Isumbras enters. Triggered! doing: hunt Isumbras You begin to hunt Isumbras. HP:220 EP:211 > l miliken ~~~~({})~~~~  Miliken wears the dust of Dwarrowdelf. You see a tattoo of a spider on his shoulder. Miliken is widely known as a dragon slayer.  He is carrying: Celeir Miluiant (wielded). An Orc courier pack (worn). A great tower shield (worn). An old leather baldric (worn). A staff sling made of wolf hide (worn). A bloodstained cloak (worn). A dwarven deathmask (worn). An exquisite set of steel chainmail (worn). A metal necklace (worn). A set of mithril-lined bracers (worn). A spellbook. HP:220 EP:211 > shape Isumbras Isumbras is near death. Triggered! doing: hunt Isumbras HP:220 EP:211 > You are already hunting Isumbras! HP:220 EP:211 > Miliken leaves west, leading a pony-drawn huge cart. Mog leaves west. Isumbras leaves north. Triggered! doing: hunt Isumbras You follow Isumbras north. The South Road(n, e, se, ne and s) [nw, w and sw] Isumbras V the hobbit Mastermind (Demonic) A traveling lad You are already hunting Isumbras! HP:220 EP:211 > Isumbras leaves northeast. You follow Isumbras northeast. The South Road(n, e, se, ne, w, s and sw) Isumbras V the hobbit Mastermind (Demonic) A traveling lad Isumbras leaves northeast. You follow Isumbras northeast. The South Road(n, e, se, w, s and sw) Isumbras V the hobbit Mastermind (Demonic) Isumbras leaves north. You follow Isumbras north. The South Road(n, e, ne, w and s) Isumbras V the hobbit Mastermind (Demonic) Isumbras leaves northeast. You follow Isumbras northeast. The South Road(n, e, w, s and sw) Isumbras V the hobbit Mastermind (Demonic) A simple arrow Isumbras leaves north. You follow Isumbras north. The South Road(n, e, ne, w and s) Isumbras V the hobbit Mastermind (Demonic) An old gossiper [15 rumours, 5 new] Isumbras leaves northeast. Triggered! doing: hunt Isumbras You follow Isumbras northeast. The South Road(n, e, w, s and sw) Isumbras V the hobbit Mastermind (Demonic) You are already hunting Isumbras! HP:220 EP:211 > Isumbras leaves north. You follow Isumbras north. The South Road(n, e, ne, w and s) Isumbras V the hobbit Mastermind (Demonic) Isumbras leaves northeast. You follow Isumbras northeast. The South Road(n, e, ne, w, s and sw) Isumbras V the hobbit Mastermind (Demonic) Isumbras leaves northeast. Triggered! doing: hunt Isumbras You follow Isumbras northeast. The South Road(n, e, w, s and sw) Isumbras V the hobbit Mastermind (Demonic) You are already hunting Isumbras! HP:220 EP:210 > Isumbras leaves north. You follow Isumbras north. The South Road(n, e, ne, w and s) Isumbras V the hobbit Mastermind (Demonic) Isumbras leaves northeast. You follow Isumbras northeast. The South Road(n, e, w, s and sw) Isumbras V the hobbit Mastermind (Demonic) Isumbras leaves north. You follow Isumbras north. The South Road(n, e, ne, w and s) Isumbras V the hobbit Mastermind (Demonic) Isumbras leaves northeast. You follow Isumbras northeast. The South Road(n, w, s and sw) [n and e] Isumbras V the hobbit Mastermind (Demonic) Isumbras leaves north. You follow Isumbras north. A Wooden Bridge(n, e, w and s) [nw and se] Isumbras V the hobbit Mastermind (Demonic) focus attack draw dagger wield twilight dagger backstab Isumbras You start focusing on your attack skill. HP:220 EP:210 >  You feel an urge to spill blood as your grip tightens on the hilt of the dagger... You whip the Heartbreaker from a dagger sheath with careless ease. You wield the Heartbreaker. HP:220 EP:210 > Wield what? HP:220 EP:210 > You attack Isumbras. You sneak up and stab Isumbras from behind! You ram the Heartbreaker into Isumbras, spilling a fountain of blood! HP:220 EP:160 > Triggered! doing: hunt Isumbras You are already hunting Isumbras! HP:220 EP:160 > You killed Isumbras. Full of glee, you raise Isumbras' head, cut one of his ears and string it onto your necklace as a trophy of your victory, for all to see. Isumbras has died. i Gold: 165 Encumbrance: unencumbered You are carrying the following on your person: *The Heartbreaker (wielded). *A large harvester's pack (open) (worn). *A dagger sheath (worn). *A metal necklace (worn). HP:220 EP:159 > store dagger You remove the Heartbreaker. You store the Heartbreaker in a dagger sheath. HP:220 EP:159 > get trident from corpse a jade trident : Ok. You switch your grip to two hands. You feel rather clumsy as you wield the trident. You wield a jade trident. HP:220 EP:142 >