The Wolverine goes headhunting in Mordor

Posted by
Korzan [legacy]
17 December 2001 00:00:00
Player Kill

One of me versus three of them? Now those are odds I like. Warrior power!


  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    17 November 2002 20:31:25

    Anybody know where that thread is that has Ruiniel and Nikka and Klouse and a couple of other people arguing about who's life is more pathetic? That was a good one.

  • Author
    Awful [legacy]
    09 November 2002 14:34:57


  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    13 March 2002 01:15:52

    Not no more fucker, talk some shit in a few days.

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    02 February 2002 20:35:52

    Morsist I dont want to even go into what I think about you. so shut up

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    16 January 2002 17:24:57

    Is it me, or is it THAT ruiniel's post are unimportant, im sure to newbies he is looked upon but does anyone ANYWHERE even listen to this kid?

  • Author
    Ruiniel [legacy]
    16 January 2002 01:58:20

    Ahm, I don't know about any power in Durmanhoth,

    this is your own internal problem.

    I just liked it how Rendor soloed you:P

  • Author
    Mizrahi [legacy]
    11 January 2002 14:22:21

    That sucks Klouse, I voted yes for you, too :p

    I thought you loved me.. :-P

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    11 January 2002 00:23:00

    See that was a nice cover up klouse

    But so what about that shit, you said to me once i stuck my head out last time, blah blah,

    I count 7times youw anted to leave durms but they said NO to let you in because of the statement you just made. You totally wanted in on fra. You totally wanted in on bkd, know why I i was in the guild at the time you were trying to get in. I know this shit.

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    04 January 2002 02:48:30

    *snorts* Every dog has his day *shrugs*

    What can I say you ridicule me, shoot me down, and then call me bro, eh what are friends for.


  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    04 January 2002 01:33:27

    Don't lie to yourself Klouse, you KNOW you want to join Amruin, hehehe. Too bad you're a dwarf. :)

  • Author
    Klouse [legacy]
    04 January 2002 01:17:27

    I am just posting this to comment on Baklen's comment to me. Don't think that I don't know what loyalty is. Yes I applied to FRA and BKD...I also have applied to Rimsilval, Beornings, Amruin.

    That doesn't mean I want in the guild...also I am sorry to say this but I am the one of probably 20 people on the mud right now that know what loyalty is. I have protected Durmanhoth for over 6 years as well as if you want to talk to me about loyalty you are not even in the same ball park. Im sorry to say, but that is true. Also I have had power in the Durmanhoth since the 6th month I was a member. Its not like I have recently aquired power. Also when you wanted to join Durmanhoth who did you come to? You are my bro and I have to say ended your comment with 'One thing though, the storm has arrived' 'Are you ready?' Is the storm going to be more than 5mph winds this time? Cause for the pass three or was it four times? That you tried me, you failed horribly...I mean even when you had all the STILL didn't get the job done. You can say all you want but when it comes down to it, I LOVE YOU MAN! :P

  • Author
    Adzakal [legacy]
    29 December 2001 06:01:45

    since this is the most commented, i though i'd comment too! you rock

  • Author
    Durkin [legacy]
    25 December 2001 00:35:30

    Who hasn't solo killed Sime, at least twice :P

  • Author
    Delgaur [legacy]
    24 December 2001 12:21:10

    Well, i just finsihed reading the coments on this log...i made mannis comments..and well, i forgot what the log was about! get back on the issue guys :) Korzan just has one of many cool logs here.

  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    24 December 2001 08:18:40

    Ruiniel. Please clearly think through all of your comments onto this board. Don't get mad at any other guild or person, because the shit that is on you is shit you bring onto yourself. Durmanhoth is a 'fag guild'? You joined Beornings? That is like the pot calling the refridgerator black(not even calling the kettle black, calling the refridgerator black). There is not, or shall there ever be, as long as Oreo stays retired, any aspect of the Durmanhoth that is 'faggy'. The only homosexual element that would ever enter our Guildhall is your severed head.

  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    24 December 2001 08:17:44

    Ruiniel. Please clearly think through all of your comments onto this board. Don't get mad at any other guild or person, because the shit that is on you is shit you bring onto yourself. Durmanhoth is a 'fag guild'? You joined Beornings? That is like the pot calling the refridgerator black(not even calling the kettle black, calling the refridgerator black). There is not, or shall there ever be, as long as Oreo stays retired, any aspect of the Durmanhoth that is 'faggy'. The only homosexual element that would ever enter our Guildhall is your severed head.

  • Author
    Sckon [legacy]
    24 December 2001 07:08:04

    Ruiniel you will never be finished with durms, you cant even handle them right now, then you move to Megs i cant wait for that day to come!

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    24 December 2001 06:48:56

    Fag guilds? rotfl ruiniel finished with durms? rotfl you forget I am here, you wont get10feet to a member as long as I am on cause I will hunt you down. second your in beornigs, how fagcan you get?

  • Author
    Barazbund [legacy]
    24 December 2001 02:33:14

    Well, i said most people in arda dont think of them as fag Guilds, of course some will, but thats true of every guild.

  • Author
    Ruiniel [legacy]
    24 December 2001 01:56:01

    Barazbund, you must've been drunk.Durmanhoth is

    a fag guild and Meglivornth has started becoming

    one after you left - mostly due to Aranuir's

    presence there.And after I'm done with the durms,

    it's his turn - and if he is still a meg, it's

    their turn too.I still can't understand how they

    can put up with him.After all, there are cool megs..

  • Author
    Korzan [legacy]
    24 December 2001 01:34:28

    First off, Sime, you talk too much. I have personally solo-killed you at least 3 or 4 times.

    Including when I turned around a 3 man Meg gangbang and killed you, as an assassin.

    When have you killed me?

    As for adding comments, while maybe annoying to those on the opposite side, it adds a little flavor and spice to the log. And the part about the headbutts is just a parody of Woden. :P

  • Author
    Vallejo [legacy]
    23 December 2001 07:39:09

    Yeah, they're morons and I really wonder why they put us all in the same circle, although that's very flattering having my name put with all your names.

  • Author
    Barazbund [legacy]
    23 December 2001 04:56:16

    Wow, whoever it was that wrote that last post bashing me Anton and Korzan for trying to instill some sense of dignity in this place really had no clue what he was talking about.

    He said I have done a lot of jumping around between a lot of 'fag' guilds, and some decent ones. Hmm...okay. I've been a part of two guilds, Durms and Megs.

    I dedicated myself to those guilds' 100% while i was with them, and friends I made from both those guilds I consider friends today for the most part.

    I dont see how 2 qualifies as a lot, and furthermore I dont really think most people in arda would classify them as 'fag guilds'.

    In conclusion, you're an idiot.


  • Author
    Sime [legacy]
    23 December 2001 02:23:21

    First: Korzan, adding comments in the middle of logs is lame, only shows how much you love to have newbies look up to you. Only because of lack of respect from other players.

    Second: Klouse, Megs had that figure 2-3 years ago.


  • Author
    Ruiniel [legacy]
    23 December 2001 01:51:26

    It was a good kill, Korzan.Not that I enjoyed it

    much but I hope you understand:P Still it's cool;)

  • Author
    Korzan [legacy]
    22 December 2001 05:46:02

    Hey, ya know, when people click on 'most commented' logs and see this one...that kinda appeals to me :) This is a great log and I hope ppl get to enjoy it for a long time to come :)


  • Author
    Korzan [legacy]
    22 December 2001 03:20:54

    Can we get that in English? And with your real name?

  • Author
    Vie [legacy]
    21 December 2001 00:13:07

    ruiniel, you killed me once, you guys had whip, globe, aess, and prod, that took a lot of skill

    Try killing someone without 4 people or just even trigger a huntbreak during your gangbangs and maybe ill think you know something about pking

  • Author
    Ruiniel [legacy]
    20 December 2001 23:24:34

    Vie kill me??? Uh-huh, sure, I don't have logged this attempt when you and Mirgul tried me and you ran away like a rabbit, it was fun:P

    As for who is Vie - one who is like Mirgul, who has made me pay mad fines (because he is a prick, only thinking how to profit, not how to defend honour) and whom I've skinned a couple of times.

  • Author
    Vie [legacy]
    20 December 2001 23:06:51

    Im the vie which durms couldnt kill so they had to get me to join their party to kill ruiniel then get me lost and kill me, im that vie

    I love how durms think they are hot shit now but when korzan and his chars didnt play they were one of the worst guilds in arda

  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    20 December 2001 19:35:36

    I'm sorry, Vie. You're going to have to specify which 'Vie' you were. The unassuming decent player of a few years ago, or the back stabbing, overly agressive piece of horse crap that had been running around for the past few months.

  • Author
    Dookie [legacy]
    20 December 2001 18:21:47

    spy for Durmanoth huh Nikka? oh yeah, i remmber why i kicked you out now too. not sure how spying works on us though, i mean, were an public guild anyway, who list is open to all with the 'who beorning' command.

    So what can a spy do? give out eq? boohoo. report how much gold we have? oh ah.

  • Author
    Cogline [legacy]
    19 December 2001 18:42:31

    I think this is a nice example of how your own skill often is of lesser imporance when you deal with experienced players... Keep the attacks coming and everyone makes a mistake. *Muhahaha* Xcept that samuraj who fought 70 man to man duels and won all. But then we can't all be like him can we?

  • Author
    Vie [legacy]
    19 December 2001 18:30:01

    Klouse trashing Baklen about loyalty? i seem to remember kloue and jian wanting to join FRA when they dominated this summer, but then they didnt get in, just my 2 cents

  • Author
    Mizrahi [legacy]
    19 December 2001 14:02:59

    Goddamn, that made me think of Beroth *cry* :(

  • Author
    Vallejo [legacy]
    19 December 2001 11:34:23

    Am I the only one that wonders what would happen if all the playerkillers that were in the FRA/Meg war had united and taken all of the guilds above?

  • Author
    Ruiniel [legacy]
    19 December 2001 07:22:39

    So, Nikka, are you Mirgul?Only he can be such a prick as you are stating you are.Hmm...yes, you entered the Beornings and when it came to promotions and you were refused one (justly as I now can see) you started whining like a child, shouting 'But what if I'm a low level, I have skills, I'm an old player, I deserve it' - which was kinda retarded.

    Hehe, Duniv, that too.My point was though, that at some time one comes to a point where everything seems senseless - win and loss do not matter.But, blaaaaah, why am I posting this here?It is for the RL board.Something must've hit me too hard on the head:P

    PS: Da Beorning lenguige rawks:P

  • Author
    Duniv [legacy]
    19 December 2001 06:09:19

    You can't win, unless you lose alot first. At least, that's whay I keep telling myself. You can however whine alot, while you lose. Can't win though, but that's ok, because you need to lose. If you lose alot, you can be power hungry, because then you'll be hungry after losing so much. It makes complete sense! So go and die a bunch of times, it'll only make you stronger.

    (I can't speak Beorning any better than this. I guess proper grammar and spelling habits have become engraved in my mind)

  • Author
    Yun [legacy]
    19 December 2001 04:52:11

    Well, with Nikka going to bat for me, there no way Melkor will keep my isp hardbanned!

  • Author
    Nikka [legacy]
    19 December 2001 02:36:39

    First of all...WOW...What a log, I like to see some hot action going on. Also, The durms dont have alot of 'active' members, where as THREE guilds have a ton of active members, In the time of War, a army would go out and fight not hide behind closed doors. I might grace the lands, again just to smash Rimsival, and if you moron's dont watch out, I'll steal your character's. I've well known for it. Melkor and Rauko have tried to get rid of me, but that's next to impossible unless they ban all of the net. Rim's will always have ways to pay fines, because they will just have a friend start up a new char, and age him, get him inside the guild, and start pking. When you have 5 level 20's helping out a new char its not that hard to max. I shall return to make sure the tides will be turnt. I also snuck inside the Beorning halls and spyed for the Durmanhoth its not that todo.

    -The Dark Assassin

  • Author
    Korzan [legacy]
    19 December 2001 00:00:03

    That didn't really make a lot of sense.

  • Author
    Ruiniel [legacy]
    18 December 2001 22:57:28

    You guys should first learn about misery.You should first suffer being poor.You should loose everything you consider important.

    Then you can go powerhungry if you still want it.

    *You need to know how to win to learn how to loose.But you need to know how to loose to learn how to win*


  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    18 December 2001 17:08:59

    You guys should get married.... gezzz :P

  • Author
    Variel [legacy]
    18 December 2001 15:09:58

    I think Mizrahi is suffering from PMS

  • Author
    Mizrahi [legacy]
    18 December 2001 14:34:53

    threat = thread

  • Author
    Mizrahi [legacy]
    18 December 2001 14:33:31

    Wow Variel, that's goddamn hilarious.

    I wonder how the hell I knew about you sending me that tell, if you were on ignore all that time... You got on ignore after you sent me your pathetic tell, asshole.

    And yeah, I'm sure that when the Rim GM sends a member of FRA (out of all guilds, the one with one of the worst histories with Rims) 'What are FRA's current relationship with durms', the pure intentions behind it is a friendly chat, and not an attempt to make a treaty with FRA, against durms.

    You're a rotten liar, a rotten player and after having a certain experience with Morpheus, a goddamn rotten guildmaster. Once again, shut your trap as long as you plan to burrow in your bar, behind some of the players who want to overthrow your useless ass anyhow.

    PS - I don't think anyone gave a damn about Mirgul and Hades' comments. Even Korzan didn't, if you read carefully. This threat isn't a Rim bashing. It's Variel bashing.

  • Author
    Mimak [legacy]
    18 December 2001 13:56:50

    Hehe, this is funny.

    Like 2 dogs barking at each other :)

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    18 December 2001 13:23:58

    You know guys, this is a game.

  • Author
    Variel [legacy]
    18 December 2001 12:38:59

    Firstly Korzan, I have not stated that Rimsilval is ?winning? What I said

    was that the log is not an accurate reflection of the wars progress.

    Total Rim/Durm deaths from Dec 1st, are almost exactly even.

    Secondly, why is there whining about Rims having guild agreements?

    I mean, two Beorns join my guild and suddenly Klouse gets off

    talking in intimate detail about oral sex.

    It?s people like Klouse that make Rim agreements so much easier to make.

    As for ?politics?... this thread was Rim bashing right from the first post.

    I certainly have no difficulty taking a few ego driven slurs if that is

    what is required to inject some reality in to the conversation.

    Thirdly, Korzan, you?ll notice that I never trashed you, or your kill log.

    Turning a 3-1 into a victory is impressive. I can totally agree with Manni on that.

    I think the success of your kill was all class,

    but most of the adolescent testosterone shown in this thread is embarrassing.

  • Author
    Ruiniel [legacy]
    18 December 2001 12:36:30

    Manni, you say Woden, Leto and Delgaur killed a durm member before the war or something.Do you actually remember the Durmahoth-Beornings treaty that only contracted members from the other side may be attacked (unless we are not helping friends)???(I personally think that contracts are hypocrytical but this is only my opinon, a treaty is a treaty).And do you actually remember who broke the treaty?Was it us, the Beornings?

    'Killing a Durmanhoth member without being killed'

    If the said 'Durmanhoth member' was contracted or wanted by the Valacirca (and they have politely asked for help), then he was free game.I can guarantee that no Beorning has broken the treaty.You, in turn did.

    I don't like arrests.I think Korzan has the right to seek revenge.May be the cause of the war was just.But hell, Durmanhoth is EVIL (and I'm a psycho:P).The curds have the right to a country guaranteed by a treaty from the WW1 - yet, does this mean they should kill inncoent women and children?It is the Durmanhoth that starts wars.And if you've pissed other guilds, don't start bitching that they still want your asses.I do not exist because of Rimsilval or Durmahoth.You are just a little spot of filth in my brother's woods (together with the SoU) /see Del's info/.

    The Flame

  • Author
    Durkin [legacy]
    18 December 2001 11:12:41

    Damn right Korzan is charismatic! just ask 2/3rds of the low level females on the MUD!

  • Author
    Vallejo [legacy]
    18 December 2001 10:09:25

    Lots of talking, not that many logs. Do some damage lamers :)

  • Author
    Korzan [legacy]
    18 December 2001 09:44:32

    I'd say that pretty much clarifies everything, Variel. I mean, no offense, its fine to try and get friends to support you in a war...but its pretty funny the extremes you'll go to. I think I'll go around this next week, asking who wants to take a bite out of some Rimsilval ass, and see how many offers I get. Cuz see, we're both GM, we're both assholes...but I'm a charismatic asshole. You have all the personality of a piece of cardboard. And as for personal attacks to your guild, I was talking about a little nobility from the Guildmasters at least. I can go down and dirty if you want, but trust don't want that.

  • Author
    Wise [legacy]
    18 December 2001 08:52:47

    Err... Var, If I am not wrong, aren't you trying to make some kind of pact with the SoU so they will not involved in this war?

    Enough said.

  • Author
    Rivik [legacy]
    18 December 2001 06:09:33

    In my own defense, I hibernated for the very complaints practically on this page. The gangbanging, using GH as a huntbreak, whining, etc. I don't need to prove myself, I've already proven myself my hibernation has nothing to do with the war it's the principles people have no a days.

  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    18 December 2001 04:42:04

    First of all I would like to comment on *gasp* the log, before focusing on the hot air blowing around in this uninformed 'political debate' *coughVarielcough*. It was a sweet kill. Turning a 3 on 1 isn't easy... Takes a few phials, a flask or two, and some HBs placed just right.

    Now on to politics.

    Yeah, I'm just resting my eyes a little bit until I am at home and can idle for twice as many hours on end in the guildhall. Variel, do not even start to tell me that we are losing this war. Saying 4 members have left or hibernated? Rivik went inactive basically before the war with Rimsilval started, he may have been involved in a few of the first kills. However, his reasons for hibernating certainly don't have anything to do with being beaten into the ground. Prophet and Randyb, as Korzan said, were admitted because we like them, and thought they were decent people who would enjoy being members of the Durmanhoth. They were not admitted for holding down the guild in the event of a war. You were able to snag 5 or 6 of us a few days ago, but there hasn't been much successful force on your side since, and I believe a few of your members have fallen today, including a level 20 Gazza with the whip. As I see it, that leaves Leto, Delgaur, and Woden who have killed a Durmanhoth member without being killed. Don't expect those three names to stay up on that list long. Respect on that to Delgaur and Leto, but I mean Woden, it would help us out a LOT if you left Moria level 1 just like every week or two...We're just going to keep killing and killing other VC until you learn of somewhere else to get gold.

  • Author
    Durkin [legacy]
    18 December 2001 04:14:07

    In the FRA's defense...our theme is that we're SUPPOSED to be power hungry :P

  • Author
    Variel [legacy]
    18 December 2001 04:12:55

    Strange I don't actually remember talking to Mizrahi at all.

    Oh wait, yes I do... It went something like this:

    'So, what's FRA stance with Durms?'

    Mizrahi is ignoring you.

    It was a deeply fulfilling conversation...

    On an unrelated note, it seems strange that Durms have so

    frequently complained about the number of guilds at war with them.

    I mean, why pkill people from 5 guilds if you don't want them to retaliate?

    And FYI, Korzan. There are only 2 Beorns currently in Rimsilval.

    Oh, and your comment about not trashing Durmanhoth on this forum

    I find that laughable. Really amusing, given that 'trashing' guilds

    and people seems to be about the only thing your guildmates ever do on this forum.

    Finally Klouse. You wanted the Durm & Durm-allied deaths from 14-17th:

    Deadlok, Havok, Orlandu, Deadlok, Toto, Randyb, Kriss, Korzan

    And Klouse... you're ranting. Take long calm deep breaths,

    Your last post suggests that you're about to die of a heart attack.


  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    18 December 2001 04:05:13

    And the reason why I left FRA is because they became the same thing power hungry. So you want to talk about loyalty? You have people in your guild that KILLED DURMS. How the fuck is that loyalty? Know what loyalty is? When I was dying, by a friend , his friend also my friend stuck his neck out to save me. THAT is loyalty. Going againstguid rules to help me. THAT is loyalty cause I am a friend. Loyaly to the durmans klouse I seem to remember that your ass applied to bkd, and FRA, countless times. but YOU GOT REJECTED. So do not give me that loyalty bullshit. On the side note Yun was that player who tried to save me. The ainur are getting rid of a great friend and a great player. *shrugs* things change, things stay the same. One thing though, the storm has arrived........ Are you ready?

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    18 December 2001 04:01:49

    Ah so the true klouse shows through, jesus christ I get backstabbed by mahamodie, now my friend for almst 5years calls me a dork?. The best shit? I seem to remember leaving the durmanhoth and staying solo for almost a year untill fra WANTED MY skill. Dude yourjust like ever other person on this mud, once you get power you think you don't need anyone. Ah well, we'll see in the future.

  • Author
    Terius [legacy]
    18 December 2001 03:22:19


  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    18 December 2001 02:01:59

    Damn I'm glad for this comments system. Makes everything so damn exciting. Its like a soap opera!

  • Author
    Barazbund [legacy]
    18 December 2001 01:36:41

    Korzan, i must have missed it when he went to Gunthruktu's camp. Damn, but i'm pretty sure that was the only other time he left in 3 years. Otherwise that 5k contract thats been on his head forever would've been completed.

  • Author
    Klouse [legacy]
    18 December 2001 01:27:25

    First Baklen:

    You don't know what loyalty is. Every Durmanhoth member is loyal to the Durmanhoth. I can't say the same for you though, going to every guild that has the best shit. I don't know why I ever stuck my neck out for you. Fines don't get high you dork, with the Alliance system we can go on forever. Our fines don't increase. Also you don't need alot of money. That doesn't do anything. What does Meglivornths 4million or so do? It just sits there.

    Variel: I would like to start off by saying you are the most idiotic player on this game, you talk all this shit but when it comes down to it you are the one who RUNS to every damn guild you can to ask them for help against Durmanhoth, don't you have any pride in you todo something yourself? We are doing fine kickin your ass and the other guilds ass ourselves. Also you want to talk about how many Durmanhoth members have been killed? 8 people in 4 days? That is something to brag about? Please. I would like to know who these 8 people are. We won't get into how many people we killed of yours in a 4day span. You need to realize that you are not winning this war. All you do is talk, you and Anton. Stop talking and start doing things. I will give Anton credit he has been doing his part, but when you think you are actually winning a war agianst Durmanhoth at this present time you are wrong, you can hate me...fucking want me dead or whatever. The facts still remain that we are the ones ontop of 4 guilds. Period. Mizrahi said it best keep sucking Delgaur's dick, its getting a little dry it needs to be moistened. Also his ass needs kissed alittle also you keep missing spots.

  • Author
    Klouse [legacy]
    18 December 2001 01:27:24

    First Baklen:

    You don't know what loyalty is. Every Durmanhoth member is loyal to the Durmanhoth. I can't say the same for you though, going to every guild that has the best shit. I don't know why I ever stuck my neck out for you. Fines don't get high you dork, with the Alliance system we can go on forever. Our fines don't increase. Also you don't need alot of money. That doesn't do anything. What does Meglivornths 4million or so do? It just sits there.

    Variel: I would like to start off by saying you are the most idiotic player on this game, you talk all this shit but when it comes down to it you are the one who RUNS to every damn guild you can to ask them for help against Durmanhoth, don't you have any pride in you todo something yourself? We are doing fine kickin your ass and the other guilds ass ourselves. Also you want to talk about how many Durmanhoth members have been killed? 8 people in 4 days? That is something to brag about? Please. I would like to know who these 8 people are. We won't get into how many people we killed of yours in a 4day span. You need to realize that you are not winning this war. All you do is talk, you and Anton. Stop talking and start doing things. I will give Anton credit he has been doing his part, but when you think you are actually winning a war agianst Durmanhoth at this present time you are wrong, you can hate me...fucking want me dead or whatever. The facts still remain that we are the ones ontop of 4 guilds. Period. Mizrahi said it best keep sucking Delgaur's dick, its getting a little dry it needs to be moistened. Also his ass needs kissed alittle also you keep missing spots.

  • Author
    Korzan [legacy]
    18 December 2001 00:47:48

    I think I'd just like to set a few things straight here. The reason I won over Poseidon and the other Rims in Mordor is because I was better prepared and had better healing. Plain and simple. Its not like they made any major mistakes or anything.

    About the kill on me: I miscalculated, they got me. It won't be happening again.

    About being GM: Manni has finals. I'm taking over for 1 week only. He isn't resigning.

    About members leaving: Randyb and Prophet left, yes. They were also members of the guild who never knew what a huntbreak was or how to use one. They were in because they were just nice guys. I dont know of any others who left though.

    Anyways, Variel, you don't see me trying to trash your guild on here. I'm not really surprised to see you trying to talk shit, but I would like to point out the immaturity of doing it on here.

    I'd also like to mention that Variel left his guild before the war, he went to the camp 60s,2w from Rhos a few times to make gold. As soon as the war started, though, he went back in to hibernation inside the guild.

    However, the Durms still go out and make gold in the midst of the war. Sure, we're poor, but hey, at least we have more nuts. Keep in mind that Rimsilval, Beornings, Valacircans, and BkD are all fighting the Durmanhoth.

    So, you all can come to whatever conclusions you wish. I do like, though, how all the Beornings involved in the war have transferred to the Rimsilval thats going to stop us from killing off Beornings. We all know your true guild, and we're gonna keep killing them off, too.

    Or maybe you're doing it just so that the vault can be used by the Beorning members instead of using up Beorning vault money..which must be running a little low.



  • Author
    Ruiniel [legacy]
    18 December 2001 00:41:58

    *agrees with Trempk*.It is very disbalanced.It is supposed that the elves and morals in general should have better knowledge of healing.And they can't get a flask.

    Just it sucks that morals can't get at least one of the whip or the mels.I mean, impartials can get anything but it really really sucks for morals.It would have been more interesting if the mels was for morals and the whip for immorals only or something like this:P

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    18 December 2001 00:34:12

    This log is the reason why it sucks that I can't get the MELS.

  • Author
    Barazbund [legacy]
    17 December 2001 23:42:11

    yeah, thats about right actually Poseidon. If you started 3 years after, cause I started in 1995. You created Poseidon about a year before i suicided my first Char i think. Whatever. Not important.

  • Author
    Poseidon [legacy]
    17 December 2001 23:08:40

    then BB, you've gotta be one of the first, because around two years into mud's existence is when i started playing. Well, poseidon as a second char maybe started three years into it's existence... no too sure, it's been so long.

  • Author
    Barazbund [legacy]
    17 December 2001 21:29:30

    Dammit..After i did...

  • Author
    Barazbund [legacy]
    17 December 2001 21:28:56

    Poseidon apparently didnt start until at least 2 year before I did. (i just asked a old timer friend)

  • Author
    Barazbund [legacy]
    17 December 2001 21:21:44

    Variel, that sure is a lot of shit to be said when you havent left your guild/mcouncil chambers in 3 years.

    And, if i were you, I wouldnt exactly be celebrating the fact that Manni resigned. Manni was a good GM, but Korzan will be better in war.

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    17 December 2001 20:41:33

    Ok durms here it is plain in simple you guys mayget the most kills the most shit, But one rimsilval has more gold, has more people who are legit to the guild. People that are not going to suicide once done. So far, you may kill time and time again but eventually rimsilval are gonna out last you. The same thing happened to FRA/megs. Megs are now still on, have you seen fra? one member logs in once a reboot. it will eventually go back to when durms had one on also. Its the way of the game. You'll hold power for awhile. What happens when julius or korzan's fines get to high? or klouse. You'll run out and in that time your remaxen. Rimsilval will have fresh meat, so fourth. Its endless.

  • Author
    Delgaur [legacy]
    17 December 2001 17:36:23

    Personaly i dont think the kill count is all that relevant in a war really, one side might simple have more people than the other as targets, hence will recive more casualtys, somone can die and re-level to easy too. All the kill count does is boost the ego of the side with most kills. i.e our dicks are bigger than yours... mentality. What counts, imho is who gives up first, the side that says, we cant handle it no more.

    So to hell with how many people have died, just run them into the ground so they dont dare leave there hall, and are begging you for mercy! :)

    Eventualy one side will give, go inactive, and ask for peace so the active members that are left can re-build the a way that will be dicatated by the winners...else you start beating on them again :) thats war, right? :)

  • Author
    Variel [legacy]
    17 December 2001 17:23:33

    I think it is worth noting that Korzan was pkilled later the same day.

    The second attack was much better planned, and as a result was more successful.

    This is a good log, in that it is always impressive to see someone kill their attackers

    But...It is worth noting that this log is not an accurate insight in to how the war is going.

    Durms have had 8 members pkilled in 4 days.

    4 Durm members have left the halls or hibernated

    Their GM has resigned.

    Rimsilval has had only 2 deaths in the same length of time, and that includes Poseidon.


  • Author
    Poseidon [legacy]
    17 December 2001 17:15:35

    What more than a year away does to you:

    1- you go to mordor just to help a friend (with crappy armour, no pack, no healing) get ulk and see korzan there, wee!

    2- while attacking, you barely remember where the hell you are (and just hope your not locked up!).

    3- You try to store your sword when you have 70hp so that ruiniel can give you a flask, but some hell of alias or whatever made that NOT work. I tried to store at least 3 times, and all i saw was... Ruiniel tries to give you a silver flask...

    unfortunately i lost my log so i have no idea why that didn't work

    4- you spend too much time to find yourself and forget you need some ep to search wall!!!

    PS: i'll be active like for like this one week, we'll see how i am on thursday...

  • Author
    Klouse [legacy]
    17 December 2001 16:46:52

    Damn, both of you got the shit beat out of you...that is pretty pathetic considering you had the Black Sword and the Globe. Also, you guys are saying Poseidon didn't make any excuses, that is true he didn't..but look at you guys. He doesn't need are doing it for him :P

  • Author
    Durkin [legacy]
    17 December 2001 16:21:13

    Poseidon dates back before Khufu, I believe Barazbunny!

  • Author
    Barazbund [legacy]
    17 December 2001 10:37:37

    Nice log. Who the hell is Poseidon anyway....Must've played during one of those times i was gone.

  • Author
    Adario [legacy]
    17 December 2001 07:59:18

    Like 5 days ago I soloed a level 19 sheriff (Bared) and I am a plain level 15.There still are solo killers, Dormin:P

    Who is Mirgul?I mean, he has a new alt?;)

  • Author
    Dormin [legacy]
    17 December 2001 07:47:13

    Hades, your a worse pker than Deadlok. Poseidon just had a lapse which we all have after not playing for 2 YEARS! People and Woden are why I don't play this mud anymore. You get killed you complain it's about your connection, or you drunk, or you didn't get head. Jesus, fucking grow up. Posedion died and did he whine? nope. Mirgul you have no room to speak either I just read your dumbass comment. You can't even play without using someone else's character or guild passes.

    I got one thing to say: Out of all these logs Korzan's is the only solo kill I've seen lately that's worth crap. I can still solo kill, how about the rest of you newbs.

  • Author
    Korzan [legacy]
    17 December 2001 06:51:06

    Uh, Hades, Anton is right :P No personal comments unless you can back it up, man.

  • Author
    Anton [legacy]
    17 December 2001 06:36:01

    Dude, Hades. Who the hell are you to talk? Poseidon was pkilling before you were even playing T2T. Just because he went inactive for like 2 years and came back a little rusty doesn't mean you're suddenly 'good' or have room to talk trash. :P

  • Author
    Hades [legacy]
    17 December 2001 05:26:52

    I'm inactive because i've got one to fuckin many subpoena's to answer because i dont have the gold, so i went on spree cause i was so fuckin pissed, i'm costing the guild to much when i pk and going wanted for 24hours is slower then shit so i'm suiciding once a friend is on so he can fullfill the 5k C on me and i'm away :)

  • Author
    Duniv [legacy]
    17 December 2001 05:24:30

    What a happy little log. Nice work Korzan.

  • Author
    Ruiniel [legacy]
    17 December 2001 05:10:24

    *agrees with Cogline* Well, duh, nice one, Korzan..


  • Author
    Durkin [legacy]
    17 December 2001 04:49:48


    Everyone has an off day...especially after you've been innactive for over a year like poseidon.

  • Author
    Cogline [legacy]
    17 December 2001 04:47:48

    We all have bad days. Why leave Mordor anyway? Your alot safer in than out ;)

  • Author
    Hades [legacy]
    17 December 2001 04:44:06

    Poseidon, damn dude, you seriously suck if you got stuck in the well, i mean, who the fuck gets trapped in the well? honestly, it takes like 2 ep to search the wall to leave. I dont care if you couldn't see either cause of your helmet, its not that hard to drop something, even if you're blinded, could have simply dropped it 1w of the search wall and left, you shouldn't be in wars if you can't handle leaving something like a well, you got fucked up by someone who cant hunt.

  • Author
    Mirgul [legacy]
    17 December 2001 04:08:18

    Must suck getting soloed by a Warrior when he has no hunter. dumb Rimmies.