A discussion about the war

Posted by
Korzan [legacy]
28 December 2001 00:00:00

This is something I've been writing at work, to possibly discuss some aspects of the war, why it started, and what the causes and effects of continued war will be. This isn't a place for flames, so don't put them here.


  • Author
    Necsipaal [legacy]
    29 September 2002 05:15:14

    very interesting stuffs indeed and a lot of nice words too... *sighs silently*

  • Author
    Necsipaal [legacy]
    29 September 2002 05:12:31

    The Star of Dusk was here!!

    Funny to reread these comments in the regard of the new situation, but not is all done yet... way to go!

  • Author
    Bradonja [legacy]
    25 August 2002 17:39:46

    That war started the major changes inside the rimsilval guild.

    A good story actually. The one who never loses a war loses one (external problems), then the shock moves into the guild itself (internal problems) which all resolves in a major regrouping of the guild.

    A good story indeed!

    Thx Ruiniel,Zzidane and allies for help in that long past war.

    *directs a junior member to write a piece for library about it all since he makes too many typos**

  • Author
    Ultilh [legacy]
    21 August 2002 01:03:38

    My comment is the oldest here!

  • Author
    Terius [legacy]
    12 August 2002 04:21:57

    I like to comment very late on very old logs. Wanna make somethin' of it?

  • Author
    Variel [legacy]
    22 May 2002 06:55:02

    It seems to me this thread went off on a bit of a tangent...

    It started early on with Korzan admiting to having started the war, randomly attacking Rims because he was arrested.

    The only thing I have to add to that is to mention that Korzan's 'demands' consisted of 10,000 gold in reimbursement, a promise that no Durm would ever be arrested again, and Orlando's head on a plate.

    I told him to go F-himself.


  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    21 February 2002 14:49:35

    now there is a tie for first place 'most commented' :) haha!

  • Author
    Vallejo [legacy]
    08 February 2002 21:51:11

    Sime, learn the fucking language man. You whole last post was dribble about a whole lot of nothing. You have really no idea what you're talking about. All of my chars leveled on their own merit, not to mention that EVERY last thing in this game I learned myself...I went through a regular long life of trial and error. There were no hand me downs, everything I've done I've earned, and I challenge you to find someone that denies my talent. Then I also challenge someone to tell me you're good.

  • Author
    Melfice [legacy]
    08 February 2002 06:45:29

    I'm mostly self-taught! ...guess that's why I still really suck.

  • Author
    Sime [legacy]
    07 February 2002 13:39:25

    I play t2t cause its a fun timekiller, and i didnt think it was fun to play against people that buff up there main chars with there alts. How many of your lvl 20+ chars in FRA did not get help to level in caras just cause your mains had to much fines. Do i have to write all the chars that lvled that way. At least i know how to keep my alternate characters, in character.

    Did you ever see me with my alts in the war, no.

    And i played them because i had more fun playing them, thats what t2t is for me at least.

    Most people dont like the way the mud is going torwards. To many people are learning stuff from other people, how many are still around that taught themselfs most of what they know.

    Them that know me, they know what i have done, guess you never noticed me when i was a durmanhoth and me and Alder evaded everything.

    A question, how many people that dont really know you like you?

    The only people you are nice to are people that you have a personal interest in. Have you ever helped a newbie?

  • Author
    Vallejo [legacy]
    04 February 2002 20:51:05

    Hmm, Sime, I had one alt during that war, and if I remember you're the one that had 2 alts hiding in CoU (I think I killed at least one of them solo btw), so don't you ever accuse me of something you know nothing about. Stupid slanderous comments from bug-abusers.

  • Author
    Sime [legacy]
    03 February 2002 20:57:38

    Vallejo about your first comment here, fdl, and how many alts didnt you log on to just to make money for other people in the FRA, while they did the same to you, the way you guys did it was lame. And i agree with Squibbs note about clone, i got a job and didnt have much time to logon.

    While when i did log on i didnt want to fight a guild that had members of other guilds and alts getting eq for them. This mud should enforce one player per character, i wouldent mind losing my alts for that purpose, would you?

    There are to many comments here for me to have time to read, so sorry if someone already has said this :)

    /Sime plays D2lod that was made to handle lots of chars from the same typist.

  • Author
    Korzan [legacy]
    01 February 2002 23:33:42


    I love Justanotherguy

    Its proof that what I do works.

    I can intimidate people into being afraid of me, into trying not to piss me off for fear of dying and worse.

    You know your character is bad-ass when people are afraid to insult you even OOCly.

  • Author
    Sarys [legacy]
    20 January 2002 12:55:19

    100 comments, congratulations!

  • Author
    Sneak [legacy]
    19 January 2002 23:53:27

    By who Manni? Me? How nice of you to say that :p

  • Author
    Squibb [legacy]
    15 January 2002 13:44:58

    Yea, to some degree every single person in the game has mp'd then. Whether it be on AIM or ICQ or what have you.

    Armada, your ranting again!


  • Author
    Ogenheart [legacy]
    14 January 2002 06:15:28

    *ponders* Just something to lighten the mood...

    Durmanhoth = Host of dark departed spirits. *grin*

    Oh, and Rimsilval = Host of shining light, but that just isn't funny.

    Please note: My memory is not perfect.

    If anyone feels the need to correct a mistake I may have made in the translations, please, for your own sake, stay caaaalm.

  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    13 January 2002 05:52:31

    And um, Nikka...I tried to legend the future best player in the game, and well, There are no legends about anyone of that name.

    You got some work to do, boy.

    And I suppose there are still 5 professions left that need a best player ever...you know since thief is already taken.

  • Author
    Korzan [legacy]
    13 January 2002 00:19:03

    Not while my Godly presence is around, you won't be.

  • Author
    Nikka [legacy]
    12 January 2002 01:22:46

    The solon cheaters are the worst group of people, and Yes, I used to be one of them, but I left that retarded town, and move on, and I'm still the best player ever to grace Iowa, and soon I'll be the best player ever to grace the game

  • Author
    Hades [legacy]
    11 January 2002 20:45:28

    Just like to add that if you can't beat the cheaters of arda, mightest well join them, right solon cheaters!?

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    11 January 2002 00:20:45

    Oh man, you are still pissing me off Ruiniel

    Fake aura, fake shit? man the only person fake here is you. dude GET OVER IT! move on.Don't talk shit you can't back up. I'm tIRED of hearing oh god rimsilval have no active players. Did you hear durmanhoth say that shit when rims wailed on them when we had 1active person ? NO! so I do not want to hear about rims WHINING!! and as for you man. You got no respect from anyone anymore.

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    10 January 2002 22:11:11

    This war is getting boring. I've killed (well, helped kill) most of your guys like a bunch and stuff. At least make alts and remax and join yer guilds so I can have some new names to hunt or somethin. Oh, and maybe attempt me more or somethin. I've been attempted 3 times. Well, Anton attacked me in mordor a couple times faded but that doesn't really count. And one of those attempts they only got 2 rounds of combat in on me so that doesn't really count. Oh and both of the others the assassins sorta died. Oops. Uh, so that doesn't really count. Um. yeah. Just thought stuff. again.

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    09 January 2002 22:07:00

    I speil goood. ernuf said.

  • Author
    Hectan [legacy]
    09 January 2002 08:00:09

    Retired, Ruiniel? Right.... I have my busy moments where there isn't time and my not so busy moments where there is...But it would be a little too early to say that I am retired. I'm around when I am needed and when a corpse needs to be made.

    Tarn is one weird little kid.

    And Woden? What the hell? Do we care?

  • Author
    Woden [legacy]
    08 January 2002 15:52:36

    I'm 'Woden' - to my knowledge, nobody has wielding me as a sword, though if you read the log of Adunazon, Kiall, and Toto killing me I am kinda acting like a shield, absorbing all that damage :) Now, 'Wooden' swords can be deadly in the hands of a well skilled person, and they give nasty splinters. Just a little play on words there :)

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    08 January 2002 05:34:31

    Uh, so I'm not a durm now Ruiniel? Er, ok. Oh, and I have used alts to gain plenty of information for this character. Like 5 years ago when I was level 1 I found out I could get woden swords and shields from various npcs. And guess what?! I still use that info when I get bored and decided not to use mels and use the deadly woden sword and woden shield combo. muahahaha. I'm such a multiplaying. la la la. Kill Kill Kill. Brainwash hobbit children. Smoke beer! Bang horse. Weasel weasels. Cry sulfuric acid for all I care. Just don't drive to Kansas with Jimmy Carter or the dwarves will bite your toenails off. Peace out homosapiens!

  • Author
    Armada [legacy]
    07 January 2002 13:30:21

    Ahhh for fucks sake, shut up.

    You're writing posts because you want me to respond, and by that make yourself look noble. I invented that, damnit.

    We all, at a certain point, used information acquired by an alt. That's mp, whether it was for our adventage or not. Ofcourse you can deny it, but then, that would be lying. I have no desire to prove anything, because I'm not exactly the type to go on ranting about why everyone cheats and I don't. I'd leave that to you. However, I could to some extent if I wanted to.

    I don't go on crusades to show that I or people surrounding me have never violated anything, and that's why I don't accuse others of doing them as well, Squibb.

    Stop complaining about MP and let that subject drop already, non of us are getting anywhere, and I am weary of your attitude.

  • Author
    Ruiniel [legacy]
    07 January 2002 08:13:38

    No no no.Listen, Squibb.Noone has imported me.It was I who wanted to join the war.And I was very very pushy, Variel's head started emitting smoke because of me.

    On the other hand, the durms are not fighting

    4 guilds or something.They are fighting Rimsilval

    + me + Leto + Zzidane.And Rimsilval still has

    many less active players.

    It could be said that we are fighting Durmahoth + Tarn + Julius + such.

    Imagine what would happen if the Beornings, VC and

    BKD joined the war with full strenght - all members constatnly waiting for a durm to kill instead of questing stuff peacefully.

    So stop whining about your 4 guilds.

    And, Hectan, erm, you are a retired durm in my eyes:P I have no idea what's happening while I'm

    not around but ..erm, the world revolves around me

    so nothing happens.

  • Author
    Squibb [legacy]
    07 January 2002 07:16:25

    Armada, tell me when I mp'd?

    Tell me when I switched chars to gain advantage? I know you have, which you apologized for, but let me know when I have.

    On a side note, yea, I'm tired of fighting Durms, do you remember I was a Durmanhoth member myself for awhile? I respect that they took on 5 other guilds and didnt import a bunch of characters into their guild in order to win. Instead they just kicked the shit out of all of you.

    I'm also tired of wasting my time writing replies to you and Anton. Might as well get in another since I won't reply to it.

  • Author
    Hectan [legacy]
    06 January 2002 07:51:57

    Yeah, that war against SoU was kind of viscious. But Ruiniel, I have a funny feeling that if I left Durmanhoth, they still might be a little hesitant to attack me. In this war, I have been in on at least 4 or 5 kills, then I have gone for hours at a time out of the guildhall with Rim and VC assassins on, yet Ulric chose to run circles around Rhos one night trying to get Foxxx to attack him instead of attacking me along with Bashgeroy while I was raping and pillaging Lothlorien for a solid two hours. In wars, the winning side will usually go for something called a 'strategic target' when given the opportunity. Now, for the benefit of those uninformed, I shall expound. When given the opportunity of attacking Foxxx, who rarely PKs anyone aside from a few unsuspecting low level VC's and some squirrels in Buckland, or myself, a diesel ass warrior who has been in on a number of recent PKs of Rims and VC, we have one target who is important to the war, and one who is less so. The target which means something is called a 'strategic target'. The other, we call 'Foxxx'. Go after Hectan instead of tracking Foxxx into Buckland.

  • Author
    Hrakno [legacy]
    06 January 2002 07:36:01

    About Rimmies and Shafts post, and i do think i saw posts implying that Rimms isn't supposed to be a wizard guild. KG couldn't _found_ a guild since there's already a wizard guild _founded_ so Shaft's kinda right there. Rimms were founded as a wizard guild (one of the 6 core professional guilds)and that makes them a wizard guild.

    That doesn't nessecarely makes them wizard guild now though, heh, i don't know if core changes has been made in their guild theme, if that's even allowed. I have heard the word knowledge-seekers.

    It would be fun to learn what's realy up with rimmies now though, if anyone that actually knows would like to tell that.

    I would also like to disagree with that a guild cannot wage war without assassins. It has been done.

    Props to 'the shitter' for his great posts btw.

  • Author
    Julius [legacy]
    05 January 2002 22:51:38

    You shouldn't complain about high fines, Ruiniel. After all, thats why the Rimsilval whined to the gods to get the guild_alliance system changed - so that our fines would start rising again.

  • Author
    Ruiniel [legacy]
    05 January 2002 21:20:14

    Hectan, we are not mass murderes.If you wanna get

    attacked, leave durmanhoth and they might

    attack you for no reason.

    We attack only assholes (well, in most cases)

    (like Klouse for example).

    You know, my fines are high and I can't just

    attack on sight like once.

    Baklen, you returned for like a week or somehing.

    Just while I was experienceing RL troubles and

    couldn't mud.Not that it's much different now.

    There's an artificial aura around your name -

    that you are a hell good player, the best even.

    This is what tempted me once but I had no assassin

    to hunt and couldn't stay on.

    Julius, I've organized hunts for you.But it looked

    like this: *who friend* *who enemy* - no Julius.

    *legend julius* - oops, no message stone.

    *$find julius* - Durm gh. *$lets get him* - ok.

    *legend julius* - Julius is sleeping peacefully.

    And, you know, patience is something I lack.

  • Author
    Barazbund [legacy]
    04 January 2002 08:48:38

    Well the meglivornth appologizes Hectan. We kicked the crap out of SoU, too bad you werent around for the what..3 days of war that existed after Gothwin stole our whip? :P

    that reminds me...I have a fun log from that war, never posted before either.

  • Author
    Hectan [legacy]
    04 January 2002 06:04:31

    I haven't been attempted since I was a level 6 punk ass thief. Since then, let's see...SoU-FRA war, SoU-Meg war, BkD-Durm war, Durm-Rim war. Thats a lot of wars to not get attacked.

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    04 January 2002 02:52:02

    *snorts* hey blahs I don't even care no more.

    Since the alliance system was changed I don't even want to play right now. Then above ALL! I try tiew solo while he is in a 5 MAN PARTY!!!! he runs to gh then guess what?he goes and reports *rotfl* hey some just can't handle it, as for me I'm taken another break cause Well I'm bored.As for you julius keep the head rollen stay out of trouble be back in a few, got some bump and grind to do in the rl section. and Anyone wanna put 30k on a contract? I can' find noone.

  • Author
    Julius [legacy]
    04 January 2002 02:10:38

    Go Baklen. No kidding, man

    I have 16,667 gold on my head and I've been attempted...ONCE.

    One single time, by 5 Rimsilval/VC/Beornings.

    And that was while i was at work on telnet and barely knew what the fuck was happening :P

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    03 January 2002 23:27:36

    ok for all of you who do not want to read lewd and bad words, block your ears.

    I am sick and TIRED OF FUCKEN COMPLAINING!!! I log and NOONE leaves there guildhall while I am on, I have killed more than 3 fourths of this mud and do I got even a 1k c?! NO cause everyone is SCARED SHITLESS!!! Thats right you guys are god dam pathetic, COME GANGBANG ME!! I welcome the god damm thing. Cause you sure as hell wont kill me solo. I'm tire of this and that, know when the last ime I was attempted? By barazbund. AT LEAST someone has balls. Ulric COme FOR ME MAN! I'm tired of your shit as well, leto, ruiniel man come get me. 5 man 6 man fuck that come get me gutless bastards. The Storm is waiting, or you can all hide in your damm guilds like you do all day. I welcome your attacks, I will be placing 30,000 gold on my head. If you got any balls come attack the storm........... If not, then you'll die anyways for being gutless.

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    03 January 2002 22:57:01

    uh, I know! you guys that sit in your guilds constantly are abusing them cause you can be pked! limit time allowed to chill in guilds! and give me money! not that I need it! more !!!! marks! Oh, and I think Korzan started this discussion place cause he wanted 2 logs with the most comments on them.

  • Author
    Armada [legacy]
    03 January 2002 15:07:07

    Squibb, why do you point out that Shachmir mps, without pointing out that you do too? You just said that your shit stinks, well, for once, prove your nobility by telling us just how much.

    Alas, I can't help but being confused reading your quite discontent comments about a certain friendship that existed between Rims and FRA. As a Rim, and whatever the hell you want me to be, I remember when members from both guilds were on friendly terms in the not-so-far past, and nothing more then that. Ofcourse, if this bothers you that much, remind us all who is the Meg GM that is courting the Durmanhoth now, after the 2 guilds have been raping eachother on and off for the last 3 years.

    Blah blah blather.

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    03 January 2002 04:02:10

    I'm tired of talken lets leave the guilds out of this and just go kill each other giv me something to do

  • Author
    Squibb [legacy]
    03 January 2002 00:51:22

    I was out having fun for the New Years and wasn't around to defend myself....

    Anton, Rimsilval was at war with FRA erm how long ago? 2 years? at least before the influx of TB and Co.

    Dukane, I pointed out when Shachmir m-played. Its what it is, I'm not saying my shit doesn't stink, just pointing out yours does too. Now go back to making an assassin, killing a bunch of newbies, adding an inflated number behind your name and telling everyone your th shit!

    Armada, no, I don't 'hate' just sorta laughing at whats happening. I actually like 70% of Rimmies I know, but think its a well-deserved wake up call, I know I got mine awhile back and it was good for me ;-)

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    02 January 2002 21:45:10

    Hey do we get legends cause we changed something (the guild alliance system). or do the rims get them for whining to much and getting it altered?

  • Author
    Ruiniel [legacy]
    02 January 2002 21:43:57

    Actually the names of the Beornings and the

    Gwaith i Mirdain are mentioned in the books.

    The Corsairs of Umbar are mentioned too.

    I'm not sure about the KoDA...

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    02 January 2002 15:29:58

    Too bad, we care about you Armada :P


  • Author
    Armada [legacy]
    02 January 2002 13:36:32

    Goddamnit, I don't care, I SAID IT WAS AN EXAMPLE.

    And by that I said that nowhere in the book I see the word AMRUIN mentioned. And that goes for EVERY GUILD. HOWEVER, you can ASSUME that there is some dwarf guild in Erebor, and some Edoras protector guild in Edoras, and some Caras protecting guild in Loth, and that is why there's nothing wrong to assume that there's some secretive murderous guild in the middle of Mirkwood, because there's sure as hell no reason that would contradict this assumption. Same goes for Rims.


  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    01 January 2002 18:43:24

    The Amruin refence in theme wise would be this, Theoden left Edoras to ride to pelennor fields, taking E?mer his son with him. He left with most of his soldiers to aid in the war but not left the city alone, he let a guard in the town.

    He appointed someone to guard the town and we took this gap to insert us, so in t2t he appointed Stromgald wich is our guild founder and we are the guard that was left behind

    I need to re read that part (i am re reading lotr) He might have appointed ?owyn but she left to the war disguised as a Rider.

  • Author
    Armada [legacy]
    01 January 2002 15:42:53

    I was talking about DIRECT refrences, not 'We Amruin defend Edoras because Edoras had guards in it in the books'. :P

    Only chose Amruin as an example, though.

  • Author
    Delgaur [legacy]
    31 December 2001 16:54:22

    refs from books? i think most guilds have webpages right? with links from towers page, i belive they all have theme statements which can be used to justify the way things our... but of course, not everone takes the theme the same, people hae idfferent interpretaions on how a guilds theme should be. Ive had many debates with gods and players alike about how i should direct my theme...and all have been different opinons.....but hey, im now way off course here :) so im gonn shut up

  • Author
    Ruiniel [legacy]
    31 December 2001 00:02:03

    *looks at his dick* Ehm, avoiding fighting and using politics looks abominable to me...thats why RL sucks.

  • Author
    Armada [legacy]
    30 December 2001 22:03:35

    Personally I find the RP of both guilds legit. If you're looking for refrences in the book, non of the guilds here exist. I won't go deep into theme crap, if anyone wants to know why I think like I do, ask me.

    I'm just making sure you understand that the Rimsilval are not, even if the ainur think that they are, a wizard guild :p

  • Author
    Shaft [legacy]
    30 December 2001 19:33:37

    The ainurs say that, so i don't think the rimsilval can (see me spelling :) critizise our rp

  • Author
    Armada [legacy]
    30 December 2001 18:05:55

    Where does it say that the Rimsilval are a wizard guild? *blink*

  • Author
    Shaft [legacy]
    30 December 2001 16:15:36

    thats not what im saing Armada, im saying that its the Durmanhohts job to take out contracts.

    When we kill a contracted person his guildmates get mad, and a war is on, if they just let us do our job in peace maybe, we would not be in this mess, and what i meant with Anton beeing an assassin in a wizard guild, is that Kaldur gul have been trying for a very long time to get a guild but is unable because there is allready a wizards guild in arda namley Rimsilval....

  • Author
    Durkin [legacy]
    30 December 2001 09:12:53

    'Arguing on the internet is like participating in the special olympics, even if you win...you're still retarded' ;)


  • Author
    Gazza [legacy]
    30 December 2001 06:43:28

    Ruiniel, old players don't necessarily have high fines. It really depends what kind of person you are. If you think with your dick, you're gonna have high fines from attacking people all the time to 'prove yourself'. If you think with your mind, you'll use politics to resolve problems. If you're somewhere inbetween, you can manage to keep fines relatively low and retain your self-respect.

    High fines are self-inflicted. You have noone to blame but yourselves.

  • Author
    Lotraz [legacy]
    30 December 2001 03:52:17

    I like how everyone is trying to justify their theme one way or the other ... except:

    Noone tries to justify it through referenses to the books and the theme of the mud.

    That simply just looks <blink>odd</blink>, doesn't it? :)

  • Author
    Faris [legacy]
    30 December 2001 03:30:43

    I would like to add, that I did not even have a warning record!

  • Author
    Faris [legacy]
    30 December 2001 03:29:53

    You got nuked because of your warnings?! Hah, I got nuked for talking on the comm! Compete with that!

  • Author
    Ruiniel [legacy]
    29 December 2001 22:23:20

    *claps to Korzan for the marauder and co stuff* Please make sure people like Mirgul understand this.

    As for surrender...why don't you surrender?It doesn't matter if I'm winning or loosing, I'm fighting because of the fight.Like the serbs said, I'm gonna eat stones but not surrender:P

    The guild-alliance system: it's cool, nothing wrong.Just something should be done so there should be some cap for the increasing of the attempted fines.There was such an idea and it was a good one.The fines of the durms are nothing compared to mine.High fines are what pisses people and causes alt abuse.When you get old, your fines grow unbearable.And the only solution

    is to start a new char.There should be some limit so people can stick to one character without using bugs and such.I'd say a maximum of 10k for murder and 3k for attempts is acceptable.

    And, Squibb, shut up.Noone has hired me, I've joined Rimsilval because of MY request.

    Another thing: Rimsilval has 3 imported fighters while Durmanhoth has more(imported as in recently joined).In fact we are fighting against an alliance.

    Ah, Barazbund - I believe you.

  • Author
    Armada [legacy]
    29 December 2001 22:15:27

    My case isn't really like Naugrim's. I didn't have 5 warnings for starters, and each one had nothing todo with the other. Non were for cheating, mplaying or abusing anything. Kindly don't injustify Naugrim's nuking by my reinstation :P

    And remember, Naugrim was nuked and reinstated long before he even joined the Meglivornth. The intolerance he was given at his second nuking was pretty obvious, and perhaps even justified.

    And that is all, considering these posts have nothing todo with the thread :p

  • Author
    Barazbund [legacy]
    29 December 2001 21:01:18

    Uh, Dukane...

    I was nuked for Mp eq transfer, which is bullshit, who gets nuked for that? Dont people usually get warnings or something first? Then theres the fact that it didnt actually take place... but i'm sure none of you are going to believe that so i'm not even going to bother. I didnt contest it cause i didnt feel like playing anyway.

    Naugrim was nuked for 5 warnings that had to do with cussing. No cheating. (oh, the very same thing for which armada was nuked and reinstated later for)

    Rectan didnt get nuked as far as I can remember, he suicided because his fines were too high.

  • Author
    Armada [legacy]
    29 December 2001 18:07:11

    Shaft, surely you must be joking?

    A guild can not run a war without assassins, I'm sure we all know that. There's something wrong with a Rim assassin? Rims are now wizards?

    Oh gee, so what does that make every non assassin durm? =/

    Both guilds can run their goddamn war as they please, but do it without being a group of redicolous hypocrites.

    And Squibb... Sheish. You have alot of hate in you, seek some counselling, for the sake of us all.

    *Armada leans on his stick and awaits the 'Multiplayer! Cheater!' accusations to start flowing*

  • Author
    Shaft [legacy]
    29 December 2001 11:51:29

    Thanks for that comment Durkin, insightfull really insightfull. how is this goes again? now I call you names for a while pissin everbody off. Or maybe.... Im just beggining to realize that your not worth the effort.......

  • Author
    Durkin [legacy]
    29 December 2001 11:14:25

    I'd just like to say, Shaft is a moron :P

  • Author
    Shaft [legacy]
    29 December 2001 10:29:48

    How about this: Stop talking like you know what's going on, and instead, use some facts to back up your arguments. Rimsilval hired people from other guilds? We didn't hire anyone, they're just people who are sick of Durmanhoth attacking their guilds, and who wanted to be focused in a centralized place for fighting back.......

    Thats our job Anton, to kill ppl, thats our RP.

    What do you have to say about that Mr.Assassin in a wizard guild

  • Author
    Dukane [legacy]
    29 December 2001 07:16:59

    From the influence of Cogline on me, blow it out your hole Duniv.

  • Author
    Duniv [legacy]
    29 December 2001 05:47:20

    Pardon me if I'm wrong, but isn't this area for logs? There isn't much more to be said about the war. This thread simply repeats old arguments over and over.

  • Author
    Dukane [legacy]
    29 December 2001 03:59:39

    Squibb the anti-reality player. Yes, Megs fought SO long and SO hard against impossible odds against FRA. It's more like Megs tried to prove that we cheat when ainurs know we don't. Then are astounded when players such as Rectan,Barazbund,Dreed,Naugrim,etc. are nukied. I don't think Rimsilval will ever give up yall didn't you just did what is going on now, yall went inactive or sat in the guild. So maybe they will surrender maybe they won't but if they don't you know eventually someone bigger and badders gonna pop up then Durms will go inactive again. It's just a cycle but you don't seem to realize that. You are to hung up trying to shove shit Rauko's butt which he knows isn't true. Only thing FRA does to break rules is make illicite references about things we do to your mom at night or at least Flasd does. *Blames Flasd and Cogline* :P haha.

  • Author
    Korzan [legacy]
    29 December 2001 03:41:15

    Sure, every guild has their up swings and down swings.

    Is that your roleplay?

    You're counting on my guild to 'eventually decline' and therefore THAT is how you plan to win the war? By waiting until we become inactive?

    I'm sorry, but right now, even if every good guild in arda combined their forces, they STILL couldn't TOUCH us. And don't look for us to decline any time soon, either.

  • Author
    Korzan [legacy]
    29 December 2001 03:30:18

    Soltan, did you read my last post at ALL?

  • Author
    Korzan [legacy]
    29 December 2001 03:09:44

    Err, I made a lot of typos in there.

    The villagers would be the ones supplying the overlords , and its you need someone to FIGHT constantly, and not FIGHT continually, not FIND.


    Anyways, thats my speech of the day.

  • Author
    Soltan [legacy]
    29 December 2001 03:07:03

    Ok, Korzan, you want us to surrender, but we're just not going to. I, for one, have died numerous times in this war, and still refuse to surrender. You know how Durmanhoth was all these years. You have periods of high activity, where you become a strong powerful guild. Then, you try to 'pick fights' with other guilds, starting some big war. Now, we all know that most (if not all) good guilds in arda hate durmanhoth. When you pick a war with one guild, others will be willing to join in too to let out the hatred they have in. So what happens later? Durmanhoth members start to suicide/leave guild/go inactive. As a result, the guild slides down into a slump like it was back in June if I recall correctly. So, we're not going to surrender, and you guys know you're going to lose sooner or later anyway.

  • Author
    Korzan [legacy]
    29 December 2001 02:57:44

    Let me talk to you about something, about roleplaying, and common sense. Take a look from an objective point of view.

    A band of powerful marauders have been riding around the countryside, pillaging villages (filling contracts) and generally making a nuisance of themselves. The local villagers are protected by a Castle, filled with Knights of a Moral Order. The Knights ride out to do battle with the raiders. One side will lose, the other side will win.

    However, neither side wants all of their enemies totally eliminated.

    If the Knights defeated all of the marauders, they would no longer have a purpose. Then , the villagers who support the Knights would grow weary of the dead weight of the Knights, who would grow fat and complacent, and bored, with no one to defend against.

    If the Marauder's defeated the Knights, then it would be on them to now police the villagers, to supply them with food and equipment, and would thus take the place of the Knights, in a more malevolent sort of way...which would be work, and boring.

    If the Marauders continued Marauding, all the villagers would scatter/flee/die, and they would no longer have anything to maraud.

    Good cannot exist without evil, and vice versa.

    What WE want to have happen is for the 'Knights' (Aka Rimsilval and allies) to realize that THIS time, they have been beaten. Then, the war would cease, we could go back to our marauding the villageres (see filling contracts), until the Knights (The Rim/Allies) would deem themselves strong enough to go after us again to attempt to drive us out of their lands.

    So think about that objectively. Realize the analogies of the system and how we all need each other, we need someone to find constantly, and occassionally, find continually. If the Rimsilval and Allies do NOT give in, then whats going to happen is the fresh blood of guilds, the new members joining..its going to cease. The bloodflow will be cut off and the guild will start to wither. No one likes joining the losing team. So help us, help arda, and help the roleplaying.

    Don't be like Crusaderr, who refuses to acknowledge the war, who refuses to accept that sometimes pkilling IS roleplaying as well.

    Korzan, the enlightener.

  • Author
    Gazza [legacy]
    29 December 2001 02:43:50

    'Even after hiring mercenaries from other guilds into theirs, they are still losing.'

    Squibb, that's the most retarded statement I've heard from you in a while, showing complete lack of understanding of what is going on in this war. Durmanhoth had already been killing Beornings, BkD, and Valacircans before they started their attack on us. We do not hire mercenaries...I actually thought it was quite impossible to hire ANY mercenaries in recent times, given the same useless response 'Sorry, I'm busy'...which translates to 'Sorry, I'm too scared'.

    Ruiniel, Leto and Zzidane entered our guild to simplify our alliances with the guilds. The main pkillers of Beornings and BkD mailed Variel, *ASKING* to be admitted for the duration of the war, as they had their services to *OFFER* and would be better able to communicate with our guild if they are a part of it. Makes sense doesn't it. It also saves having to lend out PK eq to other guilds. One armoury is the center of it all.

  • Author
    Anton [legacy]
    29 December 2001 02:43:48

    Alright. This is my last post here. All I can say is: Squibb, you're STILL spitting out the same baseless crap that you've been spitting out for the past months, and I think you're a lot more biased than you realize. Rimsilval never 'secretly supported' FRA with anything. In fact, the war that Rimsilval was in prior to this one was with...you guessed it, FRA. Personally, I think you're just making up reasons to feel justified for disliking Rimsilval. I don't know what all goes on in that head of yours, but you've got some sort of nobility complex going on where you think that everyone against you is evil, and even though you say you hate people with alts here or there, YOU carry your prejudices between characters just the same. Ask me in person sometime, Squibb, and I'll give you details on that one, but we both know you do it. How about this: Stop talking like you know what's going on, and instead, use some facts to back up your arguments. Rimsilval hired people from other guilds? We didn't hire anyone, they're just people who are sick of Durmanhoth attacking their guilds, and who wanted to be focused in a centralized place for fighting back. And Rimsilval secretly supporting the FRA? Let's hear some proof, Squibb. All I see is Don QuiSquibbte on his little donkey, stabbing blindly at a windmill.

  • Author
    Squibb [legacy]
    29 December 2001 01:57:05

    First, fines might not increase but we all know Durm's have high pre-war fine rates. Also, we all know Durms arent that loaded. So what does this leave? The Rimsilval is losing because their members are/were ill-equipped to deal with a force like thiers. Not because of the guild_alliance system.

    Yes, I dislike the Rimsilval very much for supporting a guild like the FRA in an alliance while the Meglivornth fought them for so long. No matter what way to put it, the Rimsilval is a moral guild, and the FRA is an evil guild. What next, VC allying with SoU because they all know each other's alts so well and don't want to fight them? Rimsilval is getting the ass-kicking they deserve IMO for playing both sides for so long. They let their best players basically play another char in another guild so long that their entire guild slipped and now is nothing what it used to be, for that I don't feel sorry for them. Even after hiring mercenaries from other guilds into theirs, they are still losing. I fought the Durmanhoth for 5 years on this mud and you know what, if they dont like you they attack you. Plain and simple, they never secretly supported a guild that is completely against their RP.

    Finally, I don't hate anyone on this mud, even vallejo after his intellectually stimulating comments towards me. Its a chess match, play it, win, lose or stalemate, but don't kick the board because you are losing nor refuse to end the match when its time.

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    29 December 2001 01:41:26

    I was not saying that comment to anyone. I was merely making a statement. If it applies to you, then it does. If it doesn't apply to you, it doesn't. If you get all uptight and whiney from reading it, odds are it applies to you.

  • Author
    Anton [legacy]
    29 December 2001 01:29:32

    Hi Squibb. Two things. One, it's hard to make cash off of their gangbangs, because their fines DON'T INCREASE. :P

    Secondly, I want you to know how amazingly envious I am of you. Good job standing up to the Fellowship, and I'm really hurt that you don't think I'm as 'strong' as you are. If you've got problems with me or Rimsilval, say them outright, instead of making stupid little inferences.

  • Author
    Squibb [legacy]
    29 December 2001 01:22:23

    Vallejo, One other thing, the fact that I don't post kills on log pages might add to the fact that Megs dont have 70% of thier kills posted. Go back to waiting for Anton to give up on his war for the Rimsilval(which I bet he will do since he cant stand up to them like I stood up to FRA) and then come for me.

    As for Anton saying the guild_alliance system promotes gangbanging, well, yes, it does, but if that happens just be smart and make $$$ of of it.

    What the guild_alliance does help to prevent is the need for people to make new chars constantly, ie the 2d old lvl 19s we all love so much.

    REMEMBER: guild_alliance sytem = good

    using alts to cheat = bad

    Thus: FRA = bad

  • Author
    Squibb [legacy]
    29 December 2001 01:11:32

    >You're sucking your own dick here Squibb, to think that FRA didn't just demolish the

    >Udungul (Meglivornth, whatever you guys are now), then you must've nut hairs all over your

    > goatee with dick in your mouth and not even realize it. There were numerous log sites up

    > with 20 FRA kills to a single Meg gangbang, ugh, you're such a bitter little person, grow up.

    PLEASE stop your sexual fantasies!

    You just prove further FRA are fags in the true sense of the word. The 'grow up' comment is especially ironic after what you wrote.

  • Author
    Anton [legacy]
    29 December 2001 00:48:46

    I never said Rimsilval doesn't gangbang, Korzan. I know we do. I'm not arrogant enough to pretend that we don't. And frankly, I do think that Tarn was making a personal attack at me there. You can pretend like he wasn't all you want, but come on. Be realistic. Anyway, I still think his post wasn't worth the effort it took to type it. But that's just me.

  • Author
    Korzan [legacy]
    28 December 2001 22:57:23

    Oh, yeah, Anton. And Rimsilval doesn't gangbang.

    I think Tarn was just stating WHY gangbangs happen in general. I didn't hear him complaining about anyone in particular. Of course, you must always assume all comments are directed towards yourself, the oppressed.

  • Author
    Korzan [legacy]
    28 December 2001 22:48:58

    Why is not Orlando's arrest on me considered a provocation?

    What if I had owed 10,000 gold when I had been arrested? I would have lost more than if I had simply been killed. To me, arresting someone is WORSE than attacking them, because depending on fines, you can do _severe_ damage to their character!

    I have every right to take an arrest on me as absolutely provocation.

  • Author
    Anton [legacy]
    28 December 2001 22:47:38

    Wow Tarn, that last post of yours was extremely informative. You're right, though. It's MY fault, for anticipating an attack and having an inn nearby, that an entire party of Durms came after me, and it had nothing to do with cheap fines. For crying out loud, Tarn. Get a clue. I guess the moral of the story is: Anything is okay, as long as Tarn can blame someone else for it.

  • Author
    Ruiniel [legacy]
    28 December 2001 22:45:46

    *ponder* I think Korzan has right as far as it concerns his arrest.I myself hate the lawsys, arrests and nukes to the bone - nomatter to whom they happen (Mirgul is now an exception).

    The attack on Gazza and Devinius however was a provocation.It had nothing to do with justice.So, Rimsilval is not the agressor in this case.If a reason to start a war is all you wanted, you had it.But this is something that could be avoided if you had arranged things in such a way that the question of power had been avoided.You could've as well attacked Rimsilval without Orlando's arrest.

    Thus speaketh Ruiniel.

    The guy who doesn't care about ainur, succes or whatever:P

    PS: Let's get rocked!

    PPS:Def Leppard rock:P

  • Author
    Korzan [legacy]
    28 December 2001 22:30:04

    My logic, Anton, is flawless. Yours is the one that is screwed.

    See, me being wanted did not cause any undue stress on Orlando. It did not affect him in the slightest. He could have gone about his merry idling way, and been perfectly fine. However, he CHOSE to go AFTER me, to ASSAULT my character. He is the instigator of this war. The first breach of relations between Rimsilval and Durmanhoth came when ORLANDO arrested me.

    And that is why MY logic is correct and yours is not.

    Furthermore, I was even willing to let this go! We did not immediately start attacking Rimsilval members. I went straight to Variel. I told him I don't like that, and at that point, an apology, an 'I'm sorry, it won't happen again, mate' would have been all that I asked.

    However, Variel refused. In fact, he said that his members could arrest mine anytime they wanted to. He refused to resolve the situation, and since He's the guildmaster, actions by HIM are actions by the GUILD.

    Gazza and Devinius were not randomly killed. We had already decided we'd put up with enough crap from them, from Orlando's handcuffing of me to Variel's words, and it was now time to pay the piper.

    Thus speaketh Korzan

    The guy who doesn't wait for Ainu to change the game so he can succeed.

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    28 December 2001 22:18:28

    No, what encorages gangbangs more is people not going 10 spaces away from their guild or prerented inn room.

  • Author
    Ruiniel [legacy]
    28 December 2001 21:57:03

    Some quotes:

    'Little do I know, little do I care, little would

    it help if I knew and was aware' 'Lunar Sanctum'

    Kamelot ( dload it, one of the few good non German bands:P)

    Out of the night that covers me

    Black as the pit from pole to pole

    I thank whatever gods may be

    For my unconquerable soul.

    In the fell clutch of circumstance

    I have not winced nor cried aloud

    Beneath the bludgeonings of chance

    My head is bloody but unbowed.

    Beyond this place of wrath and tears

    Looms but the horror of the shade

    And the menace of the years

    Yet finds, and shall find me, unafraid.

    It matters not how strait the gate

    How charged with punishments the scroll

    I'm the master of my fate

    I'm the captain of my soul.

    William E. Henley, 'Invictus'

    'If I loose, I loose only myself.If I win, I win for

    all people.'

    Vasil Levski, the greatest Bulgarian revolutioner.

    So, the stronger you are, the more I get bruised,

    the more interesting it gets. *grin*.

    We are NOT giving up.On the other hand - you have

    not given me enough reason to feel you superior

    in any sense.There is some concept going around here

    that you are the more powerful guild - i don't

    think it has any backup.If one thing is repeated

    too much, it becomes true.You just repeated

    and repeated you were supreme.The bad thing is that

    thisway you have created a..hmm..archetype and

    other people started either to accept or deny it,

    in both cases having your supremacy as a topic.

    Truly, often you have more members online.

    Both guilds (Rimsilval and Durmanhoth, keep the

    rest out of it) have had their moments of glory.

    I like reaching ends - nomatter if it's the bottom

    or the top.So...let's burn together, baby, let's

    suicide together, let's dance the deadly dance of


    Will you accompany me in my suicide, durms?

    Will you touch neverness?

    There's no way that we surrender.The rimmies are

    not dogs, they have honour.But you might consider

    a surrendering?

    PS: After 01.01 I will try to be back *cross*.

    We can have fun then:)

    PPS: RL does suck.

    PPPS:It really does.

    PPPPS:Errr, forgot to mention, RL SUCKS.

    The Flame

  • Author
    Anton [legacy]
    28 December 2001 21:14:14

    Ironically, on the topic of gangbangs: About half an hour after I made that comment, I got attacked by Foxxx, Korzan, Klouse, Bolgerman...and I assume that Raqtor would have attacked if he had time. :P I'm not trying to brag or anything, just pointing out that it sure as hell does encourage gangbangs.

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    28 December 2001 20:36:22

    Oh, on the guild alliance system. I think its ok, though it encourages gangbangs. But it is far more realistic. Without it, I'd prolly end up suiciding my character somewhat soon, just cause its pointless to play and I max another in 2 and half days. Without it I can last a bit longer. Heck, they should make contracts not even count on your record.

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    28 December 2001 20:34:35

    Obviously its Christopher Columbus' (or however its spelled) cause he discovered America and that is where the server is located.

  • Author
    Anton [legacy]
    28 December 2001 20:08:23

    A couple things. One, if you want to use backwards logic like that, Korzan:

    'And the WAR started when _I_ was arrested and it was improperly handled by Variel and Orlando.

    The reason we KILLED Gazza and Devinius was BECAUSE OF Orlando arresting me.

    Therefore, me being arrested in the CAUSE of the war. Whether or not you knew you had started a war is irrelevant. You were just the first losses.'...hell, let's take the logic back even a step further! Orlando arrested you BECAUSE you were wanted. THEREFORE, the reason you were ARRESTED is because you were a WANTED CRIMINAL and you started a war whether you know it or not!

    Now, do you see why screwy logic like that isn't very helpful? :P Rimsilval would have understood if you guys killed Orlando in retaliation. But killing 2 random members? That's a little extreme.

    And on another note, I (personally) will _never_ be bullied into surrender. You can say I'm whining to ainur all you want, but I'll still be extremely happy when the guild_war system gets fixed. To all those reading who don't know, Durmanhoth are using the guild_war system to set a large number of guilds to 'hostile' status. When they've got you set to hostile, their fines don't increase when they attack or kill you. Basically, any Durm who had low fines before they got into the guild_war system (IE, Korzan), can attack you again and again. His fines won't go up, and his uncontracted kills are cheap. And by 'you,' I mean any guildmember who is on their hostile list. That means almost every guild. :P So yes, I'm gladly asking the ainur to change the way that works. It encourages gangbang killing way too much, and on top of that, it gives the victim shit for reimbursements. If anybody out there has wondered why there's always 8 Durms online these days, the fact that they're having a pkilling field day might shed some light.


  • Author
    Korzan [legacy]
    28 December 2001 19:47:28

    Alright, well, I guess we're still working on the refraining from insulting part here.

    And the WAR started when _I_ was arrested and it was improperly handled by Variel and Orlando.

    The reason we KILLED Gazza and Devinius was BECAUSE OF Orlando arresting me.

    Therefore, me being arrested in the CAUSE of the war. Whether or not you knew you had started a war is irrelevant. You were just the first losses.

    What the hell were you thinking just prancing around Mordor anyways? For far too long the Rimsilval have had their little 'security' and everyone being afraid to go up against them.

    Well, guess what, sunshine?

    Its a whole new ballgame when I'm around.

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    28 December 2001 19:00:42

    I never even touched a VC until Woden and co. decided to gangbang me.

  • Author
    Woden [legacy]
    28 December 2001 16:49:35

    Man, I can't wait until I get back to school and actually can play on my client and not telnet, with a good connection. Not saying I will make that much of a difference, because I have held far too high an opinion of myself, but I don't like seeing logs of younger VC getting banged. *sighs* I want to playyyyyy. Oh yeah, thank you K for writing this up, because I had no idea what had gone down, and people just asked me to help :P

  • Author
    Gorestel [legacy]
    28 December 2001 11:27:16

    My two cents as a Valacircan,

    I can't speak for the inactivity or lack thereof of any other guild, but I do know that those of my guild who have been gone recently were forced inactive by the holidays, not the war. Due to school, this is one of the few times when I can actually play on the mud, but for most it is a time to get away and spend time with family IRL. Other than that, our guild just lost several of its top members, who left before the war escalated, due to RL conflicts (Wally, Beregor, Lamir, Weston, and Celebedhel, none of whom were exactly known for pkilling skills or war efforts). The war has done little to us other than demonstrate how the Durmanhoth can kill our younger members (Myself included, as I am not a pkiller.) I mean no disrespect to the Durmanhoth here, nor am I insinuating anything about their abilities to kill our higher ups. I just notice the death of level 14 members who have been with the guild for under a week.

    I don't know how my guild got involved exactly, as I was inactive. The Durms seem to hate Woden especially, yet I believe Woden argues he only kills those who have killed Valacircans (That's normal guild policy, feel free to correct me Woden if I'm wrong). So in return, the Durms kill us, trying to lure Woden out (Though if he does nothing but stay in the hall and Lorien all day, I wonder how he manages to kill and earn this hatred. But that's for another discussion). Then, our people must kill the Durms in retaliation, and the cycle goes on for quite some time with no apparant results. Right now, I'm wondering if anyone has any way to end the killing with both sides saving face (I'm talking VC-Durm killing, Rimmies not involved). Don't take this as cowardice, as I don't really care that much for myself (School starts again in a week and a half, so I'm back to inactivity until the summer). But if there's a reasonable way to stop the killing of level 14 warriors and level 15 rangers, I'd love for someone to propose it.

    Gorestel Cemendur

    p.s. My views and desires are my own, and do not reflect the official standing of the Valacirca guild.

  • Author
    Vallejo [legacy]
    28 December 2001 11:24:54

    You're sucking your own dick here Squibb, to think that FRA didn't just demolish the Udungul (Meglivornth, whatever you guys are now), then you must've nut hairs all over your goatee with dick in your mouth and not even realize it. There were numerous log sites up with 20 FRA kills to a single Meg gangbang, ugh, you're such a bitter little person, grow up.

  • Author
    Armada [legacy]
    28 December 2001 11:21:59

    Hey, I've had expirience with Rimsilval.

    They always pick wars Raqtor?

    Coming from a person who kills more for pleasure then for the sake of war itself?

    I don't care alot for this war and whatever is left of this mud, and my inactivity speaks for itself. It's just that whenever I see misinformation, it kinda stings me deep inside.

    PS - The war didn't start because Korzan was arrested, it started because Durms killed 2 members of the Rims. Neither of those members were Orlando, too. You can always say that it started because Variel is arrogent and for some strange reason is always convinced that the amusing moral alliance is actually a force anymore. Yes, that argument would be true to some extent. Only some of it, though.

    Blaming Rims for officially starting the war after you nailed two of their members, well, that is just not right.

  • Author
    Delgaur [legacy]
    28 December 2001 10:50:25

    hum, 2 suicides? the second one eludes me, and the first was not totaly related to the war, it just finished him off.

    In addition, no more members have left my guild than have left the durms. that is, two people.

    and they have already been replaced by new members.

    Just wanna keep the facts correct here :)

  • Author
    Squibb [legacy]
    28 December 2001 09:15:20

    Korzan I've seen it before, your in for a long boring ride. War comes and eventually someone comes out on top because another guild can't even function. Then, because their egos are so fragile, they cant even accept the fact that they couldn't beat you. They go inactive, log on an occasional char to idle in guild to give the illusion of activity, but when you say something one of em doesnt like on here, somehow they all pop out of woodwork and flame you.

    Id like to see a MUD where people can war and it can end after a few months. Surrender or peace, either way, it doesnt matter to me.

    What I don't like to see is a Lawsy system or guild_alliance system that promotes cheating and clone-making(my name for alts who share all the same friends and political views). I truly log on to have fun and battle alongside and against the best this MUD has to offer, but when people lose sight of why we play this mud and that its not RL, I think its sort of sad statement about what this MUD turning into.

  • Author
    Gazza [legacy]
    28 December 2001 08:40:40

    Yeah Durkin, I apologise if I got a little carried away with some of the things I said. Actually yeah, I basically flamed, which is something I warned myself against before I started writing that comment. Ah well. I'm pretty sure that there's going to be a lot of flaming here anyway. But I do stand behind my statement about what this log site has become :-p

  • Author
    Raqtor [legacy]
    28 December 2001 08:02:36

    Rimsilval are always picking wars and are used to being able to fight them. But this time my advice would be to give up and wait till they are ready to pick another war. Hwo thinks thay will ever be ready if things keep going as they are ?

    But ok I like a little war . atleast there is a chance that there is somebody online to kill .. How come there aren't any contracts up .. Damn people go contract someone ;-) .. you know that guy the keeps doing your quests ? contract him. And what about that guy the sold you a GC sword at the auction and forgot to mention? .. He should die for that .. And that girl who wouldn't kiss you? .. Or are your friend leveling faster than you? .. you can always even the odds with a little Contract or two ;-) .. and that guild who didn't accept you .. What bastards .. they should all die ;-)

    What is this talk about fines should increase ?? .. This is war .. we are supossed to kill our enemies .. should we get higher fines for doing what we are supossed to do? That is a really bad id?a .. then people have to make alts all the time cause their old char is getting to high fines .. and all cause they fought a war they might not even have started themselves. The skilled players who kill many enemies in a war should be awarded a medal .. not be punished sky high fines.

    I am looking forward to Rimsilval being more active so we can have some good fights.

  • Author
    Durkin [legacy]
    28 December 2001 08:01:50

    So much for 'No name calling' :P

  • Author
    Gazza [legacy]
    28 December 2001 07:15:47

    Please don't flatter yourself by saying you're forcing us into inactivity. We had already been inactive for about...a year or so?...before this war. Last time I said that to a Durm, they said 'Well recently you've had 3 or 4 members on per day. You are active'. Well if those 3 or 4 members online per day are the SAME members EACH AND EVERY DAY, calling Rimsilval an active guild is the most ludicrous utterance I've ever heard from a Durm...closely followed by 'We never cheat!'. And yes, hardly anyone has been logging on this past week or so. Wanna know why? Well in the BIG wide world known as RL, there's this event going on. It's called Christmas. Then a week later it's New Year. It's kinda important, and a lot of people want to spend it with their families instead of wasting their time in the presence of a guild of testosterone-driven Americans...only more backed up on this log site, which has basically turned into a forum for these same people to suck each others' cocks. Don't choke...it'd make my day.

    On a side note: Korzan, I find that 'I'm above the law' shit totally amusing. Pray, continue acting like a spoilt child. It sure makes me laugh.

  • Author
    Korzan [legacy]
    28 December 2001 05:08:30

    After you surrender, you can always rebuild and then declare war again after you think you're strong enough :P

  • Author
    Poseidon [legacy]
    28 December 2001 05:01:33

    Korzan, i do not know quite well about my guild, for at these days of holidays (christmas-new year's) i've been barely playing, although i otherwise plan on being a tad more active than i had been in the last year (i logged on like, twice? heh). Anyways, what most makes me want to become active again is this state of war. It is what has always driven me to stay around for hours and it is my life-source in life. I get bored to hell without any war. So for me, all i want is for my guildmates to join me after the holidays (oh damn, then too i'll only be active for a week, then travel for a month, it's just how RL is... ) so i can have even more fun with a bit of power to support me. As for surrender, damn man, you realy wanna see me inactive again? That's what'll happen if this war ends!

    On a side note: Happy new year's eve, don't spend it mudding, just go get drunk and have some fun with some cute naked chicks, cause THAT's what RL's about!

  • Author
    Rivik [legacy]
    28 December 2001 03:56:30

    As I recall, Korzan was helping me then ran off to pay a fine, Orlando claims he is RPing (although it's strange when he usually idles for hours and decides hey wait let's just arrest Korzan!)Korzan's RP states he is above the law and thus Orlando's attack was seen as an offense even though it cost a whole 778 gold which could have ended this crap to begin with. Yet, Konthor and co. decide to push it further and kill 2 Rims in Mordor (which is plausible to me cause Mordor is lawless if you enter you should be prepared to die guildmember or not) So, Variel, whose known for his talk, decides to insult Durms some more and well, here it is now a pathetic excuse for a war. And people wondered why I hibernated to escape this shit.