It's Delgaur, yeah only Delgaur!!
She leaves the room, fades and attacks *boggle* kinda obvious??
So you get a lameass thief, and a lameass wizard. Add a silver arrow or two, and a Gazza sitting at the entrance to his own GUILDHALL. And you get the most miserable attempted theft.
Note: Jackal didn't leave the room, so Nash *couldn't* steal the CC. Nice teamwork guys!
I was disappointed seeing only 2 attack out of 5.
Ever seen a wizard pk someone without a hunter, solo?!
Varion steals my claim on Glorf and no good amounts from it.
Relg attacks me near Thranduils and gets a super duper suprise!
Ruiniel helped kill Vie. Luckily he was prepared for the attack..
Lots of people want me dead, this is the first of probably many deaths :-)
Nash want to spar me. Go Nash!
Toto dies in MT
Attempts a guildmate in Mordor, and suffers
Killed quickly in Edoras
Sunflash dies and gives us Cou's guild wep!
Sunflash dies and donates Globe
Punk dies in Mordor.
Virtito attempts a friend, and dies.
Relg attempts me, and gets a suprise! Notice I beat him down Warrior style because I'm stupid and don't have a staff.
Tried to run, tried to hide...break on through to the other side, break on through to the other side...
with an attitude like that he deserves to die...