Amruin has a unique other than Anfidurl? Whaaat? This clearly will not do...Never fear! Me and a my new friend Pimpmaster sheriff rectify the situation.
Orc scimitars and globes look very similar when the light shines on them just right.
Manni or Gilead, please post when you disarmed my
orc scimitar.I couldn't log it:(( But it was
so amusing:))))
No, Leod, other characters don't exist here. Thats why we care not for keeping our characters seperate. Make sure to post logs of other characters with your main one too to avoid confusion when people want to treat you like your alt. lol
Because I'm a thief, thought it was kinda applicable to the situation.Erm...ain't I alive?
Oh, no!!!I'm someone's shadow!*scream in horror*
Why dont you post with your real char, Leod.
Hey, Slugz, who was this Pimp sheriff?