Since all of this talk about soloing and gangbangs, I figured I would solo Ughlaken, faded. But when I got him to dlsg Klouse, Tarn, Anathema, and Nichodemus tried to kill me. Sorry, it should have color, but it doesnt. I have to fix something.
Yeah, Trempk, I was being sarcastic.Trying to see
if Klouse's rule :everyone who fights me is a rimmie' works
for himself too 'evryone who I attack is a rimmie'.
Now, if they had waited like 10 more rounds before they attacked, and the strike had come first, then it would have been close. ;)
Based on the percentage of hp that the strike, sear, and scratch did to me, it looks like I still would have survived even if the strike had come first.
Yhea, damned wizards, go and kill Trempk, it was YOUR (wizards) falt damnned be you guys ;)
Too bad the strike didn't come before all the other attacks, or he would have been dead. Slow ass wizards.
Nah, i was leaving at 150. They still wouldnt have gotten me. Anyway, if anyone was actually taking any of the comments here made by me or ruiniel about Amruin and sou being in the war or at war, you are pretty dull, as we were both obviously joking about the fact that the durms are saying that everyone who helps kill them are in the war.
Just because an SoU and Amruin have agressions in Mordor people assume that they are entering into a war? I think SoU and Amruin would both like to avoid placing themselves entirely in the middle of the war, even if Amruin wants to send some members over to Rims for the war. In any event, this is just SoU's defending Mordor from Amruins and Klouse helping because he likes to kill people. Anyway, it was a good try at something that isn't often done. If you guys had waited another 30 seconds, you could have had him.
No, SoU is not at war. Also, the incident occured in mordor, so pretty much anything goes. If it's sloppy and you mess up, it's really no big deal.
SoU Amruin is on the war? that's new, even I didnt knew that one :P
you got it all wrong. Your all helping me. So give me all your money.
And if Amruin is helping Rimsilval, then does that mean that SoU are helping the durms?
Yeah Trempk. Cause then you can cool and get in parties with 50 other people and go gangbang people with Ruiniel.
Hehe, I like the attempt, progressive thinking - why not attempt a figure?:P
Hmm, what can I say: motherfucker:P
Err..does this mean that the Amruin is helping the Rimsilval
because they have attacked you?