Gorestel dies, another VC down.

Posted by
Mig [legacy]
18 December 2001 00:00:00
Player Kill


  • Author
    Barazbund [legacy]
    23 December 2001 05:18:24

    Yeah, I am agreeing with Yun (and laughing at him, as usual)

  • Author
    Yun [legacy]
    21 December 2001 00:36:51

    Well said Woden,

    A VC I respect as a competant player and an honourable man. You will go places in Arda, while the enemies you presently battle will always stay the same. Stay true to yourself as I failed to do oh so long ago.

  • Author
    Ruiniel [legacy]
    21 December 2001 00:07:03

    No, Rhoads, I can't believe Vie's done such a brave thing to ever think of backhunting...I mean, a merchant's mind is full of accounts and money, there's no space for real things there.It is not profitable.

  • Author
    Woden [legacy]
    20 December 2001 23:21:59

    Tarn, I do leave my GH plenty of times, the trick is finding me when I am out of my GH. I am not stupid, nor a coward. As a friend told me once, 'I refuse to let the bad guys tell me where I can go'. I go where I please, and I break hunts where I please. IF I am attacked in Lorien, where do you think I would break the hunt? You would do the same. I am not here to bash people, and I am not saying I am a better player than you, but jeez kill me already - find me when I am doing something and try me. Whining is just aggravating, if you are better than kill me, that simple. This note is as close to whining as I have ever done. If I am involved in killing someone, there is no gloating, nor has there ever been. If I die, there is no excuses or empty threats. It is getting to the point that I feel like everytime I log onto this MUD I feel like I am RP'ing and playing with a bunch of six year olds talking about who can beat up who.

  • Author
    Khralek [legacy]
    20 December 2001 21:27:51

    Ok.. for you Vie, since you are obviously unable to read I said 'the so-called RP guilds...and I use that term loosely'. I made no claims to any of those guilds actually RPing. How much more of a disclaimer do you need?

    Secondly, no one attacked you in Caras because you were a reporting little bitch... every time you were attacked.. you reported.. we were tired of giving gold to you because you were clearly incompetent to RP with. That point is exemplified by your pathetic attempt on me when i had 80 hp BEFORE your bs.. If you recall, I sent you a tell saying 'that was so pathetic you don't need to worry about a report.. losing gold should be meaningless after losing your dignity :)' My next solo attempt on you failed.. and.. guess what.. subpoena! You sucked Vie.. in all respects.. now go away.

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    20 December 2001 14:39:19

    Vie, you used to report or use RP excuses to hunt people down hours after :P

  • Author
    Vie [legacy]
    20 December 2001 05:40:57

    Khralek, VC is a 'rp guild'? I dont know about the rest of you players out there, but the last time i was stopped killing in lothlorien was well over 2 years ago

  • Author
    Barazbund [legacy]
    19 December 2001 04:22:40

    Dont put words in my mouth Khralek. I said what i said in more of a Whoop-dee-freakin doo attitude. Nothing more.

  • Author
    Korzan [legacy]
    18 December 2001 22:35:34

    Yeah, and we're supposed to know the intricacies of which VC can huntbreak or not. For all we knew, Gorestel was a level 19 Assassin, too.

  • Author
    Khralek [legacy]
    18 December 2001 18:56:29

    Well Big K.... it's like this:

    I've been inactive for a long time... I log on and see a Durm with a contract on his head.. I really didn't know that there were Durms who didn't know the first thing about how to hunt/break.. especially given the way you all brag about how great you are (i.e. legend Klouse: Durms 432 all other guilds 4)... Durms, TB, FRA, stwa are usually thought of by the majority of Ardans as largely veteran players who MUD to pkill.. the so called 'RP guilds- and I use that term loosely' (i.e. VC, Amruin, KoDA, SoU etc...) are full of novice players who prefer to do other things.. so frankly I had no idea those two Durms were incompetent. Also... to my knowledge both were lvl 18 or 19 assassins.. and Randyb was promising to solo me afterwards and show me how a true Durm assassin kills... so either he is not too bright and/or you underestimated his abilities (probably the former upon review).. anyways.. you guys KNOW that many Circs can't break effectively.. but that doesn't matter.. most of you only care about your head counts and bragging about how bad you are afterwards.

  • Author
    Korzan [legacy]
    18 December 2001 18:34:56

    You're one to talk, Khralek.

    You and Woden did the same thing to Randyb and Prophet - two guys who never pkill, and never needed to know how to break a hunt. So shut your hypocritic trap.

  • Author
    Khralek [legacy]
    18 December 2001 18:32:17

    Thanks for pointing out to me that they both Woden and Gorestel are rangers and indeed Circs Tarn.. I had no idea that was the case... Also, thanks for the insight on the 'guild thing' I always find that stuff confusing *roll*

    What I think is funny, is if you or Mig had soloed a level 13 who couldn't break hunt.. everyone would be up in arms bashing your self-proclaimed 'skills'... what's the difference between whacking someone with 230 hp and someone with 170 when neither of them can break hunt? The answer is.. a couple of rounds... BB is correct .. try doing it to someone who is able to break hunt... otherwise all of this posturing is just a bunch of boys stroking each other

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    18 December 2001 13:29:16

    Uh, Kharlek, its sorta like a guild thing. They are both in the same guild. They both are rangers. Guess that'll have to be the next closes thing to Woden right now. Kill Kill Kill. La la la. blah blah blah.

  • Author
    Khralek [legacy]
    18 December 2001 05:20:04

    *LOL* Gorestel has, to my knowledge, NEVER been involved with a pkill.. way to gloat Mig, you murdered someone who doesn't spend any time killing or avoiding kills.. you da man!

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    18 December 2001 01:39:44

    oh, a side note on this pk. I soloed Hayduke (amazing isn't it) cause Woden doesn't ever leave his gh and I decided to kill a random VC cause maybe if enough are killed Woden will leave his guild hall and just sorta die. Oh, and i was bored. So it seems I started a trend cause 2 mins later they gacked this dude. Woo. Very nice. Oh and Woden, its not nice to have wars and only you participate in them while the rest of your newbie guild just gets hurt.

  • Author
    Barazbund [legacy]
    18 December 2001 01:24:56

    Problem is you cant do that to a player who knows what they are doing.

  • Author
    Dormin [legacy]
    18 December 2001 00:33:53

    That's more of the pk this mud needs