The Gorgoroth(n, e, enter, s and w) HP:230 EP:222 > enter Entrance to an olog-hai camp(enter and out) An empty bottle HP:230 EP:222 > enter Inside an olog-hai camp(enter and out) A sleepy olog-hai [2] An empty bottle [2] HP:230 EP:221 > enter Inside a tent(out) Some gold coins Rand O'Bear the dunedain Mastermind (Shadowspawn) An empty bottle [4] Triggered! doing: hunt Rand HP:230 EP:221 > You begin to hunt Rand. HP:230 EP:221 > glance Rand Rand O'Bear the dunedain Mastermind (Shadowspawn) Power radiates from him, inspiring awe.  He is carrying: A big razor-sharp meat cleaver (wielded). An ominous dark ring (eclipsing) (worn). A large black cloak (worn). The Dragon Cutter. A dwarven deathmask (worn). A magnificent moon shield (worn). A suit of sparkling armour (worn). A simple leather baldric (worn). A keyring containing 5 keys (worn). A pair of chainmail gloves (worn). A pair of steel dwarven leggings (worn). A sturdy hand-crafted pack (open) (worn). Triggered! doing: hunt Rand HP:230 EP:218 > You are already hunting Rand! HP:230 EP:218 > shape Rand Rand doesn't look so great. Triggered! doing: hunt Rand HP:230 EP:217 > You are already hunting Rand! HP:230 EP:217 > i Gold: 259 Encumbrance: lightly encumbered You are carrying the following on your person: *A long haradrim bone sword (wielded). *A crystal (worn). *A crystal (worn). *A pair of radiant steel gauntlets (worn). *A charred morgul guard cloak (worn). *A black set of leather and ring mail leggings (worn). *A finely-shaped pearl carapace (worn). *A large, tarnished shield (worn). *A dwarven deathmask (worn). *A courier pack of Barad-dur (open) (worn). *A studded green baldric (worn). *A black staff sling containing a walking staff (worn). *A metal necklace (worn). HP:230 EP:216 > Your eyes ache from the strain of maintaining your enhanced vision. trigger Narchost todo hunt off The next time you see 'XXX', you will do: 'XXX'. HP:230 EP:212 > backstab rand sheath sword draw staff In these lawless lands, this act is not a crime! You attack Rand. You sneak up and stab Rand from behind! You cleave Rand, coating the white bone with blood! Your movement reveals you. HP:230 EP:160 > You slide the bone sword into its accompanying sheath smoothly. Ok. HP:230 EP:160 > You hold a walking staff. HP:230 EP:160 > You are no longer camouflaged. focus aim focus attack You start focusing on your aim skill. HP:230 EP:160 > You can't change your focus quite that fast! HP:230 EP:160 > Rand misses you. You miss Rand. headbutt You pull a muscle in your neck trying to headbutt Rand. HP:230 EP:140 > hunt Rand You are already hunting Rand! HP:230 EP:140 > Rand cuts you, drawing blood. You miss Rand. headbutt You pull a muscle in your neck trying to headbutt Rand. HP:225 EP:120 > shape Rand Rand misses you. You miss Rand. Rand is near death. HP:225 EP:119 > Rand misses you. You miss Rand. kill You attack Rand. HP:225 EP:119 > headbutt Rand misses you. You miss Rand. You pull Rand closer to you and headbutt him square in the face. HP:225 EP:84 > Rand cuts you, drawing blood. You miss Rand. focus aim focus attack You're still focusing aim. HP:220 EP:84 > You can't change your focus quite that fast! HP:220 EP:84 > i Gold: 233 (rough) Encumbrance: lightly encumbered You are carrying the following on your person: *A walking staff (in hands). *A long haradrim bone sword. *A crystal (worn). *A crystal (worn). *A pair of radiant steel gauntlets (worn). *A charred morgul guard cloak (worn). *A black set of leather and ring mail leggings (worn). *A finely-shaped pearl carapace (worn). *A large, tarnished shield (worn). *A dwarven deathmask (worn). *A courier pack of Barad-dur (open) (worn). *A studded green baldric (worn). *A black staff sling (worn). *A metal necklace (worn). HP:220 EP:84 > Rand cuts you, drawing blood. You miss Rand. drop staff Ok. HP:215 EP:84 > Rand misses you. You miss Rand. wield sword You wield a long haradrim bone sword. HP:215 EP:84 > Rand zips the cleaver almost past you. You cut Rand deeply, revealing bone. shape Rand is in critical condition, very close to death. HP:213 EP:83 > Rand falls to the ground. Rand is bleeding to death and needs to be bandaged! kill You decide to put Rand out of his misery. HP:213 EP:83 > store sword You remove a long haradrim bone sword. You store a long haradrim bone sword in a studded green baldric. HP:213 EP:83 > wear all from corpse You killed Rand. Full of glee, you raise Rand's head, cut one of his ears and string it onto your necklace as a trophy of your victory, for all to see. Rand has died. In these lawless lands, this act is not a crime! hand-crafted pack : Failed! steel dwarven leggings : Failed! chainmail gloves : Failed! keyring : You wear a keyring containing 5 keys. baldric : Failed! suit of sparkling armour : Failed! magnificent moon shield : Failed! deathmask : Failed! assassin's cloak : Failed! ominous dark ring : As you slip the ring on it seems as though the light around is drawn into it. You wear an ominous dark ring (eclipsing). HP:213 EP:83 >