Wulf enters. Triggered! doing: kill wulf You attack Wulf. Wulf has been engaged!(-$X-) HP:235 EP:227--/ shape all here Wulf is in good shape. Wulf is {GOOD GOOD} Triggered! doing: kill wulf Crytzch is in perfect shape. <<<~Crytzch is PERFECT shape PERFECT~>>>Crytzch is a bit tipsy. The priest is in perfect shape. <<<~The priest is PERFECT shape PERFECT~>>>(-$X-) HP:235 EP:227--/ You attack Wulf. Wulf has been engaged!(-$X-) HP:235 EP:227--/ You miss Wulf. Wulf leaves east. Triggered! doing: kill wulf You don't see that here. (-$X-) HP:235 EP:227--/ Karmic enters. Karmic forms a new party. "karmic he's good Karmic invited you to join his party. You tell Karmic: he's good (-$X-) HP:235 EP:227--/ party join karmic You join Karmic's party. (-$X-) HP:235 EP:227--/ Party say from Karmic: exh hands You have two hands. You are holding a great axe (wielded) You are holding a great axe (wielded) You have no free hands. ||\no/||(-$X-) HP:235 EP:226--/ score Crytzch the uruk-hai Summer's Eve You are a bit tipsy. HP: 235/235 END: 226/235 Avg. Stats: 101 Quests done: 191 Current exp: 4859900 (for 1.8 extra levels) Total exp: 25540322 Strength: 101 Agility: 101 Charisma: 101 Constitution: 101 Coordination: 101 Intelligence: 101 Level 21 warrior, 76d 23h 58m 34s old. You are extending your vision. (-$X-) HP:235 EP:226--/ Party emote: Karmic has hp: 230/230 and end: 198/230 nod You nod. (-$X-) HP:235 EP:226--/ ph You emote to your party: Crytzch has hp: 235/235 and end: 226/235 (-$X-) HP:235 EP:226--/ Karmic grips his weapon with two hands. Karmic whips a 'man-catcher' pole-arm from a black studded spear sheath like a master spearman! Karmic wields a 'man-catcher' pole-arm. Wulf enters. Triggered! doing: kill wulf You attack Wulf. Wulf has been engaged!(-$X-) HP:235 EP:225--/ Wulf leaves east. Triggered! doing: kill wulf Karmic leaves east. You follow your leader east. Narchost Stairs Level Two(e, d, w and u) Karmic the dunlending Plunderer (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Wulf Draig-luth the dunlending An easterling archer is near a window You attack Wulf. Wulf has been engaged!(-$X-) HP:235 EP:225--/ Wulf leaves up. Karmic leaves up. You follow your leader up. Narchost Stairs Level Three(e, d and u) Karmic the dunlending Plunderer (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Wulf Draig-luth the dunlending An easterling archer is near a window Wulf leaves down. Karmic leaves down. You follow your leader down. Narchost Stairs Level Two(e, d, w and u) Karmic the dunlending Plunderer (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Wulf Draig-luth the dunlending An easterling archer is near a window You miss Wulf. Suddenly you have a massive headache. Wulf leaves west. Triggered! doing: kill wulf Karmic leaves west. You follow your leader west. A small temple(e) Karmic the dunlending Plunderer (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Wulf Draig-luth the dunlending An Easterling Priest You attack Wulf. Wulf has been engaged!(-$X-) HP:235 EP:225--/ Wulf leaves east. Karmic leaves east. You follow your leader east. Narchost Stairs Level Two(e, d, w and u) Karmic the dunlending Plunderer (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Wulf Draig-luth the dunlending An easterling archer is near a window headbutt Wulf leaves down. Karmic leaves down. You follow your leader down. Narchost Stairs Level One(e, d, w and u) Karmic the dunlending Plunderer (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Wulf Draig-luth the dunlending An easterling archer is near a window You pull a muscle in your neck trying to headbutt Wulf. (-$X-) HP:235 EP:205--/ Wulf leaves down. Karmic leaves down. You follow your leader down. A Large Corridor(d, n, s, u and w) Karmic the dunlending Plunderer (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Wulf Draig-luth the dunlending Wulf leaves down. Karmic leaves down. You follow your leader down. Narchost cellar(e, w and u) Karmic the dunlending Plunderer (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Wulf Draig-luth the dunlending An orc prison guard [2] Wulf leaves west. Karmic leaves west. You follow your leader west. The west cell block(n, e and s) Karmic the dunlending Plunderer (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Wulf Draig-luth the dunlending Wulf opens the north door. Triggered! doing: kill wulf Wulf leaves north. Karmic leaves north. You follow your leader north. A prison cell(exit) Karmic the dunlending Plunderer (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Wulf Draig-luth the dunlending Delia the hobbit Master Thief (Demonic) Anselmo the dwarf Warlord (Demonic) Wulf closes the exit door. You attack Wulf. Wulf has been engaged!(-$X-) HP:235 EP:205--/ Anselmo locks the exit door. Delia chuckles. You miss Wulf. The effort of staying in tune with the Dark Lord is taking its toll on you. Karmic grips his weapon with one hand. Karmic removes a 'man-catcher' pole-arm. Karmic stores a 'man-catcher' pole-arm in a black studded spear sheath. Karmic gets a mighty war horn from a charred morgul guard cloak. Karmic raises a horn to his lips and blows a mighty note. Karmic puts a mighty war horn into a charred morgul guard cloak. Karmic wields his twilight dagger. Karmic gets a 'man-catcher' pole-arm from a black studded spear sheath. Karmic attacks Wulf. Triggered! doing: kill wulf Suddenly, Karmic stabs Wulf from behind! A shadow suddenly envelops the surroundings. Karmic sinks the blade into Wulf's abdominal cavity. You attack Wulf. Wulf has been engaged!(-$X-) HP:235 EP:204--/ Karmic grips his weapon with two hands. Karmic wields his man-catcher. You miss Wulf. Triggered! doing: kill wulf Karmic swings the man-catcher above Wulf's head. You attack Wulf. Wulf has been engaged!(-$X-) HP:235 EP:204--/ Anselmo attacks Karmic. Anselmo pulls Karmic closer to him and headbutts him square in the face. Anselmo disembowels Karmic with a cruel twist of the blade! You miss Wulf. Triggered! doing: kill wulf Karmic swings the man-catcher above Anselmo's head. You attack Wulf. Wulf has been engaged!(-$X-) HP:235 EP:204--/ Wulf starts casting a spell. Karmic bashes down the exit door! kk wulf Anselmo chats with his party. Do: starting commands. (-$X-) HP:235 EP:204--/ You attack Wulf. Wulf has been engaged!Triggered! doing: kill wulf (-$X-) HP:235 EP:204--/ You attack Wulf. Wulf has been engaged!(-$X-) HP:235 EP:204--/ You quickly thrust your forehead into the bridge of Wulf's nose. (-$X-) HP:235 EP:169--/ Do: Commands completed. (-$X-) HP:235 EP:169--/ Anselmo completely misses Karmic! You miss Wulf. Wulf misses you by a mile! You notice Wulf sizing you up. WARNING! Wulf is shaping you! WARNING!Triggered! doing: kill wulf You attack Wulf. Wulf has been engaged!(-$X-) HP:235 EP:168--/ sh Wulf is in average shape. Wulf is [AVG AVERAGE AVG] (-$X-) HP:235 EP:168--/ Anselmo completely misses Karmic! You miss Wulf. Triggered! doing: kill wulf Wulf misses you by a mile! You attack Wulf. Wulf has been engaged!(-$X-) HP:235 EP:168--/ Delia attacks Karmic. Delia misses Karmic. Anselmo completely misses Karmic! Anselmo shields Wulf, and you hit Anselmo very hard. Triggered! doing: kill wulf You graze Wulf. Wulf pummels you with fierce determination! do headbutt Wulf, kill Wulf You attack Wulf. Wulf has been engaged!(-$X-) HP:221 EP:168--/ Do: starting commands. (-$X-) HP:221 EP:168--/ Your neck still hurts from the last headbutt. (-$X-) HP:221 EP:168--/ You attack Wulf. Wulf has been engaged!(-$X-) HP:221 EP:168--/ Do: Commands completed. (-$X-) HP:221 EP:168--/ Delia scratches Karmic. Anselmo completely misses Karmic! You miss Wulf. Triggered! doing: kill wulf Wulf thumps you skillfully! Karmic swings the man-catcher above Delia's head. Wulf hurts his neck attacking Karmic. You attack Wulf. Wulf has been engaged!(-$X-) HP:211 EP:167--/ Anselmo pulls Karmic closer to him and headbutts him square in the face. do headbutt Wulf, kill Wulf Do: starting commands. (-$X-) HP:211 EP:167--/ You grapple with Wulf, your cranium colliding with his face. Triggered! doing: kill wulf (-$X-) HP:211 EP:132--/ You attack Wulf. Wulf has been engaged!(-$X-) HP:211 EP:132--/ You attack Wulf. Wulf has been engaged!(-$X-) HP:211 EP:132--/ Do: Commands completed. (-$X-) HP:211 EP:132--/ Party say from Karmic: focus wulf Delia cuts Karmic's arm, leaving several bruises. Anselmo demolishes Karmic's nose with the bone pommel of the sword! You miss Wulf. Wulf misses you by a mile! Anselmo shields Wulf, Karmic grazes Anselmo. Karmic pokes Wulf's side. You notice Wulf sizing you up. WARNING! Wulf is shaping you! WARNING!Triggered! doing: kill wulf You attack Wulf. Wulf has been engaged!(-$X-) HP:211 EP:132--/ Wulf grapples with Karmic, his cranium colliding with Karmic's face. do headbutt Wulf, kill Wulf Do: starting commands. (-$X-) HP:211 EP:132--/ do headbutt Wulf, kill Wulf Your neck still hurts from the last headbutt. (-$X-) HP:211 EP:132--/ You attack Wulf. Wulf has been engaged!(-$X-) HP:211 EP:132--/ Do: Commands completed. (-$X-) HP:211 EP:132--/ Do: starting commands. (-$X-) HP:211 EP:132--/ Your neck still hurts from the last headbutt. (-$X-) HP:211 EP:132--/ You attack Wulf. Wulf has been engaged!(-$X-) HP:211 EP:132--/ Do: Commands completed. (-$X-) HP:211 EP:132--/ do headbutt Wulf, kill Wulf Karmic pulls Wulf closer to him and headbutts him square in the face. Triggered! doing: kill wulf You attack Wulf. Wulf has been engaged!(-$X-) HP:211 EP:132--/ Do: starting commands. (-$X-) HP:211 EP:132--/ Your neck still hurts from the last headbutt. (-$X-) HP:211 EP:132--/ You attack Wulf. Wulf has been engaged!(-$X-) HP:211 EP:132--/ Do: Commands completed. (-$X-) HP:211 EP:132--/ Delia scratches Karmic. Anselmo completely misses Karmic! Anselmo shields Wulf, and you hit Anselmo. You scratch Wulf. Wulf misses you by a mile! Karmic swings the man-catcher above Wulf's head. Wulf starts casting a spell. Triggered! doing: kill wulf You attack Wulf. Wulf has been engaged!(-$X-) HP:211 EP:132--/ do headbutt Wulf, kill Wulf Do: starting commands. (-$X-) HP:211 EP:132--/ Your neck still hurts from the last headbutt. (-$X-) HP:211 EP:132--/ You attack Wulf. Wulf has been engaged!Triggered! doing: kill wulf (-$X-) HP:211 EP:132--/ You attack Wulf. Wulf has been engaged!(-$X-) HP:211 EP:132--/ Do: Commands completed. (-$X-) HP:211 EP:132--/ Karmic rams a spiked shield into someone's chest! You notice Anselmo sizing you up. WARNING! Anselmo is shaping you! WARNING!shape all here Delia misses Karmic. Anselmo disembowels Karmic with a cruel twist of the blade! Anselmo shields Wulf, and you hit Anselmo very hard. You graze Wulf. Anselmo shields Wulf, Karmic hits Anselmo hard. Karmic pokes Wulf's side. Crytzch is in good shape. Crytzch is {GOOD GOOD} Crytzch has a bad headache. Karmic is in average shape. Karmic is [AVG AVERAGE AVG] Wulf doesn't look so great. Wulf is -<-DLSG DOESNT LOOK SO GREAT DLSG->- Triggered! doing: kill wulf Delia is in perfect shape. <<<~Delia is PERFECT shape PERFECT~>>>Anselmo is in average shape. Anselmo is [AVG AVERAGE AVG] (-$X-) HP:211 EP:131--/ You attack Wulf. Wulf has been engaged!(-$X-) HP:211 EP:131--/ Karmic grips his weapon with one hand. Karmic removes a 'man-catcher' pole-arm. Karmic gets an elf-skin bota from a charred morgul guard cloak. Karmic opens an elf-skin bota. Karmic drinks from an elf-skin bota. Karmic drinks from an elf-skin bota. Karmic closes an elf-skin bota. Karmic puts an elf-skin bota into a charred morgul guard cloak. Karmic grips his weapon with two hands. Karmic wields his man-catcher. do headbutt Wulf, kill Wulf Do: starting commands. (-$X-) HP:211 EP:131--/ Your neck still hurts from the last headbutt. (-$X-) HP:211 EP:131--/ You attack Wulf. Wulf has been engaged!Triggered! doing: kill wulf (-$X-) HP:211 EP:131--/ You attack Wulf. Wulf has been engaged!(-$X-) HP:211 EP:131--/ Do: Commands completed. (-$X-) HP:211 EP:131--/ Delia misses Karmic. Anselmo carves Karmic's shoulder, exposing white bone! You miss Wulf. Karmic swings the man-catcher above Wulf's head. You notice Wulf sizing you up. WARNING! Wulf is shaping you! WARNING!Triggered! doing: kill wulf You attack Wulf. Wulf has been engaged!(-$X-) HP:211 EP:131--/ In these lawless lands, no crimes can be reported. You are attacked by Anselmo! Anselmo grapples with you, his cranium colliding with your face. [ Gor Bûrzgoth ] Crytzch: SOMEONE CALL 911! I just got attacked by Anselmo with HP 211 and EP 131 in the room A prison cell! (-$X-) HP:199 EP:128--/ do headbutt Wulf, kill Wulf Do: starting commands. (-$X-) HP:199 EP:128--/ You pull Wulf closer to you and headbutt him square in the face. (-$X-) HP:199 EP:93--/ You attack Wulf. Wulf has been engaged!(-$X-) HP:199 EP:93--/ Do: Commands completed. (-$X-) HP:199 EP:93--/ Delia misses Karmic. Anselmo completely misses you! You miss Wulf. Wulf misses you by a mile! Karmic swings the man-catcher above Wulf's head. Karmic quickly thrusts his forehead into the bridge of Wulf's nose. Triggered! doing: kill wulf You attack Wulf. Wulf has been engaged!(-$X-) HP:199 EP:93--/ You notice Anselmo sizing you up. WARNING! Anselmo is shaping you! WARNING!Wulf starts casting a spell. Triggered! doing: kill wulf You attack Wulf. Wulf has been engaged!(-$X-) HP:199 EP:93--/ Wulf grips the weapon with one hand. Delia misses Karmic. Anselmo carves your neck, exposing white bone! Anselmo shields Wulf, and you hit Anselmo. You graze Wulf. Anselmo shields Wulf, Karmic inflicts massive damage to Anselmo. Karmic barely catches Wulf's forearm. Wulf takes a metal flask from a charred morgul guard cloak. Triggered! doing: kill wulf You attack Wulf. Wulf has been engaged!(-$X-) HP:185 EP:92--/ Wulf opens a metal flask. Wulf drinks something from a metal flask and dry heaves! Wulf closes a metal flask. Wulf puts a metal flask into a charred morgul guard cloak. do headbutt Wulf, kill Wulf Wulf takes a metal flask from a charred morgul guard cloak. Wulf opens a metal flask. Wulf drinks something from a metal flask and dry heaves! Wulf closes a metal flask. Wulf puts a metal flask into a charred morgul guard cloak. Do: starting commands. (-$X-) HP:185 EP:92--/ Your neck still hurts from the last headbutt. (-$X-) HP:185 EP:92--/ You attack Wulf. Wulf has been engaged!(-$X-) HP:185 EP:92--/ Do: Commands completed. (-$X-) HP:185 EP:92--/ Wulf takes a metal flask from a charred morgul guard cloak. Wulf opens a metal flask. Wulf closes a metal flask. Wulf puts a metal flask into a charred morgul guard cloak. Wulf takes a metal flask from a charred morgul guard cloak. Wulf opens a metal flask. Wulf closes a metal flask. Wulf puts a metal flask into a charred morgul guard cloak. Wulf takes a metal flask from a charred morgul guard cloak. Triggered! doing: kill wulf You attack Wulf. Wulf has been engaged!(-$X-) HP:185 EP:92--/ Wulf opens a metal flask. Wulf closes a metal flask. Wulf puts a metal flask into a charred morgul guard cloak. Wulf takes a metal flask from a charred morgul guard cloak. Wulf opens a metal flask. Wulf closes a metal flask. Wulf puts a metal flask into a charred morgul guard cloak. You notice Anselmo sizing you up. WARNING! Anselmo is shaping you! WARNING!Delia misses Karmic. Anselmo completely misses you! You miss Wulf. Wulf taps you timidly. Anselmo shields Wulf, Karmic hits Anselmo. Karmic pokes Wulf's side. do headbutt Wulf, kill Wulf Do: starting commands. (-$X-) HP:183 EP:92--/ Your neck still hurts from the last headbutt. (-$X-) HP:183 EP:92--/ You attack Wulf. Wulf has been engaged!Triggered! doing: kill wulf (-$X-) HP:183 EP:92--/ You attack Wulf. Wulf has been engaged!(-$X-) HP:183 EP:92--/ Do: Commands completed. (-$X-) HP:183 EP:92--/ Wulf grips the weapon with both hands. Triggered! doing: kill wulf sh wulf You attack Wulf. Wulf has been engaged!(-$X-) HP:183 EP:92--/ Wulf is near death. (Wulf is NEAR DEATH FINISH IT)(-$X-) HP:183 EP:92--/ do headbutt Wulf, kill Wulf Delia cuts Karmic's arm, leaving several bruises. Anselmo lightly scratches your arm, doing little damage. You miss Wulf. Wulf misses you by a mile! Anselmo shields Wulf, Karmic hits Anselmo hard. Karmic pokes Wulf's side. Do: starting commands. (-$X-) HP:182 EP:92--/ You pull a muscle in your neck trying to headbutt Wulf. Triggered! doing: kill wulf (-$X-) HP:182 EP:72--/ You attack Wulf. Wulf has been engaged!(-$X-) HP:182 EP:72--/ You attack Wulf. Wulf has been engaged!(-$X-) HP:182 EP:72--/ Do: Commands completed. (-$X-) HP:182 EP:72--/ You notice Wulf sizing you up. WARNING! Wulf is shaping you! WARNING!Triggered! doing: kill wulf You attack Wulf. Wulf has been engaged!(-$X-) HP:182 EP:72--/ do headbutt Wulf, kill Wulf Do: starting commands. (-$X-) HP:182 EP:72--/ Your neck still hurts too much to attempt to headbutt again. (-$X-) HP:182 EP:72--/ You attack Wulf. Wulf has been engaged!(-$X-) HP:182 EP:72--/ Do: Commands completed. (-$X-) HP:182 EP:72--/ Delia misses Karmic. Anselmo demolishes your nose with the bone pommel of the sword! You miss Wulf. Wulf misses you by a mile! Karmic swings the man-catcher above Wulf's head. Wulf cries out in pain as the poison writhes through his veins. Triggered! doing: kill wulf You attack Wulf. Wulf has been engaged!(-$X-) HP:174 EP:72--/ Wulf starts casting a spell. Karmic pulls Wulf closer to him and headbutts him square in the face. Anselmo quickly thrusts his forehead into the bridge of Karmic's nose. You notice Wulf sizing you up. WARNING! Wulf is shaping you! WARNING!Triggered! doing: kill wulf do headbutt Wulf, kill Wulf You attack Wulf. Wulf has been engaged!(-$X-) HP:174 EP:72--/ do headbutt Wulf, kill Wulf Do: starting commands. (-$X-) HP:174 EP:72--/ You move in close to attack, but fail to connect due to poor timing. You can't do that. (-$X-) HP:174 EP:72--/ You attack Wulf. Wulf has been engaged!(-$X-) HP:174 EP:72--/ Do: Commands completed. (-$X-) HP:174 EP:72--/ do headbutt Wulf, kill Wulf Do: starting commands. (-$X-) HP:174 EP:72--/ You move in close to attack, but fail to connect due to poor timing. You can't do that. (-$X-) HP:174 EP:72--/ You attack Wulf. Wulf has been engaged!(-$X-) HP:174 EP:72--/ Do: Commands completed. (-$X-) HP:174 EP:72--/ Do: starting commands. (-$X-) HP:174 EP:72--/ You move in close to attack, but fail to connect due to poor timing. You can't do that. (-$X-) HP:174 EP:72--/ You attack Wulf. Wulf has been engaged!(-$X-) HP:174 EP:72--/ Do: Commands completed. (-$X-) HP:174 EP:72--/ Delia misses Karmic. Anselmo demolishes Karmic's nose with the bone pommel of the sword! You miss Wulf. Wulf pummels you with fierce determination! Anselmo shields Wulf, Karmic hits Anselmo hard. Karmic pokes Wulf's side. Wulf grapples with Karmic, his cranium colliding with Karmic's face. Triggered! doing: kill wulf do headbutt Wulf, kill Wulf You attack Wulf. Wulf has been engaged!(-$X-) HP:158 EP:72--/ Do: starting commands. (-$X-) HP:158 EP:72--/ You quickly thrust your forehead into the bridge of Wulf's nose. (-$X-) HP:158 EP:37--/ You decide to put Wulf out of his misery. Wulf falls to the ground. (-$X-) HP:158 EP:37--/ Do: Commands completed. (-$X-) HP:158 EP:37--/ Karmic puts Wulf out of his misery. Triggered! doing: kill wulf You decide to put Wulf out of his misery. (-$X-) HP:158 EP:37--/ Karmic puts Wulf out of his misery. Karmic puts Wulf out of his misery. do headbutt Wulf, kill Wulf Delia misses Karmic. Anselmo completely misses Karmic! Anselmo shields Wulf, and you hit Anselmo very hard. You hit Wulf. You killed Wulf. Wulf |ELIMINATED| Full of glee, you raise Wulf's head, cut one of his ears and string it onto your necklace as a trophy of your victory, for all to see. Wulf has died. In these lawless lands, this act is not a crime! One of Wulf's lifeless hands loses its grip on his weapon. Karmic swings the man-catcher above Anselmo's head. Do: starting commands. (-$X-) HP:158 EP:37--/ Your neck still hurts from the last headbutt. (-$X-) HP:158 EP:37--/ I think the poor ghost has suffered enough. (-$X-) HP:158 EP:37--/ Do: Commands completed. (-$X-) HP:158 EP:37--/ Delia hits Karmic very hard, leaving severed body parts! Anselmo completely misses Karmic! You graze Anselmo. Karmic swings the man-catcher above Anselmo's head. Anselmo looks at Corpse of Wulf. Triggered! doing: kill wulf I think the poor ghost has suffered enough. (-$X-) HP:158 EP:36--/ Rryznog tells you: which The ghost of Wulf drifts exit. Triggered! doing: kill wulf You don't see that here. (-$X-) HP:158 EP:36--/ Rryznog tells you: which Delia hits Karmic very hard, leaving severed body parts! Anselmo completely misses Karmic! You scratch Anselmo. Karmic catches Anselmo, stabbing and scraping with the barbed inner tine! ^Legend Wulf ^ (OOC) Crytzch: Legend Wulf Triggered! doing: kill wulf (-$X-) HP:158 EP:31--/ You don't see that here. (-$X-) HP:158 EP:31--/ Delia misses Karmic. Anselmo completely misses Karmic! You miss Anselmo. Karmic swings the man-catcher above Anselmo's head. Delia misses Karmic. Anselmo completely misses Karmic! You miss Anselmo. Karmic catches Anselmo, stabbing and scraping with the barbed inner tine! shape all here Crytzch is in average shape. Crytzch is [AVG AVERAGE AVG] Crytzch has a bad headache. Karmic doesn't look so great. Karmic is -<-DLSG DOESNT LOOK SO GREAT DLSG->- Delia is in perfect shape. <<<~Delia is PERFECT shape PERFECT~>>>Anselmo doesn't look so great. Anselmo is -<-DLSG DOESNT LOOK SO GREAT DLSG->- (-$X-) HP:158 EP:30--/ Anselmo leaves exit. Karmic leaves exit. You follow your leader exit. The west cell block(n, e and s) Karmic the dunlending Plunderer (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Anselmo the dwarf Warlord (Demonic) Rryznog the uruk-hai Master Thief Delia enters. Delia misses Karmic. Anselmo completely misses Karmic! You miss Anselmo. Karmic swings the man-catcher above Anselmo's head. Anselmo leaves east. Delia leaves east. Karmic leaves east. You follow your leader east. Narchost cellar(e, w and u) Karmic the dunlending Plunderer (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Delia the hobbit Master Thief (Demonic) Anselmo the dwarf Warlord (Demonic) An orc prison guard [2] Anselmo leaves up. Karmic leaves up. You follow your leader up. A Large Corridor(d, n, s, u and w) Karmic the dunlending Plunderer (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Anselmo the dwarf Warlord (Demonic) Delia enters. Anselmo leaves up. Delia leaves up. Karmic leaves up. You follow your leader up. Narchost Stairs Level One(e, d, w and u) Karmic the dunlending Plunderer (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Delia the hobbit Master Thief (Demonic) Anselmo the dwarf Warlord (Demonic) An easterling archer is near a window Anselmo leaves up. Karmic leaves up. You follow your leader up. Narchost Stairs Level Two(e, d, w and u) Karmic the dunlending Plunderer (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Anselmo the dwarf Warlord (Demonic) An easterling archer is near a window Delia enters. You hit Anselmo very hard. Karmic barely catches Anselmo's forearm. Anselmo leaves west. Delia leaves west. Karmic leaves west. You follow your leader west. A small temple(e) Karmic the dunlending Plunderer (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Delia the hobbit Master Thief (Demonic) Anselmo the dwarf Warlord (Demonic) Wulf Draig-luth the dunlending Archmage (Demonic) An Easterling Priest Triggered! doing: kill wulf A strange force holds back your attack. Your attack fails. (-$X-) HP:159 EP:31--/ Anselmo grips his weapon with one hand. Anselmo removes a great bone-handled flamberge. Anselmo puts a great bone-handled flamberge into a simple guard baldric. Karmic grips his weapon with one hand. Karmic removes a 'man-catcher' pole-arm. Karmic gets an elf-skin bota from a charred morgul guard cloak. Karmic opens an elf-skin bota. Karmic drinks from an elf-skin bota. Karmic drinks from an elf-skin bota. Karmic closes an elf-skin bota. Karmic puts an elf-skin bota into a charred morgul guard cloak. Karmic grips his weapon with two hands. Karmic wields his man-catcher. Delia misses Karmic. You miss Anselmo. Karmic swings the man-catcher above Anselmo's head. Anselmo gets a black flask from a large harvester's pack. Anselmo opens a black flask. Anselmo drinks something from a black flask. Anselmo drinks something from a black flask. Anselmo closes a black flask. Anselmo puts a black flask into a large harvester's pack. Anselmo gets a black flask from a large harvester's pack. Anselmo opens a black flask. Anselmo drinks something from a black flask. Anselmo drinks something from a black flask. Anselmo closes a black flask. Anselmo puts a black flask into a large harvester's pack. Delia misses Karmic. You hit Anselmo very hard. Karmic pokes Anselmo's side. Karmic plants a pathetic headbutt on Anselmo. shape all here Crytzch is in average shape. Crytzch is [AVG AVERAGE AVG] Crytzch has a bad headache. Karmic is in good shape. Karmic is {GOOD GOOD} Delia is in perfect shape. <<<~Delia is PERFECT shape PERFECT~>>>Anselmo is near death. (Anselmo is NEAR DEATH FINISH IT)Wulf is in perfect shape. <<<~Wulf is PERFECT shape PERFECT~>>>Triggered! doing: kill wulf The priest is in perfect shape. <<<~The priest is PERFECT shape PERFECT~>>>(-$X-) HP:159 EP:30--/ A strange force holds back your attack. Your attack fails. (-$X-) HP:159 EP:30--/ Wulf attacks Karmic. Anselmo leaves east. Delia leaves east. Karmic gashes Wulf's chest, exposing the heart! Triggered! doing: kill wulf Wulf misses Karmic. In these lawless lands, this act is not a crime! You attack Wulf. Wulf has been engaged!(-$X-) HP:159 EP:30--/ You notice Wulf sizing you up. WARNING! Wulf is shaping you! WARNING!kk anselmo] Do: starting commands. (-$X-) HP:159 EP:30--/ sl You don't see that here. (-$X-) HP:159 EP:30--/ Headbutt whom? You can't see anyone by that name here. (-$X-) HP:159 EP:30--/ Do: Commands completed. (-$X-) HP:159 EP:30--/ Wulf leaves east. Triggered! doing: kill wulf Karmic leaves east. You follow your leader east. Narchost Stairs Level Two(e, d, w and u) Karmic the dunlending Plunderer (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Wulf Draig-luth the dunlending Archmage (Demonic) An easterling archer is near a window You attack Wulf. Wulf has been engaged!(-$X-) HP:159 EP:30--/ ^ (OOC) Stryker: Very interesting. Wulf leaves down. Karmic leaves down. You follow your leader down. Narchost Stairs Level One(e, d, w and u) Karmic the dunlending Plunderer (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Wulf Draig-luth the dunlending Archmage (Demonic) An easterling archer is near a window Wulf leaves down. Karmic leaves down. You follow your leader down. A Large Corridor(d, n, s, u and w) Karmic the dunlending Plunderer (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Wulf Draig-luth the dunlending Archmage (Demonic) Wulf leaves south. Karmic leaves south. You follow your leader south. Main Hall(n and out) Karmic the dunlending Plunderer (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Wulf Draig-luth the dunlending Archmage (Demonic) An evil orc guard of Narchost [2] Wulf leaves out. Karmic leaves out. You follow your leader out. Narchost Entrance(enter and s) Karmic the dunlending Plunderer (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Wulf Draig-luth the dunlending Archmage (Demonic) A huge Uruk-hai sentinel is guarding the gate! Wulf leaves south. Karmic leaves south. You follow your leader south. Pass to the Narchost(n and s) Karmic the dunlending Plunderer (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Wulf Draig-luth the dunlending Archmage (Demonic) Wulf leaves south. Karmic leaves south. You follow your leader south. Pass to the Narchost(n and s) Karmic the dunlending Plunderer (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Wulf Draig-luth the dunlending Archmage (Demonic) Wulf leaves south. Karmic leaves south. You follow your leader south. Pass to the Narchost(tunnel and n) Karmic the dunlending Plunderer (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Wulf Draig-luth the dunlending Archmage (Demonic) Wulf leaves tunnel. Karmic leaves tunnel. You follow your leader tunnel. A dark, stinky tunnel(passage and s) Karmic the dunlending Plunderer (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Wulf Draig-luth the dunlending Archmage (Demonic) You inflict massive damage to Wulf. Karmic gashes Wulf's chest, exposing the heart! Wulf leaves south. Triggered! doing: kill wulf Karmic leaves south. You follow your leader south. A tunnel in the Wormholes(n and s) Karmic the dunlending Plunderer (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Wulf Draig-luth the dunlending Archmage (Demonic) You attack Wulf. Wulf has been engaged!(-$X-) HP:159 EP:29--/ Wulf leaves south. Karmic leaves south. You follow your leader south. A tunnel in the Wormholes(n, s and sw) Karmic the dunlending Plunderer (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Wulf Draig-luth the dunlending Archmage (Demonic) Tuned to the Gor Bûrzgoth line are: Crytzch, Karmic, Montog, Rryznog (-$X-) HP:159 EP:29--/ Wulf leaves southwest. Karmic leaves southwest. You follow your leader southwest. A dark, stinky tunnel(e, se, ne and w) Karmic the dunlending Plunderer (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Wulf Draig-luth the dunlending Archmage (Demonic) Wulf leaves southeast. Karmic leaves southeast. You follow your leader southeast. A tunnel in the Wormholes(n, nw and sw) Karmic the dunlending Plunderer (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Wulf Draig-luth the dunlending Archmage (Demonic) Wulf leaves southwest. Karmic leaves southwest. You follow your leader southwest. A twisting tunnel(ne and w) Karmic the dunlending Plunderer (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Wulf Draig-luth the dunlending Archmage (Demonic) Wulf leaves west. Karmic leaves west. You follow your leader west. A dark, stinky tunnel(e and sw) Karmic the dunlending Plunderer (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Wulf Draig-luth the dunlending Archmage (Demonic) Wulf leaves southwest. Karmic leaves southwest. You follow your leader southwest. A twisting tunnel(ne, w and s) Karmic the dunlending Plunderer (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Wulf Draig-luth the dunlending Archmage (Demonic) A patrolling guard is here Wulf leaves west. Karmic leaves west. You follow your leader west. A twisting tunnel(e, se, w and sw) Karmic the dunlending Plunderer (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Wulf Draig-luth the dunlending Archmage (Demonic) Wulf leaves west. Karmic leaves west. You follow your leader west. A twisting tunnel(nw, e and s) Karmic the dunlending Plunderer (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Wulf Draig-luth the dunlending Archmage (Demonic) Wulf leaves northwest. Triggered! doing: kill wulf Karmic leaves northwest. You follow your leader northwest. A twisting tunnel(n, se and w) Karmic the dunlending Plunderer (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Wulf Draig-luth the dunlending Archmage (Demonic) You attack Wulf. Wulf has been engaged!(-$X-) HP:159 EP:29--/ Wulf leaves west. Karmic leaves west. You follow your leader west. A dark, stinky tunnel(e, ne, w and sw) Karmic the dunlending Plunderer (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Wulf Draig-luth the dunlending Archmage (Demonic) Wulf leaves west. Karmic leaves west. You follow your leader west. A dark, stinky tunnel(nw, e, w and s) Karmic the dunlending Plunderer (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Wulf Draig-luth the dunlending Archmage (Demonic) Wulf leaves northwest. Karmic leaves northwest. You follow your leader northwest. A tunnel in the Wormholes(n, nw, se, ne and s) Karmic the dunlending Plunderer (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Wulf Draig-luth the dunlending Archmage (Demonic) A patrolling guard is here [2] You miss Wulf. Karmic gashes Wulf's chest, exposing the heart! Guard misses someone. Wulf leaves northwest. Triggered! doing: kill wulf Karmic leaves northwest. You follow your leader northwest. A dark, stinky tunnel(e, se, ne and w) Karmic the dunlending Plunderer (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Wulf Draig-luth the dunlending Archmage (Demonic) You attack Wulf. Wulf has been engaged!(-$X-) HP:159 EP:29--/ Wulf leaves west. Karmic leaves west. You follow your leader west. A dark, stinky tunnel(e and w) Karmic the dunlending Plunderer (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Wulf Draig-luth the dunlending Archmage (Demonic) Wulf leaves west. Karmic leaves west. You follow your leader west. A dark, stinky tunnel(e, w and sw) Karmic the dunlending Plunderer (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Wulf Draig-luth the dunlending Archmage (Demonic) Wulf leaves southwest. Karmic leaves southwest. You follow your leader southwest. A tunnel in the Wormholes(n, ne and sw) Karmic the dunlending Plunderer (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Wulf Draig-luth the dunlending Archmage (Demonic) A patrolling guard is here Wulf leaves southwest. Karmic leaves southwest. You follow your leader southwest. A twisting tunnel(ne, s and sw) Karmic the dunlending Plunderer (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Wulf Draig-luth the dunlending Archmage (Demonic) Wulf leaves southwest. Karmic leaves southwest. You follow your leader southwest. A twisting tunnel(e, ne and sw) Karmic the dunlending Plunderer (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Wulf Draig-luth the dunlending Archmage (Demonic) Wulf leaves southwest. Karmic leaves southwest. You follow your leader southwest. A twisting tunnel(nw, ne, w and sw) Karmic the dunlending Plunderer (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Wulf Draig-luth the dunlending Archmage (Demonic) Wulf leaves southwest. Karmic leaves southwest. You follow your leader southwest. A tunnel in the Wormholes(n, nw, ne and s) Karmic the dunlending Plunderer (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Wulf Draig-luth the dunlending Archmage (Demonic) Wulf leaves northwest. Karmic leaves northwest. You follow your leader northwest. A twisting tunnel(nw, e, se and ne) Karmic the dunlending Plunderer (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Wulf Draig-luth the dunlending Archmage (Demonic) Wulf leaves northwest. Triggered! doing: kill wulf Karmic leaves northwest. You follow your leader northwest. A twisting tunnel(nw, se, w and sw) Karmic the dunlending Plunderer (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Wulf Draig-luth the dunlending Archmage (Demonic) party say $HIG$ anselmo You attack Wulf. Wulf has been engaged!(-$X-) HP:159 EP:29--/ Wulf leaves west. Karmic leaves west. You follow your leader west. A twisting tunnel(n, nw, e and s) Karmic the dunlending Plunderer (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Wulf Draig-luth the dunlending Archmage (Demonic) Wulf leaves northwest. Karmic leaves northwest. You follow your leader northwest. A tunnel in the Wormholes(n, nw, e and se) Karmic the dunlending Plunderer (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Wulf Draig-luth the dunlending Archmage (Demonic) Wulf leaves northwest. Karmic leaves northwest. You follow your leader northwest. A dark, stinky tunnel(n, nw, e, se, ne, w and sw) Karmic the dunlending Plunderer (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Wulf Draig-luth the dunlending Archmage (Demonic) You hit Wulf hard. Karmic swings the man-catcher above Wulf's head. Wulf leaves southwest. Triggered! doing: kill wulf Karmic leaves southwest. You follow your leader southwest. A tunnel in the Wormholes(n, nw, ne, s and sw) Karmic the dunlending Plunderer (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Wulf Draig-luth the dunlending Archmage (Demonic) You attack Wulf. Wulf has been engaged!(-$X-) HP:159 EP:29--/ Wulf leaves northwest. Karmic leaves northwest. You follow your leader northwest. A twisting tunnel(n, nw, e, se, ne and w) Karmic the dunlending Plunderer (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Wulf Draig-luth the dunlending Archmage (Demonic) You say to your party: anselmo (-$X-) HP:159 EP:29--/ Wulf leaves west. Karmic leaves west. You follow your leader west. A dark, stinky tunnel(n, nw, e, ne and w) Karmic the dunlending Plunderer (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Wulf Draig-luth the dunlending Archmage (Demonic) Wulf leaves northwest. Karmic leaves northwest. You follow your leader northwest. A dark, stinky tunnel(e, se, ne, w, s and sw) Karmic the dunlending Plunderer (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Wulf Draig-luth the dunlending Archmage (Demonic) Wulf leaves west. Karmic leaves west. You follow your leader west. A twisting tunnel(nw, e, se, w, s and sw) Karmic the dunlending Plunderer (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Wulf Draig-luth the dunlending Archmage (Demonic) Wulf leaves west. Karmic leaves west. You follow your leader west. A dark, stinky tunnel(n, e, se, w, s and sw) Karmic the dunlending Plunderer (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Wulf Draig-luth the dunlending Archmage (Demonic) Wulf leaves west. Karmic leaves west. You follow your leader west. A tunnel in the Wormholes(e, se, ne, w and s) Karmic the dunlending Plunderer (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Wulf Draig-luth the dunlending Archmage (Demonic) Wulf leaves west. Karmic leaves west. You follow your leader west. A dark, stinky tunnel(e, se, w and sw) Karmic the dunlending Plunderer (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Wulf Draig-luth the dunlending Archmage (Demonic) Wulf leaves southwest. Karmic leaves southwest. You follow your leader southwest. A twisting tunnel(n, nw, ne and s) Karmic the dunlending Plunderer (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Wulf Draig-luth the dunlending Archmage (Demonic) Wulf leaves northwest. Triggered! doing: kill wulf Karmic leaves northwest. You follow your leader northwest. A dark, stinky tunnel(n, nw, e, se, w and sw) Karmic the dunlending Plunderer (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Wulf Draig-luth the dunlending Archmage (Demonic) You attack Wulf. Wulf has been engaged!(-$X-) HP:159 EP:29--/ Wulf leaves northwest. Karmic leaves northwest. You follow your leader northwest. A twisting tunnel(nw, e, se, ne, w and s) Karmic the dunlending Plunderer (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Wulf Draig-luth the dunlending Archmage (Demonic) Wulf leaves northwest. Karmic leaves northwest. You follow your leader northwest. A twisting tunnel(nw, se, s and sw) Karmic the dunlending Plunderer (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Wulf Draig-luth the dunlending Archmage (Demonic) Wulf leaves northwest. Karmic leaves northwest. You follow your leader northwest. A mysterious stairway(staircase and se) Karmic the dunlending Plunderer (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Wulf Draig-luth the dunlending Archmage (Demonic) party say $HIG$ he's nd You miss Wulf. Karmic swings the man-catcher above Wulf's head. The effort of staying in tune with the Dark Lord is taking its toll on you. Wulf hits you. You say to your party: he's nd (-$X-) HP:153 EP:28--/ Wulf leaves staircase. Triggered! doing: kill wulf Karmic leaves staircase. You follow your leader staircase. Pass to the Carchost(tunnel and n) Karmic the dunlending Plunderer (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Wulf Draig-luth the dunlending Archmage (Demonic) You attack Wulf. Wulf has been engaged!(-$X-) HP:153 EP:28--/ Wulf leaves north. Karmic leaves north. You follow your leader north. Pass to the Carchost(n and s) Karmic the dunlending Plunderer (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Wulf Draig-luth the dunlending Archmage (Demonic) Wulf leaves north. Karmic leaves north. You follow your leader north. Pass to the Carchost(n and s) Karmic the dunlending Plunderer (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Wulf Draig-luth the dunlending Archmage (Demonic) Wulf leaves north. Karmic leaves north. You follow your leader north. The Carchost gate(gate and s) Karmic the dunlending Plunderer (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Wulf Draig-luth the dunlending Archmage (Demonic) Wulf leaves gate. Karmic leaves gate. You follow your leader gate. In the hall of the Carchost(hall, out, passage and stairs) -carcb1 (slab) -carc-mor, carc-well, carc-ukl, carc-narc, carc-priest Karmic the dunlending Plunderer (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Wulf Draig-luth the dunlending Archmage (Demonic) Sokralg an orc sentinel is here A human slave A putrid piece of meat Wulf leaves out. Karmic leaves out. You follow your leader out. The Carchost gate(gate and s) Karmic the dunlending Plunderer (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Wulf Draig-luth the dunlending Archmage (Demonic) Wulf leaves south. Karmic leaves south. You follow your leader south. Pass to the Carchost(n and s) Karmic the dunlending Plunderer (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Wulf Draig-luth the dunlending Archmage (Demonic) Wulf leaves south. Karmic leaves south. You follow your leader south. Pass to the Carchost(n and s) Karmic the dunlending Plunderer (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Wulf Draig-luth the dunlending Archmage (Demonic) Wulf leaves south. Karmic leaves south. You follow your leader south. Pass to the Carchost(tunnel and n) Karmic the dunlending Plunderer (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Wulf Draig-luth the dunlending Archmage (Demonic) Wulf leaves tunnel. Triggered! doing: kill wulf Karmic leaves tunnel. You follow your leader tunnel. A mysterious stairway(staircase and se) Karmic the dunlending Plunderer (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Wulf Draig-luth the dunlending Archmage (Demonic) You attack Wulf. Wulf has been engaged!(-$X-) HP:153 EP:28--/ Wulf leaves southeast. Karmic leaves southeast. You follow your leader southeast. A twisting tunnel(nw, se, s and sw) Karmic the dunlending Plunderer (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Wulf Draig-luth the dunlending Archmage (Demonic) Wulf leaves southeast. Karmic leaves southeast. You follow your leader southeast. A twisting tunnel(nw, e, se, ne, w and s) Karmic the dunlending Plunderer (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Wulf Draig-luth the dunlending Archmage (Demonic) Wulf leaves southeast. Karmic leaves southeast. You follow your leader southeast. A dark, stinky tunnel(n, nw, e, se, w and sw) Karmic the dunlending Plunderer (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Wulf Draig-luth the dunlending Archmage (Demonic) You massacre Wulf with incredible force! Karmic swings the man-catcher above Wulf's head. Wulf misses you. Karmic quickly thrusts his forehead into the bridge of Wulf's nose. Triggered! doing: kill wulf Wulf leaves southeast. Karmic leaves southeast. You follow your leader southeast. A twisting tunnel(n, nw, ne and s) Karmic the dunlending Plunderer (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Wulf Draig-luth the dunlending Archmage (Demonic) You attack Wulf. Wulf has been engaged!(-$X-) HP:154 EP:29--/ Wulf leaves south. Karmic leaves south. You follow your leader south. A twisting tunnel(n and s) Karmic the dunlending Plunderer (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Wulf Draig-luth the dunlending Archmage (Demonic) Wulf leaves south. Karmic leaves south. You follow your leader south. A twisting tunnel(n, se, s and sw) Karmic the dunlending Plunderer (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Wulf Draig-luth the dunlending Archmage (Demonic) Wulf leaves southeast. Karmic leaves southeast. You follow your leader southeast. A dark, stinky tunnel(nw, e, se, ne and w) Karmic the dunlending Plunderer (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Wulf Draig-luth the dunlending Archmage (Demonic) Wulf leaves east. Karmic leaves east. You follow your leader east. A twisting tunnel(n, se, w and s) Karmic the dunlending Plunderer (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Wulf Draig-luth the dunlending Archmage (Demonic) Wulf leaves southeast. Karmic leaves southeast. You follow your leader southeast. A twisting tunnel(nw, se, w and s) Karmic the dunlending Plunderer (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Wulf Draig-luth the dunlending Archmage (Demonic) Wulf leaves southeast. Karmic leaves southeast. You follow your leader southeast. A twisting tunnel(nw, e, se, ne and w) Karmic the dunlending Plunderer (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Wulf Draig-luth the dunlending Archmage (Demonic) Wulf leaves southeast. Karmic leaves southeast. You follow your leader southeast. The entrance of the Maggot-holes(tunnel, nw, n and ne) Karmic the dunlending Plunderer (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Wulf Draig-luth the dunlending Archmage (Demonic) Wulf leaves tunnel. Karmic leaves tunnel. You follow your leader tunnel. The foot of the Ered Lithui(tunnel and w) Karmic the dunlending Plunderer (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Wulf Draig-luth the dunlending Archmage (Demonic) Drygulch's noble dark bay stallion Baoth's black stallion Wulf leaves west. Triggered! doing: kill wulf Karmic leaves west. You follow your leader west. Inside Mordor(e and s) Karmic the dunlending Plunderer (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Wulf Draig-luth the dunlending Archmage (Demonic) Delia the hobbit Master Thief (Demonic) Anselmo the dwarf Warlord (Demonic) An empty bowl [2] Wait a minute, you're still busy! (-$X-) HP:154 EP:29--/ Wulf leaves south. Karmic leaves south. You follow your leader south. The Morannon(n and s) Karmic the dunlending Plunderer (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Wulf Draig-luth the dunlending Archmage (Demonic) Wulf leaves south. Karmic leaves south. You follow your leader south. The road through Udûn(e, n, se and s) Karmic the dunlending Plunderer (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Wulf Draig-luth the dunlending Archmage (Demonic) Wulf leaves southeast. Karmic leaves southeast. You follow your leader southeast. The road through Udûn(nw, e, n, w and s) Karmic the dunlending Plunderer (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Wulf Draig-luth the dunlending Archmage (Demonic) sh You are too busy to make an attack! Wulf hits you. Wulf leaves south. Triggered! doing: kill wulf Karmic leaves south. You follow your leader south. The road through Udûn(e, n, se, w and s) Karmic the dunlending Plunderer (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Wulf Draig-luth the dunlending Archmage (Demonic) You attack Wulf. Wulf has been engaged!(-$X-) HP:149 EP:29--/ Wulf leaves southeast. Karmic leaves southeast. You follow your leader southeast. The road through Udûn(nw, e, n, w and s) Karmic the dunlending Plunderer (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Wulf Draig-luth the dunlending Archmage (Demonic) Wulf doesn't look so great. Wulf is -<-DLSG DOESNT LOOK SO GREAT DLSG->- (-$X-) HP:149 EP:29--/ Wulf leaves south. Karmic leaves south. You follow your leader south. The road through Udûn(e, n, se, w and s) Karmic the dunlending Plunderer (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Wulf Draig-luth the dunlending Archmage (Demonic) Wulf leaves southeast. Karmic leaves southeast. You follow your leader southeast. The road through Udûn(nw, e, n, w and s) Karmic the dunlending Plunderer (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Wulf Draig-luth the dunlending Archmage (Demonic) Wulf leaves south. Karmic leaves south. You follow your leader south. The road through Udûn(e, n, w and s) Karmic the dunlending Plunderer (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Wulf Draig-luth the dunlending Archmage (Demonic) Wulf leaves south. Karmic leaves south. You follow your leader south. The Isenmouthe(n, se, w, s and sw) Karmic the dunlending Plunderer (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Wulf Draig-luth the dunlending Archmage (Demonic) Wulf leaves southwest. Karmic leaves southwest. You follow your leader southwest. Orc path(e, ne, w and s) Karmic the dunlending Plunderer (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Wulf Draig-luth the dunlending Archmage (Demonic) Wulf leaves west. Karmic leaves west. You follow your leader west. Orc path(e, se, w and s) Karmic the dunlending Plunderer (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Wulf Draig-luth the dunlending Archmage (Demonic) Wulf leaves west. Karmic leaves west. You follow your leader west. Orc path(e, w and sw) Karmic the dunlending Plunderer (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Wulf Draig-luth the dunlending Archmage (Demonic) Wulf leaves west. Triggered! doing: kill wulf Karmic leaves west. You follow your leader west. Orc path(nw, e and s) Karmic the dunlending Plunderer (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Wulf Draig-luth the dunlending Archmage (Demonic) You attack Wulf. Wulf has been engaged!(-$X-) HP:149 EP:29--/ Wulf leaves south. Karmic leaves south. You follow your leader south. Orc path(n, ne and s) Karmic the dunlending Plunderer (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Wulf Draig-luth the dunlending Archmage (Demonic) Wulf leaves south. Karmic leaves south. You follow your leader south. Orc path(n and se) Karmic the dunlending Plunderer (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Wulf Draig-luth the dunlending Archmage (Demonic) Wulf leaves southeast. Karmic leaves southeast. You follow your leader southeast. Orc path(nw and s) Karmic the dunlending Plunderer (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Wulf Draig-luth the dunlending Archmage (Demonic) do headbutt Wulf, kill Wulf ^ (OOC) Stryker: Is there something we're supposed to be looking for? You miss Wulf. Karmic catches Wulf, stabbing and scraping with the barbed inner tine! Wulf misses you. Wulf leaves south. Triggered! doing: kill wulf Karmic leaves south. You follow your leader south. Orc path(n and se) Karmic the dunlending Plunderer (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Wulf Draig-luth the dunlending Archmage (Demonic) You attack Wulf. Wulf has been engaged!(-$X-) HP:149 EP:28--/ Wulf leaves southeast. Karmic leaves southeast. You follow your leader southeast. A valley(nw and s) Karmic the dunlending Plunderer (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Wulf Draig-luth the dunlending Archmage (Demonic) Do: starting commands. (-$X-) HP:149 EP:28--/ Wulf leaves south. Karmic leaves south. You follow your leader south. A valley(n, se and s) Karmic the dunlending Plunderer (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Wulf Draig-luth the dunlending Archmage (Demonic) You are too tired for such a stunt. (-$X-) HP:149 EP:28--/ Wulf leaves southeast. Karmic leaves southeast. You follow your leader southeast. Valley(nw and se) Karmic the dunlending Plunderer (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Wulf Draig-luth the dunlending Archmage (Demonic) You attack Wulf. Wulf has been engaged!(-$X-) HP:149 EP:28--/ Wulf leaves southeast. Karmic leaves southeast. You follow your leader southeast. Valley(nw and s) Karmic the dunlending Plunderer (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Wulf Draig-luth the dunlending Archmage (Demonic) Wulf leaves south. Karmic leaves south. You follow your leader south. Valley(n and s) Karmic the dunlending Plunderer (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Wulf Draig-luth the dunlending Archmage (Demonic) Cantu tells you: haha, where was he at? Do: Commands completed. (-$X-) HP:149 EP:28--/ You inflict massive damage to Wulf. Triggered! doing: kill wulf Karmic swings the man-catcher above Wulf's head. Wulf misses you. You attack Wulf. Wulf has been engaged!(-$X-) HP:149 EP:28--/ Wulf leaves north. Karmic leaves north. You follow your leader north. Valley(nw and s) Karmic the dunlending Plunderer (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Wulf Draig-luth the dunlending Archmage (Demonic) You miss Wulf. Triggered! doing: kill wulf Karmic gashes Wulf's chest, exposing the heart! Wulf scratches you. You attack Wulf. Wulf has been engaged!(-$X-) HP:148 EP:28--/ The eruption ceases but Mt. Doom continues to smoke. Wulf leaves northwest. Triggered! doing: kill wulf Karmic leaves northwest. You follow your leader northwest. Valley(nw and se) Karmic the dunlending Plunderer (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Wulf Draig-luth the dunlending Archmage (Demonic) You attack Wulf. Wulf has been engaged!(-$X-) HP:148 EP:28--/ Karmic rams a spiked shield into someone's chest! You miss Wulf. Karmic swings the man-catcher above Wulf's head. Wulf misses someone. do headbutt Wulf, kill Wulf Do: starting commands. (-$X-) HP:148 EP:27--/ You are too tired for such a stunt. (-$X-) HP:148 EP:27--/ You attack Wulf. Wulf has been engaged!Triggered! doing: kill wulf (-$X-) HP:148 EP:27--/ You attack Wulf. Wulf has been engaged!(-$X-) HP:148 EP:27--/ Do: Commands completed. (-$X-) HP:148 EP:27--/ You miss Wulf. Karmic catches Wulf, stabbing and scraping with the barbed inner tine! Wulf misses you. Cantu tells you: I just looked at him! He had poison I think sh Wulf is near death. (Wulf is NEAR DEATH FINISH IT)Triggered! doing: kill wulf (-$X-) HP:148 EP:27--/ You attack Wulf. Wulf has been engaged!(-$X-) HP:148 EP:27--/ Wulf leaves southeast. Triggered! doing: kill wulf Karmic leaves southeast. You follow your leader southeast. Valley(nw and s) Karmic the dunlending Plunderer (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Wulf Draig-luth the dunlending Archmage (Demonic) You attack Wulf. Wulf has been engaged!(-$X-) HP:148 EP:27--/ do headbutt Wulf, kill Wulf You miss Wulf. Karmic punctures Wulf in the throat, slicing open the tender flesh! Wulf has died. Do: starting commands. (-$X-) HP:148 EP:27--/ Your head passes through the ghost and you fall on your bum. (-$X-) HP:148 EP:27--/ I think the poor ghost has suffered enough. (-$X-) HP:148 EP:27--/ Do: Commands completed. (-$X-) HP:148 EP:27--/ do headbutt Wulf, kill Wulf Do: starting commands. (-$X-) HP:148 EP:27--/ Your head passes through the ghost and you fall on your bum. (-$X-) HP:148 EP:27--/ I think the poor ghost has suffered enough. (-$X-) HP:148 EP:27--/ Do: Commands completed. (-$X-) HP:148 EP:27--/ ^Legend wulf again ^ (OOC) Crytzch: Legend wulf again (-$X-) HP:149 EP:22--/ l The path curves around as the chasm widens somewhat. The high bank to the East looks as if it is lower here than to the South. You can almost feel the dry countless leagues of the Gorgoroth waiting behind these folds of the Morgai. The path is narrow at this point so you must watch your footing. There are cliffs to the southwest. A thick blanket of smoke from Mt. Doom completely covers the sky. The only obvious exits are northwest and south. The ghost of Wulf Corpse of Wulf Karmic the dunlending Plunderer (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Triggered! doing: kill wulf (-$X-) HP:149 EP:22--/ I think the poor ghost has suffered enough. (-$X-) HP:149 EP:22--/ The ghost of Wulf drifts south.