a newbie ER at that time, grown up basing my lifestyle on somebody like you. Nothing flatters me much than when we are together bringing despair and mutilating the lands of Arda.

    Sincerely my brother, thanks.

    Truly, in the name of Ar-Pharazon the Golden, and of Castamir the Rightful King, peace be upon them,

    Hail to Ar-Adunazon, the King of Men, Tyrant of Dol-Guldur and submitter of Mirkwood.

  • Author
    Adunazon [legacy]
    10 January 2002 02:14:53

    I'd like to join in on the slandering of Wasach for a moment here.

    I suppose your idea of 'teaching humility' is to run to the MCouncil and claim 'RP abuse' and 'levelbashing' when somebody puts you in your place.

    Regardless, I digress. Wyngel is one of the finest RPers on the mud, and deserving of Onmicron's exalted titles. Wyngel Ar-Gimilzor, I salute you.


  • Author
    Wyngel [legacy]
    10 January 2002 02:05:22

    Come on Wasach, you can be so boring. I remember your tauntings when i was level 13 and only active CoU. I remember when we were just a clan. I remember NAoG trying at least two times to make me join them.

    Annadur, myself and a the few who never lost trust in CoU had such hard times with bragging morons like KoDA and NAoG in general.

    Right, i was unexperienced at those times, but i've always been and always will be a Corsair of Umbar. I've learned a lot, and still have a lot to learn, there are still persons i admire on this mud (points Durmanhoth and some other cool folks, i won't make a list).

    You know me, i'm restless, repentless, i don't give a fuck. When i see a lousy NPC you guys try to defend, i'll always come and charge, alone or not, until he dies, unable to be protected by the so-called Knights of Dol Amroth.

    The glory of Gondor ? What's this crap. Thrash it, you guys are all corrupted. I remember Dwain asking me to finish off the merchant for him, twas some time ago. I did it gladly, happy to see the shadow creeping in his heart.

    Truly, inevitable doom comes to Gondor when i'm roaming the lands. People cover in fear, lads going to war are brutally slain, guards start to runaway, only those fool enough to stand and fight die a certain death. Nobody feels any longer sure, not even the petty First Knight of Dol Amroth.

    Some accused me of being not RP. I am a roleplayer. I roleplay the Ship-King of Umbar, blackest of the numenoreans, i'm tall, haughty, and self-confident. And i'm confident in my victory. What do you expect from me ? To sit, roll a joint and drink some booze ? Except for boozin', i'm not roleplaying Pippin or Merry.

    I'll crush you all down, and never again shall you rise.

    Wyngel Ar-Gimilzor

    Ship-King of Umbar

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    10 January 2002 01:41:54

    blahs. ok, dunno what humilty means but my guess is it envolving getting killed. Yeah, Wasach killed me. Then I gave him a dose of humilty, what, three times now? The last kill was the best. I didn't know it was possible to get lost at the smith in carchost... :p

  • Author
    Gilead [legacy]
    10 January 2002 01:13:24

    As for wasach saying wyngel has no friends that isnt true. Wyngel is my friend and stop making fun of COU wasach. You are a little pussy shit who is probably playing out of your parents basement. Dont mess with wyngel man.

    Gilead Anyonewhohasalastnameisgay.

    Lord of Making fun of DA

  • Author
    Wyngel [legacy]
    10 January 2002 00:15:42

    I think there is a balance between Roleplaying and killing, and in this, i agree with Mizrahi. They should code Harad and Umbar, and make at least the Desert (between river Poros and Cuivenien) a lawless land, while Umbar is under the Corsair Law. (ie you can pkill morals and elves without lawsys) *cackle*

    Oh and thanks, Mr T. ! (checks his friend list) ;)

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    09 January 2002 15:15:50

    It is actualy nice to see someone who trys to roleplay something besides the usual impartial assassins who cares about no one but himself and kills everyone for fun :P

  • Author
    Rolf [legacy]
    09 January 2002 14:19:51

    Anyone who claims this log is a waste of time discourages RolePlaying and should be banned from the mud

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    09 January 2002 01:36:29

    More's the pity for CoU, eh Rhoads? *smirk*

    When will they get around to implementing Umbar or even near Harad? Once I make it across the River Poros Wyngel, its a whole new ball game. Or maybe I will just have a boat built in one of those shops and sail there....stopping off to laugh at the burnt and sunken corsair wrecks in Pelargir!

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    08 January 2002 20:08:45

    You didn't left CoU? aww :P

  • Author
    Wyngel [legacy]
    08 January 2002 19:34:34

    Aye Durkin. We all have to be humble. That's the point. I don't have to be ashamed of getting killed. Death ? Yeah, it happens.

    Wasach : you know i love jokes man. Like when i said Azoriel, Rhoads and a couple of KoDAs that i was about to leave CoU ;)

    Oh and Korzan, Tarn and Deboraha are good teachers when it comes to humility. Yeah you too Durkin ;)

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    08 January 2002 19:10:22

    hmm, it took Deboraha a couple times but she did. Korzan is trying also but hasn't yet, I loved to battle him to much (he has more honour than people give him credit for). Tarn probably wishes he could...

    You know I respect you more than any other person any of the 'evil guilds'. Who says we have to fight in mordor? I am hurt, since when have either of us reported the other, eh?

    As for I hate you more *grin*, just kidding!!!

    Wasach Zadan-an-Naduim of House Pathor

    5 more months of Professors *crosses his fingers*

  • Author
    Durkin [legacy]
    08 January 2002 18:31:38

    Wyngel learning some humility of his own.

  • Author
    Wyngel [legacy]
    08 January 2002 17:06:16

    Rolf : i love ya man, sweden rules.

    Rhoads : you don't get it man, omnicron is a brother.

    Wasach : nobody ever teached you humility ? need lessons ? contact me : wyngel@bethagan, and meet me in Mordor ;)

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    08 January 2002 16:42:43

    Wyngel, who are you kidding? We all know you have no friends....

    As for the 'Desecrator of Osgiliath'?...Shoulda seen the tags I left all over that place, not to mention the 'fat-gansta roll' I dropped that clogged the sewers.

    Wasach Zadam-an-Naduim of House Pathor

    Man-at-Arms in the Knights of Dol Amroth

    Major in the Armies of Gondor

    and the reason Wyngel drinks himself blind (so as to forget his humiliating defeats at my hands)*cackles ruthlessly*

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    08 January 2002 16:42:09

    Heh, man Omnicron is cool :P

  • Author
    Wyngel [legacy]
    08 January 2002 14:48:06

    You see Poseidon, because of you i'm giving more work to my students. I'm sure they would hate you if they know why they got such load of work! *cackles*

    Ah that's good fun to be prof sometimes ;)


  • Author
    Wyngel [legacy]
    08 January 2002 14:45:34


    Poseidon, i don't know you, i don't care a fuck about you, i don't even *want* to know you. I've friends checking this website, and i posted it for them.

    Got it ? ;)

  • Author
    Ogenheart [legacy]
    08 January 2002 14:40:12

    You're just saying that 'cause it only took up half a page! *grin*

    I thought it was fun, anyway. A log of rp is fairly unusual in these here parts. :P


  • Author
    Poseidon [legacy]
    08 January 2002 14:34:10

    Why would any of us others realy give a damn?

  • Author
    Rolf [legacy]
    08 January 2002 14:16:19

    I love this kind of comms =)