Outside Hobbiton(n, e, s and w) A signpost. Perhaps you should read it? A hitching post <HP:230 EP:186> Sion enters. Triggered! doing: hunt sion Teles enters. You begin to hunt Sion. <HP:230 EP:185> 1 sion byw You sneak up and stab Sion from behind! Triggered! doing: hunt sion <HP:230 EP:133> You are already hunting Sion! <HP:230 EP:133> Do: starting commands. <HP:230 EP:133> Trigger deactivated. <HP:230 EP:133> The next time you see 'The guard throws', you will do: 'check in'. <HP:230 EP:133> Do: Commands completed. <HP:230 EP:133> You massacre Sion with incredible force! You massacre Sion with incredible force! Sion misses you. Sion leaves north. Teles leaves north. You follow Sion north. Hobbiton(n, e, s and w) Teles the silvan Hitman (Angelic) Sion the dwarf Hangman (Moral) Sion leaves north. You follow Sion north. The road to Bag End(n, ne and s) Sion the dwarf Hangman (Moral) Teles enters. Sion leaves north. Teles leaves north. You follow Sion north. The bridge to Bag End(n and s) Teles the silvan Hitman (Angelic) Sion the dwarf Hangman (Moral) A buzzing bee is here Sion leaves north. You follow Sion north. The road to Bag End(n, e and s) Sion the dwarf Hangman (Moral) Teles enters. Sion leaves north. Teles leaves north. You follow Sion north. Hill Lane(n, s and w) Teles the silvan Hitman (Angelic) Sion the dwarf Hangman (Moral) Sion leaves north. You follow Sion north. Hill Lane(ne, s and w) Sion the dwarf Hangman (Moral) Teles enters. Sion leaves west. Teles leaves west. You follow Sion west. The Quarry Road(e) Teles the silvan Hitman (Angelic) Sion the dwarf Hangman (Moral) The guard throws Sion out!! Triggered! doing: check in The guard says : I warned you, pal...level 5 and under only! The guard says : Now I get to have some fun. The guard punches you HARD in the mouth! The guard grabs you by the back of the neck and throws you... Hill Lane(n, s and w) Sion the dwarf Hangman (Moral) <HP:230 EP:128> You miss Sion. Sion misses you. Sion leaves south. You follow Sion south. The road to Bag End(n, e and s) Sion the dwarf Hangman (Moral) Sion leaves south. You follow Sion south. The bridge to Bag End(n and s) Sion the dwarf Hangman (Moral) A buzzing bee is here Sion leaves south. You follow Sion south. The road to Bag End(n, ne and s) Sion the dwarf Hangman (Moral) Sion leaves south. You follow Sion south. Hobbiton(n, e, s and w) Sion the dwarf Hangman (Moral) Sion leaves south. You follow Sion south. Outside Hobbiton(n, e, s and w) Sion the dwarf Hangman (Moral) A signpost. Perhaps you should read it? A hitching post Sion leaves south. You follow Sion south. The Great East Road(n, e, s and w) Sion the dwarf Hangman (Moral) Sion leaves south. You follow Sion south. Shire Plains(n, e, s and w) Sion the dwarf Hangman (Moral) Sion leaves south. You follow Sion south. Shire Plains(n, e, s and w) Sion the dwarf Hangman (Moral) You hit Sion. Sion misses you. Sion leaves north. You follow Sion north. Shire Plains(n, e, s and w) Sion the dwarf Hangman (Moral) Sion leaves north. You follow Sion north. The Great East Road(n, e, s and w) Sion the dwarf Hangman (Moral) Sion leaves north. You follow Sion north. Outside Hobbiton(n, e, s and w) Sion the dwarf Hangman (Moral) A signpost. Perhaps you should read it? A hitching post You miss Sion. Sion misses you. Sion leaves east. You follow Sion east. Shire Plains(e, s and w) Sion the dwarf Hangman (Moral) A young ranger gazes at the wilderness Sion leaves east. You follow Sion east. Shire Plains(e, s and w) Sion the dwarf Hangman (Moral) Sion leaves east. You follow Sion east. Shire Plains(e, s and w) Sion the dwarf Hangman (Moral) Sion leaves east. You follow Sion east. Shire Plains(e, s and w) Sion the dwarf Hangman (Moral) Sion leaves east. You follow Sion east. Shire Plains(e and w) Sion the dwarf Hangman (Moral) Sion leaves east. You follow Sion east. Shire Plains(e, s and w) Sion the dwarf Hangman (Moral) Sion leaves east. You follow Sion east. The Great East Road(sw, e, s and w) Sion the dwarf Hangman (Moral) Lydia the sindar Woodswoman (Immoral) Sion leaves east. You follow Sion east. Stonebows Bridge(e and w) Sion the dwarf Hangman (Moral) Sion leaves east. You follow Sion east. The Great East Road(se, n, e, s and w) Sion the dwarf Hangman (Moral) Sion leaves east. You follow Sion east. The Great East Road(se, n, e, s and w) Sion the dwarf Hangman (Moral) Sion leaves east. You follow Sion east. The Great East Road(se, n, sw, e, ne, s and w) Sion the dwarf Hangman (Moral) Simon sits here looking very sad Sion leaves east. You follow Sion east. The Plains(n, e, s and w) Sion the dwarf Hangman (Moral) Sion leaves east. You follow Sion east. The Plains(n, e, s and w) Sion the dwarf Hangman (Moral) You massacre Sion with incredible force! Sion leaves north. You follow Sion north. The Great East Road(n, e, ne, s and w) Sion the dwarf Hangman (Moral) Sion misses you. Sion leaves east. You follow Sion east. The Great East Road(n, e, s and w) Sion the dwarf Hangman (Moral) Guest the dunlending Orc-target (Impartial) Sion leaves east. You follow Sion east. The Great East Road(n, e, s, nw and w) Sion the dwarf Hangman (Moral) Sion leaves east. You follow Sion east. The Great East Road(n, e, s and w) Sion the dwarf Hangman (Moral) Sion leaves east. You follow Sion east. The Great East Road(n, e, ne, s and w) Sion the dwarf Hangman (Moral) Sion leaves north. You follow Sion north. The Plains(n, e, s and w) Sion the dwarf Hangman (Moral) Sion leaves east. You follow Sion east. The Greenway(se, n, sw, e, s and w) Sion the dwarf Hangman (Moral) Sion leaves east. You follow Sion east. The Hills of Chetwood(e, s, se, n, sw, ne, nw and w) Sion the dwarf Hangman (Moral) Sion leaves east. You follow Sion east. The Hills of Chetwood(se, n, sw, e, ne, s and w) Sion the dwarf Hangman (Moral) Sion leaves east. You follow Sion east. The Hills of Chetwood(e, s, n, sw, ne, nw and w) Sion the dwarf Hangman (Moral) Sion leaves east. You follow Sion east. Midgewater Swamp(e, s, n, sw, ne, nw and w) Sion the dwarf Hangman (Moral) Sion leaves east. You follow Sion east. Midgewater Swamp(e, s, se, n, ne, nw and w) Sion the dwarf Hangman (Moral) You hit Sion hard. Sion leaves east. You follow Sion east. At the base of a large tree(e, hole, s, se, n, ne, nw and w) Sion the dwarf Hangman (Moral) The midges of Midgewater Sion misses you. Sion leaves north. You follow Sion north. Midgewater Swamp(se, n, sw, e, ne, s and w) Sion the dwarf Hangman (Moral) Fofester's white stallion Sion leaves northeast. You follow Sion northeast. Midgewater Swamp(n, se, e, sw, s, nw and w) Sion the dwarf Hangman (Moral) Sion leaves east. You follow Sion east. Midgewater Swamp(se, n, sw, e, s, nw and w) Sion the dwarf Hangman (Moral) Sion leaves north. You follow Sion north. Inside a mysterious bog(n, e, s and w) Sion the dwarf Hangman (Moral) Sion leaves west. You follow Sion west. Inside a bog(n and e) Sion the dwarf Hangman (Moral) You hit Sion hard. Sion leaves east. You follow Sion east. Inside a mysterious bog(n, e, s and w) Sion the dwarf Hangman (Moral) Sion misses you. Sion leaves west. You follow Sion west. Inside a bog(n and e) Sion the dwarf Hangman (Moral) You miss Sion. Sion leaves east. You follow Sion east. Inside a mysterious bog(n, e, s and w) Sion the dwarf Hangman (Moral) Sion misses you. Sion acks! Sion leaves west. You follow Sion west. Inside a bog(n and e) Sion the dwarf Hangman (Moral) You inflict massive damage to Sion. Sion falls to the ground. Sion is bleeding to death and needs to be bandaged! kill You killed Sion. Sion has died. get gold from body get all from corpse into pack <HP:230 EP:109> Ok. <HP:230 EP:109> a blue visor : Ok. a simple leather baldric : Ok. a dirty pack : Ok. a crystal : Ok. a crystal (glowing) : Ok. a heavy cloak : You probably ought to extinguish the brooch first. a black steel longsword[0m : Too bulky. <HP:230 EP:109> You put 156 gold in your pockets. look You attempt to look around, but the mist is too thick. You think you can see trees stretching up and over you, as if they made up some sort of upside-down bowl to smother you. The branches look very strong, as they have grown together over the years. Perhaps that will be useful in the time to come. Some of the branches are low enough here to climb up. The only obvious exits are north and east. The ghost of Sion Corpse of Sion